For and Against

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1. To begin with na pocztek To begin with, we started with...

2. To start with na pocztek To start with, the weather was beautiful that day.
3. Firstly po pierwsze Firstly, you have to remember that...
4. First of all po pierwsze, przede wszystkim First of all, it was not me who...
5. In the first place w pierwszej kolejnoci It was not a good choice in the first place.
Przedstawianie kolejnych argumentw/punktw/aspektw
1. Secondly po drugie Secondly, our true intention was...
2. Thirdly po trzecie Thirdly, he admitted that...
3. Moreover co wicej, ponadto Moreover, it was not until that evening that we realised...
4. What is more co wicej, ponadto Ken was aware of it. What is more, he had experienced...
5. Furthermore ponadto, w dodatku, poza tym Furthermore, there was another reason for it.
6. There is another side to this problem/issue/question/argument jest jeszcze inna strona tego
7. Then nastpnie Then, we proceeded to...
8. Besides poza tym, oprcz tego Besides, he is too rude to...
9. In addition w dodatku, oprcz tego In addition, we paid a little too much...
10. And oraz, i And, he insisted that...
11. As for; As to jeeli chodzi o, co do As for me, I was...; As to the situation, it was...
12. As well as zarwno, jak rwnie, oraz As well as dancing, we...
13. Apart from oprcz (tego) Apart from this, there is a great deal of ...
14. Not to mention (the fact) that nie wspominajc o (tym, e) Not to mention that Jim is ...
15. Not only ... but also nie tylko ... ale rwnie Not only is she cute, but also very friendly.
16. Both ... and zarwno ... i Both you and me agree that ...
Wyrazy czce (spjniki)
1. And i, a, oraz We started early, and so did John.
2. Or lub, bd We could go or stay inside.
3. But lecz, ale Me and Peter wanted to join in, but she refused to follow suit.
4. That e I immediately realised that we missed the flight.
5. Because poniewa, bo The competition was stopped because of the rain.
6. Before zanim, przed tym, jak I turned my laptop off before I left my room.
7. After kiedy ju, po tym, jak A little girl started crying after she dropped her candy.
8. If jeeli, w wypadku, gdy I can compete if you compete.

9. Unless jeeli nie We will win this tournament unless Jack screws up.
10. Than ni, anieli I much prefer riding a bike than driving a car.
11. Thus tak wic James achieved a great result, thus he soon got a sponsor.
12. Therefore tak wic, dlatego Sarah went to school, therefore she was not at home anymore.
13. As a consequence wskutek There have been riots as a consequence of...
14. As a result w rezultacie, wskutek The dog was angry as a result of...
15. As as tak jak Tom is certainly not as giddy as Jack.
16. Both and zarwno jak i Both Smith and Jackson tried to explain...
17. Neither or ani ani Neither Ted nor Anne knew the answer.
18. As long as; So long as jeli tylko As long as you remain kind,...
19. So that eby We started early so that...
20. Owing to w zwizku z It was a breakthrough owing to the great advancements...
Wyraanie powodu
1. As poniewa, jako, e As he refused to go, so did I.
2. Since poniewa, jako, e Since we were already late, we decided to...
3. Because poniewa Because the weather was so beautiful,...
4. Because of z powodu Because of unfavourable conditions,...
5. For this reason z tego powodu For this reason, the trip was a nightmare.
6. Due to z powodu Due to bad weather, we cancelled the excursion.
7. This is why dlatego This is why the event was so popular amongst the members of the club.
8. On account of z powodu You need not worry on account of Terry.
9. Owing to z powodu, poniewa The factory closed owing to the lack of resources.
Wyraanie celu
1. In order to w celu, eby In order to pass, you have to...
2. To eby To tell the truth is...
3. For eby, w celu For safety reasons, the administration decided...
4. So as to tak, aby, po to, aby Behave well so as to leave a good impression on...
5. So that aby, eby We drove fast, so that we made it on time.
6. With the intention of w celu Tom came to me with the intention of asking me a question.
Wyraanie opinii
1. In my opinion moim zdaniem In my opinion, it is not a good idea to...
2. As far as I am concerned jeeli o mnie chodzi As far as I am concerned, you better...
3. I would say/suggest that powiedziabym/sugerowabym, e/eby I would say that...

4. Personally osobicie Personally, I believe that what he is saying...

5. I believe (that) uwaam, e, wierz, e I believe that we can still...
6. I am convinced that jestem przekonany/a, e I am convinced that what he is saying is true.
7. I reckon (that) uwaam, e, sdz, e I reckon that he does not know what he is talking about.
8. According to wedug According to this standpoint, you shall...
9. If you ask me jeeli chodzi o mnie, moim zdaniem If you ask me, this is not the way to do it.
10. From somebody's standpoint/viewpoint zdaniem kogo From my standpoint, she is fair.
11. I am of the view/opinion (that) wedug mnie, uwaam, e I am of the view that it needs...
12. I hold the view/opinion (that) uwaam, e I hold the opinion that it is necessary to...
13. To my mind wedug mnie To my mind, it would be unwise to let him go.
14. I suppose (that) podejrzewam, e I suppose that had it not been for her, he would have...
15. It seems to me (that) wydaje mi si, e It seems to me that he is not perfectly honest here.
16. It is my belief/opinion that wierz, e/wedug mnie It is my belief that the poor need smaller

Wyraanie rnic/porwnywanie
1. In fact prawd mwic, de facto In fact, he contradicts himself.
2. On the other hand z drugiej strony On the other hand, Kimi has never said anything like that.
3. Nevertheless tyle niemniej, jednak Nevertheless, we should consider...
4. On the contrary przeciwnie On the contrary, the long term effect is...
5. However jednake I used to do this. Nowadays, however, things have changed a bit.
6. In contrast to w przeciwiestwie do In contrast to my mother, I am rather tall.
7. Despite pomimo, mimo Despite cold weather, they decided to...
8. In spite of pomimo, mimo In spite of her previous statement, she suggested that....
9. Still niemniej He seems tough. Still, he helped me...
10. Yet jednak David is a great football player, yet he still has to practice...
11. Although cho, mimo e Although he claims to be honest, he...
12. Whereas podczas gdy Tim is timid, whereas Shane is a complete opposite.
13. While/whilst podczas gdy Jane has blue eyes, whilst her sister's eyes are green.
14. . Regardless of the fact that pomimo tego, e Regardless of the fact that this side is not
particularly popular,...
Podawanie przykadw
1. For example na przykad For example, Poland is one of the countries that...
2. For instance na przykad For instance, you can apply this adhesive...

3. e.g. (for example) na przykad e.g. Lakes, rivers, etc.

4. Idealnym na to przykadem jest... A perfect example for that is...
5. Doskonaym/wietnym/dobrym przykadem jest... An excellent/brilliant/fine instance is...
6. Przykadem wartym wspomnienia jest... An example worth mentioning is...
7. Particularly w szczeglnoci Particularly these are the most enticing points...
8. Especially zwaszcza, szczeglnie Especially this seems to be...
9. One striking/typical/good example is... Uderzajcym/typowym/dobrym przykadem jest...
10. It shows that... to pokazuje, e It shows that people must not be trusted at all times.
Podkrelanie stanowiska
1. Obviously oczywicie Obviously, this only holds true if...
2. Clearly najwidoczniej Clearly it was inevitable.
3. Naturally oczywicie, z pewnoci Naturally it was adequate to...
4. Needless to say nie trzeba dodawa, e; rzecz jasna Needless to say, it was a great performance.
5. Indeed w rzeczy samej, istotnie, faktycznie Indeed, the choice was a good one.

Zgadzanie si
1. I (completely) agree (with) (cakowicie) zgadzam si z I agree with the standpoint that...
2. I stand by (something) zgadzam si z I stand by your viewpoint.
3. I support (something) zgadzam si z I support this statement.
4. To me, seems fair/true/accurate dla mnie, wydaje si by w porzdku/prawdziwe/celne
5. I could not agree more w zupenoci si zgadzam I could not agree more with your idea.

Nie zgadzanie si

I disagree (with) nie zgadzam si z I disagree with what he says.

2. I do not agree (with) nie zgadzam si z No offence, but I do not agree with...
3. object to sprzeciwia si Larry usually objects to his parents' words.
4. I am not so sure... - nie jestem do koca przekonany.... - I am not so sure about this, mate.
5. I agree up to a point, but... - do pewnego stopnia si zgadzam, lecz...
6. It makes sense, but... - to ma sens, lecz... - What you're saying makes sense, but I don't see...
7. No way! - nie ma mowy! (zwrot nieformalny!)- There's no way I am doing this!
8. Impossible! - niemoliwe (zwrot nieformalny!) - It could not be Mark! That's impossible!


All in all oglnie rzecz biorc All in all, this issue is...

2. To conclude podsumowujc To conclude, I reckon that little has been done...

3. To sum up podsumowujc To sum up, we have not reached a point...
4. In conclusion na zakoczenie In conclusion, there are only...
5. Taking everything into consideration biorc wszystko pod uwag
6. Lastly wreszcie, na koniec Lastly, I would like to touch upon...
7. All things considered biorc (to) wszystko pod uwag All things considered, we must...
8. In a nutshell w skrcie In a nutshell, the gist of this article is...

Prezentacja argumentw typu for:

the main advantage of is that gwn zalet jest to, e
it is believed / said that sdzi / mwi si, e
a number of people are in favour of niektre osoby s za
another benefit is that kolejn zalet jest to, e
not only is it a great asset, but also nie tylko jest to du zalet, ale rwnie
Prezentacja argumentw typu against:
opponents point out that przeciwnicy zwracaj uwag, e
however, it needs to be added that jednake, naley doda, e
from an ethical point of view z etycznego punktu widzenia
the issue is far from being solved, but duga jeszcze droga do rozwizania
tego problemu,
Poprawnie napisana rozprawka za i przeciw skada si zazwyczaj z czterech akapitw:
1.WSTP oglne przedstawienie zagadnienia w sposb przejrzysty i przykuwajcy
uwag czytelnika. Moesz napisa, e istniej dobre i ze strony pewnego zjawiska,
ale nie wymieniaj ich jeszcze w pierwszym akapicie. Warto pokusi si o pytanie
retoryczne, aby wzbogaci swoj wypowied i wzbudzi zainteresowanie osoby
czytajcej Twoj rozprawk.
2.ZALETY wybierz 2-3 argumenty i uzasadnij je. Ciekawym rozwizaniem jest take
zastosowanie cytatu znanej osoby, ktry wpasowaby si idealnie w tok zapisanych
3.WADY jak wiadomo niemal wszystko ma dwie strony medalu. Zastanw si nad
cechami negatywnymi danego zagadnienia. Zapisz je i rozwi jak w przypadku zalet.
4.ZAKOCZENIE podsumowanie uwzgldniajce negatywne lub pozytywne
stanowisko autora. W ostatnim akapicie moesz jasno przedstawi osobiste
spojrzenie na dan kwesti.

Pamitaj o

Zanim zabierzesz si do tworzenia eseju warto zapamita kilka zasad, dziki ktrym napiszesz poprawny
tekst rozprawki. Pamitaj to nie list do przyjaciela! Wypracowanie musi by napisane w stylu formalnym. Co
to oznacza w praktyce? Budujesz zdania zoone poczone odpowiednimi spjnikami (moreover,
additionally), nie uywasz form skrconych (dont -> do not) i stosujesz sownictwo na poziomie B2+
(interesting -> gripping). Nie naley stosowa zaimkw osobowych I we poniewa wyranie wskazuj
one na opini osoby piszcej. Zastp je form bezosobow, stron biern a take inwersj stylistyczn. Takie
wspomagacze jzykowe sprawi, e rozprawka za i przeciw bdzie czytelna a tym samym lepiej oceniona
przez egzaminatora.
Kady akapit powinien rozpoczyna si od tzw. topic sentence. To nic innego jak krtkie zdanie, ktre
przedstawia oglny zarys danego akapitu. Moesz napisa np.: There are various benefits of using public
1. We wstpie i rozwiniciu nie uywaj sw i zwrotw prezentujcych Twoj opini. I believe, I
think....Mog by one uyte wycznie w ostatnim paragrafie.
2. Rozprawka jest form oficjaln, wic uywaj zwrotw formalnych (form bezosobowych), penych form
czasownikw posikowych oraz strony biernej, np.: It is argued that /It is a common belief that Nie
stosuj zwrotw potocznych, form skrconych I've , I'm itp. oraz mocnych zwrotw tj. I am sure, I know
3. Przed zabraniem si do pisania sporzd list argumentw i wybierz te, ktre Twoim zdaniem najlepiej
pasuj do tematu pracy. Postaraj si uhierarchizowa argumnety pod wzgldem ich przydatnoci w
wypowiedzi pisemnej. Jest oglnie przyjt praktyk, e argumenty "za" powinny rwna si liczb
argumentom "przeciw".
4. Unikaj uywania pospolitych wyrazw. Zastpuj przymiotniki tj. nice, big, small, good, bad bardziej
wyszukanymi np.: nice moemy zastpi synonimami: outstanding, beautiful, gorgeous, lovely, breathtaking,
eyecatching itp.
big moemy zastpi synonimami: huge, large, enormous, vast, gigantic, specious, tremendous itp. small
moemy zastpi synonimami: petite, miniature, minute, diminutive, pocketsized, undersize good moemy
zastpi synonimami: excellent, exceptional, marvelous, superb, superior, great,
bad moemy zastpi synonimami: awful, terrible, horrible, unacceptable, unsatisfactory, dreadful
5. Stosuj inwersj zwaszcza w okresach warunkowych: Should I have an opportunity to be enrolled, I will
have a go at it. (Type 1 pierwszy okres warunkowy)

Were this true, I would help her. (Type 2 drugi okres warunkowy)
Had I been told earlier, I would have reacted differently. (Type 3 trzeci okres warunkowy)
Rarely does she speak her native language.
Little did he know that he was going to be dismissed.
Not only can you play the violin brilliantly, but you also sing well.
Never have I had such a terrifying experience.
Under no circumstances can you leave the house.
On no account will she tell you the lie.
Such a talented footballer was he that he was nominated to the title Best European Footballer of the Year.

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