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of a Horse

By Oliver Black

Definition of

An alteration or adjustment in
structure or habits, often
hereditary, by which a species or
individual improves its condition
in relationship to its

Definitions of:

Structural : The way an animal looks and

how its made, a snail has a shell for an
easy hide away place or to live in.
Behavioral : The way an animal behaves or
reason it does something, beavers gnaw
sticks to sharpen their teeth .
Physiological : a chemical or something an
animal makes to help it survive better, a
spider makes a web to catch its prey and
also some where for it to live.

The structure of a horse

A horse has a long neck to lean down and

eat grass and also to stand up to look out
for danger.
Horses all up have 252 bones in their body.
You can also tell the age o a horse by how
many teeth they have, they grow more as
they get older.
The horses large ears are able to pivot
independently and pin point a precise

Horses Behavior:

Horses stand up when they sleep, so that if there is

something happening, it is easier for them to run
Some times when horses play up or are being
naughty its not because their in that sort of mood
but because their afraid or scared of something.
Horses are social animals so often are in packs or
around other horses.
Horses ears show where a horses attention is and
how scared, nervous or angry they are.
A horses tail also expresses their feelings; if their tail
is high up it shows excitement, if their tail is between
their legs like dogs it show truly scared, if they lash
their tail its s sign of annoyance or irritation and
finally if its kinked it shows a submissive fear and
often bucks after a kinked tail.

Physiological of a Horse

Horse mainly eat grass, sometimes

leaves, barely, oats and other nutrients
given by owners. In order for horses to
digest nutrients like these they need to
be able to produce a bile to digest the
food thoroughly. the small intestine is
the major organ for digesting food and
is about a massive 336 meters long

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