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Rhyannon Poto

American Literature
A Block
Mrs. Hunt
John Quincy Adams
Amistad Speech

What does Adams speech reveal about who Americans are as people?
The amistad, was a United States Supreme Court case resulting from the rebellion
of Africans on board the Spanish Voyage La Amistad in 1893. John Quincy Adams an
American statesman who served as the sixth President of the United States from
1825-1829. John Quincy Adams spoke on behalf of the Africans, and pointed out the
flaw that the American society had. Since the United States was founded in the 18th
century, Americans have defined themselves through their common values and
belief in individual freedom, not by their racial,religious,and ethnic identity. But
throughout the movie you see that this statement is not true as black people are
held captured to be slaves. Although slavery had an impact on the cities profits, the
Whites took advantage of the slaves and contradicted the right of human equality.
John Quincy Adams, tries to convey that American people are hypocritical towards
their own identity.
The American people tortured and imprisoned black people is divergent for
human freedom which they once defined themselves as. Through John Quincy
Adams speech he uses logos to describe how much freedom meant to everyone not
only the Americans. John Quincy Adams states in one of his first announcements
Yea, this is no mere property case, gentlemen. I put it to you thus: This is the most
important case ever to come before this court. Because what it, in fact, concerns is
the very nature of man. Adams, wants to emits through this statement that this
case is important because it has never been tried before. Also, because it
emphasize the nature of man and how every individual has the right of individual

freedom. Adams also emphasize through his speech that offering that the natural
state of mankind is instead -- and I know this is a controversial idea -- is freedom. Is
freedom. John Quincy Adams is only trying to delineate one thing and that is
freedom. It was displayed that Americans are defined also through their common
values.This meaning that Americans were attached to trades and sales, Whilst they
are holding captive their slaves, and letting them do all the hard work, the
Americans have no respect for the Mende people. However, the African people were
treated completely different to the controversial idea of freedom. Some died of
hunger and disease, and some were punished by whips until they could no longer
take care of themselves.American people never thought about
freedom,alternatively thought about themselves and their own success with trades.
Whilst the American people were fighting for their equal rights and freedom, they
were too stubborn to realise that the Africans were as well.
Although the Africans seemed oblivious to the lives of Americans they knew
that they had the right to have freedom. Adams portrays a scene where one will
break loose his chains, decimate his enemies, try and try and try against all odds,
against all prejudices, to get home. African people have the integrity to want
freedom, just as much as the American people do, and that freedom is what many
people strive for, especially the blacks because they have been mistreated for such
a long time that they will try until they succeed. John Quincy Adams makes an
important judgement where he says, after pointing out Cinque Now, if he were
white, he wouldn't be standing before this court fighting for his life. If he were white
and his enslavers were British, he wouldn't be able to stand, so heavy the weight of
the medals and honors we would bestow upon him. Adams statement contradicts
the known identity of americans, as non-racial people yet the only reason why the

Mede people are in the court is because they are black. Thereby, verifies different races are
treated differently and can decide on the particular individuals place, due to skin color.
United States use documents to disseminate the idea of freedom so the
society is equal, yet it can not be portrayed because American have control over
black people. In this case John Quincy Adams refers to the Declaration of
Independence to remind the American people of who they are. Although freedom is the
main focus in Adams speech he also points out that equality becomes to the other controversial identity of
American. Adams references the Declaration of Independence, which states that the nation is based on ,
"All men...created equal," "inalienable rights," "life," "liberty," Due to the
selfishness of the Americans, the Africans worked day and night to keep the
American plantation business as successful as possible. Adams also states, Yet, if
the South is right, what are we to do with that embarrassing, annoying document,
"The Declaration of Independence?" What of its conceits? What on earth are we to
do with this? I have a modest suggestion. [tears up a facsimile of the Declaration].
Adams reminding the court of why the document was created if they do not take
recognition of it. He wants to portray the people in the courtroom what is the right
thing? the right thing for not only the Americans but for everyone in the community.
John Quincy Adams are compassionate towards the blacks because he knows that
James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, George
Washington, John Adams, wouldve done the same thing for the Africans if they
were still alive, because its the right thing thing to do for the community and
because its who Americans are. Identified as believers of individual freedom.
In conclusion, John Quincy Adams speech represents the contradictory of
American identities on freedom and equality. He emphasizes through his words the
Americans have been hypercritical towards their own words. We desperately

need your strength and wisdom to triumph over our fears, our prejudices, ourselves. Give us the courage to do what is right. And if it means civil war, then let it
come. And when it does, may it be, finally, the last battle of the American
Revolution.,John Quincy Adams finally proposes that American people need the
courage to do what is right. Changing the contradictory identities might cause Civil
War. Nevertheless, this is bound to happen. Frankly for only two things freedom
and equality.

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