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Changing Weather

1. Question
1. Watch the video by clicking on
the picture.
2. After watching the video, think of
some questions that you have.
Jump Start Questions
What type of weather did you
How did the water change?
Why did the water change?
3. Sort the questions based on thin
and thick questions on a T-chart.

How can weather change?

Sources- Whole
Click on the pictures to research
rain and snow.

Watch the video

Take a look at this

Weather Wiz Kids page to see
how winter storms form.

3. Student Activity
Go to Weather maker to
estimate what the
temperature needs to be in
order for it to snow.
Find a book from collection to
research the exact
temperature that water
Scholastic Weather Maker

4. Assessment Activity
1. Complete
Will it rain or snow?
2.Look at the cities on the
map and decide if it would
rain or snow. Record your
answers into a flip cam or
another digital device.
3. Fill out the answers here

5. Enrichment

Destiny search on additional books

Learn more with Wizkids


Have fun with weather tools below!

6. Teacher Support
Maryland State Curriculum
E. Interactions of Hydrosphere and Atmosphere Indicator 1. Describe observable changes in
water on the surface of the Earth b .Water can be a liquid or a solid and go back and forth from
one form to another.
Reading: 1. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences
from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from
the text.
Writing: 7. Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects based on focused
questions, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation.
Standards for the 21st Century Learner
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g. textual, visual, media,
digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
2.1.3 Use strategies to draw conclusions from information and apply knowledge to curricular
areas, real-world situations, and further investigations.
Maryland Technology Literacy Standards for Students
3.0 : Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration.
Maryland State Library Curriculum
2.0 Locate and Evaluate Resources and Sources: Students will be able to follow an
inquiry process to identify, locate, evaluate, and select resources and sources in a
wide variety of formats to meet the information need in an ethical manner. (AASL 21st
3.0 Find, Generate, Record, and Organize Data/Information: Students will be able to
follow an inquiry process to find, generate, record, and organize information relevant
to the information need in an ethical manner. (AASL 21st 1)
4.0 Interpret Recorded Data/Information: Students will be able to follow an inquiry
process to interpret recorded data/information to create new understandings and
knowledge related to the information need in an ethical manner. (AASL 21st 2)
5.0 Share Findings/Conclusions: Students will be able to follow an inquiry process to
share findings/conclusions in an appropriate format to support written, oral, and
multimedia information products and evaluate the products and the processes in an
Adapted with permission, BCPS
ethical manner.

Time Frame:
3 30 minute periods
Direct students to use comprehension tools
included in databases, such as: audio readaloud, labeled reading levels, and embedded
Can be taught as a whole group lesson
Learning Styles:
Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic, Reflective, Global,
Notes to the teacher:
Designed for individual research instruction can
be used in groups, pairs, whole group instruction
(you decide)
Any worksheet can be created in Pixie instead or
another tool
If a computer lab is not available, this lesson
may be implemented in the classroom or library
using an interactive whiteboard or printouts of the
linked digital resources.
If the embedded video on slide one will not play,
the teacher can use the hyperlink to display the
video on screen.
Can be tailored to meet your needs

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