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Character/Scene Breakdown: 13 the Musical

Scene 1Thirteen page 1-top of pg. 8--ALL

Musical Numbers: (1)ThirteenEvan and ALL (except Rabbi)

(1a) Becoming a ManRabbi (actually end of #1) and Evan
(1b) Thirteen CodaALL (except Rabbi) auditioning scat solos

Scene 2Indianatop of pg. 8-top of 11Evan, Patrice

Musical number: (2) Lamest Place in the World Patrice

Scene 3-Parktop of 11 to middle of pg. 18Evan, Brett, Malcolm, Eddie, Kendra,

Lucy, Patrice

(3) Hey, KendraMalcolm, Eddie (sing) Lucy, Kendra (sing) Brett, Kendra

Scene 4Dan Quayle Jr. Highpage 18-27 ALL (exc. Rabbi)

4A-pg. 18-22 All onstageBrett, Evan, Eddie, Lucy, Cassie, Molly, Malcolm,
Patrice, Archie & all

(3a) Invitations-Evan and all (except Rabbi)

4B pg. 22-27Evan, Archie (all exc. Rabbi, Patrice, Lucy, Archie in dream

(4) Get Me What I Need - Archie

(4a) Kendra Dream (Kendra and cheerleaders dance; all girls and boys
(4b) Get Me What I Need Coda-Archie

Scene 5-Gym bottom of 27-top of 31 Lucy, Kendra and Cheerleaders

(5) OpportunityLucy and Cheerleaders (Lucy is a cheerleader also.)

Scene 6-Library pg. 31-33Archie, Patrice

(6) What It Means to Be A Friend-Patrice

Scene 7-Classroom pg. 33-36 Eddie, Brett, Malcolm, Evan and kids (Simon, Richie,
Molly, Cassie, CharlotteAll sing though.)

(7) All Hail the BrainEvan and Principal Kids (except Archie, Patrice,
Rabbi) ALL sing.

Scene 8-Outside Evans House to Playground-pg. 36-41 Archie, Evan & ALL (exc.

(7a) Terminal Illness-Evan (Archie speaks) at measure 265 add Brett, Evan
and ALL (exc. Rabbiturns into All Hail the Brain reprise)

Scene 9-Getting Ready pg. 41-46 Evan, Archie, Brett, Eddie, Malcolm, Kendra,
Lucy, Patrice

(8) Getting Ready-Archie, Brett, Eddie, Malcolm, Kendra, Lucy, Evan,


Scene 10-Movie Theater pg. 46-54 Evan, Patrice, Eddie, Lucy, Brett, Kendra,
Malcolm, Archie, Richie, Simon, Molly, Charlotte, Cassie. May add rest of ensemble
depending on set.

(9) Any MinuteBrett, Kendra, Patrice, Archie

Scene 11-Theatre Lobby-pg. 54-56 Patrice, Evan, Archie

(10) Good Enough-Patrice

Scene 12-Being a Geek-pg. 56-57 Rabbi, Evan

(11) Being a Geek-Rabbi, Evan (notenumber ends at measure 23. Rest

of number is cutin script, cut pages botton of 57 (after line Im a rabbi
in Indiana) to middle of pg. 60.)

Scene 13-Hallway/Bad News-pg. 60-70 Eddie, Malcolm, Lucy, Brett, Cassie, Richie,
Simon, Patrick, Desmond, Archie, Patrice, Evan
13A-pg. 60-64-one hallwayEddie, Malcolm, Brett, Lucy

(12) Bad, Bad News-Eddie, Malcolm

13B g. 64-70-a different hallway-Lucy, Cassie, Richie, Brett, Simon, Eddie,

Malcolm, Patrick, Desmond, Archie, Evan, Patrice

(12continues at measure 39) Bad, Bad NewsEddie, Malcolm, Richie,

Simon, Desmond, Patrick

Scene 14-Boys Locker Room-pg 71-74 Brett, Malcolm, Eddie, Evan, Patrice, Molly
(with Meg, Mary, Babalwa, Emily)

(13) Tell Her-Evan, Patrice

Scene 15-Girls Bathroom-pg. 74-76 Kendra, Lucy, Brett

Scene 16-Light Boxes/It Cant Be True-pgs. 76-82

16A-Light Boxes pg. 76-79 Molly, Lucy, Charlotte, Cassie, Kendra

(14) It Cant Be True-Molly, Lucy, Charlotte Cassie,

16B-In Front of Evans House-pg. 79-82 Evan, Lucy, Molly, Charlotte, Cassie,
Richie, Simon, Malcolm, Eddie, Archie, Patrice, Brett, joined by ALL kids

(14continues at meas. 156) It Cant Be True- Molly, Charlotte, Cassie,

Richie, Eddie, Malcolm, Simon + ALL kids

Scene 17-Dairy Queen-pg. 82-90

17aBig Group pg. 82-85Kendra, Evan, Brett, Malcolm, Lucy, Archie,
Patrice, and all kids
17b-Patrice, Evan, Archie pg. 85-90

(15) If Thats What It Is-Archie, Patrice, Evan

Scene 18-Haftorah/A Little More Homework pg. 90-94 Patrice, Evan, Archie,
Charlotte, Richie, Patrice, Kendra, Lucy, Brett, Archie, Molly, Cassie, Simon and ALL

(15a) Evans Haftorah-Evan

(16) A Little More Homework-ALL exc. Rabbi

Scene 19-Curtain Call/Brand New YouALL

(17) Brand New YouALL

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