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0 Assignment: Interviews

Questions asked:

1-What's the hardest part about making extra money ?
2- Can you tell me about the last time that happened ?
3- Why was that hard ?
4- What, if anything, have you done to solve that problem ?
5- What don't you love about the solutions you've tried ?
Phone interviews :
Riccardo Muscarella
1-In my experience the most difficult things was to be able in managing two different
jobs during the week. Sometimes it can be very hard to work even in the weekend
sacryfing your free time to do something that brigs you extra money, even if it's
something you really like.
2- it happened during the last christmast holidays, when i spent every day teaching
people how to ski from the early morning to late afternoon.
3- It was hard becouse it's something that usually people do for fun, while for me was
a job with the responsibility of those persons.
4- I faced the problem i had trying to do my best with what i had, looking for crative
solution that can resoult also interesting for the customer.
5- I didn't love that somethimes after i took a solution, i had a better idea. But i was
any way satified with the one i got.
Gian Marco
1- Find a job opportunity that allows you to be focused also on your main work.
2- In the last month.
3- It was and it is hard because you need to find a compromise between what do you
looking for and what is the offer on the market.
4- By now I am trying to follow my idea and if it doesn't work I have to change my first
5- Not achieving the point that I was fixed.
Caroline Malbezin
1-I "make" extra money by saving cutting costs.
2- Every month or so or at least the last week of the month !
3- You have to make some sacrifices.
4- Try to change my habits in order to save money without struggling.
5- It's a passive action and temptations are around the corner

Ciccio Savarino
1- I think is the fact that you have to find the time to work for it.
2- In September when i moved to the uk.
3- Because everybody looks for people with experience
4- I kept looking hard for a part time job and i looked in the field i had more
5- That it takes time to find a part time job to make extra money.
Dasha Panova
1-Finding the right work and manage you time the way that you won't feel absolutely
exhausted by the end of the week.
2-During my studies I used to work as a freelance children tutor, helping pupils with
school tasks.
3-It was hard to find my first pupils as I didn't have enough experience and
some parents thought I won't be able to help to solve their children's problems
4-I tried to find students among my acquaintances' and friends' families and it worked
out successfully.
5- I think I should have used more websites to post my resume or reduce the price of
lessons probably in this case I would have had more students.
Federico Marchello
1- If you need extra money you need extra time.
2- About 4 month ago
3 - We were three friends and we needed more money for our project to customize a
4 - We saved on other parts, a Euro saved is a Euro earned.
5 - That time nothing, we figured out with lots of luck.
Anna Skrobot
1-the hardest part is that you have to find time to do that especially when you have
your main job. Also you need to find a way that is not too exhausting and difficult.
2-it was when I was working in the office and my boss told me that if I wanted I could
come on Saturday to work for extra 5 hours. Which would give me a chance to earn
some extra money and would be good for my experience.
3-it was hard because after the whole week of working you just want to rest.
4-I have asked my boss to come in at 11 to work so I will get a bit more time to sleep
on Saturdays
5-But then I have regretted it because when I came in at 11 I had to stay in the office
until 4pm instead of working from 9 to 2pm. So would not loose my weekend day as

Steven Fluchaire
1- The hardest part is to find a time to do so, as it requires a lot of time.
2- Last summer when I had 2 month of summer holidays, I wanted to work for 2
3- I had to apply to many job offers without a certitude to get an answer from them.
So very hard to track if I am going to get a job or not.
4- I had to follow up with many phone calls to check in which stage my application is.
5- The time consuming and unpredictable process.

Arnaud Gavoille
1-Finding the work for which your skills meet the required one.
2- Last year.
3- Taking a decision if I have to choose a certain job, or wait few days in order to let
myself time to get other answers. The process is so slow and impredictible.
4- Nothing really, as I wasnt in position to.
5- The fact that I have no visibilty over the jobs for which I have good chances to get.
Face to face interview :
Zineb Kraffes
1-The hardest part will be to find time. And even if you have time it can get difficult to
find a part time job.
2-I usually had jobs like waitress in a restaurant or barmaid but the last time i wanted
to change and do some dog sitting.
3-I was very difficult because people are not willing to left their dog to anyone. Even if
i had all the equipment and a lot of space people were suspicious.
4-I had to call a lot of people. A lot of networking. I also tried to be in contact with
some dog sitters to get some advice
5-It was time consuming and i didn't manage to get a client afterwards. So while
looking to get a job to earn money, my return on investment wasnt good.

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