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Teaser Poster

Similarities between the


Analysis of An Official Film Poster vs Its Teaser Poster by Kurtis

Read ID: 2146

Both colour pallets are

rather dark, which
foreshadows the films
storyline hiding
something dark and

Both posters feature the main and

most important character, James
Bond, looking directly before the
viewer. Enticing us to involve
ourselves in the action by watching.
We know it is an action movie
through inevitable weaponry. This
has been presented through the gun
which is held in his right hand and
its tanned brown leather holster
resting on his shoulder.

The definition of Spectre

is: something widely
feared as a possible
unpleasant or dangerous
occurrence. Thus fitting
the representation of
the characteristics
belonging to 007.
It isnt a difficulty to
fathom that James Bond
is widely feared and
dangerous. But, in spite
of this, the title does not
apply to Craig but
instead the long running
organisation present in

Official Poster

Like in the previous

example, he is
positioned directly in the
centre of the poster and
has strong body
language, this shows he
is in a strong pose.
Independence also
seems like a comforting
trait to Bonds nature as
despite being alone he
seems self-reliant as
opposed to being reliant
on others.
Both posters also
feature at least some
information about
actors, directors and
producers solely for
advertising purposes.

Again, below, a gun is held in his

right hand, yet it is not as simplistic.
The fact that it involves violence
attracts the general public,
particularly teenagers which overall
allows the originality of Bond movies
to live on. This raises the questions
why is he holding a gun? What is
he going to do with it? only being
answerable by the viewing.

Having the single character in both

posters intrigues the audience
without revealing any distinct
details about the film and its
storyline. Neither of the posters
include an initial release date and
instead just say coming soon which
then encourages further research
into the film to be carried out.
The fonts and characters are also
identical across both posters. These
being abstract and unique which I
believe to be a creative way of
attraction, especially of a
demographic audience of 20 and
under. Having this consistency
allows an increase in popularity and
Daniel Craig (portraying Bond)
features across both posters,
showing that hes a selling point for
the franchise.

He is positioned directly in the centre

of the poster and has strong body
language, this tells us that he is the
protagonist of the film, and that due
to the lowered camera angle; it
shows he is in a strong pose and his
folded arms denote self-protection.
The only other colour we see in the
poster is his red corsage, the focus of
this is minimal to the viewer as it is
small but has a bold statement as it
is a contrasting colour to the white
blazer (the colour of purity and peace
having connotations of violence,
blood, love or danger possibly
inferring that he has two sides to
As for his facial expression, we see
that his eyebrows are scrunched,
showing the expression of concern or
anger on his face. He looks directly at
the camera as if making contact with
As for his facial expression, we see
that his eyes appear concentrated
inferring determination. He looks
directly at the camera once again as
if making contact with us, another
example of how he invades the
comfort of the audience as we begin
to feel intimidated.
Bond has left the comfort of a
gentlemans appearance in this
circumstance and so looks like a
stereotypical ruffian. This highlights
the ironic association with quote: A
gentlemans work is never done.
As Daniel has portrayed Bond for
three movies now the public
(depending on whether they have
watched them before) can identify
this and his previous performances.
Furthermore, If agreeable that his
acting was tremendous then that can
add to the likeliness of a larger

Differences between the

This colour theme is
blue and white with
hints of gold. However
the centre, in complete
and unmodified colour,
Craig is stood being the
centre of attention.
The day of the dead
skull in the background
is seen as if the
character was not
aware of himself being
photographed. The skull
represents death and is
wearing black which
juxtaposes the white
blazer worn by Bond.

Official Poster

By being there, some of

the attention is taken
away from Craig as
there is a certain
mystery as to who the
Also, this image is
considerably more
zoomed in comparison
to the other -when
focusing on the actor
-and here the costume
design consists only of
black clothing
connoting violence etc.
(as listed above), which
against the white movie
title -differing from the
gold-contrasts well.

For this poster, minimal

colour experimentation
is used and instead the
poster only features
Craig against a dull grey
image-less background.

Teaser Poster

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