Teemo Story

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The fate of the League is in danger ... as your fellow summoner I feel the
responsibility to inform you of the latest events that threaten the League:
The owner of Riot Games ended his life yesterday ...
A few days ago he wanted to play some league, it has been a long time
since he played ... he selected solo Q, chose Teemo and started playing.
When playing, he realized that Teemo was not broken OP ... in fact, the
contrary, was considered a weak pick. Bewildered by this, he went to the
central offices of Riot Games.
As he asked for explanations, the managers informed him that there had
been problems with the proyect "In-Life", project in which champions were
made real...
Everything was going well with the project, most of the champions had
already been created and everything was going fine, they were friendly with
each other when they werent in fights, and took the fights as friendly
But when Teemo was being created something strange happened: an error
in the machine "In-Life" opened a strange portal. No one knew at the time
what it was or where the portal lead, but as it quickly closed no one gave
great importance to it.
But as the days passed, and as Teemo matured, they began noticing
strange behaviors in his development: his tender voice became very deep
at times, he said his phrases in ancient languages and occasionally his eyes
flashed red.
They let the incident pass thinking that when Teemo was fully developed
those would go away... terrible mistake.
The day came when the development of Teemo finished, and Teemo was
released into Summoners Rift where the other champions had prepared a
welcome party. But at 6 pm, suddenly the sky turned completely black.
Teemo became engulfed in flames and began to float while his little head
gave slow turns, looking around as he rose, and then the unthinkable
A rain of spores and mushrooms wrapped to the cave!
The mushrooms were red and black, the survivors say it was the most
terrifying mushroom ever seen,
they said these mushrooms had its own life, and some even say they heard
a terrifying voice coming out of them that said "Size doesn't mean

And then exploded in a cloud of toxic spores and acid destroying everything
Teemo massacred almost all the champions who were in the cave. One of
the few survivors was Lulu, one yordle like Teemo. Lulu is in a hospital, still
in shock and fear that Teemo has diabolical plans for her.
Just after the great masacre, Teemo temporarily lost his powers and
collapsed on the floor.
Lolly Poppy, one of the survivors was possessed by some creature, and
made the prophecy:
to the ground and being disintegrated by a shroom.
Because of this, Teemo had to be nerfed and is currently hold prisoner in
the deepest cell of Rune Prison.
When the owner of Riot, Tryndamere, went to visit Teemo's cell ... what he
saw ... what he saw!
His little creature, one of his first creations .... with eyes alternating
between black and red, giving grunts that begin at a tender voice and then
switch to a demonic voice ... and surrounded by rotting fungi throughout his
Tryndamere could not stand, and he committed suicide by eating one of the
Teemo mushrooms in the cell.
Now the company does not know what to do, if pronounced in bankruptcy
they will not have the resources to keep Teemo imprisoned, but there is still
the possibility that someone somewhere in the world will win a tournament
match with Teemo and the Demon Yordles will come out of the portal to
conquer our world.
This is the latest report we have... may god have mercy on our souls.

El destino de la Liga est en peligro... como su compaero invocador siento la

responsabilidad de informarlos de los ltimos sucesos que ponen en riesgo a la
El dueo de Riot Games termin con su vida ayer...
Hace un tiempo l estaba jugando, haca mucho tiempo que no jugaba... comenz
una partida, eligi a Teemo y empez a jugar.
Al estar jugando, se dio cuenta que Teemo no estaba broken OP... al contrario, era
considerado dbil. Desconsertado por esto se dirigi a las oficinas de Riot Games.
Al pedir explicaciones, los directivos le informaron que habia habido problemas con
el proycto "In-Life" que hacia a los champions reales...
Todo iba bien con el proyecto, se habian creado ya a la mayora de los champions y
todos eran amigables y tomaban las peleas como su deporte y todos eran
amistosos entre ellos despus de las peleas.
Pero que al crear a teemo algo extrao sucedi: un error en la mquina de "In-Life"
abri un extrao portal. Nadie saba en ese momento que era ese portal o a donde
llevaba, y como se cerr rpidamente no le dieron gran importancia.
Pero al pasar los das y conforme Teemo maduraba comenzaron a notar
comportamiento extrao en su desarrollo; su tierna voz se hacia grave por
momentos, deca sus frasesitas en lenguajes antiguos y en ocaciones sus ojos
destellaban en rojo.
Dejaron pasar el incidente pensando que cuando Teemo estubiera ya
completamente desarrollado podrian controlarlo... grave, grave error
El da lleg en el que el desarrollo de Teemo finaliz, y Teemo fu liberado a la
grieta del invocador donde los dems champions le haban preparado una fiesta de
bienvenida. Pero a las 6 de la tarde, sbitamente el cielo se volvi completamente
Teemo se envolvi en llamas y comenz a flotar mientras su pequea cabeza daba
lentas vueltas, observando a su alrededor mientras se elevaba, y entonces lo
inimaginable sucedi:
Una lluvia de esporas y championes envolvieron a la gruta!
Los championes eran rojinegros, los mas terrorficos alguna ves vistos.

Los pocos sobrevivientes dicen que estos championes tenan vida propia, y
algunos dicen incluso haber escuchado una voz terrorfica saliendo de ellos que
deca: "Size doesn't mean everything!"
Y luego explotaban en una nube de esporas txicas y cidas que destruan todo a
su alrededor.
Teemo masacr a casi todos los champions que estaban en la gruta. Una de las
pocas sobrevivientes fu Lulu, una yordle como Teemo. Lulu se encuentra en un
hospital, an en estado de shock y teme que Teemo tenga planes diablicos para
Justo despus de la gran masacr, Teemo perdi temporalmente sus poderes y se
desplom en el suelo.
Lolly Poppy, una de las sobrevivientes fu poseda por alguna criatura, y pronunci
la profeca:
YORDLES TOMARN CONTROL DE ESTA DIMENSIN" antes de caer al suelo y ser
desintegrada por un hongo.
Debido a esto, Teemo debi ser nerfeado y est actualmente prisionero en la celda
ms profunda de Rune Prison.
Cuando el dueo de Riot, Tryndamere, fue a visitar la celda de Teemo... lo que
vi... lo que vi!
Su pequea criaturita, una de sus primeras creaciones.... con los ojos alternando
entre negro y rojo, dando gruidos que comienzan en su tierna voz y luego
cambian a una voz demonaca... y rodeado de hongos podridos en toda su celda.
Tryndamere no pudo soportarlo y se suicid comiendo un hongo de Teemo.
Ahora la compaa no sabe que hacer, si se pronuncia en quiebra no tendrn los
recursos para mantener a Teemo enjaulado, pero si continan existe la posibilidad
de que alguien en algn rincn del mundo gane un torneo con Teemo y los demon
Yordles salgan del portal para conquistar el mundo...

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