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soSraz] MULTILATERAL—CHARTER OF UNITED NATIONS—JUNE 28, 1945, 1033 CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS, AND STATUTE OF THE INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE C&) ey a = meen i : SAN FRANCISCO - 1945 sosranj MULTILATERAL—CHARTER OF UNITED NATIONS—JUNE 26, 1935 CHARTER OF THE UNITED NATIONS WE THE PEOPLES OF THE UNITED NATIONS DETERMINED ‘to save succoting gneations frm the scourge of wa, which vie nou ie. ‘ne as brought untold werow to mind, snd ‘orale fat in fandamental human rights inthe digaty and warth of te Toman penn nthe eal ght of men and women and of nas large 2nd sal and twostablsh condone ander which juntoe and respec forthe blgatone arising fon treaten nd othe sures of nternatioal ew can be maintained, snd to promote sacl progress and beter standards of if in large freedom, AND FOR THESE ENDS to practice tlrance and ie together la pace with ove another a goed egos and nite os strength to msintin international peace and scuity, and to enur, by the aeeptanceof principles and the ination of methods that uma fre sal nob use ave inthe common interest, end ‘ocployinteratonal machinery forthe pomation ofthe conan and seal ‘advancement of al people, HAVE RESOLVED TO COMBINE OUR EFFORTS TO ACCOMPLISH THESE AIMS. Accordingly, ur respective Coversments, throogh representatives ssemBld in ‘he city of San Franco, who hve exhibited ee ull powers found ob in good and due form, have red to the present Charter of the United Nations and do Ihreby etablis an intestinal organization tobe known athe United Nations. 1085 oSrar) MULTILATERAL—CHARTER OF UNITED NATIONS—TUNE 26, 1045, CHAPTER 1 PURPOSES AND PRINCIPLES Arie 1 ‘The Parpensof the Unied Nations are: 1. Te mintinintertonal peice and se: cary, and to that eds to take effective callee tre messes forthe prevention and removal of threats the peace, and for the ppresion of cs of aggeson or ther reaches ofthe peace, ‘nd tobring about by peaceful means, and in con ownity with the principles af justice and inter rational Taw, adjustment o setemeat of inter ‘ational depts or stations which might lead toabneach fhe paces ‘2 Todeelp fiend relationsamong ations Isl on repos forthe einige fog rights an slfdetrniaton of people and to take ‘ter appropriate measures tostresgthen univer ‘promoting and encoaging resect for human Tights and for andamental feds fr ll wik- ‘out dation 2 to rae, se, language, or r- Tigions and “4 Tobe center for harmonising th actions aatios inthe taiment of there common ends Anite 2 ‘The Orpanston and ts Members, in pareit of the Purpose tated jn Article 2, sal ct a ‘ordans withthe following Prins. ‘The Onan i bed on the prinple of the sovereign equality ofall ts Members. 2 All Menber, in ceder to enare 2 all of them ihe gh and beets reschng fom mem ‘erhip, shal fll in god th the blpatons ‘sured by them in accordance with the present Charter ‘3 Al Member shal ste the intermationsl

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