Pedagogy MCQ For Teachers

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PEDAGOGY - OBJECTIVE (MCQs) TEACHING METHOD TEST - 1 Ose bey Wiget (© Antof © Sibson of teaching laowledge ‘outer cl mo chil’ intel ‘A teaching method completes with the (@) Various (0) Many tactics (©) Manyposures () Many -_ ‘Whata teaching method it & Sater at (3 Gavtmy selance Xt poole to tach without» txehing (© Teaching skill (6) Teaching Which ofthe folloring method is termed aban ceva evi?” @). beau uh © To depend on (9 x of the ee process dimension of teacher-centred Sie 9 ats ’. Wie on tt faving Eircatis ‘Ofna Oy eaters (© Negiect "of (@) All teaching method is. B A oe sbove the 0, The dimension of Bomar 11, The, main objective of hild-ceitred. k ae fe ale “2 £ i of tt eek ea mT ia (9 Enhancing the *(6) Al of the above In which ofthe following, the tencher s 14. In w ely tr flow ie anions? (@)" Cacenered' 0) Teacher © Bob of te @ Nowe of te 15, La hl sic of the following, the. teacher "on democrat Vales? 8 Gib cated 0) Sialent. ethods (© Both of the (@) None of the 16, v. 18, 19, 2 4, ove above ‘The salient feature of lecture method la: @ Becnony ©) Toaster (©) Communication (4) None of the oO mach above int (a) Lecture (0) Heuristic © Asem (@ Pa x mobo When a teacher is comparatively ive i hs See at ceee eee stores (a) Lecsur Assignment @) Leaure (©) Assign © Project (@) None of the hod above met The defect of teture method is: (@) Lack’ "in "(b) Devoid of the ‘cients rinse of aatinade ming Uy ng, OA way (@) All of th © Soil iy (d) Ne In which of the following methods, the hich of the (allowing. teacher takes least ros © method. ‘Which one of the following is required in lecture method? @) "Training 6) Exercise ©) Nani hea . Generally, lecture method is assumed #5 the best method for @ “high. “Setooi (b) Intemnetiae saidents students (© Graduate @) A of the sindents aiove . The etre should @) imeresting (6) Welk organised and (© Medium tevel (®) Alo the ©) Medium teve E ah shove ‘modulatfons In modern classes, how extent the authoritative behaviour of a teacher is ‘suitable? @ To a grat () Notatall (@) Depend on the teacher’s © Gantssy personality 28, Which one of the following Is not u quality ofa teacher? 0) Eronomy ——() Fastpace ©) Timesaving (2) Free thinking 16. The defect in lecture method is: @ Extra 0) Lack of self emphasis on thinking memory © Lack — of (@) All of the scientific above attitude 27, What is the importance of rehearsal before actual demonstration carried out inthe elass-room? (@) Itcwates self: (b) The teacher confidence in becomes teacher farnilias with die difficukies which may cccur during ‘experimentation in the classroom conditions (©) The teacher (4) Allof the above performs the experiment’s| demonstration in a perfect fashion 28 The ‘single most importent point for demonstration of «lesson is (a) Selection of (b) Lesson content points and selection “of estions (© Collecion of (@) AN ol the essential above ‘parses 28. During demonsaton, the tpi should be presented in: (@) Problemaic (6) _Debatable (© Suspending (@) None of the manner above ‘30. Which ofthe following perception should be taken by a teacher for presentation of content alongwith demonstration? (@) Use “of "(b) Presentation examples of right questions © Vivid @ Al of the {ronunciation above’ ad Pre fency. 31. The main characteristic of demonstration method (@) Economic (b) Activity: ‘ricated (© Bliminaing —(@) OM ofthe Jarking above ss Ssolaed 8 feahen 32. The defect of lecture-cum-demonstration method is that: (a) Wis not ehild- (>) Mk creates ene cobacles in tapmen: el of scientific nedecs (Ako the oh c © Tet above 2. Theol Teena @) Prof HE (b) Prof DS. ©) Prof 4 @ Par Leopold = Bee at teil arg @) realistic (0) student's ees sm ofsemee po ee iccovey ——Sampalzoy in brogt resctthes Feces rar comity is should be in its pure conducted on. researches the basis of tutional researches ‘38. The word “Heuristic” is derived from: (@) Greek word (b) Latin word hhesrisco beri (©) English word (@ None of the humorous above 36. “In discovery methods of teaching, the dents are generally forced to work as statement is propaunded (a) John Dewey John Little Cater Be ) Bit . ‘Armitrong was working as a "Oy Cemsay Physics Edt Palsy 38. The exact meaning of the term Heurisco is @ Teint To discover ) To derive None of the ‘conclusions. above a 40, A teacher-centred method is converted Into eld-entred method, Ia teacher can Jo: © Kpasialy ina) manner ini © a @ Kin de a ofthe sudents 41, Westaway has presumed Heuristic method a8: @ Oly ab) Only a teachin tral fe metiod © Gay 8 @ Onlyamethod reemch mend fee rethod sar inowledee 42, Which of the following psye Mrucpie nave bam oted Sy Hee "© Principle of (b) Principle of ffeedom (© Penpe of (@ AR of Ge ati above 4, The central principle of Heurite meta @) Leaming by (b) Leeming doing shrug trorking © Leer ent ing 44, What & the role ofa teacher b euro method? (a) Teacher es a (b) Teacher as a fiend © Tete a @ Mt of te i aoe of inductive method of teaching 45 The Bale Tharncteti of awrite "S tekning ty (0) Tain ‘ jag in tie ® soem eae (©) Independence (d) All of the Bove 46, Which one of tne followings appeared to Wen eles at Heuratc meted (a) It assumes (b) It treated child child as a litte as a father of set oe © ches (None of te child through above 47. The application of Heurie method in our clisroom (Highly (©) Impractical & (@) Cannot say 48, The best ue of Henrie metho take cel: PER nce cub (6) Clason ‘aching (©) Educational —(4)_-None_ of the excursions above 49. Heuristic method is not suitable in the condition of: (8) Traditional curricula (© Traditional gsten of iestruction 50. The learning of abilities in a free manner gives bieth to: ‘ @) Sat. ©) Spontancity © Salt 51. The relstonsi student in Hew Gace follower (©) Traditional lassroom @ All of the above between teacher at ‘method of teac asof: ‘and (b) (©) Farias on (6) venture ‘The Problem? is defined as: @) An >) A mental ‘unanswered question (© A. continuous (@) Allthe above tension “The fundamental basis of problem-solving resembles with: (@) Scientific method o Be (&) Heuristic ‘method @ Nove of te above 54 Generally, problem solving behaviour seine the suaon of (a) Unexpected formal difficulties een (© Classroom —@)_ Routine life teaching 58, Problem-solving is defined as: @ A (@) A method of, pychological teaching mere © A reflective (@) AM of the thinking above ‘56, The important step of problem-solving method is: {@) Defining of a (b) Collection of problem adequate data (© Observation of (@) All of the the events 57, The main characteristic solving method is: (@) Teaming by (b) Development ing, of seentie attitude (©) Independence (6) AU pt the 58 Which one of the following is the demerit of problem-solving method? (@) Retarded (b) Emphasis _on speed experimental © Nore @) All of the svalatility of above $9. Assignment method isa mixed version oft (@). Lecurecum- (0) Project Gemonsretion method and method and ——_‘fecture method pail ony (© Heurisic — @)_ None of the enol and above problem- Solving method (60. The types of assigament are of () 2 ® 3 (© 4 @ 6 61. ‘The meaning of home assignment i: (@) To. complete (6) To complete the, teachers’ the_Work at werk at home heme wah the bythestdents help of tor (© Topmpac he (6) None of the esi above account of class Work at frome ‘by the students 62. School assignment is assoc @ Tre e asi gen Sudents in thee classes (© Boh te (4) Nome of the shove above 8. The sim ofthe assigament @) The (©) Thetraning in development scientific of seeniific method dtide (© The discovery (d) All of the of scenic above fects and ase ft 4 The central qullty of aigament method oe yO hee ne ket bt ot place hardwork (©) The method is (4) saves econome teachers Gon exchisive ‘evaluat 65. The important defect of “signet ‘method is: - (@) Non. of Praibblty of _ tetetoos iby (©) Need of well (d) All of the yee shove Tomtory 66, Assignment method is euitable a) High school (6) Hi oe Seton intermediate sudens Uni @) All of. the © Universiy —¢ o students above levels of students (67. The ploncer of project method Is: (@)HdnDewey @) WA Kilpatrick (©) Both of the (4) None of the above above ‘The basic philosophy of project method is: () Progressivisen (6) Idealism (:) Pragmatism (@) Individualism 69. In project method emphasis is laid down ons © Leming by 0) Leaning by (© Leaming by (4) are of the cooperation shove and on 1 ene rir meg (@) Likes tien’ (8) Likes gude © Ute ace AL a the above 1. The mest important characteristic of Project method Is: (@) Child ©) Ting in centredness seniie (©) Leaming of (4) ea on scenes a" ge a cay ‘Go Puposveness (6) Farounble ees fr chidrens attention (© Freedom to (4) All of te wore above children 7, Projeet should be selected by: (2) The teachers (6) The students only only (© Both of the (4) None of the shove above 74, ‘The nature ofthe project should be: (@) Mostaificult (b) Most early (©) Aveagelevel (d) Can'tsay 7% Which one of the following law of earning & fuliled through project method? (@) lew of @) Law of exercise (©) Tawofefect (4) All” of the thove ANSWERS t. oR Tab [ele [oe [x] i. [af [Isl of. [p fico i. [Dz Po fix fo fie Ta fis La is [afi [A [a [a fis. [> poo To [8 (22. [C f2a TD ied TA ps | 1. [32D 3. TA faa | ADS LA 6. [C7 LA foe [A foc fan TA fice tetotetaeet ope fe. PA lar. | c [os [a loxP fsa] b ft. |b js2. |b [s3.| a JsaPA Iss] > iss. [> (57. [0 Is8.| > J59Ta Jou [a 1 [A Tez. TB 163. D Joe [A [os [D] [es TA lor. [los C9. | fre |b be pT bs. Popa pops tp

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