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Jaecee Hervet

Connecting dystopia to the real world

Dystopia: I think that a dystopia is a person, place, thing, future or thing that has a lot of rules. A
dystopia book is not real and the things that they do in the dystopia books we would usually not
do them in real life. The government is usually controlling it, or the people in the dystopia books.
There are many different types of futurist technology, like the dome in the hunger games, or

"Why North Korea - Liberty in North Korea." Liberty in North Korea Why North Korea
Comments.Web. 20 Jan. 2016.
This explains that north korea doesnt have any of the amendments that we have. It also talks
about how we dont have the same freedoms or rules every other country has, such as no
freedom of speech, no freedom of religion. The people in North Korea were treated worse than
others some have the ability to live in their own houses and others have to stay in monitor camp.
Freedom Ride, 1965." Collaborating for Indigenous Rights 1957-1973 Web. 20 Jan. 2016.
This explains in 1965 a group of university of Sydney students organized a bus tour of the
western and coastal New south wales town. They came up with that because of discrimination.
"Operation Iraqi Freedom: Military Objectives Met." The Heritage Foundation. Web. 20 Jan.
At this point in time it is appropriate it is appropriate to review each of the mission targets in
explain how the military has met its responsibilities and what steps are capable by civilian
authorities to secure the targets.
Dystopian Book
In my book they do not have freedom of
speech because they do not get a say in which
they are matched with.
In my book they have freedom of religion
because they do not all have the same beliefs.
The characters in my book are treated different
based on their age.
For every big event that they do it is all

Real world example

Dont have freedom of speech

Freedom of religion
People in North Korea were treated different
Everything is organized

In the book matched there are not the same
rules as other countries because not in every
countries are people matched with someone
they are supposed to be with.

North Korea does not have the same rules as

other states.

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