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CCHS STEM Product Rubric

Product shows empathy towards main problem
Car pollution and its effect on the environment were
taken into account.
Product utilizes multiple sources to build information around
the problem
Need 1 source listed on your poster stating where you
got your information about your cars that you are
comparing and at least 2 sources for car pollution effects
and the environment.
Show your data. (mpg and initial cost of car)
Product is aesthetically pleasing (has reached aesthetic
Neatness and organization of your poster, iMovie,
Power Point, Keynote, etc.
Project is easy to read.
Product is professional and reflects the purpose of the
Your project directly answers the main problem.
Your project answers ALL questions posed by the

Below (64)

Approaching (76)

Meets (88)

Above (100)

Everything provided in your project helps to answer the
main problem.
o All work is relevant

Product reflects students creative and original work

Did you come up with your own two cars to compare?
Is your presentation unique from all the other groups?
What stands out differently on your project?
Product reflects student effort and professional
All class time is used effectively and efficiently.
o Are you finished too early?
All group members work on the project.
Project is well put together.
Student reflects on the evolution of the product from start to
Did you reflect and make changes to your project as
necessary during completion?
Which car will you choose and why? Support your
Project models real life scenarios and is mathematically correct
Your system accurately models the data you retrieved
for two separate cars.
System is solved correctly using elimination, graphing, or
Product requirements have been met and completed on time

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