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Spend time thinking about what a function is and how we write functions in algebra.

What is the
purpose of a function in algebra and in the real world?

I pondered at these questions for a few minutes because you never really sit and think about math being
applied to your everyday life. Of course we all use basic math in our everyday routines, but how often do
we actually use algebra? Have you ever sat in a math class and thought, Im never going to use this math
in my life! Why do we even have to learn this? I have often asked myself these questions. When in reality,
algebra is very essential to us all. I realized that without algebra (functions) in particular, graphs would be
much more difficult to understand. Functions make this process so much smoother, and make the learning
process enjoyable.
Example: The cost for gas is $2 per gallon. You can quickly do the math and figure out that 3 gallons = $6,
and so on (by listing a set of values). Or you can make this process go by smoother by simply applying x
for all values in gallons, and the total cost is y.
Solve for y. X=10

I also searched online only to discover that functions are a must in the real world! They keep airplanes in
the air (by solving equations and functions,) you can determine natural disasters, predict temperatures.
Its pretty interesting once you realize how much math goes into our everyday lives without us even
noticing it. Were very fortunate to be able to check our smart phones for temps, weather change, etc.
Imagine having to figure out the function of those on a day to day basis? I just cant imagine having the
time for that. Functions can be confusing at times. I have struggled with math, and functions in particular
in the past. Once I learned how to read, write, and solve a function it has really became an asset into my
math solving skills. I like to think of functions as a machine. You put an input in order to get an output.
(Almost like a washing machine, if you really want to get into detail.) The output is related to the input (like
in ordered pairs.)
Example: When speaking about domain and range the relationship between the ordered pairs is that the
domain is the set of all x-values, which will make the function true and output all y-values.
(3, 1) (2, 4)
Domain: 3, 2,

Range: 1, 4,
It makes graphing easier when trying to find the slope from the given ordered pairs. (m=-3)

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