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Colas, Tessie Rose D.

IV-21 BSE Biology

December 24-30, 2015
Fifth week is Christmas week. I appropriated more time in eating because it is Dear
Jesus day. I have maintained my last weeks calorie-intake for an average of 1800 calories. My
water-intake has averaged 6 glasses per day. My activities were similar to the previous week
which is centered in sleeping and surfing and school stuffs. All in all, my food and activity status
is maintained.
For this week, I noticed that I have an increasing order of calories with 1168, 1316, 1568,
1970, 2391, 1893 and 2519 calories respectively each day. Although its not typical for some, I
guess it is true only for me that during Christmas, I have eaten the least among my calories. This
is certainly because I spent most of the day hanging with family and friends. But despite this, it
turned out that I allotted more time in eating this week. Almost every day I spent four times in
eating different form my usual breakfast-lunch-dinner routine. I can only do it during weekends
before. With these values, I can say that I reached the appropriate calories for my health and it
even exceeded. Based on the readings I made before, if I can maintain this, I can easily gain
weight. Just enough calories with proper and nutritious food, I can keep a healthy body. Not to
mention the power of water in keeping a healthy body too. For this week, I took 6 glasses each
day. I felt comfortable with this amount though. It is near the standard and it is within my will to
My activities this week were just as similar as the previous week. I still have more time in
sleeping with 10 hours being the longest sleep. Next in line is surfing with 2 hours being the
longest surfing time. Next is walking with 1 and a half hour longest walk. Last is exercising with
15 minutes as the longest time. The rest of the hours were spent with school stuffs and other
things. Still, I am an inactive individual. Now that I think about it, I guess Ill only be able to be
active when I became free from school stress. :P
I hope to see improvements next week although it is going to be school week again. But
hey, there still the celebration of New Year. I can still keep this going. I just need to pay more
attention with my activities this time because I am starting to feel a little conscious now. Hahaha.

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