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The game is played using an object also referred to as a capteh, a rubber disc
topped with rooster feathers. The game involves keeping the capteh in the air
for as long as possible by kicking it up using the heel of the foot until it is
missed or dropped. In the past, homemade capteh were made of old tyre
tubes and discarded feathers. The game can be played individually or in a
team. Though familiar to Singaporeans as a game of leisure, it has also been
played as a competitive game.

When played in a small group, players are judged individually on the number
of kicks they make. The players agree on a winning tally of kicks, and the first
person in the group to reach that tally, or the player with the highest score in
the group, is considered the winner. To decide who plays first, each player
kicks the capteh using their heel and without putting the foot down. The one
with the highest score before the capteh falls to the ground or their foot
touches the ground is the one who starts first. For the game proper, the player
kicks the capteh until he misses it or loses his footing. The player is able to put
his foot down with each kick. However, he is not allowed to use his hands to
touch the capteh.

When played in groups, a circle is drawn, marking the play area for each team.
Alternatively, the team makes the circle. The game is played in the circle with
the first assigned player attempting to keep the capteh in the air until it falls
to the ground within the circle. Then the next team member continues the
count while playing in the circle. This continues until all team members have
taken a turn in the game. The winning team is the one that scores the highest
number of total kicks.

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