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Amber Barlow

Note to Educators: Hope Required When Growing Roses in Concrete

January 27, 2016


How could we teachers promote real hope under realistic expectations?

No matter how hard we work, some students will fail. How should we go from that point,
was it a flaw in our teaching or the student just could not learn?


On page 183 the author describes Venezuelas teachers on how they only care for the
good students, I think that can be true everywhere. Teachers may be biased and become
to care less for the students who dont express care for the learning or arent doing as
There is a quote that McCain essentially states racism is over simply because we elected
a black president, but he failed to realize that the Obamas face racism to this day and his
victory was only credited to his color; not that a black man could be capable of being a


In many studies we are told to relate the content to their lives, in this article we are told it
will help create hope and learning. But most of my classes it gives students motivation
and interest in the topic.


Deferred hope is when teachers blame society and hope for a better time such as more
opportunities for children in poverty without really instilling hope.


To let the roses grow I may expected to sacrifice time to spend extra time tutoring
students or meeting or calling parents on a regular basis.

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