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Final Oral Examinations Numerical Methods

1. (Electrical Engineering) A series RLC circuit has the following components: R  200 ,
C  4.7 F, L  0.15 H and the voltage source is 100 V. Assume zero initial conditions.
a. Graph the response of the capacitor voltage for the given voltage source, using a circuit
simulator. What type of response (underdamped, overdamped, undamped, critically
damped) is this?
b. What is the mathematical expression of this response?
c. Determine the peak value of the response and the time when the peak value is
achieved, using the graph obtained in (a) and applicable numerical methods.
d. The percent overshoot of a response is a parameter used to describe the transient
response of a system such as this electrical network. It is the percentage difference
between the peak value and the final value of the response. For this circuit, determine
the percent overshoot.
e. Interpret this percent overshoot value. How does overshoot affect the performance of a
2. (Semiconductor Physics) The resistivity of doped silicon is based on the charge q on an
electron, the electron density n, and the electron mobility . It is given as


The electron density is given in terms of the doping density N and the intrinsic carrier density n,
as in
n  N  N  4n 

while the electron mobility is described by the temperature T, the reference temperature T
and the reference mobility  , as in


Determine the required doping density when the desired resistivity is  6.5 # 10$ V % s %
cm/C using the following parameters: T  300 K, T  1000 K,   1350 cm /V % s,
q  1.7 # 10 ,- C and n  6.21 # 10- cm . . Use applicable numerical methods.

3. (Electrical Engineering) (a) For the circuit shown below, establish mesh current equations and
solve for the mesh current using applicable numerical method.

(b) For the circuit shown below, determine node equations for nodes A, B and C with respect to
D, and find the node voltages using applicable numerical methods.

4. (Strength of Materials) The data below were obtained from a creep test performed at room
temperature on a wire composed of 40% tin, 60% lead, and solid core solder. This was done by
measuring the increase in strain over time while a constant load was applied to a test specimen.
Using linear regression methods, find (a) the equation of the line that best fits the data, and (b)
the r  value. Plot the discrete data below and superimpose the resulting regression line.

(c) Does the line pass through the origin that is at time zero should there be any strain? If the
line pass does not through the origin, force it to do so. Does this new line represent the data
trend? Suggest a new equation that satisfies zero strain at zero time and also represents the
data trend well.

5. (Electromagnetics) A total charge Q is uniformly distributed around a ring-shaped conductor

with radius a. A charge q is located at a distance x from the center of the ring, as depicted in the
figure below. (a) Show that the magnitude of the force exerted on the charge by the ring is given


4e x  a 6./

where e  8.85 # 10 , C /Nm . (b) Plot the force F as a function of the distance x. (c) Find
the distance x, using applicable numerical methods, where the force is 1 N if q and Q are
2 # 10 8 C for a ring with a radius of 0.9 m.

Group A

Group B

Group C

Group D

Group E

Guidelines and instructions:

1. The final oral examinations will be scheduled on Friday, March 16, 2012. Room is to be
announced. The schedule is as follows:
3:30 4:30
4:30 5:30
5:30 6:30
6:30 7:30
7:30 8:30

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
Group 4
Group 5

Group numbers are to be determined via draw lots tomorrow.

2. There will be five problems, all engineering applications of the numerical methods for the
following problems: roots of equations, linear equations, optimization and curve fitting.
3. The group has to document the detailed solutions of the problems. Computer-aided methods of
solving are allowed. Submission of the document is on the schedule of the oral exams.
4. The group must prepare a presentation for the oral exams. It will be given 55 mins to present
everything, starting from the scheduled time. If the group was not able to present all the
problems, all problems that are not presented will be considered incorrect.
5. I reserve the right to determine the order of presentation and who will present what problem.
In any case, one person is to be assigned to present one problem.
6. Each problem is worth 20 points. The scores will depend on the correctness of the answer and
the manner by which it was presented by the presentor. Incorrectly solved problems, including
those that are not presented will receive 3 points. The official score will be total for each

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