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Name : Nishalini A/P Magis Paran

What I Want to Be in the Future

When people ask me what I want to be in future, I say that I am
going to be a veterinarian as that is what my ambition is and
that is what I am studying for too. There are many scope of job
in veterinarian field. The one that I am interested is to become
a small animal practitioner. After I complete my degree I would
like to specialise in small animal practice. There are many
reasons for me to choose this scope of job.
First of all, I like pet or companion animals more than wild
animals, I find them to very adorable. I also find that pet
animals are the only kind of animals that could be very close to
humans compared to other kind of animals, this makes us to
understand them better. As I am having a pet dog, I understand
companion animals better and I think I could interact with them
much better than wild or other kind of animals. Next, I would
like to have my own pet clinic in future as this has been always
my dream. Moreover, by having clinic on my own I would not
charge for rescued animals. I will not charge the people who
bring rescued animals to my clinic and I would personally
rescue animals such as dogs and cats and treat them in my
clinic. I would like to have a shelter beside my clinic where I
would have all my rescued ones. Lastly, I could earn a
handsome amount of money by having my own pet clinic.
Other than that, I would also like to do research on a specific
virus cause disease which is Distemper. I would like to do
research to find the cure for this virus. This is because I lost two
of my dogs after badly been affected by this virus. Distemper is
a deadly virus for dogs and until now the cure for this virus still
has not been found. Many dogs have been victims because of
this virus. Thus, I want to do research on this and try my best to
find the cure.

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