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After School Program Timeline

the 1st after school boys clubs began to be
established in the US. Aimed to helping the
youth to keep out of the streets.

The boys club began to expand a lot more.
They began to fundraise money in order
for their facilities to expand and create a
larger variety of activities for the children

Most boys club were also taking in girls. The girls
would do different activities than the boys would.
They would learn how to sew, knit, and other
activities of that nature compared to boys who would
be doing wood work activities and camera stuff.

The compulsory education laws are sending
children back to school and out of the
streets. The percentage of children
attending school during this time increases.

Americanize the immigrant youth.
The club American club leader
would teach his/her class the proper
American way to do things.

After school programs began to have
issues as to how to tackle the innovation
of social media. The kids wanted to copy
or reenact scenes they had seen in films.

After school programs had to express good
healthy emotional atmosphere during club
activities. This was meant to help children
who were shy, timid, or would act out during
the activities.

Leaders of clubs began to want to improve the
volunteer staff. They wanted to change after school
programs more professional. During this time group
work was also becoming more important in order to
teach social skills and development.

The Great Depression

The great depression forced many children
to participate in the workforce. The extra
income that they provided would assist in
their families struggle to earn income.

Early 1930s
Children would go to boys clubs
because that was the only place where
they could acquire food

Late 1930s
The New Deal helped to get after
school programs running back again.
Classes were provided by programs
like Works Progress Admin. (WPA).

During the great depression many
activities that involved children play
had to be cut from school in order to
conserve school revenue

Child Labor Laws Enacted prohibited
children from working. This protected
the from going to work and made sure
that each child would have to attend

After school programs helped to relieve the stress of
children as many of their family members would
leave and go to war. The after school programs
helped children get supervised while the moms would
be at work, relieve mental stress from the tension of

During WWII after school was also
evolved into becoming like a child
care. This was do the absence of a
parental figure in the home.

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