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Paige Edwards

Location Report
For my AS level film studies portfolio, I have decided my planning following the
textual analysis of two teen drama films; Kidulthood (UK 2006) and Paper Towns (US
2015). For both of these films, I have explored how the director represents the
teenage protagonists through the use of the micro-elements; mise-en-scene, editing,
sound and cinematography. I have based my locations on the similar themes and
ideas from the evaluated textual analysis, reflecting a similar setting to the films as
well as meeting the codes and conventions of a teen drama film. My key aim is to
refer to teenage stereotype and hopefully build a wider understanding on why these
stereotypes are being fullfilled.

Location 1- House (Bedroom)

My first location is located in a home in Chad well Heath. This location is accessible
for filming, as I do not need permission to film in this location. I also have chosen this
location for my opening scene because it will set the scene for my characters. I
intend to use cinematography angles, shots, positioning and movement to illustrate
what is happening in this scene e.g. a close up shot would allow the audeince to
consider the characters feelings as they show their facil expressions. I will use a
wide shot to show everything within the scene, and to reflect on the main antagonists
also. I thought this location would be a good idea to start off with as it introduces the
storyline in a simple way, typical and not too comlicated for the audience to analyse.
This location is local to me and all of my actors, making it easier for all of us to attend

Paige Edwards

Location 2- Front garden of house

I have chosen this location because it shows my audience that the house my main
female character (Megan) is standing in front of, is the house where the majority of
my film is happening, reassuring them so they have a clear idea. A medium long shot
will be used to show the outside of the house, as well as what my actor is doing,
wearing, etc. This will be done along with non- diegetic score music, such as a fast
pace, loud bassed soundtrack, to make sure my audience have a clear idea of what
is going on and how my actors should play their role. This is in the same location, so
again is local to all my actors. We all have to consider certain risks, such as making
sure the door is locked when we are finished, due to theft/robbery.

Paige Edwards

Location 3- House (Hallway)

This location follows on from the previous one, showing my audience that the house
my actors are in at the moment is the house one of my actors was standing outside
of previously. This is efficient for all of my actors, as one of my actors actually live
inside the house we are filming, so is even easier to access. This scene will consist
of close up shots, to reveal all of my characters expressions, medium close ups to
briefly show my choice of characters costumes, and non- diegetic soundtrack to add
suspense and tension to the atmosphere of this scene. I have to remove a few things
within this scene, as I have to consider any hazards or risks when I am filming my

Paige Edwards

Location 4-


This location was chosen, due to the typical setting of an urban neighbourhood,
where the main antagonist is shown planning his next move, along with his gang
(other antagonists) whom we are introduced to. This location is good for my film
because it shows my audience the type of film it is as we get towards the end,
building up the suspense. This scene will be filmed with diegetic dialogue to let my
audience know what is happening and costumes which consist of tracksuits and
hooded jumpers along with a lethal weapon, following the stereotype of teenage
antagonists in todays society. To maintain the continuity of my film, I have to
carefully consider the hours that I film. This scene is filmed during the afternoon, so I
have to be careful to not run overtime, into the evening, as it will get darker. The
weather is something I also have to consider, I will have to check before I choose to
film on a specific day, as it cannot rain or it will interfere with my filming.

Paige Edwards

Location 5Bus Stop (Gants Hill)

I have chosen this location for the next scene in my film, as it is located near my
previous location, meaning we dont have to move constantly move t a further
destination, and then back again. I think this location is ideal for my film as it is
located next to rather busy road, setting the scene for my audience so they know
what type of area I am filming in, opposed to my other locations which appear to be
very quiet, so this location can build the suspense for my audience. I will use wide
shots to show my audience the location and the surroundings as well as using
medium and extreme close up shots to show my characters facial expressions as we
start to reach the end of my film. I will show the tension between my two characters
(Megan and Lewis) as they sit silent, as my female antagonist waits for and expects
her boyfriend to turn round the corner, as my male antagonist doesnt expect a thing.
I will help to show this by using non-diegetic sound such as a slow paced, quiet
soundtrack to set the scene and enhance the idea of what is going to happen.
The idea of a bus stop links to the themes within the two films I analysed in my
textual analysis, the idea of an urban neighbourhood, and desolated characters,
which will cause the audience to give them sympathy. Due to this being next to a
dual carriage way, it is a busy road, so I have to be careful of any theft, so I have to
be fully aware of my surroundings and keep my equipment secure at all times. I also
have to make sure that my shots are mostly equal, as this is a pubic area where
people regularly use the buses, so I have to consider this when filming. I also have to
consider any health and safety risks, my actors cannot be too close to the road when
filming, due to any hazards.

Paige Edwards


6- Side Road (Gants Hill)

This location will be used for my final scene, which is also located near all of my
previous locations and accessible to all of my actors. This scene will consist of many
close up shots of my actors faces, as the main protagonist is injured, and the main
antagonist is the cause of this, I want my audience to be able to see their
expressions clearly. Wide shots will be used to show the movements of all my
characters, along with their costume, which will have similarities to the teenagers, I
analysed in my textual analysis of two films. This is followed by loud, fast paced
diegetic sound effects to add a tense atmosphere to my scene, and so my audience
aren't confused with what is actually happening. I also have to be aware of theft
when filming in this area, as I have a lot of equipment around me so I need to be
extra careful of my surroundings when I film. Even though this road isnt as busy, I
still have to consider health and safety risks, so my actors also have to be careful of
their surroundings and be careful of any hazards.

Paige Edwards

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