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Preface ix
Introduction 1
1 The Emergence of the Theory of Action 7
1.1 The Beginnings: Parsons' Attempt at Synthesis 7
1.2 The Debate with Parsons: Rehistoricizing the Convergence Thesis 18
1.3 Economic and Social Action 34
1.4 Weber's Theory of Charisma and the Problem of Creativity 44
1.5 The Problem of the Emergence of a New Morality as the
Underlying Theme in Durkheim's Work 49
1.6 Elements of the Philosophy of Life in the Work of Ferdinand
Tnnies and Georg Simmel 65
2 Metaphors of Creativity 70
2.1 Expression 75
2.2 Production 85
2.3 Revolution 105
2.4 Life 116
2.5 Intelligence and Reconstruction 126
3 Situation - Corporeality Sociality
The Fundamentals of a Theory of the
Creativity of Action 145
3.1 A Non-Teleological Interpretation of the Intentionality of Action 148
3.2 The Constitution of the Body Schema 167
3.3 Primary Sociality 184

4 Creative Democracy 196

4.1 Creativity and Collective Action 199
4.2 Beyond Functionalism 209
4.3 Differentiation and Democratization: Perspectives for a
Non-Functionalist Theory of Social Development 223
4.4 Creativity in the 'Postmodern' Age 244
Notes 259
Bibliography 296
Index of Names 319
Index of Subjects 327 Joas, Hans :

The creativity of action / Hans Joas. - repr. . - Cambridge [u.a.]

: Polity Press, 2005. - X, 336 S. . - ISBN: 0-7456-1196-6. ISBN: 0-7456-1771-9
EST: Kreativitt des Handelns <engl.> . -Includes
bibliographical references and index

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