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Dominant Hobbies of Teenagers in 1990 and 2010

Figure 1 shows the dominant hobbies of teenagers in

1990. Figure 2 shows the dominant hobbies of teenagers in
2010. Generally, the teenagers in 1990 and 2010 have very
different hobbies.
In 1990, the dominant hobby of teenagers in Malaysia
and Thailand is watching television which is 65% and 50%
respectively. On the other hand, in 2010, the dominant
hobby of teenagers is Facebooking. A total of 70% Malaysian
teens and 66% Thailand teens enjoy facebooking. Next,
reading is the least dominant hobby among the two
countries in the year 1990, where only 30% of Malaysia
teens and 27% Thailand teens like reading. In the year 2010,
the least dominant hobby is twittering. Only 45% of
Malaysian teens and 38% of Thailand teens prefer twittering.
In conclusion, teenagers in the 20 years have very
different hobbies.

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