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Issue: 14

Date: 25th January 2016

Faith Friends
Sports Results:
Senior 2s Won
against Mount
Sackville 2-1
Junior 1s played
against Loreto Bray
and Won 3-1 on

On Friday 22nd of January, ten TY students took part in the Pope

John Paul II Awards held their first Faith Friends prayer service in
the Chapel with Standard 2 from the Junior School. In the weeks
coming up to Standard 2s Holy Communion, the Fourth Years will
be meeting with the class every week or so to discuss their faith,
share stories and get to know each other. The service was a great
success; the Standard 2 students particpiated fully and really
enjoyed the singing by Anna Byrne and Mia McCarthy.

Junior 2s Won
against Loreto
Beaufort 3-0.
Well done to all who

TY Musical Update!
We are continuing our rehearsals for our musical production
'Grease'. As of Monday, rehearsals will begin taking place on the
stage in the Junior School hall. With only a few weeks left until the
show, everyone will be working hard in the coming week. Tickets
for the show are on sale on Wednesday; make sure to buy yours!

Zenia Corson in the new YSI video

On Friday 8th January St. Gerards Zenia Corson from Transition Year took
part in a promotional video shoot for Ulster Bank and YSI. Zenia was a
representative from the YSI group that deals with the topic of The Syrian
Refugee Crises. The YSI association made contact with Ms. Kavanagh to
organise a representative to take part in the video due to the excellent and
constant updates from the YSI group.
The idea of this video shoot was to launch the new partnership of Ulster
Bank with the YSI. Zenia participated in the video shoot along with five
other past and present students of other schools to complete the video. In
the video the presenter (Diana Bunici) is shown all the young people being
asked questions about their YSI projects. The projects were very varied
from The Syrian Refugee Crises, Women Equality, Cyberbullying, Mental
Health and Drug abuse. After a full day of filming in the Smock Abbey
Theatre in Dublin City Centre, the video footage was edited in time for the
video and partnership launch on Wednesday, 20th January.
The video launch took place in the CHQ on Customs House Quay in Dublin
City Centre. There were 150 guests that attended the event including An
Taoiseach Enda Kenny, Baroness Thornton and many more! There were a
number of press photographers there including from the Irish Times and
Independent newspapers. The reaction of the video was amazing and
everyone was very pleased. The video can now be seen on the YSI website,
the Ulster Bank home page and on their social media sites.


Monday 25th

Musical Rehearsals
SCT Rugby Match
Tuesday 26th
Musical Rehearsals
Steer Clear 17.15 18.45
Wednesday 27th
Musical Rehearsals
Garda Talk Period 7
Steer Clear 17.15-18.45
Pottery 17.00
Thursday 28th
Musical Rehearsals
ECDL 17.15-18.30
Friday 29th

Musical Rehearsals

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