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E2 203 Wireless Communications (Jan.-Apr. 2014)

Programming Assignment 1
Neelesh B. Mehta

Please pair up in teams of two.
Each team must email its final, working code (in a zip file) to Jobin Francis latest by Mar. 5, 2014,
5:00 PM.
Each team will be asked to do a live demo of its code around the submission deadline. Time, date,
and format of demo will be communicated later.

The goal of this exercise is to implement the Jakes fading simulator, which generates a trace of
time-varying Rayleigh fading. You will implement the algorithm proposed in the paper:
Y. R. Zheng and C. Xiao, Simulation Models With Correct Statistical Properties for Rayleigh Fading
Channels, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 51, No. 6, Jun. 2003, pp. 920928.
What to do:
1) Please read the paper
2) Implement the simulation model proposed in Section III to generate the complex baseband time
trace X(t) = Xc (t) + jXs (t).
3) Generate a sufficiently long time trace with a sufficient number of samples. From the samples, plot
the following:
Probability density function (PDF) of Xc (t), Xs (t), |X(t)|, and |X(t)| .
Cumulative distribution function (CDF) of |X(t)| and |X(t)| .
Autocorrelation functions of Xc (t), Xs (t), and X(t).
Cross-correlation function of Xc (t) and Xs (t).
4) In each of the above plots, super-impose the results from analysis (which are also given in the

Note: In equations (14b) and (14c) in the paper, there is a small typo. Please replace 2 with 2 in both
the equations.

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