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1. Put the verb into the correct form. (type 2 and 3)
a. If I know (know) his number, I would phone him.
b. I wouldnt buy (not/buy) that coat if I were you.
c. I would help (help) you if I could, but Im afraid I cant.(2)
d. We would need a car if we lived(live) in the country.
e. If we had the choice, we would live. (live) in the country.
f. This soup isnt very good. It would taste. (taste) better if it wasnt so
g. I wouldnt mind living in England if the weather were (be) better.
h. If I were you, I wouldnt wait. (not/ wait). I ..will go . (go) now.
i. Youre always tired. If you would not go (not/ go) to bed so late
every night, you wouldnt be tired all the time.
j. I think there are too many cars. If there werent (not/ be) so
many cars, there would not be (not/ be) so much pollution.
k. I didnt know you were in hospital. If Id known (I/ know), I would have gone
(I/ go) to see you.
l. Sam got to the station just in time to catch the train to the airport. If he had
missed .
(he/ miss) the train, he would have missed. (he/ miss) his flight.
m. Im glad that you reminded me about Amandas birthday.
had forgot(I/ forget) if you wouldnt have remainded
(you/ not/ remind) me.
n. Unfortunately I forgot my address book when I went on holiday. If had had.
(I/ have) your address, would have sent. (I/ send) you a
o. A: How was your holiday? Did you have a nice time?
B: It was OK, but we would have enjoyed (we/ enjoy) it more if
the weather had were (the weather/ be) nicer.
p. I took a taxi to the hotel, but the traffic was bad. it would have were (it/ be)
quicker if I had walked (I/ walk)
q. Im not tired. If I were (I/ be) tired, Id go home
2. Suggest completions for these sentences. Add either an imperative or an Ifclause.
a. There have been a lot of thefts from cars in the city centre. If you leave your car
there make sure its locked or dont leave any valuables in it.
b. If you have any more problems with the computers, give me a call.

c. If you see John today, please give my best regards to his family.
d. If you see snakes, keep well away from them.
e. If you need to borrow some money, dont hesitate to get in touch with me again.
f. If you want to buy some books, get off at the stop near the library.
3. Write a new sentence with a similar meaning to the sentence given. Begin
with the words given.
a. Its only because hes a professor that anybody pays any attention to him. If it wasnt

for the fact that he is a professor, nobody would pay any attention to him.
b. I wish youd told me about the cheap flights to Italy.
If only you had told me about the cheap flights to Italy.
c. Thanks to the skill of the surgeon, the child survived.
If it hadnt been for the skill of the surgeon, the child wouldnt have survived.
d. Let us know if you have second thoughts.
If you should have second thoughts, let us know.
e. If you hadnt helped me, I would have made a complete mess of this.
But for your help, I would have made a complete mess of this.
f. You can offer me more money, but I still wont sell the house to you.
Even if you offer me more money, I still wont sell the house to you.
g. If you changed your mind about the job, wed be interested in hearing from you.
If you were to change your mind about the job, wed be interested in hearing from you.
h. We would have been here two hours ago except for the roadworks on the motorway.
If it had not been for the roadworks on the motorway, we would have been here two hours ago.
i. Everything was quiet except for the sound of birds singing.
But for the sound of the bird singing, everything was / would be quiet.
4. Rewrite each sentence, beginning as shown. Do not change the meaning.
a. I didnt have an umbrella with me and so I got wet.
I wouldnt have got wet if Id had an umbrella with me.
b. Ill call the police if you dont leave me alone!
Unless you leave me alone, Ill call the police.
c. Without Jacks help, I wouldnt have been able to move the table.
If it hadnt been for jacks help, I wouldnt have been able to move the table.
d. Make me some coffee, and Ill give you one of my biscuits.
If you make me some coffee, Ill give you one of my biscuits.
e. If you hadnt told me about Sues hair, I wouldnt have noticed.
Unless you had told me about Sues hair, I wouldnt have noticed.
f. If you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00.
Should you see Peter, tell him to be here at 8.00.
g. I wouldnt accept if you asked me to marry you!
If you were to ask me to marry you, I wouldnt accept!
5. Rewrite each sentence so that it contains unless or as long as and begins as shown.

1. If you dont train hard, you wont succeed in sport.

You wont succeed in sport unless you train hard.
2. If you practice regularly, you can improve your performance.
You can improve your performance as long as you practice regularly.
3. If you enjoy your sport, it doesnt really matter whether you succeeded or not.
It doesnt really matter whether you succeeded or not as long as you enjoy your sport.
4. If you dont eat and sleep properly you wont develop as an athlete.
You wont develop as an athlete unless you eat and sleep properly.
6. Choose the correct word or expression for each sentence.
1. You can borrow my car unless / as long as you promise not to drive too fast. (as long as is
2. Im playing tennis tomorrow unless / providing it rains. (unless)
3. Im playing tennis tomorrow unless / providing it doesnt rain. (providing)
4. I dont mind if you come here late unless / as long as you come in quietly. (as long as)
5. Im going now unless / provided you want me to stay. (unless)
6. I dont watch TV unless / provided Ive got nothing else to do. (unless)
7. Children are allowed to use the swimming pool unless / provided they are with an adult.
8. Unless / provided they are with an adult, children are not allowed to use the swimming pool.
9. We can sit here in the corner unless / as long as youd rather sit over there by the window.
10. A: Our holiday costs a lot of money.
B: Did it? Well, that doesnt matter unless / as long as you enjoyed yourselves. (as long as)
7. Write a new sentence with the same meaning beginning as shown.
1. We will refund your booking fee, provided you cancel 48 hours in advance.
We will only refund your booking fee if you can cancel 48 hours in advance.
2. Well have to leave without your friend if she doesnt come soon.
Unless your friend comes soon, well have to leave without her.
3. Unless youre a registered student, they wont let you take books out of the library.
Theyll only let you take books out of the library if you are a registered student.
4. I might have considered taking the job if the salary had been higher.
Had the salary been higher, I might have considered taking the job.
5. Consult your doctor again if the symptoms remain 72 hours after starting the course of
Should the symptoms remain 72 hours after starting the course of medicine, consult your doctor
6. As long as there are no delays, well be there by six.
Unless we are delayed, well be there by six.
7. We shall have to reduce the number of employees if the financial performance of the company
doesnt improve in the near future.
Should the financial performance of the company not improve in the near future, we shall have

to reduce the number of employees.

8. United didnt win because the goalkeeper made a mistake in the last minute of the match.
If it hadnt been for the goalkeepers mistake made in the last minute of the match, United
would have won. (If the goalkeeper hadnt made a mistake in the last minute of the match,
United would have won.)
8. Underline the correct form:
1. Small dogs can be carried on a passengers knee if only / provided they do not cause
inconvenience to passengers. (provided)
2. Even if / Supposing you could visit any country in the world. Where would you go? (Supposing)
3. I would like to thank the many colleagues who have made invaluable contributions unless / but
for their help, this project would not have been possible. (but for)
4. You must register your copy of the CD-ROM online, otherwise / unless it will not work.
5. If the government were to / should balance the budget, it would be able to increase spending.
(were to)
6. You can easily get into trouble if you happen to be / on condition that you are in the wrong
place at the wrong time. (if you happen to be)
7. We will give you a guaranteed price of $ 150 for your old computer, even if / otherwise it
doesnt work. (even if)
8. According the survey, most people are happy to welcome foreigners to their country, as
long as / otherwise they dont start behaving like foreigners. (as long as)
9. Please dont interrupt the lesson as long as / unless you have an important point to make.
10. If he should happen to have / if it hadnt been for a leg injury, Adams would probably have
won the race. (if it hadnt been for)

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