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Briana Esqueda

Ms. Holidae Jennings

October 21,2015

Senior Project Action Plan Contract

Section One: Service Plan

I will be volunteering at Sanger High School. I will volunteer hve times

each time, which


get me 25 hours in 6-7 weeks.

I would like to help other athletes with injuries

a week

for 3-8 hours

I picked this project because I am an athlete

and recover.

Section Two: Impact

I hope by doing this project it will impact me by helping me see how much appreciation


towards an athletic trainer by putting in many hours for helping athletes getting back on there
feet and being in good condition.

Section Three: Back Up Plan

If I find that I cannot volunteer at Sanger High School, I will volunteer at the

Sanger Police


Sectiqn Four: Obstacles

This difficult part of this project will be having enough time to do my homework and having
great grades by putting in so many hours. I will do my best to even out how many hours I put in

my project and the work I get done to have great grades.

Section Five: Contact/l\{entor

My mentor will be Casey.

She is the athletic trainer at Sanger

after school as I work with her.

Section Six: Contract Signature

High School. I will interview her

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