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Tutorial 5:

Simple plastic deformation with

Laurence Marks

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Geometry Import

Import the geometry in the form of a step file Tutorial 5.stp

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Material and section properties

Start to define the material properties go into the properties module

Define a linear steel property this is used for the supports and load application
part. No point in allowing that to yield. Name this material Steel_Linear.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.

Now define a new steel material with plastic properties define the elastic
properties as before but now include a second plastic behaviour and include yield
and strain properties. Name this Steel_NonLinear

Now create two sections one called Steel_linear and one called

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.

Assign the section to the relevant parts the bar should be non-linear and the
other parts linear.

Go into the assembly module to instance the parts.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Define the first analysis step

Create a static general step and include Nlgeom and automatic stabilisation.

Set an initial time increment of 0.01 and a maximum of 0.05

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


We now define the contacts

Create an interaction property with a friction coefficient of 0.1.

Next create a surface to surface interaction.

Contacts are defined by individually selecting faces for the master and slave
surfaces as shown below.

Repeat the process for the lower face of the bar.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Define Loads and Restraints

In the boundary conditions option we create a Displacement/Rotation on the

faces highlighted below. Now apply a displacement of 0mm in the axis
perpendicular to the faces selected. This will restrain the model allow only sliding
movement and therefore will act as a symmetry plane.

Repeat this process to create a symmetry restraint on the other surface.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.

Now fully fix the support in all 3 directions.

Since we know the distance which we want to load application part to travel we
shall apply a displacement to its top face. This becomes particularly useful when
trying to determine the force required to assemble two latching parts or the force
required to cause a certain amount of deflection or travel on a component.
Apply a 35mm displacement to the top face of the central part in the vertical
direction. This will be applied as a linear increment as the analysis progresses.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.



The assembly was instanced as dependant and therefore the model needs to be
meshed by part.
Seed the beam with 2mm hex elements and the remaining parts 3mm hex. Mesh
each part.
The model should now look like this...

It is assumed that anyone working through this tutorial will already be familiar with
the meshing approached adopted by Abaqus CAE. If this isnt the case then
work through tutorials 1 and 2. In this model there is no need to change the
meshing approach from the default hex option.
Mesh seeding button
Meshing button

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.



Create and Submit a Job

Remember to name the job something relevant to the model.

Whilst the solution is running monitor its progress

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.



View the Results

Plot the displacement and check whether the central component has displaced
by 35mm as specified.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.



Add the unloading step and re-submit

We can add another analysis step and use the same settings as in the first step.
We can use this to define the unloading phase of the simulation.
Create a new step after Step-1. Remember to include Nlgeom and automatic
stabilisation and define the time increments - Initial: 0.01, Max: 0.05. All the other
loads/restraints/interactions etc. are propagated from the previous step.
To unload the component we need to modify the displacement that loaded the
model in Step-1. Open the boundary condition and modify the 35mm
displacement to 0mm.

Re-run the solution by re-submitting the job.

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


Once the analysis has completed we can animate the model to see the unloading
step take place.

The plot here shows the model reflected in two symmetry planes. This is done by
selecting mirror planes in the odb display options dialog box.

Define mirror
planes here

Strategic Simulation & Analysis Ltd

Southill Barn, Southill Business Park, Cornbury Park, Charlbury, Oxfordshire, OX7 3EW
T. 01608 811777 F. 01608811770 W.


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