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Nicole Paul

Professor Ali Erritouni

English 11011-306
20 October 2013
Social Implications of Science
A quote by the late Rosalind Franklin once stated, You look at science (or at least
talk of it) as some sort of demoralizing invention of man, something apart from real life,
and which must be cautiously guarded and kept separate from everyday existence. But
science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated. Science, for me, gives a
partial explanation for life. In so far as it goes, it is based on fact, experience, and
experiment. Science is a topic brought up a lot in todays society. Many people look at
science as an answer to all questions, while others even care to acknowledge its
existence. I believe science has both a positive and negative affect on todays growing
world. Through my studies over the past couple years I have developed an opinion on
what I believe to be positive and negative in the realm of science, and society. While
scientist work to develop products that help the human population thrive, advancements
in technology have also lead to controversy about innovations created to destroy life,
such as abortion and the death penalty.
Scientist have made significant strides in modern medicine and technology over
the past couple hundred years. One of the most interesting advancements to me was the
advancement of the bionic limbs. In January 2013 one of my dear friends lost part of her
leg due to an extensive amount of blood clots in her lower leg and foot. Without the use
of modern medicine, and team of knowledgeable Orthotic and Prosthetic specialist Maria

would not be able to walk only nine months since the tragedy. Dealing with the work of
bionic limbs is not as simple as one would think. Bionic legs are not the typical peg legs
and wooden arms like in the old fashion movies. According to
bionic limbs are moving far past their reputation of wooden post. Bionic limbs now have
the ability to move, controlled by the amputees own thoughts. Although Marias
prosthetic leg does not have the ability to move controlled by her thoughts it is still able
to get her from point A to point B, a task she wouldnt have been able to complete nine
months ago. Modern advancements have helped millions of people advance in the world
because of the bionic limb. Without the bionic limb millions of people would struggle
with everyday life. Advancements in modern medicine and technology arent the only
thing scientist have helped in the modern world, advancements in everyday objects have
made the world a much easier place to live.
The Stepford Wives is a great example of a movie that demonstrates the
advancements of modern technology in a way that makes our everyday easier. Through
the movie the ideal women is shown waiting on her husband, without the use of
modern items, she would be unable to do so. Science has made it able that we are able to
whip up breakfast extremely quick by turning on the electric stove to cook eggs, or to use
a can opener to open a can of frozen orange juice to prepare for that mornings breakfast.
Modern technology created by scientist have also created one of the most powerful and
used inventions of all time, the Internet. Growing up in the age of the machine, I cannot
even begin to fathom the idea of opening a book to look up an answer, when I could just
turn on my MacBook Pro, and type my question into Google. Without the Internet people
in modern society would not know how to go about their daily lives. I can say that I look

to the Internet for 99.9% of daily questions and problems. Modern technology has led to
much advancement in modern society that benefit everyone. Without the use of modern
technology people would have a harder life. Although science has many positive
accolades behind its belt, it also has its negatives.
A quote by the late George Bernard Shaw stated, Science never solves a
problem without creating ten more. In modern society where science has created many
incredible things such as modern medicine, and advancements in the Internet it has also
created many things people arent so fond of. Abortion is a negative in many eyes, when
it comes to advancements in medicine and technology. According to, over 54 million unborn children have been killed since the
legalization of abortion in 1973. The evolution of science that has led to the pro-life prochoice movement has created many enemies in our own country. Abortion does not only
affect mother and child, but has a domino affect throughout the whole family. Another
concern and fear behind abortion is that a lot of the practices are not safely preforming
the procedures. According to, a compiled list of 347 women killed by
legal abortions since 1973. Although many would say 347 women is not that outstanding
of a number, being that forty years have past, add that to the 54 million babies that will
never be able to make something of their lives because theirs was cut short by their
mother decision. Abortion has also been a main topic when it comes to electing
government officials. Abortion has been a heated topic in elections when it comes to prochoice pro-life. The topic of abortion has created a wench between Republications and
Democrats, and many other walks of life. The advancement in medicine and technology

has its downfall when it comes to ending lives before they are able to make one for
A quote by the late Edward Teller states, The science of today is the technology
of tomorrow. Technology is constantly changing in the modern world. Many people
have chosen sides if they believe science is a positive, or a negative. Although I do think
science has some negative attributes, I see more of the good behind it, and the good it is
trying to cause.

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