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1. Complete Basics Student Checklist

Teacher name:

***Please remember you need to COPY this to your own drive space to use it (File menu make a copy).

BASICS QUEST #1 Navigation Tips



Part 1 - Watched the video on Navigation tips Part 1

2. Did the navigation challenge - READ the directions first!

How many clicks did it take?

Part 2 - Watched the second video

Clicked on the 1.1 Student Checklist for this Quest

Checked with my teacher about Exporting or Copying it, and if exporting it which
file format to use and where to save it to

Will decide if I want to use the Complete Student Checklist or just the individual
Quest ones.

Part 3 - Took the short Skills Technology Survey for my grade level and checked
with my teacher about saving or printing a copy.

Part 4 - Checked with my teacher for which version to download (.doc, .xls, .pdf,
or Google Drive version)

Saved (or copied) the 21t4s Roadmap file to: H drive

Renamed the file to: 21 things

Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

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1. Complete Basics Student Checklist

BASICS QUEST #2 Image Capture

Check off


Checked with my teacher about the type of document to paste my screenshot

into and opened a blank one. (doc, google doc, pages, onenote, etc.)

Checked with my teacher on the proper place to save the file (folder, network
drive), and saved the blank file with a BasicsQ2 filename (and my name or
initials), or other name.
File name I used:
Location of my file: h drive
How to find the file again: open word, file, open 21 things doc


Watched a demo video (or my teacher) on taking a screenshot using my type of

computer device
Took a screenshot by doing a screenshot of the image at the top of the Quest
#2 page (or an alternate image suggested by my teacher)

Pasted the screenshot into the document I have ready, and SAVED it.

Checked with my teacher on how to turn this is in for credit

Bonus: Helped a classmate

Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

BASICS QUEST #3 Shortcuts

Check off


Watched the Shortcuts video at the top of the page (or alternate provided)

Copied or downloaded a Shortcuts document for the device I use (printed,

opened it, saved it)

Tried out the following shortcuts on my computing device: List at least 5

1. cut
2. copy & paste
3. switch tabs
4. ~~~

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1. Complete Basics Student Checklist

Bonus Others:

Taught or showed this off to at least two others:

Name: Tiffany Wells
Name: Ben Fee
Bonus Others:

Observations of the people I showed it to (did they already know it, what did they
say, etc.) they both already knew
Wrote up my Tip report
Name of my report document:
Saved to: (location)
Suggested: Tip Report Rubric GoogleDoc version

Shared the file with my teacher (check on how they want it turned in)

Checked this Quest off on the 21t4s roadmap

BASICS QUEST 4: Web Browsers

BASICS QUEST 4: Web Browsers


Step 1. What is a web browser? Software used for retrieving information on

the World Wide Web.
2. Which browser am I using? Google Chrome
3. How is the picture different or the same as the web browser I am using?
Same: search bar, front and back arrows
Different: powered by google, extenisions (my web browser is an updated
version of the web browser pictured)

4. Part 1: Browser Actions I completed: (bold the ones you did)

maximize the browser window
minimize the browser window
restore or change window size
created a new tab using a shortcut
created a new window using a shortcut
dragged out a tab to make a new window
Bonus ones my teacher or other students showed, I showed:

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1. Complete Basics Student Checklist

4. Part 2: Brower Actions I completed:

Zoom in
Zoom out
Find text on the page
View the history
Additional actions:

5. Shortcuts I tried out from the chart:

Zoom in
Zoom out
Print screen

Assignment: I wrote a short paragraph about browsers as directed by my

teacher. This might include: the browser I prefer and why, some features I like,
something new I learned others might not know
(See suggested Rubric for grading)

Checked this off on my 21t4s roadmap

Q5. TechGymnastics
Check off


Talked in class about creating a portfolio of our work.

Decision or suggestion was to: info tech folder in h drive
Date: 1/13
Date: 1/14

Score: 52
Score: 44

My personal goal is _70__ words per minute with _0__ mistakes

HOMEWORK: I will practice (times per week, or at a particular time, or on a

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1. Complete Basics Student Checklist

certain day) 5 times a week at the beginning of 5th hour


HOMEWORK: Shared my goal with my parent/guardian

Checked this Quest off on my 21t4s roadmap

BASICS QUEST 6: Safe & Secure

Suggested Rubric for Parts 1-3 (Google docs file)

Check off

PART 1: My schools AUP is located: in the school handbook
Consequences if it is not followed: kicked off of the wifi
I agree to use the Internet and computers in school properly:

Summary of 3 key points:

PART 2: Class discussion and what Id do
a. dont give away passwords
b. you shouldnt create inappropriate usernames
c. dont gossip about things you see on the internet

PART 3: Watched NetSmartz video on Broken Friendship

The video had a good message and did a good job of showing the
consequences of sharing passwords
What I would do if someone got my password and used it. Contact the website,
anybody affected, and change my password.
Where I will keep my passwords to keep them safe. In my head

Watched Password Rap from NetSmartz

Had the same message as the other video.

Visited 5 steps to a good password and here are a few of the tips I liked and will
use: use uppercase letters, pick a long phrase

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1. Complete Basics Student Checklist

Visited Tips for Strong, Secure Passwords.

How lame or good are my own passwords? Pretty lame
My save and secure username choice is:
Why I chose it: its funny
Shared my decision with my teacher

Checked this off on my 21t4s roadmap


Check off


I opened the vocabulary list and reviewed the terms (or our class did together)

Opened a web browser, went to the Email 101 introduction and went through the
first 3 slides.

Went through the Email Basics and tried out the interactive buttons on page 3 of
the guide

Checked with my teacher on which version to download of the email etiquette

learning log

Filled the document out as I went through the email etiquette and safety section
and Tips for Email success.

Completed page 5 of the Email 101 and learned about Spam and Phishing.

Sending an email - For those with an email account

Checked with my teacher for an email address to send an email to

Sending an email if I dont have an email account

Downloaded the email practice document and filled it out.

BONUS: Did the optional tutorials specific to Gmail in the Quest Extension

Checked this off on my 21t4s roadmap

BASICS QUEST 8: Email Etiquette

The goal of this Quest is for your class to create a classroom guide to Email Etiquette and Safety.

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Check off

1. Complete Basics Student Checklist

Watched the following video episodes
a. as part of a small group (names of others)
or b. individually

Attachments has this ever happened to you or a friend?


Email FWD




Quick to Respond
Spam its not a food

Worked with a group or full-class to create or contribute to the Email Etiquette

and Safety Classroom Guide, presentation, or alternate type of demonstration for
My part:
Shared this completed guide/presentation with: weebly

Checked this off on the 21t4s roadmap

Basics Badge
Check off Description
Took Basics Quiz
Created an image capture of quiz results
Shared image capture with teacher
Took survey for improving activities

21things4students by REMC-RITS is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Commercial-NoDerivs 3.0

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