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Resume Reflection

This resume reflects my journey from my initial education in history, thru my work experience in the legal
field and ultimately to becoming an educator. During my tenure in the legal field I spent a significant amount of time
researching and writing, which are two of my passions, in order to create documents that were eventually submitted to
the court by means of online communication. In addition, my court room experience of selecting jurors, reading
depositions and hunting through a mountain of documents all while navigating the world of technology helped me
understand the dynamics and structure of the legal system. Although my love for law still exists, and I hope to use
that background in my teaching, my desire to promote education and guide others grew deeper as time passed which
lead me to the Teach Arizona Program.
InTASC Standard 3 (c, d, f, g, h, m ) and 4 (b, c, d, and p), encompasses collaboration with peers and
understanding of material in a way that is meaningful and diverse that allows individuals to connect new knowledge
with past experiences. However, InTASC Standard 5 (a-s) closely aligns as this standard connects concepts and uses
different perspectives to encourage critical thinking, creativity and collaborative problem solving. As technology
becomes more important, the legal field is shifting in the direction of paperless offices, this means document
preparation, presentations, research and communication are now facilitated by means of technology. In addition,
technology is used daily in various modalities specifically with creating documents, database work, communications
and used as evidence which is directly related to ISTE NETS-T Standards 1 (a-d), 3 (a-d) and 4 (a-d).

Jessica A. Cenedese
Master of Education
University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
Major: Teaching and Teacher Education

Anticipated Graduation: May 2016

Bachelor of the Arts, History

Graduated with Honors and Phi Theta Kappa Honors
University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming
Major: History

Graduated: May 2010

Associate of Arts, General Studies, Social Science

Graduated with Phi Theta Kappa Honors
Laramie County Community College, Cheyenne, Wyoming
Major: General Studies in Social Sciences

Graduated: May 2007

Flowing Wells High School
Tucson, Arizona

August 2015-Present

Teacher Candidate
Conducted effective classroom management practices
Developed and instructed units and lessons independently
Designed various lessons using PowerPoint and other multimedia programs
Implemented differentiated instruction when conducting lessons and administering assessments
Assisted in creating and grading essays
Frequently had individual and group interactions with students
Quarles & Brady LLP
Tucson, Arizona

June 2014-August 2015

Legal Assistant
Drafted, prepared and finalized numerous legal documents including: pleadings and correspondence for bankruptcy
Assisted with preparation for court proceedings;
Assisted with preparation for depositions;
Calendar various deadlines;
Maintained filing using FileSite;
Processed invoices;
E-filed in Bankruptcy Court and District Court

Waterfall, Economidis, Caldwell, Hanshaw & Villamana, P.C.

Tucson, Arizona

August 2010-December 2013

Drafted, prepared and finalized disclosure statements, various pleadings, and HIPPA authorizations;
Drafted various documents for city projects and natural resource developments
Ordered and reviewed medical records;
Drafted and edited disclosure statements, correspondence, contracts and reports prepared by attorney;
Client conferences;
Scheduled witness interviews and depositions;
Calendared various pre-litigation and litigation deadlines;
Prepared attorney for depositions, hearings and trials;
Maintained databases using Casemap, DBTXT and Visionary;
Researched using Westlaw;
E-Filed documents in Pima County using CM/ECF/PACER for District Court;
Billed time using Omega;
Trained new hires
Legal Secretary/Legal Assistant for James W. Stuehringer
Drafted, prepared and finalized numerous legal documents including: pleadings, discovery and correspondence for criminal,
personal injury, medical malpractice, defamation, and contract matters;
Researched case law for various matters using Westlaw;
Helped prepare for court proceedings;
Setup and maintained files;
Conducted correspondence with clients;
Setup client meetings with attorneys;
E-filed documents in Maricopa County using AZTurboCourt;
Responsible for entry of attorneys timesheets for client billing purposes using Omega;
Transcribed using Dragon;
Trained new hires
Academic Awards/Accomplishments
Phi Theta Kappa
Phi Alpha Theta
Presidents Honor Roll
Deans Honor Roll

Hoyt Transfer Scholarship

Wilma Pugh Scholarship
Deans Scholarship
Max Moe Memorial Scholarship

Nathaniel Rios, Flowing Wells High School
Kathleen Krucker, Supervisor
William Smith, University of Arizona
Cynthia D. Woods, Quarles & Brady LLP
James Stuehringer, Waterfall, Economidis
Jason Tangeman, Nicholas & Tangeman, LLC

(520) 696-8121
(520) 237-9517
(520) 621-1481
(520) 404-3428
(520) 745-7807
(307) 742-7140

Mary F. & Maude Miller Scholarship

Arizona Works Tuition Scholarship

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