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Meeting 04/08/2010

Old Graduate College Coffee House

Minutes taken by Ioannis Kamitsos

Attendees: Olivia Martel, Donghun Lee, Ioannis Kamitsos, Lorne Applebaum, Divjyot Sethi,
Peter Liu, Arvid Wang, Noah Jafferis, Kate Keets, Andrew Harms, Matt Meola, Lizette Taguchi,
Richard Candejas, Yi Wang.

- Bar will be open 10pm-2am

- 4 drinks/person

-After 12.30am different wristbands for two drinks/person

-Undergraduates can attend as guests of graduate students

-Matt mentioned that some tables will be in Procter Hall. He will ask building services to clean
after the formal and put tables back.

-Olivia mentioned that tables from the coffee house shouldn’t be moved because they break
easily. Furniture shouldn’t move from the common room. Regarding facebook issue, she was
afraid that random people might show up.

- Discussion about what time we should gather to set up. Matt suggested 6pm. Donghun also
suggested that we should gather at 6pm.

- Bartenders should be certified.

- Olivia suggested that 2 smaller bars at the corners of the common room would be better than 1
longer bar.

- Suggestion to ask people who know how to dance waltz to come to waltz class

- Good idea to put up some fliers.

- No parking will be allowed at the Cleveland tower or on college road.

Other issues:

- Olivia mentioned that fire code improvements are taking place and that some kitchens will be

- Discussion on how meeting times should be set. No conclusion reached.

Next meeting: April 27, 6-7pm

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