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~ ~
Serving Abbotsford, Colby, Curtiss, Dorchester, Milan and Unity, Wis.
Vol. 55, No. 4

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

to accept
page 6
16 pages -- $1

still in
Estimates show
costs shifting
By Kevin OBrien
With less than two months to go before local officials are asked to vote on a
proposed consolidation of area fire departments, its still unclear exactly how
much the merger would save taxpayers.
Preliminary budget estimates for the
new fire district show some of the costs
for fire protection shifting from the cities
of Abbotsford and Colby and the village
of Dorchester to the towns of Holton,
Mayville, Hull and Colby.
The cost of hiring a full-time fire chief
estimated at $60,000 to $70,000 per year
will need to be added to the combined
operating budgets of the Abbotsford, Colby and Dorchester fire departments. For
2016, that equals close to $400,000.
Larry Oehmichen, chairman of the
fire consolidation board, believes there
are enough savings to be found when
merging the three departments to pay
for a chief and operate with a budget of
about $375,000. He expects a big break
in insurance costs by having one set of
policies instead of three, and he also anticipates savings in other areas.
Im thinking its a work in progress,
he said Monday, referring to a budget for
the proposed district.
Colby fire chief Ross Rannow says the
revenue generated by the Abbotsford and
Colby ambulance services should be able
to pay half the chiefs wages, and possibly another full-time EMT to go on ambulance calls during the week.
Also, Rannow said the cost of a fulltime chief will be offset by not having to
pay the three current chiefs as much as
they earn now.
A lot of those wages are being paid

See DISTRICT/ Page 8

Snow season is here

TJ Greger of New Auburn, left, and Dirk Piening of Marengo, Ill. jockey for the lead position during one of the heats in
the annual Curtiss snowmobile drag races this past Saturday. A total of 530 spectators attended this years races, an increase of 60 over last year. There were also a record 264 entries for the races. Racers came from all over Wisconsin and a
few traveled from Michigan, Minnesota and Illinois. See results and more photos on page 16.

Rays Market is Business of the Year

By Kevin OBrien
The first thing you notice when you
walk into Rays Market near Colby is that
unmistakable aroma of smoked meat.
Once inside, you see a little of everything that makes Central Wisconsin
famous sausages, cheese, brats, beer,
wine and all of the other locally made
food items that come from farms and artisan shops across Americas Dairyland.
The family-owned business will receive the Business of the Year award
from the AbbyColby Crossings Chamber
of Commerce at the its annual banquet
Jan. 30 at Abbotsfords city hall.
Owner Alan Gurtner said it was a nice
surprise to find out his business was being recognized by the chamber. He got

See BENEFIT/ Page 7

ALL IN THE FAMILY - The owners of Rays Market include, from left to right,
Janet, the original owners widow, her son, Al, and his wife, Connie. The market is
located at H3590 Elderberry Rd. just south of STH 29.


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Page 2


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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Flesh it out

We can all remember Nancy Pelosis infamous

statement back in 2010, when Congress was in the
midst of debating the comprehensive health care reform bill now known by most people as Obamacare.
Its going to be very, very exciting. But we have to
pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it,
away from the fog of the controversy, said the speaker of the House at the time.
The same has been said about the proposed merger
of our areas three fire departments. Proponents of
the consolidation are convinced that it will improve
emergency services and save taxpayers money. They
have a lot of compelling arguments on their side,
mostly from other communities in Wisconsin who
have combined their fire departments and seen them
become more cost-efficient than ever before.
On the other hand, though, it doesnt seem as if
the cost estimates have been fully fleshed out at this
point. Retired fire chief John Neihart, who has helped
form several fire districts, says this area could easily
get by with fewer fire trucks and other vehicles, potentially saving thousands of dollars in replacement
costs over time. Neihart and others have also said the
three departments could save a significant amount
of money on insurance by purchasing one set of policies instead of three. The combined buying power of
a consolidated district could be applied to other areas, as well, like apparatus and supplies.
Eliminating duplicate expenses in public sector
services is a very inviting idea for cities, villages
and towns that have seen their revenues stagnate
or decline while costs keep going up. We commend
the seven-member consolidation board for exploring
ways of saving precious tax dollars while also making lifesaving services more efficient.
But the boards work is nowhere near done.
The proposed fire district may have some savings
in store, but there are also several additional expenses that need to be considered. First and foremost is
the salary and benefits of a full-time fire chief, which
is estimated to be in the range of $60,000 to $70,000.
Its been suggested that ambulance revenue could
pay for half of the salary, but we havent seen any
numbers to see if thats truly feasible. Assuming that
it is, theres still another $30,000 to $35,000 that needs
to be found in the new districts budget. If the plan is
to cut back on the duties and wages of the existing
chiefs and other officers, that needs to be spelled out
up front.
There is also the promise of extending retirement
benefits to all of the Abbotsford and Dorchester firefighters and EMTs. For years, Colby has provided every qualified member of its department $200 a year
($400 for firefighter/EMTs) as a match for the states
retirement system. The departments 2016 budget includes $12,000 for retirement, so what will that number be if the benefit is offered to all firefighters and
EMTs in the area? Not all of them will automatically
qualify, but there should be some type of cost estimate available.
Legal costs may also be an issue for the new district, especially if the intergovernmental agreement
needs significant revisions. A Madison attorney has
been chosen to review the agreement, but at this
point, the seven municipalities have only committed
a total of $1,750 to cover the consolidation expenses.
Its worth noting that our initial estimates show
the four townships picking up more of the areas
fire protection costs based on a breakdown of current equalized property values. Township officials
helped start this merger conversation by saying they
couldnt afford paying more every year for the same
emergency services. At what point in this process
will they start to see savings?
To paraphrase Pelosi, local taxpayers shouldnt
have to wait for the fire district to pass before they
find out whats in it. Were not saying the discussion
should drag on forever with no resolution, but the
people in favor of a fire district need to do more to
make their case. The Feb. 20 meeting, scheduled for
10 a.m. in Abbotsford, would be a good time to answer
lingering questions and provide crucial details.
The Tribune-Phonograph editorial board consists of
publisher Kris OLeary, editor Kevin OBrien and reporter Christian Parker.


A Treasury of Weekly Newspapers



Mrs. Kozlowski injured when cars

GT limits 1974 directory
hits diesel
Mrs. Bill Kozlowski is confined to
General Telephone Company of
her home as a result of severe bruises Wisconsin directories in 1974 are
received last Friday
being distributed to
residential customher car slid on the
ers on a somewhat
ice into a Soo Line
more limited basis
Diesel engine, at the
than in previous
crossing on Highyears, D.L. DeHaan,
way 29.
service officer manMrs. Kozlowski,
ager, Wausau has
ing their car from
Due to the pahome, on the west
per shortage and a
side of town, to
company economy
their store, around
move, General Tele2:00 oclock, saw
phone residential
the diesel coming
customers with one
from the north and
or two telephones
applied her brakes. JOE WEBER, DORCHESTER FIREMAN will normally reThe car skidded for
ceive one 1974 direc1970
several feet on the
tory, and those with
icy street and struck
three phone will reFILL THIS SPOT EACH WEEK
the engine. The
ceive two, he said.
force of the impact
Distribution policies regarding
threw her out of the car. X-rays were business customers are not affected,
taken but no broken bones were dis- he said, and remain one directory
per telephone.
There was considerable damage to
DeHaan emphasized that if any
the car, which had to be towed away.
residential customers requires addiSnow filled highways keep travel tional directories, he should contact
his local business office to obtain
at minimum
School children in this vicinity had more copies.
an unscheduled holiday on Tuesday
on account of road conditions. Temperatures were mild but wind and
light snow and a little rain combined
to keep vehicles off the road. Snow
plows had opened most of the side
roads and careful driving was necessary. A front window at the Bi-Rite
store was blown in by the wind.
The benefit basketball game between Greenwood and Abbotsford
was postponed on account of bad
roads, until Tuesday, Feb. 7.
There was a brief interruption of
electric service Tuesday evening. This
was not caused by the weather but was
due to a burned out cut-out switch on
a transformer behind the Northern
States Power office. Depot street as far
as the Ven Rooy house and only the
west side of one block of Main street
were affected.

Mobile home fire

The Dorchester Volunteer Fire
Department was called Sunday
about 9:30 a.m. to the Joe Intribus
farm in the town of Holton where a
mobile home owned by Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Schubert was burning. The
interior of the home was completely gutted and the family lost their
household goods and clothing in the
Colby Hornets first
in conference
In another big game at Loyal Friday night, the Colby Hornets rose to
the occasion and rambled over the
Greyhounds 86-62, putting the Hornets in first place in the Cloverbelt

Wednesday, January 27, 2016



An introduction to Lions
by Abbotsford president
Who are the LIONS? We are men as the number one service organiand women dedicated to serving zation in the world.
those in need, whether in their own
Our vision is to be the global leadcommunity, or around the world. er in communities in humanitarOur motto is We serve.
ian service. We strive to empower
We were founded in
volunteers to serve their
1917 by a 38-year-old Chicommunities, meet the
humanitarian needs, such
named Melvin Jones, who
as vision, hunger, youth,
told members of his lochildrens services and
cal business club they
the environment.
should reach beyond
Over the years our lobusiness issues and adcal clubs have a tradition
dress the betterment of
of helping to strengththeir communities and
the world. Jones group,
through their service.
the Business Circle of
As we approach our
Chicago, agreed.
100th anniversary in
After contacting simi2017, its a moment to
lar groups around the
look back on our long
United States, an orgaand proud tradition of
nizational meeting was
service and the numerBY
held on June 17, 1917, PAULINE SCHIFERL ous achievements of the
in Chicago, Ill. The new
local Lions in our commuABBOTSFORD
group took the name of
nities, our Lions district,
one of the invited groups,
state and international
Association of
Lions Association around
Clubs, and a national
the world.
convention was held in Dallas, TexIf you are looking for opportunias in October of that year. A con- ties to help your community, enstitution, by-laws, objectives and a hance and develop your own skills,
code of ethics were approved.
great opportunities to meet new
Today there are nearly 1.36 mil- people and travel, check out your
lion members in over 200 countries local Lions clubs in Abbotsford,
and more than 46,000 clubs. For Colby, Curtiss, Dorchester and Uniseveral years we have been chosen ty.



Environment a key issue
To the editor:
Its fair to say many people have been
blindsided by the volley of bills introduced by Wisconsins Legislature concerning the environment of this great
green state. Its all happening so fast as
if politicians want to get this pushed
through and signed by the governor before anyone knows whats going on.
There is more at stake than the environment. As more and more of Wisconsin is being developed, we drift further
away from the tourist destination of our
neighbors, and we see tourist dollars going to a nearby state.
There have been environmental issues
handled without legislative law changes,
such as Whistling Straights golf course
in Kohler. There were more than a few
hurtles to build that course along the
shores of Lake Michigan. But it was
worked out and today its a tremendous
asset to Wisconsin.
Gov. Walkers party is behind the many

proposed environmental changes. It

seems like theres a bulls-eye on wetlands
and local ability to have a say in new development. Wetlands help produce our
clean drinking water and are important in flood control. Local government
should not be hamstrung from stopping
anything the local people feel is bad for
their surroundings.
Conservative and moderate Republicans exist in our Legislature. The latter
must keep Gov. Walkers Republicans in
their place, or we are going to see a shift
of political balance in Wisconsin.
In a 1946 Wisconsin Conservation Department booklet, I quote: Democracy is
safest in the hands of a people who love
and conserve their out-of-doors.
One person on the WCD commission
was Aldo Leopold.
Be careful elected officials, the environment is very important to many voters.

John J. Mutter, Jr.



Page 3

Tech colleges a great

investment for state
In his recent State of the State ad- technical college credit while still in
dress, Gov. Walker highlighted the high school.
successes of our states tech college
Tech colleges provide a benefit to
system. The governor invited several taxpayers and business owners alike.
soon-to-be graduates of Fox Valley For every dollar spent, Wisconsin taxTechnical College as his special guests payers receive $12.20 in the form of
and underscored how Wisconsin tech increased jobs, revenue and economic
colleges are preparing students across growth.
our state for meaningful careers that
Wisconsin businesses love our tech
fuel our growing economy.
colleges, too. According to one survey,
As a legislator, I wanted to share 98 percent of employers say their local
with you some of the ways
technical college is imporour tech colleges have been
tant to the overall success
helping ensure that Wisconof their business and 93
sin remains a great place to
percent of Wisconsin emlive, work and do business.
ployers who hired WisconThe Wisconsin Technical
sin technical college grads
College System is the largwould choose to hire WTC
est institution of higher
grads again.
education in Wisconsin
Two years ago, my colwith over 340,000 students
leagues and I committed to
spread out over 16 colleges
building on these successes
and 49 campuses. The colby directing $35.4 million
leges award between 25,000
to Wisconsins Fast Forand 30,000 diplomas every
ward grant program. The
year and 92 percent of their
Fast Forward program is
graduates are employed
designed to reduce waiting
within six months of gradlists in high-demand fields,
allowing tech colleges to
These graduates are earngraduate more nurses, maSTATE SEN.
ing degrees in everything
chinists, technicians and
from industrial welding TERRY MOULTON other workers that Wisconto software development (R-23RD DISTRICT) sin industries need. The reand earn an average salary
sult has been an additional
of $36,400 right out of col5,000 students enrolled in
lege and $44,000 after just five years. high-demand career programs.
Eighty-eight percent of these graduFunding was also provided for colates choose to stay in Wisconsin, help- laborative projects schools so students
ing emerging Wisconsin industries can earn industry-recognized certilike biotechnology and energy tech- fications while still in high school.
Through these efforts, we doubled the
Our tech colleges add a huge value number of youth apprenticeships in
to local communities. Over the last Wisconsin and adult apprenticeships
five years, tech colleges helped 37,000 have increased by 30 percent. To build
unemployed workers earn degrees to upon this success, Gov. Walker recentreenter the workforce or begin a new ly proposed an additional $3 million to
career. Our tech colleges offer afford- expand these grant programs.
able tuition in high-demand fields and
Now more than ever, we rely on tech
partner with local businesses to cus- colleges to train our emerging worktomize training and education for jobs force, help high school students plan
that are available now.
for a bright future and give thousands
In addition, our tech colleges are of Wisconsinites the training they
helping high school students explore a need for good paying jobs in the comvariety of high-demand careers while munities they already call home. We
earning college credit. Some courses may not root for the local tech college
can even be taken on high school cam- on Saturdays at Camp Randall, but,
puses. Last year, more than 26,000 Wis- they are winning for Wisconsin every
consin high school students earned day of the week.



od continues to help me with wonderful family, good health

and the ability to help others.
Vivian Kramer,
final line of her memoirs, My Story

The deadline for the current weeks paper is 5 p.m. on Monday.

Letter Guidelines
We welcome letters from our readers on
any subject of current interest.
We reserve the right to edit for length,
grammar or libel. All submitted letters must
have a handwritten signature, address and
telephone number where the writer can be
reached for confirmation.
Forward to the Tribune-Phonograph, 103
W. Spruce St., PO Box 677, Abbotsford, WI

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Community News
Community news for Abbotsford, Colby,
Curtiss, Dorchester and Unity may be submitted directly to the Tribune-Phonograph
at 103 Spruce St., P.O. Box 677, Abbotsford,
WI 54405. Information may be sent via fax to
715-223-3505, e-mailed to,
or called in to 715-223-2342.


Page 4


can be fun,
I dont know exactly why my wife and
I got on the subject of U.S. geography the
other night, but it was definitely one of
those right-before-bed conversations.
We each had our respective laptops out,
aimlessly scrolling around the Interwebs
and waiting for sleep to come.
Then Linda asked me something
like, Do you think you could find all 50
states on a map? Well, of course I can, I
thought to myself.
Im an educated
man, and there is
nothing more basic than being able A WALK
to correctly point
out the states in
our great nation.
This prompted
a Google search,
which led to a website with the domain name online. There
was a 50 states
quiz, right at the
top of a page filled
with map quizzes
from around the KEVIN OBRIEN
world. This awakEDITOR
ened the long-dormant geographer
inside me, the one who used to love poring over maps and figuring where everything was in the world.
I have to admit, though, I did not get a
100 percent on my first time taking the
quiz. The New England states, especially
Delaware, always throw me for a loop. We
Midwesterners always love to turn up
our noses at coastal dwellers who cant
find our states on a map, but I think the
ignorance goes both ways. Its especially
difficult for those of us in larger-sized
states to pick apart all those tiny little
shapes scrunched into the northeastern
corner of the country. From the perspective of New Englanders, though, Im sure
states like Wisconsin, Minnesota and the
Dakotas look like they might as well be
Canadian provinces on the wrong side of
the border.
If you really want to humble yourself,
the website has plenty of other quizzes
that delve deeper into ones knowledge
of geography. Identifying capitals and
other major cities can be a lot more difficult than you might expect, especially if
youre like me and you dont get outside
of Wisconsin and Minnesota very often.
But, for the ultimate feeling of humiliation and frustration, try identifying all
of the countries in Europe and Africa,
or Asia for that matter. We Americans
are often mocked for not knowing where
anything is outside (or inside) our borders, and you can prove this stereotype
is accurate simply by trying to untangle
the mess of nations in the Balkans. Its
like a mutated version of New England,
but with every name ending in the letters
The thing is, the more I stumbled
around the globe making wild, incorrect
guesses, the more quizzes I wanted to
challenge myself with. Eventually, Linda
made me close my laptop and go to sleep,
but I bookmarked the site so I could come
back and see if I will ever be able to identify all the island nations in Oceania. Not
if want to get any sleep, I suppose.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016



Why does a Tree City chop down trees?


will only be a short time before those chains saws are

again humming in the interest of keeping city crews
As the old saying goes: you cant fight city hall. You can
however, voice your concerns with elected officials. Encourage them to do what is best for the future. I would
also suggest citizens contact Arbor Day, especially if you
live in one of Arbor Days Tree Cities. Let them know
how you think your community values its trees, particularly the old, big ones.
The address is:
The Arbor Day Foundation
100 Arbor Avenue
Nebraska City, NE 68410

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St. Mary School invites all new families interested in
enrolling their child for the 2016-2017 school year to
attend an informational meeting on

Monday, Feb. 22, 7 p.m.

St. Mary School gym
209 S. Second St., Colby, WI

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Almost a year ago, I wrote an op-ed which was printed in the Marshfield News-Herald expressing concern over the excessive number of
trees the city cut down annually. My column focused on how the I believe the quality of a community can be partially determined by how
it values its trees.
The response, in all honesty, was more than I anticipated and many
citizens concurred with my viewpoints. The mayor and some readers
took issue with my opinions and voiced the typical refrain of, I love
trees too, but(insert good reason to cut them down).
The mayor said he was proud being part of Arbor Days Tree City
U.S.A. program and promised road projects involving tree removal
would ultimately be a huge improvement and include new trees.
The word improvement is subjective but, in
my opinion, the shaded boulevards with large maOLD HAT
jestic maples and oaks was much better than the
replacement: wide ribbons of solid white concrete
from lawn to lawn with traffic areas, bike lanes,
parking spaces and generous sidewalks crowding
out the possibility of any green space. The difference is night and day.
All in all it seems there is always a really good
reason to cut down healthy old trees. My takeaway
from this particular project was the city valued being considered a Tree City far more than it valued the actual trees.
The tree-cutting phenomena is not unique to
Marshfield. The other week, Medfords city counBY
cil took up whether or not it should grant a homeCHRISTIAN
owner a variance to an ordinance restricting trees
growing in road right-of-ways. At question was a
large oak tree between the road and sidewalk. Big
deal, right?
Well, it turns out the tree is 150 years old, meaning it predates the
City of Medfords founding. Generations have accommodated the tree
which, according to a forester, is in good health and does not need to be
removed. The tree was spared when the road was widened in the 1970s
and had the sidewalk routed not once, but twice, around it. At one point
a gas line was even run underneath the tree.
Accommodations for the tree all came to an end last week when the
council voted not to allow an exception for the tree in the interest of
fairness. The mayor said if one tree were to be spared, other residents would likely want to keep their trees also, saying, If the council
agrees to keep that tree tonight, we might as well take this [ordinance],
crumble it up and throw it in the basket.
Bingo! The mayor was being facetious, of course, but I think he hit
the nail right on the head. A growing government and an age everreliant on rules and regulations for otherwise basic common sense
decision-making has painted itself into a corner of contradictions and
duplicities. Unfortunately, when it comes to trees, the consequence is
Wisconsin cities and street are looking less and less green.
Maybe an ordinance that requires the destruction of a piece of natural history far beyond our years should be crumpled up, as Medfords
mayor suggested. Where are the ordinances protecting and ensuring
future generations are left with irreplaceable aesthetic keepsakes we
As spring is just around the corner, tags and sprayed marks will start
appearing on veteran trees - even the healthy ones. I am reminded it

Kindergarten - 8th
If you have any questions, please call Ann Hemmy, Mon.-Fri., 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

715-223-3033 ext. 2

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Law Enforcement

Page 5


Jan. 19 - An officer was
asked to respond to Abbotsford High School to assist
with an out-of-control student. He met with the principal and a teacher who said
the student was swearing
repeatedly and causing a disturbance. The student had
calmed down by the time the
officer arrived, but she was
still crying. The officer spoke
to the student about her behavior and she explained
some mental health problems
she was having. The student
apologized to her teacher
about the outburst.
The officer made contact
with the students mother
later that day and confirmed
that everything was fine with
her daughter. The officer said
she would only be getting a
warning this time.
Jan. 19 - An officer met
with a Colby man in reference to an incident that occurred at his residence that
morning. The complainant
said it appeared as if someone had poured cough syrup
into his trucks gas tank,
which prevented him from
starting it. He suspected that
a family renting his house
was involved. He said he got
into an argument with them
the night before about slamming their doors and yelling
loudly. He showed the officer
multiple text messages he received from them with vulgar
language. He said one of the
teenagers living there got in
his face and said he would
end him.
The officer met with the
teen alone and asked him
if he knew anything about
cough syrup being poured
into the complainants gas
tank. He denied being involved and said his sister may
have done it. He also accused

the complainant of threatening his family with guns.

The officer went into the
residence and had to stop the
complainant from arguing
with the female party renting
the house. When the officer
asked the complainant about
making threats, he admitted
to saying things he shouldnt
have said. The female party
said she and her kids were
moving out in March.
The officer spoke to the
renters daughter on the
phone and asked her about
putting cough syrup in the
complainants tank. She got
very upset about the accusation and said she had two
witnesses who would say
she didnt do it. The officer
said he was just trying to
find out what happened. She
then started to talk about the
complainant allegedly bruising her thumb during an argument. However, the details
were unclear as to whether
he did it on purpose.
The officer spoke to all the
parties involved and told
them to keep to themselves
until the renter and her kids
all move out. The complainant voluntarily turned over
all his firearms to the police
department for safekeeping
until the other parties moved
Jan. 19 - An officer responded to a Colby residence
in reference to a teenager
who had left school without
permission and was threatening to take a vehicle from his
home. The officer met with
the teen and his mother, who
said her son had left school
after being told that a truancy complaint was being filed
against him. The student said
he hates going to school and
wants to attend the alternative school instead but he has



Where: Little Stars Preschool

705 N 2nd St., Colby, WI 54421
Door #19 next to the High School

To register your child for the free screening,

call Lilia Parra at the Colby Little Stars
Preschool at 715-223-2044 by February 5th
between the hours of 7:45 a.m.-4:00 p.m. It
is preferred that each child has a scheduled
appointment, but no one will be turned away.

was not strong enough for

him to play at home. The officers said they just wanted
to check to make sure he was
okay. He said he understood,
and the officers left.

Jan. 18 - Criminal history
check on Washington Avenue.
Jan. 20 - Criminal history
check on Park Road.
Jan. 21 - Restraining order/domestic abuse on North
Third Street.
Jan. 21 - Restraining order/domestic abuse on Circle
Jan. 22 - Traffic stop on
Vircks Drive.
Jan. 24 - Information only
on North Third Street.


Steven C. Konitzer, 43,
Owen, was sentenced to three
and a half years in prison and
three years of extended supervision and fined $518 for possession of amphetamine with
intent to deliver. He was also
sentenced to two years in prison
and three years of extended supervision and fined $518 for possession of a firearm by a felon,
and was sentenced to one year
in prison and one year of extended supervision and fined
$518 for possession of narcotic
drugs. Charges of maintaining
a drug trafficking place, possession of marijuana with intent
to deliver, possession of a controlled substance, possession
of drug paraphernalia and possession of methamphetamine
precursors were dismissed but
read-in to the court record.

Alfredo Ortiz Santiago, 31,

Abbotsford, was sentenced to 10
days in jail and fined $642 for operating a vehicle without a valid
license/third or greater offense
within three years.
Phillip J. Schmidt, 32, Owen,
was sentenced to five days in
jail and fined $652 for operating
a vehicle while revoked for an
alcohol-related violation.
Ricardo Pena Cruz, 18,
Dorchester, was fined $767.50
for failure to stop at an accident
scene, $200.50 for operating a
vehicle without insurance, and
$263.50 for hit-and-run of property adjacent to a highway. He
was also fined $263.50 and his license was suspended for 30 days
for underage drinking.
Shalone L. Burns, 29, Athens, was sentenced to 18 months
of probation and fined $543 for

each of two counts of battery/

domestic abuse and a single
count of disorderly conduct/
domestic abuse. A charge of
strangulation and suffocation/
domestic abuse was dismissed
but read-in to the court record.
Lee R. Ratcliff, 49, Abbotsford, was placed on probation
for one year and fined $543 for
abuse. A second count of disorderly conduct/domestic abuse
was dismissed but read-in to the
court record.
Heather L. Adams, 33, Stetsonville, was fined $272.50 for
Colton D. Booth, 18, Owen,
was fined $263.50 for furnishing
alcoholic beverages to minors.
Trevor D. Ackman, 20, Spencer, was fined $175.30 for speeding.

Que es el Da del Desarrollo Infantil? El Da del Desarrollo Infantil

en una oportunidad para que los padres traigan a sus hijos para
un chequeo de aprendizaje. Los nios recin nacidos a 4 aos son
elegibles. El chequeo de aprendizaje podr proveer informacin para
los padres sobre el desarrollo de sus hijos en las reas de audicin,
visin, coordinacin, desarrollo de conceptos, el habla y el lenguaje.
Las evaluaciones duraran entre 30-45 minutos. Si su hijo (a) est
asistiendo nuestro programa del 4K, l/ella no tiene que asistir al Da
del Desarrollo Infantil.
Los padres tambin tendrn la oportunidad de aprender de los
servicios y agencias disponibles en la comunidad para las familias
y los nios pequeos.
Dnde: La Escuela Preescolar de Little Stars
(Estrellas Pequeas)
705 N 2nd St., Colby, WI 54421
Puerta #19 al lado de la Secundaria
Cuando: Lunes, 8 de Febrero, 2016
8:00a.m. 4:00p.m.
Para inscribir a su hijo para el chequeo gratuito, por
favor llame a Lilia Parra a la Escuela Preescolar de Little
Stars (Estrellas Pequeas) al 715-223-2044 antes del
5 de Febrero, dentro de las horas de 7:45 AM-4:00 PM.
Es preferible que cada nio tenga una cita programada,
pero no se le rechazar el servicio a nadie.

NTC Spencer February

Continuing Education Classes
Fundraising Fundamentals
Shaken Baby & SIDS
WMELS Training
Food Safety & Sanitation
Insurance Licensing & Recertification
CPR Refresher
Windows 10, Social Media, Pinterest 101 & many
other computer classes
Please register at least one week prior to the start
of class



When: Monday, February 8, 2016

8:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m.

home while the other student

was returned to school in the
officers squad. After the officer dropped him off, he said
he would issue a truancy citation once he got the paperwork from the school.
Jan. 24 - Officers were informed of a suspicious subject outside of the Colby library at 6 a.m., wrapped in a
blanket. They found a person
sitting on a bench outside the
library, completely covered
in a blanket except for his
feet. The officers approached
him and identified themselves. The subject removed
the blanket from his head,
and they could see an electronic tablet in his hands. He
said he was sitting there so
he could use the librarys wifi internet to play Dungeons
and Dragons online.
The subject said he lived
nearby but the wi-fi signal




Wha is Child Development Day? Child Development Day is

an opportunity for parents to have their childs learning checkup.
Children ages birth to 4 years are eligible. The learning checkup will
provide parents with information about their childs development in
the areas of hearing, vision, coordination, concept development,
and speech and language. Screenings will be about 30-45 minutes.
If your child is attending our 4K program, he/she does not need
to attend Child Development Day.
Parents will also have an opportunity to learn of the services and
agencies available in the community to families and young children.

been told he cant until next

The officer asked his mother about her son trying to take
a vehicle. She said he had the
keys to a pickup truck that
was not in his name. The officer said if he took the truck
without permission, he could
be arrested and charged. The
son took the keys out of his
pocket and threw them toward his mother. He was also
told that he would be charged
with truancy if he did not attend school.
Another young male was at
the residence. When the officer asked him why he was not
in school, he said he was sick
and his father had called the
school, so he was excused.
The officer said he didnt
look sick, and the subject
responded by saying it was
none of the officers concern.
The subject was told to go

Call the Spencer Campus at 715.659.5120 for dates, times & enrollment

Page 6


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Longtime community patron

chosen for chamber award
By Christian Parker

Vivian Kramer
Dennis and Cyndi. The family was involved in farming and business, owning
the Coffee Shop in Abbotsford and later
purchasing the IGA grocery store from
Clayton Afkend in 1960. Vivian taught
until they purchased the store, but then
returned a couple years later teaching
kindergarten in Abbotsford. She continued helping at the store, which they eventually sold to Dennis.
Determined is one thing she is, Cyndi said. If she says something will get
done, it will get done.
Dennis recalls how his mother was always busy and involved with something
during his childhood.
Since Ive been old enough to remember, shes always been doing three or four
things at once, he said. Almost everything shes been involved in shes been
the head of shes a natural leader.
Vivian returned to Stevens Point in
1970, taking weekend classes to earn her
masters degree in teaching.
Not a lot of teachers got masters degrees at that time, especially women.
Dennis said.



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punished by fine, imprisonment, or can be barred from the program. Customers must present proper documentation
proving eligibility for the Lifeline program. Your information will be validated against public records and any
discrepancies could result in delays or denial of service.

The schedule for hiring Abbotsford School Districts top administrator was set Monday during a special
school board meeting. The board is
looking to fill a position vacated by
Reed Welsh, who is retiring at the end
of the current school year.
The school board conducted focus
groups Monday to determine priorities. Teaching, support and administrative staff were asked what they
would like to include as qualifications
for superintendent candidates. Community input will also be factored into
the hiring process and residents are
encouraged to participant in a survey
link at the districts website: http://
Guy Leavitt of Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) Search
Services met with board members
during to discuss questions and interview topics for superintendent candidates, based on feedback from the focus groups.
WASB has been contracted by the
school board to handle the recruitment process and issued a schedule of
hiring activities Tuesday afternoon.
A vacancy announcement for the
position was posted Jan. 8. According to board president Don Medenwaldt, there are about five superintendent positions currently open in
Wisconsin. He estimated Abbotsford
will likely receive around six applicants, which will be narrowed down
to three finalists. WASB will provide
the names of applicants to the school
board after the deadline for application, which is Feb. 26.
Medenwaldt said the names of the
final three applicants will be released
to the public sometime in mid March
and the final selection is scheduled for
April 1.


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By Christian Parker



The AbbyColby Crossings Chamber

of Commerce selected Vivian Kramer
as this years recipient for its Lifetime
Acheivement Award.
The award will be given to Kramer
at the chamber banquet this Saturday,
Jan. 30. This years choice was obvious,
according to chamber president Reed
Welsh, who said Kramer was nominated
by several people in the community.
It was a pretty easy decision when the
committee met to decide on this, Welsh
Kramers contributions are numerous,
Welsh said, with her financial assistance
making building projects at Abbotsford
schools and Red Arrow Park a reality.
But thats just the tip of the iceberg in
Kramers dedication to eduction and bettering the community.
Starting in 1994, Kramer assisted for
almost 20 years with the Page Forward
program, assisting a growing Hispanic
population learn English reading and
writing skills. This, Welsh said, was a
big help for students learning English in
school, whose parents needed help learning a second language themselves. She
still teaches two students.
She just always has been actively involved in education and with what kids
are doing, Welsh said.
Kramers children describe her as a
hard worker with high energy and a positive attitude with a devotion to God. They
say shes worked hard for and earned all
shes gotten.
Daughter Cyndi said, Shes very modest and says she just tries to do whats
right. She loves to help people.
Growing up during the Great Depression, Vivian learned at a young age the
values of hard work, independence and
determination. She started teaching at
age 19 in a one-room school house near
Spencer in 1939 after earning a two-year
teaching degree from Stevens Point.
Vivian married Howard Kramer in
1943 and together they had two children,

Cyndi remembers from her youth the

many community activities her mom
was constantly involved in.
I remember she was busy teaching,
working for her masters, volunteering at
church, helping Howard at the store and
trying to run a house on top of it all, she
Her workspace was always at the
kitchen table. She would always have
school papers or other projects she was
working on spread out all over the table.
She still does that to this day. The kitchen
table is her spot and where she can be
In 1963, Vivian started the Unity kindergarten program, which she ran for
seven years. She founded The Learning
Tree preschool in the basement of the
Colby Methodist church in 1976, which
she ran until 1983 and was joined by Cyndi for the last two years she owned it.
She started the nursery school in an
age when any schooling prior to kindergarten was just unheard of, Cyndi said.
Its always been about her children.
At three weeks shy of 96 years old, Vivian has never given up helping in the
community. According to Dennis, she offered to help a dyslexic gentleman in her
assisted living home.
Shed never worked with dyslexic
people in her life, Dennis said. But she
was excited as can be about it. She read
up on the subject and helped him the best
she could.
At the assisted living home, she also
helped an employees child who was
struggling in school.
Education and her church are part
of who she is, Dennis said, The saying
you blossom where youre planted really applies to mom - shes my role model
and my mentor.
I think the world of her, Cyndi said.
Shes my best friend and just loves to
help people, especially children.
In Vivians memoirs, which she wrote
at age 95, she says, God continues to help
me with wonderful family, good health
and the ability to help others.

Abby K-12 sets

hiring timeline


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Page 7

Rays Market
Continued from page 1
the news on an important date, Jan. 7.
It just happened to be on the same
date as our 45th anniversary in business, he said. We had just talked about
that, Mom and I, about 10 minutes before
they got here.
It was back in 1971 when Als father,
Ray Gurtner, first opened his own meat
market on STH 13 in the village of Unity.
At that time, Rays Market carried a limited supply of basic grocery items along
with its homemade sausages made with
the recipes from Rays father, Adolph, an
immigrant from Switzerland.
Thirty-eight years later, on March
3, 2009, the markets longtime home in
Unity was gutted by an early morning
fire that also destroyed a lot of sausage
and forced Als mother, Janet, out of her
home above the shop.
That was not the end of Rays Market,
however. Al and his wife, Connie, decided
to rebuild at a new location and ended up
buying land on Elderberry Road in the
town of Hull, in between the cities of
Colby and Abbotsford.
The Gurtner family was back in business just in time to start processing
venison from the 2009 deer season. In the
six-plus years at the new location, the
expanded space has allowed them to dramatically increase their production and
expand their customer base.
Its really nice. We have a lot more
room here to do things and much more
visibility, Al said. We get whole new
clientele off of STH 29 that never knew
about us before. Thats been a big plus.
Besides their own lines of sausages,
brats and other smoked meats, Rays
Market also sells a wide variety of regional products, including wine from
Munson Bridge Winery in Owen and
Gouda cheese from Hollands in Thorp.
The shelves are stocked with everything
from jam and jelly to pickled vegetables.
Pretty much everything we have is
from Wisconsin, Al said. Thats what
we try to specialize in.
The stores products have won numerous awards from the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors at the Wisconsin
State Fair. In 2012, their smoked ham

won the grand champion and best of

show awards at the fair. In 2014, the ham
came in second place, missing first by
just 2/1,000ths of a point.
In a recent history of the business provided to a local bank, Janet said their use
of real wood to do cold smoking was a
reason their products are so popular.
I believe we are one of the few places
left in Wisconsin that still smoke products with actual chunks of hard maple
wood, she wrote. We have many families as customers bringing in venison for
sausage-making by the third generation
of family members.
The business continues many of the
traditions that crossed the Atlantic
Ocean with Als grandfather, a Swiss
butcher who was part of a family that,
at one time, operated two meat markets
and three cheese factories in the Rubicon
area. In 1941, at the age of 14, Ray got his
cheesemakers license so he could help
out at the family business while his older
brother was off serving in World War II.
But even then he knew his interests
were geared more to the meat and sausage business, Janet wrote in her history of the business.
After working for several grocery store
chains, Ray took the opportunity to go
into business on his own when the old
Gibs Market in Unity came up for sale
in 1971. Al began working at the family business in 1996, and after his father
mostly retired due to health problems, he
took over the sausage-making duties.
Ray passed away in 2007, but Janet continues to work at the market to this day.
The market currently has three fulltime employees, Bob Majerus, John Sellers and Taylor Buksa. Al said they deserve a lot of the credit for keeping his
business successful, especially when it
comes to customer service.
Our mission is to be a welcoming,
friendly retail establishment, producing
consistently high quality products the
old-fashioned way, at a fair price for our
customers, Janet wrote. We welcome
new customers and are always happy to
see people return again and again.

Date of Death: August 19, 2015
Notice to Creditors (Informal Administration) - Case No. 15IN114
1. An application for informal administration was filed.
2. The decedent, with date of birth May 19, 1930, and date of death
August 19, 2015, was domiciled in Clark County, State of Wisconsin,
with a mailing address of Pine Ridge Assisted Living Center, 1110 N.
Division Street, Colby, WI 54421.
3. All interested persons waived notice.
4. The deadline for filing a claim against the decedents estate is
April 13, 2016.
5. A claim may be filed at the Marathon County Courthouse,
Wausau, Wisconsin, Room Probate.
/s/ Robbyn R. Richmond,
Probate Registrar
Date: December 30, 2015
Attorney Paul A. Nikolay
111 N. First Street
Abbotsford, WI 54405
Bar Number 1015223




The Clark County Rehabilitation and Living Center has 128

acres of cropland available for rent for the contract years of 2016
through 2018. The land is located south of Hwy. 29 across from
the facility. Sealed bids will be accepted until Friday, February
5, 2016, at the Clark County Rehabilitation and Living Center.
Bids will be opened at the CCRLC subcommittee meeting on
February 12, 2016, at 11:30 a.m. in the classroom of the center. For more information and/or bidding packet contact Jane
Schmitz, administrator, at 715-229-2172.
3-177688 WNAXLP


The Clark County Land Conservation Committee has

193+/- acres of cropland available for rent for the contract
years 2016-2020. The land is located around Sportsman
Lake, near Owen.
Sealed bids will be accepted until Thursday, Feb. 4,
2016. Bids will be opened at the February meeting of the
Land Conservation Committee in Neillsville. Contact the
Land Conservation Department at (715) 743-5102 for more
information and a bidding packet.




The Clark County Forestry and Parks Committee will

accept proposals for Pre-Commercial Timber Stand
Improvement (release/thin young oak with a chainsaw/brush cutter) on eight tracts totaling 159.4 acres. Tract maps with cutting
requirements are available from the Forestry and Parks office,
517 Court Street, Room 103, Neillsville, WI 54456, 715-7435140.
Proposals are due at the Forestry and Parks office, Attention:
John Wendorski, forestry manager, no later than 1:00 p.m. (local time) Monday, February 15, 2016. The Forestry and Parks
Committee reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to
waive informalities, and to accept any proposal deemed in the
best interest of Clark County.
3-177689 WNAXLP

Submit yourr Legal Notices

h att
to Tribune-Phonograph

Abbotsford, WI 715.223.2342

Search public notices published by the

The Wisconsin State Journal
as well as public notices from
all Wisconsin communities online at


Clark Electric Cooperative is an equal opportunity provider

and employer.
If you wish to file a civil rights program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination
Complaint Form (PDF), found online at www.ascr.usda.
gov/complaint_filing_cust.html, or at any USDA office, or call
(866) 632-9992 to request the form. You may also write a letter
containing all of the information requested in the form. Send
your completed complaint form or letter to us by mail at U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Director, Office of Adjudication,
1400 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 202509410, by fax (202) 690-7442 or email at program.intake@

- Above, Ray Gurtner,
poses for a photo with
his son, Al, who grew
up to be the owner of
the business his father
started, Rays Market.
The shop first opened
in 1971 in the village of
Unity, but after a fire in
2009 gutted the inside,
the family operation
moved to its new location just south of STH 29
between Colby and Abbotsford. is a public service

made possible by the members of
the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.

Page 8


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Continued from page 1
now, he said. Its just redirecting it to
a different person.
When asked about the possibility of
downsizing the payrolls of emergency
responders, Rannow said that shouldnt
be necessary.
I believe we need every firefighter and
EMT we have in all three communities,
Rannow said. We definitely need everybody we have.

A full-time chief
At a 90-minute meeting in Dorchester
last Wednesday, the role of a new fulltime fire chief was one of several topics
that generated a lot of conversation.
According to a proposed intergovernmental agreement for the district, the
chief will be responsible for the supervision, scheduling, education, organization and administration of firefighting
personnel, while also being able to perform EMT and ambulance shift work.
This new fire chief has got to be available during the week, when were shortstaffed, to be able to go out on these ambulance runs, Oehmichen said.
The chiefs home office will be in the
centrally located Abbotsford fire hall,
with the district paying the city an annual fee of $5,000 as rent.
Another provision in the agreement
calls for all of the currents chiefs and
other officers to keep their positions for
one year after the merger to ensure a
smooth transition for the new chief.
After that, the chief will have the authority, subject to approval by a fire board or
commission, to designate the assistant

chiefs and officers at each hall.

Rannow disagreed with waiting a year
to have the chief choose new assistants
and other officers. Instead, he believes
the existing personnel should re-apply
for their positions based on newly written job descriptions.
Dont get me wrong. I think everyone
thats on all three departments right now
definitely should be guaranteed a position on the department, he added.
Abbotsford resident Brenda Wiese reiterated a concern that has been brought
up before that the new chief be a neutral party from outside the area.
At the very latest, Oehmichen said he
would like to have a new chief in place
by Oct. 1 so that he or she could help put
together a district budget for 2017.
When asked about the hiring process,
Oechmichen said I dont have anything
in place yet.

Budget based on property value

As previously discussed, each of the
seven municipalities will pay a part of
the districts budget that is proportional
to the equalized property value within
its borders, including TIF districts.
An annual budget will be submitted
to each of the municipalities by the first
Monday of September, with approval
expected by Dec. 15. The money will be
used for operational costs and for a reserve fund for replacement of equipment
and vehicles
If, in an unforeseen instance, revenue
should prove to be inadequate, each of
the participating municipalities will pay

Take the jump

And Save!

HEAD OF THE TABLE - Larry Oechmichen, chairman of the seven-member

committee exploring a possible merger of area fire departments, believes a
consolidation district will help save on operational costs and provide money
for a full-time chief.
a proportionate share of any deficit, the
agreement states.
All charges for fire calls will be billed
to the respective municipality, which can
decide whether or not to bill their residents, just as some do now.
To provide start-up funds for the new
district, each of the three existing fire
departments will be asked to contribute
an equal amount, which still needs to be
determined. All of their equipment will
also become part of the districts assets.
According to the agreement, the district will pay $2,500 a year into a memorial fund for sick or fallen firefighters.
The district will in no way stop or
infringe on the volunteers from raising
funds in their own behalf, which shall
not reduce the costs of the district.

Weighted voting
The idea of giving more voting power
on financial matters to the municipalities with the largest share of the budget
has created mixed reactions.
As a compromise, Oehmichen included a provision in the agreement that requires a two-thirds vote for approving
budget and larger purchases.
In order to pass a budget or any purchase over $50,000, each member of the
board will vote at the same percentage as
their equalized fire cost; however, both



require 66 percent majority to pass.

According to current property values,
the cities of Abbotsford and Colby and
the village of Dorchester would equal 59
percent of the district and the four towns
make up the remaining 41 percent. As a
result, neither the townships nor the two
cities and village could approve a budget
or large purchases by themselves.
This is going to require something
called cooperation, which is exactly what
we should all be doing anyway, Oehmichen said.
At the start of the meeting, a letter
was read from town of Holton chairman
Richard Gumz, who expressed his opposition to weighted voting.
Making some board members more
important because they have a heavier
vote is not in the best interest of the
longterm health and success of the new
merger, Gumz wrote. One-man, one
vote is how democracy works.
Gumz said he preferred a two-thirds or
unanimous vote requirement.
Holton resident Ken Tesch said weighted voting isnt fair if each department is
throwing in the same amount of startup
money, and it also undermines the idea
of working together as one district.
If you dont have trust, you shouldnt
be involved in this system, Tesch said.

See DISTRICT/ Page 9

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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Page 9



Continued from page 8

Abbotsford resident Dean Wiese questioned how much the citys share of the
budget will go up once Abbyland Foods
expands later this year.
Oehmichen said that wont force Abbotsford residents to pay more.
Even if your percentage would be
higher, its only to come because your total tax base is higher, he said. Nobodys
individual taxes are going to go up because of that.

Fire halls to be rented

The proposed agreement makes it
clear that all three existing fire halls will
remain open and operational, and that
custody, use and control, but not ownership shall be transferred to the district.
The insurance and utilities for the
buildings will be paid for by the district,
and after two years, the municipalities
that own the halls will be paid $1,000 a
year in rent. After 10 years, the district
will assume all maintenance costs.
The cities of Abbotsford and Colby
own their respective fire halls, while the
hall in Dorchester is jointly owned by
the village (50 percent) and the towns of
Mayville and Holton (25 percent each).
Abbotsford still owes about $2 million
on its facility, but the district will not
be expected to pay the annual debt payments of roughly $110,000.
Bryan Broeske, a trustee in the town
of Mayville, said his board would like
to have the rent stay at the $6 per square
foot as proposed in the original version
of agreement.
We have an investment in this facility, he said. Its a way of getting a return
on that investment.
Oehmichen, however, said he did not
want to burden the new district with additional expenses, especially when the

municipalities themselves will be footing the bill.

How are you getting a return on your
investment now? Youre not, he said.
Broeske, however, said some municipalities dont have money invested into a
facility like Mayville does.
John Staab, a member of Dorchesters
fire commission, said the larger halls
in Abbotsford and Colby would mean
Dorchester and its neighboring towns
would get the short end of the deal.

Ambulance revenue
As the director of Colbys ambulance
service, Rannow said he believes there is
enough revenue available to provide ambulance service from Monday through
Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
I can easily pay a full-time EMT and
put enough money aside for replacement
ambulances, he said at the meeting last
week in Dorchester. Abby should be
able to do the same.
Exactly how much ambulance revenue
is available after expenses are covered
was not shared at last weeks meeting.
When asked about it earlier this week,
Rannow said Colby EMS took in about
$140,000 in gross revenue last year, but
he wasnt willing to guess how much was
left after expenses.
Both Abbotsford and Colby EMS cover
their own operating expenses, aside from
insurance, with revenue generated by
making ambulance calls.
Abbotsford Ald. Marty Schwantes suggested that some of that money could be
used to offset the expenses of the new fire
Rannow, however, said those funds
should be kept separate.
I dont think you should be taking the
ambulance revenue and subsidizing the

Municipality 2016 Costs

Colby (city)
Colby (town)

% of district**
18 %
11 %
12 %
12 %
12 %

* Abbotsfords 2016 fire protection cost is based on the citys contribution to the
Abbotsford Fire Department in 2016 (about $61,000) and the five-year average of
insurance and utilities expenses at the fire hall (about $41,000).
** Each municipalitys share of the fire district budget is based on its 2015 total
equalized property, divided by the total valuation of all seven municipalities
*** The $375,000 budget estimate for the proposed fire district is based on projections provided by fire consolidation chairman Larry Oehmichen



2016 Budget

2016 Wages

February 9, 2016
Wed., February 17, 2016

fire budget, he said.

Still, Rannow said it would be appropriate to pay part of the chiefs salary
with ambulance money, since he or she
would be handling those services.
Ideally, what Id like to say is there
should be enough money to pay half
the chiefs wage, he said. Right now, I
spend half my time running the fire department and the other half is running
Changes are still being made to the
intergovernmental agreement, which is
set to be reviewed by Madison attorney
Tim Fenner before the next consolidation meeting on Feb. 20 at 10 a.m. in Abbotsford.
At the end of last weeks meeting, for
example, the board agreed to eliminate
the need for a separate fire commission
to handle personnel and disciplinary
issues. Instead, a committee composed
of fire board members and members of
the public will be convened as needed.
The agreement also mentions a retirement plan for fire and ambulance

5:00 - 7:00 p.m.

at the Medford Public Library
Or register online at

Boys & Girls Ages 5 to 14 (or entering 8th grade) can register for MYSA Summer League
Boys & Girls that are 4 can register for the Mini-Kicks Program
(Age as of June 1, 2016)
Coaches and Volunteers Needed! Please sign-up at Registration
Practice will begin the week of May 23, 2016 for ages 5-14 and the week of June 6, 2016 for mini-kicks. Tentative Practice Days:
Ages 5-8, Tuesday and Thursday; Ages 9-14, Monday and Thursday. Adjustments could be made based on the number of
participants and available field space. A schedule will be provided after registration and team rosters are complete. Please know
that we need to ensure the safety for your children by balancing the teams by age, gender, height and weight; therefore we will
not be able to accommodate all special requests.

MYSA, P.O. Box 293, Medford, WI 54451

Like us on Facebook


Registration Fees: $35.00 per child ($20 for Mini-Kicks), includes team jersey
(t-shirt for mini-kicks). Fees to be paid at time of registration. A $50 fee will be assessed to all
registrations received after March 20, 2016. Parental signature required. All divisions are co-ed.
Tennis shoes or soccer cleats are acceptable, NO metal, football or baseball cleats. Shin guards are
required for both programs. Registration forms are available at the Medford Public Library or online at If you are unable to attend the above registration dates you can
register online at

Firefighter pay
$15 per hour
$20 per hour
$15 per hour

EMT pay
$18 to $25/hr**
$18 per hour
$18 to $25/hr**

* The Abbotsford Fire Departments 2016 budget number is based on its projected
operating expenses (about $101,000) and the five-year average of insurance and
utilities expenses at the fire hall (about $41,000).
** The hourly rate for Abbotsford (and Dorchester) EMTs is $18 on nights and
weekends and $25 for weekdays, from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Next meeting is Feb. 20


$375,000 district budget***


personnel, but it doesnt spell out the

eligibility requirements. Right now,
Colby contributes $200 a year to a retirement plan for firefighters and EMTs
that is matched by the state.
The Colby Fire Departments 2016
budget includes a $12,000 line item for
that expense, but it is unknown how
much it would cost to extend it to Abbotsford and Dorchester personnel.
Wiese, a candidate for Abbotsford
City Council, said many of the people
who signed his nomination papers are
concerned about the proposed merger
and dont feel like they have enough information about it.
They read the paper and feel like
were being pushed into this, he said.
Oehmichen said citizens are always
welcome to attend the consolidation
meetings to find out more.
Mayville resident Jim Brodhagen
said people want to know whats going
on with their tax dollars.
Its the money part that most people
want to hear, how much money theyre
going to save, he said. Thats a biggie.


This little guy is a cutie. Sometimes people overlook the black
cats and kittens and thats a shame. Marco is a perfect example
of a friendly, loving and playful kitty. Hes 10 months old, neutered of course, vaccinated and microchipped. He is only one
of many cats and kittens, puppies and dogs, just waiting for the
right person to come along and adopt them. If you have room
in your heart and home for them or any of the other pets here,
please go to the website to see their pictures and descriptions.
Now is a great time to look for a new pet. There are 36 cats or
kittens and 58 dogs or puppies here. Surely theres one just right
for you. Check them all out at
If you love animals and have some time, now is a great
time to come on down and get involved at CCHS. You can
fill out a volunteer application form online by going to
our website ( and clicking Volunteer at CCHS from the menu, or stop at the shelter or at our Paws and Claws store in
the Marshfield Mall. Come to an orientation and join our Pet Lovin People group, get a
tour of the shelter and well tell you about all of the many ways to volunteer. Well find
just the right spot for you to get started helping animals. Youll love it!
Get your pets microchipped at our store in the mall, open Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Clark County Humane Society - W3926 St. Hwy. 73, P.O. Box 127, Neillsville, WI 54456
(715) 743-4550 12-3 p.m. Mon/Wed/Fri/Sat or

Page 10


The Colby High School girls and boys
basketball programs will offer Happy Hoops
basketball for boys and girls in grades K-4.
Coaches and varsity/JV players will be
teaching basketball fundamentals and ball
handling skills. Practices are held on three
Saturdays mornings Jan. 30 and Feb.
6 and 13 from 9 to 10 a.m. in the gym.
There is no fee or registration, but tennis
shoes are required. There will be a halftime
performance at the Feb. 19 boys game.
Questions may directed to Patti Rau at 715465-0213 or email



The Colby Public Library Board of Trustees
will meet at 5:15 p.m. Monday, Feb. 1, in the
library. The meeting is open to the public.
A financial aid informational night will be
held Monday, Feb. 8, at 6 p.m. for parents
and guardians of Colby and Abbotsford
High School seniors who plan on attending
a post-secondary school. The presentation
will be held at the Colby High School cafeteria. Guest speaker will be Jessica Zarnke of
the UW-Extension office. Colby High School
counselor Jennifer Krauss and Abbotsford
High School counselor Lori Huther will also
be available.
The 2016 Annual 4-H Ice Fishing Day
has been scheduled for Sunday, Feb. 21, at
Rock Dam starting at noon. Youth should
meet at the clubhouse. There is a small cost
per youth that includes lunch and a t-shirt.
This event is open to 4-H and non 4-H youth.
To register or ask questions, contact Roy
Tyznik at 715-773-0311. Registrations are
due by Feb. 13.
Zion Lutheran Church, 301 N. Second St.,
Colby, holds Saturday services at 4 p.m. and
Sunday services at 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
with Rev. Mark Neumann. For more information, call 715-223-2166.
United Methodist Church, 207 W. Clark
St., Colby, hosts Wednesday services at 7
p.m. with Pastor Janine Johnson. For more
information, call 715-678-2980.
First United Church of Christ, 111 S. Second St., Colby, holds Sunday services at 9
a.m. with Pastor Teri Hanson. For more information, call 715-223-2712.
Peace United Church of Christ, 152 S.
Second St., Dorchester holds Sunday services at 10:15 a.m. with Pastor Doris Ruben.
For more information, call 715-654-5333.
Trinity Lutheran Church, 201 S. Washington St., Unity, holds Sunday services at 10
a.m. with Pastor Al Houts. For more information, call 715-223-2155.


Sowieja-Kayhart birth
A son, Johnathon David, was born to
Jamie Sowieja, Longwood, and Chadwick Kayhart, Colby, on Dec. 10, 2015, at
Wausau Aspirus Hospital. He weighed
eight pounds and was 20 inches long.
He joins four brothers, Sabastin, 12,
Cuba, 9, Gavin, 8, and Ashton, 3.
Grandparents are James and Cindy
Sowieja, Longwood, and Terry and Betty
Kayhart, Colby.


The St. Marys PCCW will meet on Monday, Feb. 8, at 7 p.m. in the parish center. All
women who are members of the parish are
encouraged to attend.
The Professional Ladies of Clark County
will meet Saturday, Feb. 6, at Robs Redwood in Unity for dinner at 6 p.m. From
there, the group will be go to Colby High
School for a play, Cooking with Gus, at 8
p.m. Admission to the play can be paid for
with a donation for food pantry. Interested
ladies are asked to RSVP before Feb. 2 by
calling 715-255-9100 to or sending an email

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Meyer birth

Colbys all-conference band members

Eleven members of Colby High Schools band were selected by director Nathan Larsen to be part of Cloverbelt Conferences all-conference band. From
left to right are Alyssa Schade, Franki Raatz, Marisa Schilling, Bailey Krause,
Rachel Kaatz, Sammi Hayes, Jackie Baltierrez, Madi Bach, Olivia Frome, Lynn
Fischer and Kayli Donahue. They spent the day at Altoona rehearsing with other
band students from the Cloverbelt Conference.


A daughter, Emma Catherine, was

born to Kelly (Reinhart) and Justin
Meyer, Dorchester, on Dec. 20, 2015, at
St. Josephs Hospital in Marshfield. She
weighed seven pounds, 12 ounces and
was 20.5 inches long.
She joins a sister, Everly, 2.
Grandparents are Tom and Cathy Reinhart, Colby, and Doug and Cathy Meyer, Dorchester.
Great-grandparents are Norman Searer, Sr., Colby; Galen and Esther Reinhart,
Tomahawk; Jim and Sharon Geiger,
Medford; and Roy and Marilyn Meyer,

Irene Flink
Irene Mae (Schultz) Flink, age 89, of
Colby died on Tuesday, Jan. 26, 2016, under Palliative Care at St. Josephs Hospital in Marshfield.
She was born March 12, 1926, the
daughter of William and Esther (Goutcher) Schultz in Unity. She attended Unity schools and was a Unity High School
class of 1943 graduate. After graduation,
she attended technical college in Minneapolis, and began her work during
World War II at the Marine headquarters in Washington D.C. Irene was united in marriage to Conrad Flink on Sept.
14, 1946, at Trinity Lutheran Church in Unity.
Irene and Conrad spent most of their married lives
as dairy farmers in the Unity and Colby area, and
parenting a large family. After retiring from farming they relocated to Colby. Irene was always an active member in her church, first Trinity Lutheran
Church in Unity and then at First United Church
of Christ in Colby, and served in many capacities
including the Womens Guild and on various committees. Irene also became a volunteer and later a
foster grandparent at Colby Elementary to the first
grade. A generation of children grew up getting extra help and knowing the kindness and warmth of
Grandma Flink and her smile. Irene was always a
voracious reader and enjoyed her time at the Colby
Public Library as a board member and weekly volunteer. Irene was also a member of the Colby VFW
Ladies Auxiliary.
She enjoyed the outdoors and frequently would
comment about the beauty of the trees and the wildlife around her. She enjoyed having a vegetable garden while on the farm and flowering baskets in later
years. Irene loved the art of letter writing and was a
pen pal to many in the family. Irene will be remembered for her sweet and constant smile since she
always believed that when you smile in a friendly
way, you get one back almost every time. She loved
her large family and would love to have company and
get caught up on all of their activities. She will be
dearly missed by all who knew and loved her.

Irene is survived by eight children,

Robert (Lottie) Flink of Abbotsford,
Jerry (Louanne) Flink of Colby, Richard
(Elaine) Flink of Hortonville, Ronald (Virginia) Flink of Marshfield, Jack Flink of
Dorchester, Karen (Dave) Hoernke of Medford, Kristine (Denis) Woik of Colby, and
Kevin (Kristine OLeary) Flink of Abbotsford. She is also survived by her grandchildren, Robbie (Jane) and Danny Flink,
Stacie (Bob) Smart, Laura Turek, Tricia
(Mark) Schmidt, Scott (Michelle) Flink,
Bill (Tina) Flink, Tonie (Stacie) Flink,
Keith, Kenny and Seth Flink, Amanda
(Jim) Henry, Amy Flink, Matthew (Kayla) Flink,
Michael (Hope) Flink, Beth (Eric) Borst, Sarah
(Kevin) Schultz, Jimmy Flink, Darrin Hoernke,
Derrick (Jen) Hoernke, Damien (Nicole) Hoernke,
Elise and Hanah Woik, and John, Lucinda, Ali,
Conrad, Warren and Hazel Flink. She is further
survived by forty-two great-grandchildren; and
one great-great-grandchild. Irene is also survived
by two sisters-in-law, Delores Schultz of Colby and
Melinda Wootos of Chicago.
She was preceded in death by her parents; her beloved husband, Conrad Connie; her son, Jim; and
her daughter, Irene; two brothers, Orville and Bud;
and a sister, June; one grandson; and one greatgranddaughter.
Memorials may be designated to two of her favorite things children and her church. The family
has designated Blessings in a Backpack at Colby
Elementary and First United Church of Christ
building fund if you are interested in giving a memorial in Irenes name.
A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016, at First United Church of Christ
in Colby. Pastor Teri Hanson will preside. A visitation will be held at the Maurina-Schilling Funeral
Home in Abbotsford on Friday, Jan. 29, from 4-8
p.m. and again at the church beginning at 10 a.m.
until the time of the service on Saturday.
Family and friends may express condolences online at Paid obituary 4-177944

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Norman Meinke
Norman C. Meinke, age
81, of Stetsonville passed
away on Sunday, Jan. 24,
2016, at Aspirus Care and
Rehabilitation in Medford.
Norman was born on Jan.
28, 1934, the son of Carl and
Esther (Werth) Meinke. He
graduated from Colby High
School. Norman farmed on
the home farm in the town
of Hull, Marathon County.
He was a lifetime member
of Zion Lutheran Church in Colby. He enjoyed
playing dartball and bowling. Norman also enjoyed gardening, including his prize raspberries,
blackberries and sweet corn.
Norman is survived by his sister, Gertrude
Trudy (John) Alexander of Medford; and his
half-brother, Frank Hass of LaCrosse. He is further survived by many nieces and nephews; other
relatives and friends.
He was preceded in death by his parents; his
half-sisters, Erna Smith and Ella Rapp; and his
half-brothers, Roland Hass, Rueben Hass and Elmer Meinke.
A memorial service will be held at 11 a.m. on
Friday, Feb. 5, 2016, at Zion Lutheran Church in
Colby. The Rev. Mark Neumann will preside. Family and friends are welcome from 10 a.m. until
time of service on Friday at the church. The Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home in Colby is assisting
the family with the arrangements.
Family and friends may express condolences
online at
Paid obituary 4-177897

Timothy Bruesewitz
Timothy Lee Bruesewitz,
age 47, of Stratford passed
away unexpectedly on Monday, Jan. 18, 2016. He was
born Aug. 3, 1968.
Timothy is survived by his
mom, Linda Bruesewitz of
Stratford; his son, Bradley
Bruesewitz; maternal grandmother, Margaret Zrutskie;
two sisters, Deb (Tom) Paul
of Abbotsford and Lisa
(Tom) Wussow of Stratford;
and a brother, Mike (Julie)
of Unity. He is further survived by his nieces and
nephews, Tyler and Logan Paul, Brittni (Justin)
Krzankowski, Jason Bruesewitz, Lindsey (Mac) Ellis, Marissa and Taylor Wussow; a great-niece and
great-nephew, Trista and Ian Krzankowski; aunts
and uncles; many other relatives and friends.
He was preceded in death by his father, Dennis,
on March 26, 2009; maternal grandfather, Harry
Zrutskie; and paternal grandparents, Delmar and
Lila Bruesewitz.
A funeral service was held Friday, Jan. 22, at 2
p.m. with Pastor Teri Hanson presiding. Burial
took place at Colby Memorial Cemetery.
Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home, Abbotsford,
assisted the family with arrangements.

Page 11

Ronald Graffunder
Ronald Putts Graffunder passed Jan. 19, 2016,
at the Golden LivingCenter in Abbotsford.
Putts is survived by his wife, Carol; two sons,
Brad (Jackie) and Shane (Traci); two grandchildren, Sara and Treyton; two sisters, Jan (Don)
Langteau and Deb (Rick) Berry; one brother-inlaw, Harold (Charmaine) Amacher; and one sisterin-law, Joyce Graffunder.
Putts was preceded in death by his parents; parents-in-law and brothers.
Per his request, there will only be a private mePaid obituary 4-177862

Alvina Maldonis
Alvina Maldonis, age 95,
of Plymouth, Ind., formerly
of Dorchester, passed away
on Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2016
in Culver, Ind.
Alvina was born on Feb.
29, 1920, the daughter of
Charles and Nona (Nichols) Buchholz in Unity. She
attended Forest Grove Elementary School in the town
of Holway and was a graduate of Owen High School.
She worked in Chicago for a number of years and
then came home to marry John Maldonis on Aug.
2, 1941. He preceded her in death on May 28, 2004.
Together they farmed in the township of Holway
until 1980, moving to the village of Dorchester.
She was a lifelong resident of Wisconsin before
moving to Indiana in 2005, to be close to her
She loved to read, knit, crochet and sew. She had
a green thumb, especially with houseplants (her
favorite was African violets). Most importantly,
she loved her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and valued her family. Alvina was the foods
and nutrition leader for the Pine Creek 4H Club
in Holway for many years and later served as general leader of that same club as well as serving on
the Taylor County 4H council.
Alvina is survived by her daughter, Patricia
Ann (John) Thieling of Plymouth, Ind.; four
grandchildren, Amy Thieling, Jennifer (Travis)
Stout, Erik (Heather) Thieling and Kristin (Lou)
Thieling-DiRico; and five great-grandchildren,
Jared Thieling, Caden Stout, Brennan Stout, Harrison Thieling and Zoe DiRico. She is further survived by her sister, Fern (Don) Madden of Winchester; nieces and nephews; other relatives and
She was preceded in death by her husband,
John; her parents; and four siblings, Evelyn Daniels, Warren Buchholz, Robert Buchholz and Karl
A funeral service will be held at 11 a.m. on Friday, Jan. 29, 2016, at the Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home in Dorchester. Interment will be held
in Dorchester Memorial Cemetery. Family and
friends are welcome from 9:30 a.m. until time of
service on Friday at the funeral home.
Family and friends may express condolences
online at
Paid obituary 4-177896

Paid obituary 4-177901

Joseph Pech
Joseph F. Pech, age 90,
of Plover died Wednesday,
Jan. 20, 2016, at his home
surrounded by his family.
He was under the care of
Heartland Hospice of Stevens Point.
Joseph was born Jan. 8,
1926, to Joseph W. Pech and
Agnes (Fredrickson) Pech
in Wisconsin Rapids.
A graduate of Unity High
School, Joseph entered the
service on Jan. 29, 1944, in Loyal. He was a WWII
veteran serving as an aviation radioman in the
Navy. He received the Victory medal, American
Area Campaign medal and the Asiatic-Pacific
Area Campaign medal. He was honorably discharged on June 17, 1946, in Great Lakes, Ill. He
was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.
Joseph married the love of his life, LaVera
Stieber, on Aug. 26, 1947, at St. Marys Catholic
Church in Colby. They were married for 68 years.
The couple operated a dairy farm for five years,
after which he attended the University of Wisconsin-Madison, graduating in 1956 with a degree
in electrical engineering. He was a member of
the Society of Automotive Engineers. He was a
professional engineer. Joseph spent most of his
working career as an engineer for Warner Electric Brake and Clutch Company in Beloit.
Over the years he volunteered with the Boy
Scouts, church, Junior Achievement, Senior
Chore Service, Beloit Hospital, Habitat For Humanity and Meals On Wheels. Joe was always
the unofficial neighborhood handyman. He was
a long-time member of Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Parish in Beloit.
Joseph enjoyed traveling, including touring
many states, the Caribbean, Europe and China.
He also enjoyed woodworking and fishing, and
spending some winter months in Texas.
Survivors include three sons, Gerald (Mary
Jane Daley) Pech of Baltimore, Md., David (June)
Pech of Gainesville, Ga., and Ronald (Tina) Pech
of Fond du Lac; one daughter, Susan (Karl) Malnory of Stevens Point; seven grandchildren,
Catherine (Earl) Kipler, Sarah (Matt) Litman,
Elizabeth, Janet and Alan Pech, and Kristin (fianc Kyle Dewitt) and Kevin Malnory; and four
great-grandchildren, Robbie and Cody Kipler
and Drew and Joanna Litman; one sister, Marion
Staves; many cousins; nieces and nephews.
He was preceded in death by his parents; two
sisters, Dorothy Fuller and Eleanor Pintavalle.
The Mass of Christian burial was held at 10:30
a.m. on Monday, Jan. 25, at St. Bronislava Catholic Church, Plover, with the Rev. Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill presiding. Burial with full military
honors followed in the parish cemetery. Visitation
was held on Monday from 9 a.m. until time of service at the church. In lieu of flowers memorials in
Josephs name will be established at a later date.
Pisarski Community Funeral Home of Plover assisted the family with arrangements.
For online condolences please visit www.
Paid obituary 4-177872

Marjorie Witt
Marjorie E. Witt, age 88, of Abbotsford passed away on Jan. 25,
2016, at the House of the Dove in
Marshfield under the tender care
of hospice with her loving family at
her side.
She was born on Sept. 12, 1927,
in Little Black, the daughter of Edward and Ella (Nelson) Mildbrand.
She was united in marriage to Julius Theodore Karl Witt on June 9,
1951 in Dorchester. Together they
had four children that she unselfishly doted on. Marjorie was a loving and dedicated wife, mother, and
homemaker. Most important to Marjorie, was her family and children.
Marjorie received her teaching
degree from the UW-Stevens Point,
and taught children for many years.

She taught one year at

Midway one-room school,
three years at the Curtiss School house, and 21
years for Athens Junior
High. Because of her love
for teaching, Marjorie
received an award from
Marjorie also loved
watching and feeding
birds. She was a member for the Chequamegon
Bird Club, Abbotsford
Book Club and the Retired
Their home was always open to
family and friends and her passion
was cooking and baking. You never
left her home hungry. Marjorie will

be remembered for her

chicken dumpling soup
that her family looked
forward to eating. She
also loved gardening
and canning the fruits
of her labor.
Marjorie is survived
by her four children,
David (Ursula) Witt,
Donald (Cathy) Witt,
Shirley (Scott) Joswiak
and Janice (Roger) McCambridge; two brothers, Jim Mildbrand and
John Jack Mildbrand. She also is
survived by her nine grandchildren;
and seven great-grandchildren.
She was preceded in death by her
parents; her loving husband, Julius;

and three sisters, Arlene Smith,

Grace Pribbnow and Judy Howard.
A memorial service will be held at
11 a.m. on Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016, at
Christ Lutheran Church in Abbotsford. Vicar Don Bruce will preside.
Inurnment will be held at the Abbotsford Public Cemetery. Family
and friends are welcome from 9:30
a.m. until time of service Saturday
at the church. The Maurina-Schilling Funeral Home in Abbotsford
is assisting the family with the arrangements.
In lieu of flowers and plants, the
family requests memorials to the
House of the Dove in Marshfield.
Family and friends may express
condolences online at www.mauri
Paid obituary 4-177926

Page 12


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Colby girls beat Spencer, lose to O-W
The Colby girls basketball
team hosted the Spencer Rockets last Thursday and came
away with a 44-42 win in the
Eastern Cloverbelt.
The Hornets led 28-20 at halftime and maintained their lead
long enough to seal the win.
Defensively the girls came
out and played a really solid
game, said coach Randy Rau.
Offensively we were efficient
the first half, we just couldnt
knock down open shots in the
second half. But our defense
held us together tonight.
It was a big game for the
teams eight seniors, as they
were honored as part of the
annual Senior Night game.
That is a group of players
that love the game and work
hard to get better. Two qualities that every coach loves to
see, Rau said. I would like to
thank all the parents and fans
for their continued support
and like to say a big thank you
to our pep band that always
adds a little nicer atmosphere
to the games.
Senior Sammi Hayes led the
Hornet offense with 10 points,
including four from the freethrow line. She also pulled
down a team-high 13 rebounds.
Fellow seniors Haylee Geiger and Jenna Jicinsky each
pitched in seven points, including a pair of three-pointers from Geiger and one from

Paige Bruesewitz and Ashley Streveler also drained
one three-pointer apiece, and
Neilana Golz tacked on six
points to Colbys total.
The Hornets stole the ball 11
times during the contest and
got 33 rebounds.
On Tuesday, Colby stayed at
home to host the Owen-Withee
Blackhawks in another conference bout. This time, the visiting team got the upper hand
and left with a 42-24 victory.
The game started off slow
on offense for both teams, with
Colby putting up just 10 points
in the first half, compared to 15
for the Blackhawks.
O-W ran away with the game
in the second half, scoring 27
points while holding Colby to
The Hornet offense was
led by senior Hannah Gurtner, who scored 10 points, six
of which were from the freethrow line. Fourteen of the
teams 24 points came from the
charity stripe.
Colby stole the ball 14 times
and tallied a total of 30 rebounds on the night.
The girls will travel to Gilman Friday for a doubleheader with the boys team.
The girls game starts at 7:30
p.m. The Hornets return home
Tuesday night to take on the TAKE AWAY - Colbys Ashley Streveler goes on a fast break after stealing the ball from the SpenNeillsville Warriors.
cer Rockets last Thursday.

Falcons boys lose two more

Fall to 3-4 in

MAKE IT COUNT - Garrett Rau

takes a vertical soar, putting one in
the polyester for Abby against the
Loggers Friday.

Phillips handed the Abby boys their

fourth conference loss last Friday with
a final score of 68-56.
The Loggers jumped out to a big half
time lead, 37-19. The Falcons pulled
within single digits in the second half,
but couldnt overcome the difference.
Abbotsford was led by Garrett Rau,
who earned 18 points, Adam Seefluth
earning 15, Treven Gorst with 11, Tyler
Kunze with seven, Aaron Schmeiser
with three and Ean Rau with two.
The Falcons boys traveled to Spencer
on Monday for a non-conference game.
Spencer led at halftime with a score of
Cold shooting and turnovers cost
Abby in the second half, said coach
Brad Podevels. The Falcons lost to the
Rockets with a final score of 58-45.
Treven Gorst led the Falcons with 19
points, Garrett Rau had 13, Tyler Kunze and Adam Seefluth had five points
each. Ean Rau earned three.
The Falcons travel to Athens on Friday and Cadott next Tuesday. They return home and will host Prentice Feb.

GIVE IT UP - Ryan Gunderson tries to stir up some enthusiasm with fellow

students for the trailing Falcons late in the game against Phillips Friday.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Page 13

Wrestlers beat Osseo-Fairchild

The A-C wrestling team faced Osseo-Fairchild Jan. 21 and won with a final
score of 37-29. At left, Traner Weiler takes an opponent down to the mat and,
above, Tommy Carlson strategies his next move against his tangled up foe.
The guys wrestled well, said coach Dave Ruesch. They went on the attack
and got pins when they needed to. Now well be focusing on getting every
kid harder to beat as we get closer to regionals. The team faces SpencerColumbus at home on Thursday. The Cloverbelt conference tournament will
be held Feb. 6 in Cadott.

Colby boys beat Granton,

fall to Marathon Raiders

READY TO POUNCE - Colbys Matthew Karl prepares to drive toward the hoop
during Monday nights home game against Marathon. STAFF PHOTO/CHRISTIAN PARKER

After coming out with a big early lead

against the Granton Bulldogs last Friday,
the Colby boys basketball team finished
off the Eastern Cloverbelt opponent with
a 91-76 win.
Our defensive pressure was able to
create a lot of turnovers and we were
able to turn them into points, said Hornets head coach Jimmy Flink.
The Hornets were up 51-27 at halftime,
but their defense started to falter a little
in the second half. The team had to rely
on its offense to keep their commanding
We lost our focus on defense when
we got up to such a big lead, Flink said.
Thats not acceptable, because that
should be our number focus. We need
everybody to contribute on the defensive
Flink said his team gave up way too
many offensive rebounds, which allowed
Granton players to put some bad shots
but then get the ball right back again.
We dont have a very tall team, so every single player needs to be crashing the
boards, he said.
Offensively, Flink said Colby did a very
good job in all areas.
We swung the ball very well, got the
ball into the post, and we attacked the
lane and didnt always settle for the three
point shot, he said.
Mario Bonilla had his best game of
the year, with 11 points and only one
turnover. Jared Seemann had another
double-double with 15 points and 12 rebounds. Flink said it was also good to see
Trey Rau attack and look for his shot and
Tony Ortega finding his shot again.
On Monday, Colby found themselves
on the losing end of a lopsided battle
against the Marathon Red Raiders, who
won the nonconference game 91-64.
Our defense started the Marathon
game the same way we ended the Granton game, Flink said. We gave up a lot

of offensive rebounds and we werent

helping on defense.
Marathons defense was able to disrupt
Colby on offense.
We settled for just swinging the ball
around outside and not attacking and
getting the ball inside, Flink said. Marathon is a very good defensive team; they
have good size, are athletic, and move to
the ball quickly.
In the second half, the Hornets were
able to pick up the pace and look like a
different team. Flink said they pushed
the ball up the floor, and did a lot better
job getting rebounds. The Hornets made
a good run, but were not able to dig out of
the hole they were in after the first half.
I was very happy that our team came
out in the second with the mind set of
not giving up, he said. We have to come
out and play that hard for the full game.
Whether we are up or down, it doesnt
matter we have to come out and play our
Colbys offense was led by Mathew
Karl and Nolan Derrico, who each put 20
points on the board for the home team.
This included five three-pointers for Karl
and a game-high six for Derrico, who just
recently returned to the court.
Nolan Derrico is getting healthier
and it was good to see him have a good
game. Hes a returning starter from last
year, who really loves basketball, Flink
said. He got hurt early in the football
season, and had to miss most of the season for us. Hes a senior and he will be a
big reason for how we do the rest of the
season. He has great leadership skills,
even when he was hurt he was always
there to help the younger kids out.
The boys will travel to Gilman Friday
for a double-header with the Colby girls.
The boys game starts at 5:45 p.m. They
will remain on the road next week with
games at Marshfield Columbus on Tuesday and Owen-Withee on Friday, Feb. 5.

Page 14


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WANTED: GUNS - new and

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laundry. $400/month plus utilities. Call 715-571-9623.




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20 for each additional

$ 50

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TRG = Tribune Record Gleaner (Loyal) CS = Courier Sentinal (Cadott/Cornell/Holcombe)


Rates start
as low as


Please check the combo package you wish

your ad to appear in.

AVAILABLE NOW. One bedroom

apartments at Withee Housing,
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and some utilities included.
Building features community
room, car plug-ins, and laundry facilities. Tenant pay 30% of
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Roland Kanneberg Villa, 200-201
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removal. Certain restrictions apply. For more information please
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Wednesday, January 27, 2016


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Agriculture (Misc.)
Business Opportunities
Card of Thanks
Child Care
Farm Equip./Machinery
For Rent
For Sale
Free/Give Away
Garage Sales
Help Wanted
Lost and Found
Mobile/Manuf. Homes
Real Estate
Sporting Items
Wanted to Buy
Wanted to Rent
Work Wanted/Services


Monday 4:00 p.m.

Thorp Courier Paper
Star News Paper
The Record-Review
Courier Sentinel
Thursday Noon: West Central Wis. Shopper (Thorp)
The Shopper (Medford)
The Central Wis. Shopper

Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Page 15







AVAILABLE AT Green Acres Terrace in Colby. 2 bedroom, 1

bath for $550 for 11/1/15. Includes lot rent. Utilities not included. Cats considered, sorry
no dogs. Vacant lots for $225.
Colby, WI. 715-340-2116.

MOVIE, MUSIC, Magazine, miscellaneous sale. Colby Public

Library, 211 W. Spence Street.
All items $1. Starts Saturday,
January 30, 9 a.m. - noon. Runs
throughout February during library hours. $4 grocery bag sale
is February 22-29.

1977 CJ-7 Fiberglass body,

snowplow, V-8, new carburetor,
battery, half doors. $3,500 or
make offer, 715-678-2915.

STONE SETTER. All types masonry, brick, block and stone,

stone walls, basement, barns.

2013 HYUNDAI Accent, black, 4

door, 4 cylinder, 45,000 miles, extended warranty. $10,700 OBO.

7CS DAYCARE In Greenwood

is looking for caregivers, part
to full-time. Will pay for needed
education. Flexible hours. 715267-6047.




COUNTRY HOME for Sale Ranch style, 3 bedroom, 3 bath

on 24 mostly wooded acres.
Less than 10 years old. Finished
basement with walk out on blacktop road. 7 miles east of Medford. Black River runs through
property. Call 715-748-3012 for

MAPLE SYRUP Evaporator,

3x10 Arch Fire brick, many extras, air grates. Stratford. 715581-8144.

LOOKING FOR a change?

Brandner Dairy is currently accepting applications for a fulltime equipment operator/general
labor position. Duties include
operating agricultural equipment as well as general farm
maintenance. Pay based upon
current skillset and experience.
Will train the right person. We offer a scheduled work week, paid
vacation, as well as a company
match retirement plan. Phone
715-748-4793 or apply in person
at N3299 Lekie Dr., Medford, WI.




Bletsoe Cheese is looking for a person to help

with cutting, wrapping and in the retail store.
30-40 hrs.
Apply in person at:

Bletsoe Cheese Inc.

1 Mile West of Little Chicago on Cty. A

Ph. 715-443-2526
Hours: Mon.- Fri.: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sat. 9 a.m.-Noon


February 12-13, El Norteno Banquet Center in Curtiss. Friday
3pm-8pm, Saturday 9am-5pm.
Bearing Arms Gun Shows 715308-8772.
Ride Feb. 6, nine miles north of
Medford, Chelsea Conservation
Club. Contact Leon at 715-4275441.


TRUCK DRIVER Wanted for grain

hopper division, home weekends. Saturday morning mechanic. Looking for drivers, also
home daily route. 715-571-9623.
TWIN FOREST Products in
Marathon is looking for an experienced log truck driver. Clean
MVR required. Many benefits
available. Call Jeff at 715-5819195 for more information.


WANTED: FULL-Time or parttime milker or chaser. Reference

required. Stratford area. Phone

Library Director

The Abbotsford Public Library Board of Trustees is taking

applications for a self-motivated person with good people skills
and excellent general computer skills for the directorship of the
library. The library is open 51 hours a week and employs 1.60
FTEs. This is a permanent position with a minimum of 32 hours a
week. Candidates must be eligible for Grade III library certification
(completed at least 54 college semester hours, half of which must
be in the liberal arts and sciences) and be prepared to take the
appropriate courses for State of WI certification.
Please refer to the library website for further
information: Please send a cover
letter and resume to: Search Committee, PO Box
506 Abbotsford, WI 54405 or e-mail a cover letter
and resume to by
February 1, 2016.

FULL-TIME Field and shop person, experience with general repair work and operator desired.
Reference required. Stratford
area. Phone 715-305-4735.
evenings, 5-6 hour shifts in parlor. 715-223-4168.



Interested applicants can
apply in person at Pine Ridge
Assisted Living in Colby or visit to
print an application.


We have an opening for Full-Time Teachers (4 days

Kelly Jensen
Medford, WI 54451

NOW HIRING An energetic waitress with a great personality.

Cooking experience a plus. No
nights and weekends. Great tips
and base salary. Approximately
25-35 hours a week. Candidates
must be able to follow directions, memorize the menu and
complete all assigned duties. If
interested, please call Jamie at


OAK VANITY With sink, very

good condition. Toro snow
thrower. Tennessee mountain
land, woods, hunting, fishing,
beautiful views. 715-687-4675.


HELP WANTED On 100 cow

dairy, mornings. Milking, feeding, skid steer experience a plus
but not required. Must be reliable
and able to work independently.

BRANDNER DAIRY is currently

accepting applications for a fulltime ag mechanic/equipment
operator position. Duties include
operating agricultural equipment, equipment repair and
maintenance, as well as general
farm repair and maintenance.
Pay based upon current skillset
and experience. Will train the
right person. We offer a scheduled work week, paid vacation,
as well as a company match
retirement plan. Phone 715-7484793 or apply in person at N3299
Lekie Dr., Medford, WI.

1110 N. Division Street, Colby, WI 54421



is now hiring for the
following position:


Department of Public Works

Street Maintainer
Deadline to apply January 31, 2016
On-line applications only:


Greenwood Police


**Bus Monitor Onboard To Assist With Children

**School Bus Is Housed In Dorchester
Stop in at B3866 Hwy 13 Spencer
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No experience necessary.
What are the benefits?



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Text MARTEN to
95577 to receive our
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The city of Greenwood is accepting applications to fill a vacancy for one full-time
patrol officer. Establish eligibility list.
RESPONSIBILITIES: General police functions including patrol, criminal law enforcement, traffic law enforcement, ordinance enforcement, maintaining public
peace. To protect life and property, and working with the community to address
community problems.
SALARY: Dependent on qualifications.
BENEFITS: Wisconsin retirement fund, health insurance, dental insurance, life
insurance, disability insurance, paid sick leave, paid holidays, uniform allowance.
QUALIFICATIONS: U.S. citizen, minimum age: 21, valid drivers license, good
driving record, eligibility for Wisconsin Law Enforcement Standards Board Certification, high school diploma, 60 college credits, ability to possess a firearm, no
felony convictions, no domestic abuse convictions, vision correctable to 20/20,
good verbal and written communication skills, able to work evenings, weekends
and holidays, ability to perform essential functions of the position, ability to use
all standard law enforcement equipment, ability to react quickly and effectively
to stressful situations, knowledge and skills in operating computer systems.
NOTE: Written exam, oral interviews, psychological profile, medical examination, vision examination, drug screening, background investigation, successful
candidate will need to establish residency within 15 miles, as required by the
city after completion of one-year probationary period.
APPLY BY: February 1, 2016, at 4 p.m.
SUBMIT: DJ-LE-330 including questions, resume to:
Chief Bernie Bock
Greenwood Police Dept.
102 N. Main St.
Greenwood, WI 54437
QUESTIONS/APPLICATIONS: Contact city clerk at 715-267-6205

Questions may be directed to City of Wausau HR Dept.

Phone 715-261-6802 or email

Page 16


Wednesday, January 27, 2016

AND THEYRE OFF! - From left to right, Tony Amundson of Shakopee, Minn., Pat Gumz of Dorchester and Derek Haas of are neck-and-neck as they take off
from the starting line at Saturdays drag races in Curtiss.

Curtiss Snowmobile Drags

2. Jon Blake, Arctic Cat, Brainerd, Minn.
3. Tony Amundson, Arctic Cat, Shakopee


1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.
2. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens


1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.

2. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens

1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.

2. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens
3. Craig Wyent, Arctic Cat, Green Bay




1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.

2. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens
3. Jesse Kohler, Yamaha, Medford

1. Jessica Demell, Arctic Cat, Medford

2. Ryan Bahr, Yamaha, Medford
3. Jon Blake, Skidoo, Brainerd, Minn.



1. Kyle Wolf, Yamaha, Medford
2. Jerry Buschell, Skidoo, Lake Linden, Minn.
3. Paul Pucker, Yamaha, Rosendale

1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.

2. Nick Rindt, SnoJet, Athens


1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.
2. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens
3. TJ Greger, Polaris, New Auburn


1. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens
2. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.
3. Nick Rindt, SnoJet, Athens


1. Adam Weber, Yamaha, Marshfield
2. Kyle Gumz, Polaris, Westboro
3. Darren Block, Polaris, Owen


1. Kyle Gumz, Polaris, Westboro
2. Darren Block, Polaris, Owen

1. Jake Halpin, Skidoo, Spencer
2. Greg Blasel, Skidoo, Dorchester
3. Adam Schmitz, Arctic Cat, Wausau

1. Derek Haas, Skidoo, Thorp.
2. Dawson Penney, Skidoo, Dorchester
3. Kyle Gumz, Polaris, Westboro

1. Derek Haas, Skidoo, Thorp
2. Dustin Leffel, Yamaha, Edgar
3. Garrett Dahl, Arctic Cat, Medford

1. Pat Gumz, Arctic Cat, Dorchester
2. Derek Haas, Skidoo, Thorp
3. Phillip Gumz, Arctic Cat, Stetsonville


CURTISS DRIFT - Jeff Dahl of Medford clutches the handlebars on his Yamaha 440 as he speeds down the track Saturday.


3. Brandon Kebis, Arctic Cat, Eau Claire

1. Pat Gumz, Arctic Cat, Dorchester

2. Derek Haas, Skidoo, Thorp
3. Scott Blake, Arctic Cat, Pine River, Minn.


1. Brad LaMarche, Skidoo, Stanley
2. Phillip Gumz, Arctic Cat, Stetsonville
3. Mitchell Draeger, Skidooo, Marathon


1. Brady Anderson, Skidoo, Rice Lake
2. Pat Gumz, Arctic Cat, Dorchester
3. Phil Gumz, Arctic Cat, Stetsonvillle


1. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens
2. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.


1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.
2. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens
3. Kasey Krueger, Arctic Cat, Abbotsford

1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.
2. Kasey Krueger, Arctic Cat, Abbotsford
3. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens

1. John Blake, Skidoo, Brainerd, Minn.
2. Dan Larson, Polaris, Menomonie

1. David Wood, Arctic Cat, Calumet, Mich.

2. Dan Larson, Polaris, Menomonie
3. Jon Blake, Skidoo, Brainerd, Minn.

1. Kyle Wolf, Yamaha, Medford
2. Parker Leffel, Arctic Cat, Loyal
3. Jon Blake, Skidoo, Brainerd, Minn.

1. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.
2. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens

1. Kyle Wolf, Yamaha, Medford
2. Parker Leffel, Arctic Cat, Loyal
3. Jason Hanson, Yamaha, Owen

1. Justin Nelson, Arctic Cat, Star Prairie
2. Jon Blake, Arctic Cat, Brainerd, Minn.
3. Derek Haas, Skidoo, Thorp


1. Brian Heldt, Yamaha, Athens
2. Dirk Piening, Yamaha, Marengo, Ill.

1. Justin Nelson, Arctic Cat, Star Prairie

1. Kyle Wolf, Yamaha, Medford

2. Paul Pucker, Yamaha, Rosendale
3. Drew Minkel, Skidoo, Rice Lake


1. Kyle Wolf, Yamaha, Medford
2. Drew Minkel, Skidoo, Rice Lake
3. Paul Pucker, Yamaha, Rosendale

1. Jessica Demell, Arctic Cat, Medford
2. Jon Blake, Skidoo, Brainerd, Minn.
3. Jim Demell, Arctic Cat, Medford.

1. Kyle Wolf, Yamaha, Medford
2. Jerry Buschell, Skidoo, Lake Linden, Mich.
3. Paul Pucker, Yamaha, Rosendale

1. Drew Minkel, Skidoo, Rice Lake
2. Kyle Wolf, Yamaha, Medford
3. Jerry Buschell, Skidoo, Lake Linden, Mich.

1. Joel Dietiche, Arctic Cat, Loyal
2. Paul Pucker, Yamaha, Rosendale
3. Cody Wirtala, Arctic Cat, Curtiss

MINI 120
Participants included Kayden Dietche, Loyal;
Isabelle Gumz, Westboro; Kamron Krueger,
Abbotsford; Cash Thums, Medford; Daelyn
Rieck, Dorchester; Hunter Renolds, Dorchester

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