Liminal Character Start Aid

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Choose an Aspect and record aspect attributes

Aspect of Flesh: Strength, Charisma, Appearance

Aspect of Breath: Charisma, Manipulation, Appearance
Aspect of Flesh: Strength, Stamina, Dexterity
Aspect of Marrow: Intelligence, Wits, Perception
Aspect of Soil: Intelligence, Manipulation, Stamina
Step 2: Distribute Attributes and Abilities as normal according to the rulebook. Select 4 specialties.
Step 3: Distribute 10 points of Merits
New Liminal Merit: Maker (0-5 dots). The Maker merit represents just how insightful and helpful the
creator of the Liminal is. The Maker merit can substitute for an Allies merit with the ally being
specifically the Liminal's creator, but it also has the added benefit that every night, when a Liminal
sleeps, they can be given special insight to any troubles or concerns they have. Each dot acts as special
bonus dice that can be spent on any task for the remainder of the day. Once a Liminal has spent dice
equal to the merit's rating in a single day, they must sleep again and dream to gain more dice.
0 dots represent a creator who is either not very knowledgeable or very unwilling, even hostile, towards
the Liminal.
Step 4: Select 15 charms
Step 5: Create intimacies and record [Equivalent of Limit; Humanity maybe?]

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