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Dear Parents/Guardians,

Im Happy to announce that I, Miss.Mo am

attending your child class as part of the Ready, Set,
Tech Internship Program at Sam Houston High School.
I will only be here only for the first semester of your
child's school year. I am hoping on having a great
semester, helping your child.
Miss. Mo
RST Intern

Open House!!!

Come join us on
Thursday, March 7, 2015
Starting at 6:30 and ending
at 8:30.
Come meet your students

Dear Parents of Arianna Venti,

I see your child is struggling in turning in her
homework. Is there anything she needs help
understanding? Is it she has done it but has not turned
it in? I want the best for your child.

If you have any questions contact me at

(817) 367-2022

Miss. Mo

I _____________ have read and understand the statement

Parents Name

above on ____________.

Parents Signature


Field Trip Volunteers Needed!!!

We will have an upcoming field trip to the Fire
Station during Fire Prevention Week. The field trip will
be February 22, 2015 and we need 5 parent volunteers
to go with the class. If you are interested in helping
out you must have a criminal background check and be
approved volunteer with AISD.
If you wish to be a volunteer please fill out the
following below:

I _________ will like to volunteer for my childs trip

Parents name

to the Fire Station on February 22, 2015.

Parents Signature


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