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Character Profile

Actor: Marcus Stamp

Character Name: Jardel Simmons
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Features: Black hair, Brown eyes, 63, brownskin

Representation: Marcus is very much a typical teen of the 21st

century, in terms of being in touch with the latest technology but
also being up to date with the latest slang in the area, this enables
him to make an easier transition to acting out a role which may
require him to use such language. Marcus can be very reserved and
introverted at times which is similar to how I want Jardel Simmons to
be portrayed in the short film. Jardel Simmons delivers
characteristics that are opposite to Michael Cole, allowing the
audience to build a clear perception on their personalities and what
type of background they may possibly come from. Throughout the
film, I will gradually build a clear representation of Jardels identity
through the use of different microelements. The prime use of non
diegetic sound in the form of his monologue (voice over) will allow
the audience to watch Jardel walking home as his inner thoughts are
spoken reflecting the moral strain he has faced throughout the day.
This will help me illustrate the message of countertypes in societies,
focusing on the black male community. It will also help me convey
the reforms in the representation of black males in society. Jardel
will be represented stereotypically for the most part, conforming to
the black male stereotype shown through mise-en-scene in the form
of costume and colour as he will be wearing a black hoodie. This
kind of costume is similar to the clothing shown in films such as
Menace II Society.
Film Influences: Whilst researching different films focusing on black
male representation, I came across Boyz N The Hood. This is
because, whilst analysing this film, I realized that they use a diverse
representation of black males. The motives of the different males
involved vary, for example Doughboy was concerned with getting
money through illegal means and getting girls while his brother
Ricky was concerned about passing his SATs to get himself into
college. The fact the movie showed both the stereotype of black
males and the countertype of black males appealed to me. This
relates to the representation of Jardels character as he contrasts
the expected representation of a black male.

Character Influences: I decided to create my characters

representation, focusing on Boyz N The Hood. In this film, Ricky is
represented as a clear countertype as he contrasts to the majority
of the other black males in the film. Therefore, I thought I would
take the same approach, especially as Marcus conforms to the
characteristics of Rickys character in real life.

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