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Understanding the Task
What is the research question? (if you need to develop one, do that here)
To what extent do revolutions create change
Describe the task in a sentence or two.
I will be investigating the seperate stages and the different impacts of the american revolutionary war.
What will you need to submit for marking?
I will be submitting a website that will consist of the different impacts as well as the seperate stages of the american revolutionary
What steps are there?
1.Decide which revolution to research
2.Compete Action plan
3.Researh basic facts about revolution
4.Research different stages of the revolution (turning points)
5.Research impact the revolution has caused.
6.Create website on weebly

7..Evaluate website and the different processes

8.Submit on time.
What are the key deadlines for the completion of the task?
What resources/materials will you need?
What do I need to find out?
The different stages of the american revolution (turning points of the war, significant events that started the war, the impact and
aftermath the war).
Where will I look for information?
Office of historian
doccumentaries based on the event
Powerpoints given on phi
List your sources here and make a brief note for each (primary/secondary, usefulness, OPVL, etc.).

Research Notes

Final Evaluation
List the steps

Things that went well

Things that need improvement

Ways of improving

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