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Departamento Del Cuzco

Somos promotores y tambin impulsores del desarrollo sostenible en el campo turstico

Cusqueo, fomentando un clima de negocios perfecto a favor de nuestros asociados y organizando
acontecimientos y temas afines a nuestra iniciativa. cusco Escojimos Mapi Tour Peru despus de
una larga busqueda y es con diferencia la mejor empresa de Cusco.
However, the City of Cuzco has developed the cadastre and has updated inventory and the

declaration of monuments.

Cuzco was hit by a devastating earthquake in mil novecientos cincuenta, but the town was rebuilt,
and most of the ancient buildings were restored.

The variety of activities and landscapes on this trip will give you a Peruvian adventure like no other and an experience you'll never forget!
Cuzco is linked to Castigo , Arequipa , and other southern cities by road and railway and is
connected with Lima by road.

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