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Unit plan: Writing - Berger

Staff: Nik Massey Berger

This unit used by


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Speaking, Writing, and Presenting

Level: L2

Achievement Objective:
Processes and strategies: Select and use sources of information, processes, and strategies with some confi dence to
identify, form, and express ideas.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Write simple and compound sentences that are grammatically correct.
Use capital letters, full stops, question marks or exclamation marks correctly.
Spell many high-frequency words (Lists 1-4) and some from lists 5 & 6.
Select correct spelling patterns for the sounds in words
Apply my growing knowledge of useful spelling rules for plurals e.g. baby, babies half/halves.
Apply my knowledge to write similar sounds correctly e.g. or, awe, oar, oor.
Write all upper and lower case letters correctly, legibly and fluently.
Revise and edits my writing for sense and impact
Give my peers feedback on their writing
Proof read to check spelling, grammar and punctuation, drawing on own developing knowledge and using classroom
resources, in response to class and individual targets
Publish appropriately using a variety of media.
Write correctly using subject-verb agreement, tense agreement, and pronouns and prepositions.
Use capital letters, full stops, question marks or exclamation marks correctly.
Use speech marks, commas for lists and apostrophes for contractions correctly most of the time.
Spell words using: Knowledge of diverse letter sound relationships e.g. ship, chef, ocean, station, special
Spelling morphemes e.g. root words and affixes
Spell most high-frequency words (Lists 1-4) and many from lists 5 & 7, spelt correctly.
Apply my knowledge of the meaning of common prefixes and suffixes
Demonstrate all spelling concepts in Switched on to spelling
Reread my wriitng at various stages to check for meaning and fitness for purpose
Revise and edits my wirting for clarty, impact and fitness for purpose, often in response to feedback.
Proof read for accuracy of spelling, grammar and punctuation
Make choices for publishing in a variety of media including digital and visual media
Uses reference sources e.g. dictionaries and thesauruses to check meannings of words and find new words.
Achievement Objective:
Purposes and audiences: Show some understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Independently write texts that are clearly directed to a particular audience. (May assume that the audience is familiar

with the context)

Create a variety of texts in a range of print and electronic media.
Demonstrate awareness of audience through appropriate choice of content, language, and text form.
Achievement Objective:
Ideas: Select, form, and express ideas on a range of topics.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Include content that is mostly relevant and conveys several experiences, items of information and/or ideas.
Include detail and/or comment
Organise my ideas for writing and generate language for writing using lists and mind maps distinguishing main ideas
from details.
Include content that is mostly relevant, covers a range of ideas, experiences or items of information
Include detail and/or comment supporting the main points.
Select and use tools (e.g. graphic organisers) and strategies (e.g. headings) to plan and organise iedas and information.
Achievement Objective:
Language features: Use language features appropriately, showing some understanding of their effects.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Use specific vocabulary that is appropriate to the context.
Use increasingly specific words and phrases (e.g. adjectives and proper nouns) that are appropriate to the content of the
Use simple language features such as alliteration.
Use visual language features such as labelled diagrams to support meaning.
Write text that will include words and phrases, in particular, nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs that clearly convey
ideas, experiences, or information.
Use written language features such as similies and onomatopoeia
Use visual language features such as illustrations and diagrams to support meaning
Use reference sources (e.g. dictionaries and thesauruses) to check the meanings of words and find new words
Achievement Objective:
Structure: Organise texts, using a range of structures.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Organise texts according to a basic structure that meets my purpose.
Write with mainly simple and compound sentences .
Use variation in sentence beginnings and lengths and in the simple conjunctions used.
Attempt some complex sentences.
Construct sentences in which tenses are mostly consistent.
Use a basic text structure to organise text effectively for purpose. E.g. a story with a beginning, middle and end.
Independently write texts including recount, description, narration, report and explanation using the correct structure.
Write using mainly simple and compound sentences .

Demonstrate variation in sentence beginnings, structures and lengths.

Use sentences that are mostly gramatically correct.
Attempt complex sentences.
Use language and simple text structure that is appropriate for the purpose
Correctly use subject-verb agreement, tense agreement, and pronouns and prepositions

Speaking, Writing, and Presenting

Level: L3

Achievement Objective:
Processes and strategies: Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confi dence to
identify, form, and express ideas.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Write some complex sentences that are mostly correct gramatically.
Attempt complex punctuation, e.g. apostrophes for possession, commas for clauses, semicolons.
Correctly spell all high frequency words (Essential words Croft 1998)
Spell most unfamiliar words correctly using knowledge of spelling rules and patterns in Switched on to Spelling
(Alcock Stage 3)
Independently revise and edit my writing, to clarify its meaning and to add impact, often in response to feedback
Proofread to check the spelling, grammar and punctuation, using appropriate computer based or print tools.
Achievement Objective:
Purposes and audiences: Show a developing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Use language and text structure that is appropriate for the audiences and purpose
Understand the purpose for writing and identify the writing process that is appropriate for the purpose
Achievement Objective:
Ideas: Select, form, and communicate ideas on a range of topics.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Generate content that is relevant to the task and includes detail and/or comment supporting the main points
Use a variety of planning activities such as constructing flow-charts, for those writing tasks that need to be planned.
Achievement Objective:
Language features: Use language features appropriately, showing a developing understanding of their effects.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Use words and phrases that are appropriate ot the topic and purpose, including subject specific vocabulary.
Use precise, emotive and descriptive words to create a mental image e.g. similies, alliteration, repitition of words or
Use visual language features to extend or clarify meaning and to engage the audience. E.g. heading, charts or maps.
Achievement Objective:
Structure: Organise texts, using a range of appropriate structures.

Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:

Independently write texts including recount, description, narration, report, arguments and explanation using the correct
Use paragraphs to group ideas
Use cohesive devises to link paragraphs
Use variation in sentence beginnings, structures and lengths.
Use and overall text structure that is appropriate to the purpose: e.g. Narrative: orientation, problem, climax, resolution
Report: introduction, series of main points, logical conclusion
This unit is planned for:
Whole class

This unit emphasises the following Key Competencies:

Managing Self
Uses language/Symbols/text

This unit has links to:


Peer assessment
Self assessment
High Expectations
Learning to Learn

Suggested Learning Experiences:

Unit # 331 saved on 2016-Jan-28

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