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Unit plan: Reading - Berger

Staff: Nik Massey Berger

This unit used by


on date

Listening, Reading, and Viewing

Level: L3

Achievement Objective:
Processes and strategies: Integrate sources of information, processes, and strategies with developing confi dence to
identify, form, and express ideas.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Monitor reading for accuracy and sense and take action when difficulties arise
Make connections between prior knowledge and concrete examples in the text, in order to understand abstract ideas
Skim a text to get the big picture or check if a text is useful.
Scan a text to find specific information
Identify key words, topic sentences and key questions
Use sub headings to locate and summarise ideas
Draw on several items of information to infer ideas and information
Read fluently and accurately at an age appropriate level
Interpret illustrations, photographs, text boxes, diagrams, maps, charts and graphs
Read electronic and print media
Achievement Objective:
Purposes and audiences: Show a developing understanding of how texts are shaped for different purposes and
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Read regularly for sustained periods over many days (Novels)
Identify and reflect on writers purpose
Achievement Objective:
Ideas: Show a developing understanding of ideas within, across, and beyond texts.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Describe how the director has developed the character through the use of imagery
Evaluate and integrate ideas and information across a small range to texts
Achievement Objective:
Language features: Show a developing understanding of how language features are used for effect within and across
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Identify ways in which writers use language to suit their purpose
Understand words can have figurative as well as literal meaning

Recognise basic grammatical constructions and understand how these affect meaning
Achievement Objective:
Structure: Show a developing understanding of text structures.
Specific Learning Outcomes selected for Assessment:
Identify language features and structures of many common text types
This unit is planned for:
Whole class

This unit emphasises the following Key Competencies:


This unit has links to:


Peer assessment
Self assessment
Running Records
High Expectations
Learning to Learn

Suggested Learning Experiences:

Unit # 332 saved on 2016-Jan-28

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