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SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION andy Dorn Capo! utirg PO BOX 7200. Olympia, WASESO4. 729" nepiwewMTBwaue Jane 26,2018 Ms, Cecilia MeCormick 1160.37" Avenue SW Seat, WA 37146 ‘Subject: Regest for Special Education Citizen Complaint ear Ms. McCormick This eters intended to notify you ofthe results of the Program Review follow-up with Seatle Public Schools ‘epuding thcostalloation staffing model used at Ballard High Schon The fllowing documents were recived from Seat Puble Schools on une 20, 2014 and are included for your review 1. June 20,2013 eter fom Charles Wright, Deputy Superintendent 2. une 112014 memo from Keven Wynkoop, Ballard High Schoo! Principal and Hester Brown, Speci Edeaton Supervisor fr the Narhwest Region, 3. Speial Education Guidelines fom the Budget Instructions for FY 2013-14 Budget Development 44 Spel Education Guidelines fom the Budget Insretions for FY 2014-15 School Budget, 5. Spel Education Guidelines fom the 2012-13 Gold Book: Budget Tool, Forms, snd Guidelines, ‘The OSPIs Program Review tm verified tat inthe materials you sent on May 29,2014 x staff members were funded out state special edcaton (Program 21) and sate basic education Program 01) finds. None ofthe special ‘education teaching staf at Ballard High School were paid with federal special education fans (coure: June 26,2014 '.275). Therefore, federal time and elfor requirements would not apply. However, this does not mean that Ballard ‘was nocessasly following district opted eos allocation principles Fr special education safing inthe building at that time. Pease noe that state and federal special education funds are not allocated ona per stent basis. As sich, School distri do have discretion in erm of allocating state funds for ating purposes. ‘The June 11,2014 memo fom Keven Wynkoop Ballard High School Principal and Heather Brown, Director of Special Education, provides information about each special education teacher's class assignments for 2013-14 and 2014-15. Based on review of the documents submited bythe dst and available vo OSP, the District's da do rot indicate that tere was a iolton of WAC 392-172-0610. However, a indicated in Mt. Weights eter o me dated June 2, 2014, "the district as ben advised that the State Auditor's Office wil once agin be examining thie issue at Balluré High School when it conduets its ais of 2013-14 activites begining in Noverber 2014." Ifyou have any questions, please contact Valerie Amo at (360) 725-6075 or by email at Valerie AOL. us ‘Oar facsimile amber is (360) $86-0247; the TTY number i (360) 886-0126, Sincerely, Douglas Ke D Director, Special Education ce: MrJose Band, Superintendent “Mr. Charles Wright, Deputy Soperintendent Ms. Zakiyyah MeWiliams, Fxective Director, Special Education Mr Ron English, Genorl Counsel Valeie Amold, Program Supervisor, OSPI File ‘Ato ent via cit ain Tartom@2. as 4 SEATTLE june PUBLIC June 20, 2014 EBC Dr. Douglas H. Gill, EAD. Director, Special Education Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction P.O. Box 47200 Olympia, WA 98504-7200 Re: Request for Ballard High School Cost Allocation Model Information Lam writing in response tothe letter Seatle Public Schools (“the District”) received via email or June 6, 2014, requesting information regarding the cost allocation model for special education staff teaching both special and general education courses at Ballard High School Following the Washington State Auditor's Report issued in June 2012, OSPI’s on-site WISM vist i November 2012, andthe follow up communications between OSPI and District staf in early 2013, referenced in your letter, understand the Ballard High School principal, Keven Wynkoop, met with Roni Lirio, the District's Manager of Audit Response regarding the school's funding model. Me. ‘Wynkoop also discussed the matter with the District Budget Analyst assigned to Ballard High School. In further response, the District included additional information in its budget instructions manual to all schoo! principals to specifically addres the issue of split-funding teachers who have both special ‘education and general education teaching responsibilities. This manual (commonly referred to as the “Gold Book”) is published each February or March and applies tothe following school year. Se2 included pages from Gold Books for 2012-2013 (published in spring 2012); 2013-2014 (published in. spring 2013); and 2014-2015 (published in spring 2014). With this guidance, the cost allocation mode! at Ballard High School for staff teaching both special and general education courses reflected a more individualized approach, based on the individual's specific teaching responsibilities. See attached explanations ofthe school's special education funding of teaching staf. | trust that this information addresses OSPI's request. Finally, the District has been advised thatthe State Auditor's Office will gain be examining this OFFICE OF THE | 2448 Third Avanuo South * PO BOX 34165 Mal Stop 32-150" Seat, WA 9124-105 sunennreNoenr | Ter aieaeatab" Fx z0282.0200" wen seateschootorg Dr. Douglas H. Gill, OSPI June 20, 2014 Page? issue at Ballard High School when it conduc its audit of 2013-2014 activities beginning in ‘November 2014, The District looks forward to that review and any additional feedback that may result fom it. ‘Thank you for this opportunity to respond. Ifyou have any questions, please contact Kenneth Gotsch, the Assistant Superintendent for Business Finance, at 206.252.0087 or by email at kgotsch@seatteschools org. Sincerely, he Fb 4 Charles E. Wright, Deputy Superintendent Ce: José Banda, Superintendent Michae! Tolley, Assistant Superintendert, Teaching and Learning. Ken Gotsch, Assistant Superintendent, Business and Finance Zakiyyah MeWilliams, Executive Direcior, Special Education OFFICE OF THE | 2448 Third Avenue South * PO BOX 34188 all Stop 32-180 Soatle, WA 981241105 suermrenoent | Te 2082520400" Fe 2082521209" wwn June 1, 2038 From: Keven Wynkoop Principal Ballard High choc; Heather Brown, Special Education Stpervisor NW Region RE; Special Education Funding Aocaton at Ballard High Schoo! The charts below are from the SPOT budgets submited in May 2018. They show the funlig levels for 1141, but based upon te changes or lack thereof, you can also see what thee funding was for 13-14 ‘Special Education Funding ‘eat ob THe 14-15 | (dseretorar| poston change IHR Ctego0y Nome Fie | Funding Change statu] Souee frewrxr-Aatsm —[Sanarev, Kimber fn00 foo Same As Tis Yor [fee xr-aunsm —|tong, Den 3.00 [0.00 Same As This Year Hehe xT-Autim —ameyson, Raber? h.00 [o.oo Same As Tis Year [ene xT-ausm —[Ruester,Jeony 100 fa. End - Cem Postion [Tch xe-Behav Disab [és Normandie, i100 jo.00 [same As This Year ek XG-Gen se Rm ay, sheana jo20 020 [0.00 Some As Tis Yeor [FchxG-Gen,fsrem|Bushe, 2oseph fo. fo.6o [0.40 Siero lcs x-Gen sre Rr acer, Denise [oso [oo _.00 Same As Tis Yor ferxg-cen ee Roar, Nebsed oso ogo o.00 Sari As Ta Yar [re x6-sen.asr rm |vertuce, shetey 0.60 [0.60 [o.oo [Same ae Tie Your [rch xG-Gen.Asr Rm |Wather wiiam —i.ov—[.00 o.oo [Same As Ts Year len xe-cenesrerm|washigten, an foo loo [o.oo IE eens fre xa Mere ee frumer, emay joo [1.00 [ooo [same As This Year enaernert reer, amare |.00—|s.00 foo same as Tis Yer eh a-nene aa [re treease/ feos kerk, ce a a ee Heh a-rene en nester,magoret io fo ooo same ArT You General Education Funding: Remove 2ob The Ai 1314 | sg1s |idteretonoy)] Poston Change Ini eatery fe | Tre [dig Sau eter 6h Teaon, ease 020] 020) 0.00]same As This Year lsscner*9" Teoen, Dense 20] ool 0.00]same As This Year [spepe"F5> —Jouane,vnepn a0] 0 0.00)ena - etm Postion [Eeacher-Hish |oay, sheena 0.80) 0.89 10.00|Same As Ths Yeor [esener 9h |aveatington,eeyn 20] a] oof fre masse 7 [seacter Hah [veruec Seley 40] 0.40] 0.00|Same As This Year 2013-14; Sangrey, Long, Jameyson, Kuestr, Walther, Turner, Herber, Kerkof and Meister do not see any none students during the day are funded a 100% SPED, ‘The only funding changes that the chart above reflects for these teachers ar that Cecile Kerkof was 2.8 |n 13-14, but se is eure slated to return to 1.0n 26-15 andi lets Jenny Kuerter poston a= ‘ending, but DeNormandie took a afferent poston instead ron, Bolen, nd Bushek a taught 3 class of IP Study Skll/Support, 2 asses of co-taught inclusion (where they functioned asthe SPED teacher alongwith afferent Gen Ed teacher and 2 clases of slo taught inclusion classes where there wee 1/3 ofthe students with an IEP and 2/3 without. Tel TE was calculated as.6 of fulltime SPED and 1/3 of 4 SPED, which added together equals 73 of FTE, which \was rounded up to.8 de to the disproportionate amount of thee time that wae devoted to developing and implementing accommodations fr this portion of the clase, They were al funded 8 SPED and.2 ‘Gen Ed. Baron and Bolen are dong the same schedule or 14-15, but Washington hs replaced Bushek inthis assignment and funding. HR informed me during the Arena that Gushek was not dual ertfested ‘51 was tld ast year when he was hired and therefore he had tobe returned ofl time SPPO for 1 5. ‘Washington ha the same number of SPD and Solo Taught inclusion classes a Baron, Bolen and Bushel, ut he cd not o-teah. Instead hs fll ime SPED classes included pl ut, modified courses. ‘Washington's inal sehedules stil being determined fr 14-15, but we ae considering ging him the schedule that Bushekhad last year, which would requlr an addtional 2 of Gen Ea funding Vertucc taught 2 periods of full ime SPED (4) and 3 periods of solo taught incision {1/3 of 5=.2), 0 she was funded at 6 SPED and 4 Gen Ed. Her schedule for 14-15 willbe atleast this much P€0 and we are considering shifting one of her peviods of Solo taught to being 9 cotaught, which would actualy give bonus Re to SPED students ‘bay taught 3 periods of ful time en Ea (6) and 2 pends ot solo taught inclusion 2/3 of 4=.13}, s0she ‘Was funded at. of Gen Ed and. of SPED. Her schedule willbe the same for 24-15. [DeNormandie co taught two per ods along with a Science teacher and had tree periods with EP students only and was funded asa LO. Her postion has now been ended for next year. Ballard sPED Funding 2012-13 0 2013-14, ‘The changes that were made focused primarily onthe teachers sted below (Baron replaced Tucker). All other teachers that received SPED funding only had responsblties with IEP studers. Thi the chart that hows the general education funding for 13-14 and 16-15 ofthe teachers that were part of this transition [FeacherHigh Sehool[Boron, Melissa [0.20]0.20[0.00|Same As This Vear [reacher-igh Schoo![Beln, Denise [0-20]0.200.00]Same As This Year [reacher-igh Schoo![Bushek, Joseph ]0.20]0.00]0.00|Ena- Oeimit Pstin [reacner-igh Schoo![Day, Shears [0.800.80]0.00]same As This Year [reacher-tigh School washington, layn]0.20]0.40]0.00|FTE increase / Decrease [reacher-aah School|vertucc, Shetey_[0-40[040]0.00]Same As This Year ‘2032-13 thelefunding was: Tucker (8aron:-8SPED and 2 Gen Ed Bolen: 8SPED and.2 Gen Ea Bushel:.8 SPED and 2 Gen Ed Day:1L0Genea Washington: 8 PED and.2 Gen Ed Vertue 1.0 SPED Tucker, Bolen, Bushek, and Washington al had identical schedules which included one period for working on their IEPs and four periods that they solo aught inclusion classes with pproximately 1/3 of ‘the dass with IEPs and 2/3 as non EP students \Vrtuce had one class for IEPs, two asses of al1EP students and two classes of approximately 1/3 of ‘the cass with IEPs and 2/3 as non-eP students Day had three general ed math asses and two classes of approximately 1/3 oftheclas with IEPs and 2/395 non-EP students, ‘The intention was that Day should have had a.2ofSPED and Vertucl should have ada 2of Gen Ed and Ido not know why that was not the case, ‘Changes for 13-14 ae described in detain the other sheet, but in short we maved away from having any teachers teaching four solo taught inclusion lasses. Baron, olen, and Bushekal started tem teaching asthe SPED teacher. Washington and Vertucl had thelr slo taught inusoncesponsbites reduced. Vertuces Gen Ed funding was increased and Day's SED funding was neeased Budget Instructions for Developing FY 2014-2015 School Budgets Following ae the sections and pages of the 2014-15 Budget instructions for developing schoo| ‘budgets. Te School Staff Costs section Includes salary and benefit information as wel a rater for hourly, extra time, substitutes, and stipends, Allthe forms are located inane section within ‘the Budget instructions this year for easier accesibllty, Use the rst ofthe pages to get detals ‘on how to budget for non-fte costs, support services, grants, cartyforwards, and self-help, ‘There are Quick Reference Guides to assist withthe coding of staff and non-staff tems, Clk on ‘the book lon with a blue ribbon ate to view bookmarks and ump” to topes Contents School Budget & Stalfing Timeline 2 Mighlghceé changes a WSS Model 5 School taffCosts Section n Budget Forms Setion 0 Career &TecnlalEdvetion PCP 6 ore Forwards a Central tang & Servees 6 Engh Language Leemers 7 aml & Euston ev (Fel) Grant a Ful Day Kindergarten % ‘General Grant Process Information 15 Heath Serves 0 Labor Relations a Tile 1& LAP Ste Bored Budgeting 85 Ws naigaton Procedures ro School Oe Stating Pian 0 Part TE o ‘Quick Reference Guides 96 self Hel 102 ‘Spell Eduetion 108 let 108, |W5S Advance Cory Forward a7 ‘WSS wohverProcere ne Special Education Contacts Executive stat Executive Director, Zaiyyah Mills 252.0054 Director, Michaels Clancy 252-0800 Regional Supervisors Hesther Brun Northwest 252-0836 Shery Staley Northeast 2520882 Beth Thorson Southeast, 252.0282 Jeff zon Central 352.0573 Ayan Rihards Wier Seats 252.0887 Beth carter Preschool 252-0815 Karl Parks Info Management 252-0848 ‘The following text outlines budget requirements and processes for developing the Speci Education services component of your Schoo-bsed! budget, These pudelnes were used to prlond your Welgied Sting Salards (WS) yererated School Buse In YOUT“S”SuB Org State Reporting and Audit Requirements for Budget Development Students with sabes are supported through tw funding sources ‘Basi Education enttiementas general edveaton students and “+ Special Education Federal and State entlement to recive services baved on each_elgble student's nvldualzed Edveavon Program EP). Special Education funds generated by students with disables may only be expended to provide educaona services for students wth Inviuaied Education Programs (1s). These ae the funds that are presoaded int your"s" Sub Org cst center, State ow prohibits the we of Spell Education funds for ‘+ Aspecil education teacher to teach a genera eveation class * Salaries of basic education employes, Including but not limited to, general education teachers, nurses, Nbrerians, counselors, administrators and house administrators, Schools that include general education studetswithla spell education clasraams must slit fund the Special Eduction classroom teachers postion based onthe aloof genera edustion students in the classroom. (Ex. A special education Incsve teacher hes 120 spect education ‘and 30 geercl education students during the school doy. Te teacher shouldbe funded 20% (20/350) an boselne and 80% (120/150) on speci education - some percentage os the student ratio for that teacher. Background Information Private School: school's WSS special education enrollment count includes private schoo students who attend that school to reelve Special E@ services. Sehools receive adtons special education resources (FTE, IEP wring & textual materials) based on the number of Private school students elstered for series. Program Review and Adjustments: All Speci! Eduston clatxoom program serves ore ‘reviewed by the Special Education Deparment suppor tam with tant safing and SuPpHY adjustments for both under and ovr envled clears, Central Department Budget-Related Responsibilities + Clastiedcentali-based staff postions approved by the Specie Education department needed to ensure Free and Appropriate Publ Education (FAPE) for Individual students 14 Instrctonal Assistants es bulding stage costo $3,000). ‘+ Cost of specialist serves such as Occupational Therapy Physical Thereby, Speech/Language Services and School sychoogit *+ Tests, protocls and scoring key/servcs forall evaluation atts, + Translation services for feut-to-nd languages and sang Interpreters for IEP me ‘evaluations, and document transstions if ot avalable at the ste, nes, 1+ Cas sie overages (when coselod exceeds contractually negotiated levels in PRK, Sit, ‘M2, SM ond SIA classrooms) caused by Central Special Ed department sstgnments of ‘tonal students, Building Budget Related Responsibilities ‘Special Eduction FTE Is predoaded throvah the WSS process in schools "S* Sub Org cost Genter, These FTES cannot be used for general eduction teaches, nurses, iran, ‘counselors, sdnstrators or house aminststrs, ‘+ $1,000 set asldeto shore inthe cost of 1: instructional Asltons. Please complete an ° (on Set Aside” form foreach assistant ot your school. The farms shoul be submited to {the Spell Education Superior for your Reglon, See Forms Section, Budget Instruction. ‘+ Cost for wrting and devering IEPs. These funds ae preoaded trough the WSS proces as 2062 certficated Extra Time, caluated by Special Education teocher FTE ot 30 hours per oF + uaget for special education currelum and materls as identified to asst with Implementing the students’ 1P services. These funds are NOT considered geveal tuples {nd cannot be moved to commitment tery 5100-Suples. These materlals ae considered ‘uriculum and will now be budgeted in a separate fund center S213%3R0 (Windergorten-High School) and _— 32133340 (Preschool). it special equipment, technology or other als to suppor instruction are needed, please contact Your Spe ducaton Supervisor. + 00 NOT BUOGET OR CHARGE departmental spends, tutors, other houty staf, professional development costs for special education staff (subs, relation), ld 'amissons and regular suppl Inthe spechl education *S" Sub Org cost center, These ‘costs must be pad in the general education baseline "A Sub-Org cost centers, "+ Bulgings with preschool Special Eduction programs wil reaive addtional dseretionary ols for schoolwide program suppert and specially to suppor the addtional demand ‘nofie staf. Tis amount wl be contigent upon the needef each rogram model + Compensatory Education when the bulding has fale to provide services a documented in the IEP. The buling is responsible for these expenses using the bulig’s baseline discretionary budget (7 Sub Org Budge). + Cost ofexending centrally funded substitutes eg, 1:1 Instructional Atsistnt beyond the centrally approved perio, ‘+ Sta postions (e904: Instructional Asistont) or sercs/equlpment approved by an IeP team WITHOUT approval of Cetral Special Education staf. The IEP team is ediestng bling based dolar ("A” Sub Org budget for these senvcas/suppors 1 clas sie overages (Le, caseloads exceeds contractualy negtited level in PRK, Mg, ‘M2, Sia, SM clssrooms) due to loel service delivery models, unless prior writen ‘agreement is reached between bulaing staff, Cental Special Esveton edmiisteton, Instructional irectrs, and Seatle Education Asscltion (S88 Budget Requirements Students who receive speci education services are general education students fst with ctionl services provided to alow the majo of stodents tobe served in schools cose to home inthe leat resicive envcnment (LAE). The atached cagram, “Bulding Blocks of ‘Specially Designed instruction, lutates how services shouldbe delverad to students, ‘The implementation of service delivery model began during the 2008-30 year. Te movement toward 2 fl service delivery model wit take approximately ve (S} yar, workng i tandem withthe new student asignment system. General budget guidlines are being ignicanty sttered for 2036-15, pease see non staff dolor changes onthe pag folowing ths chr. BUILDING BLOCKS of Uconmatssns sn von) ences rag ota Gan nependent ‘The following table lists the current 2014-15 Special Education service delivery models ‘and budgeting information related to each. Stafing leva, teacher extra time for IEP writing and curriculum materials for students are listed per service model. Senter | spa ence Debery | tants | “ant | stan | Ser mea ‘os rererinas | iene taper S001 peoare Sates 9) ‘ar vas 8 | sterner tone | Sen aan sae | Toemten | 8 2 | enema | oe a er * swe [ftraccamnanen| Werte [0 2 ote [eceitomasien [terion |» = soi emcesens ig Scho | H2erateetenst | 2 we | Sepa Psett ay a a a A _ [acon eeat a a " i 15 | Generic (Elementary Shoe) siiesrnediie | ——— Sree Mot 2 18 a ’ aa ‘Gane ender) ow 10 10 . a0 pap Serie RTE 7 a a a Li ndenee A Bement) ‘On [eonttarng ny ie * ae {Chmentary © Mid Shook) 4 | Aerator » ‘ _ ‘Centar ma te a 7 7 7 si ‘Aton ads) Grades 3) ‘Maar [tony Fri 2 « a suv ‘Aina wren anced, Work with Soperro Intnin Sere Ma» Ado 5250 (or ereturequpmen pr pram ils dental. ‘Aco propa Aino! 100 (rere) Wb henry Budget Instructions for FY 2013-2014 Budget Development gee Special Education Guidelines secutive Stat Interim Executive Directo, Bho Coldvel 252-0038 Director, Stacey MeCrath Smith 252.0085, ‘eslonal Superior John Cough Wiest seate Peggy Meteod Northwest Keley Clevenger Northeast 252.0262 Michels Caney Conta! 252-0807 Stacey MeCrathSmith Southeast 252-0055 Beth Camptel!| Presehool 252-0665 "Michele Landwehr Info Management 252-0848, ‘The following text outines budget requirements and processes for developing the Special Education services component of your school-based budget. These guidelines were Used to preloed your Welghtca Stang Standards (WSS) generated schoo budget, ‘State Reporting and Audi: Requirements for Budget Development ‘Students with clsbltes are supported through two fending soures: ‘Basic Education anttlement as general edveation stents, and ‘+ Special Education Federal and State enttement to receive serces based on each le student’ inevduaized Eeueation Program (I), Special Education funds generated by students with disables may onl be expended to provide educational sercesfor students with indvidulzed Education Programs (EP), Use of Special dueston funds fora special eduction teacher to teach a genera education eas or sslres-ofbasi-edueaon employees including but not lnited to, general elation teachers, nurses barons, :ounselrs, admintratrs, and house admiistatrs is prohited bylaw. Schools that include general education stents wthin specs education casroors ‘ust spt fund the classroom teacher based on ratio of general education students inthe ‘tassoom. (Ex special edcoton inclusive teacher has 120 spel education and 30 general education students during the schoo! doy. The teacher should be Junded 20% (30/150) on ‘seine and 80% (120/150) on spcll eduction - same pereentoge othe student ratio fr that teacher). Central Department Budget Related Responsibilities ~ Gassied cenvalybases staff postions approved by the Specal Education department needed to ensure Free ard Appropriate Pubic Education FAPE| or nddual stasents (gs Instructional Asser) = Costof specialist services such as Occupational Therapy, Phyl Therapy, Speech/Language Servlees and Stoo! Paycoogts. Tests, protocols and scoring eys/services for all evaluation atv. + Tranation services for dif ofind languages and signing interpreters for IEP meetings, evaluations and document tarslations if ot avalble athe ste, + Class site overages (when ccselood exceeds conractualy negotiated levels in Pk TAK, ‘Mig, SM2, SM cand SME clssroms) coused by Cental Spedal Ed department slgnments of adtons tutors Building Sudget-Related Responsibilties Spell adeaton FE epre-inaed through the WSS procezt I haets Sub Org "* fund ‘center. These FTEs conmot be used Tor general edvation teachers, nurses, Travian, counselors, administrators house aéminerator. Cost for writing and delivering EPs, These funds oe predoaded trough the WSS proces as 2062 - Certicted Extra Time, calculated by Speci Education teacher FTE ot 30 hours per Lorre. + Budget for special education supplies and materi as Wentifed to help builings fil the Sir an letter of IEA invauats with Disables Eaucalon Act. Vs bit. /ie.ed and for details. These funds ore oresoaded trough the WSS process as “ertual* materials, ‘5601 They shouldbe wed to provide mearingul spedaly designed intructon inthe least reste environment (Not: Specilly Designed instruction is modifed. conten ‘methodology, and/or deliver of Instruction} These funds are NOT considered general ‘suppis and cannot be moves to commitment Rem 5100 Supplies, If special equipment, technology or other aids to support Instruction are needed, please contact your Spec Eaton Superior. = bo not budget or charge departmental stipends, tutors, other hourly sat, professional development cost or special education sta (cubs, registrations), fel ip admissions end regular supplies inthe special education" sub og fund center. These cose must b ped Inthe general education baselne subg “A” cost enters = _Bulaings with preschool Spal Edueation program wil receive scdtiona discretionary ols (equivalent tothe vals of 205 FTE Clementry Assistant) for school-wide prograr support and special to support the administrator participation a the IP meetings, ~ Compensatory Education wher the bullding has fled to provi services documented in ‘the-I~-Buleng-Is-respensile for"these expenses using the bulllnas baseline “scretionary budget, ~ Costof extending centaly funded substtutes eg, 1: Instructional Assistant) beyond the centrally approved period + Staff postions (e.g, 02: instucionol Assistant or servcesequipment approved by an IEP ‘eam WITHOUT approval of ental Special Education staff the IEP tear i deseating bul based dots for there services support ~ Gass site overages (Le, ensloods exceeds contractully negotioted level in PRK, RK SMg, SMa, SM3, SMa classiooms) due to local rerlce delivery model, unless piot written agreement. is reached Between buising taf, Central Speci Educator ‘ministration, Instructional Drectors and Sete Education Astociation (SEA), uuiget Requirements Students who receive spell education services are general edestion students fst with ‘etonal series provided to allow the majority of students tobe served in sehools coe home inthe leat restiewve environment (JRE). The attached diagram, “Bung Blocks of Specialy Designed Instruction,” Ilstrates how sence hou be delivered to students, ‘The implementation of a servee delivery model began during the 200910 year. The movement toward a full service delivery model wil take approximately five (5) years, working n tandem withthe new student asinment system. Genera budget guidelines are not being sign feanty tered for 2013-14 BUILDING BLOCKS of ‘SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION (SD) ofne Gent ideannt el ‘The following table sts the curent 2012-13 Special Education service delivery models and budgeting information related to each. Stating evel, teacher extra tne fo EP wrtinge and Curriculum materials fr students ae Inted per sevice mode Special Education Process Continued Special Education Service Delivery Models oad | Sree ae | teat) etna | race | meme | Ea ss, ‘Revource Serviees (KS) a seudent fu [iinet asia | > | tareieneene ° i Sette | Rewuce Servis igh chon) 2 | to peraa went z = ome | eet ay 3 w w]e | aw Sot | Retr erventon gn seneay | ie se = se, Sit | Townes Geman a i is 2 su sm we ° 20 w i300 swe | A (Gre 2-9 = so a : ‘Mear_| Medey Fae = a Ze a ‘alo se Dentarg Hea: crm nts Ts does ot change he ollectve araneg saresment tie falas es ovron py at 1.22 ain Special Education Process Continued Background Information Private School A schoot's WSS speci edueation enrolment count Incudes private school students, Schools receive adational special educaton resources (FTE, IEP wtng & tevtual ‘materia based onthe numberof private schoo student epiered for services, Program Review and Adjustments: Al Special Education elatroom program serdces are reviewed by the special edveation support team wth potential staffing and supply adstments ‘or both iow and over enrol creams 2012-13 Gold Book ~ Budget Tools, Forms, and Guidelines Introduction HowTo Use This Book ~ FY 2012-13 Budget Process Timeline Contacts for Technical Assistance Budget Development Section Career and Technical Edueston = Centra services = Elementary instrument Music = ELLE International Programs = Grants Health Services = Labor Relations = self Help Special Education Title fand LAP = WSS Advance Carry Forward Budget Management Section = ELL& Imemational Programs = Fuliday Kindergarten = Kindergarten Programs = Grants = Health Services = Labor Relations Learning Assistance Program (LAP) = WP Targeted Chectlst Office Staffing Plan ~ Self Help = Special Education ~ Special Education Therapy Supplies = Thiet Title Targeted Checkist Title School Wide Checklist WSS Waiver Requests ~ Weighted Staffing Standards Changes ~ Weighted staffing standards Model Forms dor useobe forms goto God Book, Forms Matrixan nse Settle) ELL Form Office Staffing Plan = LP Form = Grant intent To Apply Advance Commitment to Expend Grant Funds ~ SEA Walver Request Stakeholders identification of Question or Concern = Statement of Assurances = WSS Waiver Request Reference Materials = Budgeting Personnel Costs = Elementary Costs Middle School costs = High School Costs = 8 School Costs ~ Non-Traditional School Costs = 2012-13 Projected Employee Benefit Rates Quick Reference Elementary & K-8 Coding & Report Guide Quick Reference Secondary & Alternative Coding & Report Guide Special Education Guidelines Contacts: Intarim Exceutve Director, Spc Education, Becky citford 252.0055 Regional Spell Education Supervisors Cathy Lambert Westseatse 252.0887 ‘eri Guerero Northwest 252-0876, ‘Marth Lawson Norhesst 252.0883, Michael Sanford Cente 252-0881 Stacey MeCrathSmith Southeast 252.0807 John Cough Prescot 282-0568 Special Education Staff: Preloaded through the WSS process in school Sub Org “S"fund centers, = May not be used for general education teachers, nurses ibratans, counselors, administrators or house administrators Special Education Non-Staff: = reloaded through the WSS proces for IEP cert extra time (2062/4032), textual materials and teaching aids (5604) specific to Special Ed classrooms ony = Hfspecial equipment, technology or other aids to support instruction are needed, ease ‘contact your Special Education Supervisor. + DoNOT budget or charge department stipends, tutors, other hourly staf, professional ‘evelopment costs for Special Ed staf (subs, registrations, Feld trips admissions and ula supplies in the Special Ed "S" Sub Org fund center. Those costs must be pad inthe {general education sub-org “A” cost centers Pre-School Special Education: Buldings with pre-school Special Education programs will receive adctional discretionary dollars equivalent tothe value of a 0.5 FTE Elementary Assistant] for school-wide program support and specially to support the administrator participation atthe IEP meetings. ‘Special Education Funding Descriptions: “Fund Centers ending in "3RO" ae forall rgular special edueation program expenses + Fund enters ending in "340" ae forall preschool special education program expences Forms: tone required for Special Education budget. See Speco Education In Budget Management Section for further detals about thi rogram Please contact the Speco Ed Executive Director regarding ary desired program changes, Special Education Process The folowing text outlines budget requirements and processes for developing the Speci dveaton services component of your scheo-bsed budget. These gudelnes were used to preload your Weighted Safin Standards WSS) generated shoo! budge State Reporting and Auelt Requirements fr Budget Development Students wit sabes are supported through two funding sources ‘+ Gasic Eduction etdement as general edueation stents, and ‘+ Special Education Federal and State entitlement to receve serves based on each lie studen'sInviualzed Education Program (EP), Special Eucston funds generated by students with deabltles may ony be expended to _rovde educational services for studets wit Indidualze Education Programs EP) Use of Special Eduction funds fra special education teacher to teach a general education iss or salaries of basi education employes, Including but not limited to, general education teachers, nurses, lbrarians, counselors, administrators, and house sémiitratrs, profited blow. Central Department Budget-Related Responses CGassiied cetrall-based staf postions approved by the Special Education department needed to ensure Free and Appropriate Public Eduestion (FAPE) or individual student eg. 11 Instructional Asians] Cost f spect services such s Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech/Language Servlees, and SehoolPychologlte + Tests, protocols and scoring keys/servies forall evaluation activites + Transition serves fr eiflest-totng languages and signing interpreters for IP meetings fot availabe a the ste + Gas ste overages (when caseload exceeds controtully negotiated levels in PRK, TAK ‘Siig, S82, M2. ond Shit elnroors) caused by Geral Sposa ed department assignments of adaiiona students ulsing Budge Related Responstity ost for writing and delivering IEPs, These funds are pre-loaded through the WSS process as Cerseated extra Time, 2082, colcuated by Special Education teacher FTE a 30 hours per Lofre Dols for special education supplies and material identified to help buldings uf the spr and ltr of IDEA (ndvidvos wit DsbiltesEdveation Ac. Vis bt //sea.ed.gou/ {or details). These funds ore presooded through the WSS process as “ertual” material, ‘5601 They shouldbe wed to provide meaningful speci designed instruction inthe least estictive. environment (Note: Specially Designed Instruction is. modified. canter, ‘methodology, and/or delvery of Irstructon) + Compensatory Education when the bulling has fle to provide services es documented in theieP Special Education Process continued Building Budget Related Responsiblity continued + Costof extending central funded substttes eg, 1: lastuctionlAeitant) beyond te cenivaly approved period. Stal postions or services/equipment approved by an IP team WITHOUT approval of Central Special Education staff In these stutions, the IP team Ie dedenting Dulin ‘based dolar for these services support, + Chis size overages (ie, easeoods exceeds conroctuoly negotiated level in PRK, TAK ‘Mig, M2, SMS, SM4 cossrooms) due to leal service delivery models, ures riot Urtten agreement is reached. between buldng staf, Cental Spec Gdcaton ‘ministration, Istrutional Directors, and Seattle Eduction Asoc aon (SE), Budget Requirements Students who recele special education series are general education students fist with ‘datlonal serves provided to allow the majaty of students to be served in schools close to home inthe least restrictive environment (UE). The atached dogram, “Bulking Blocks of ‘Specially Designed Instruction,” lustates how verices shou be delivered to students ‘The implementation of service delivery model Began during the 2008-10 eat, The movement toward a fl service delivery model wil take approximately ve (5) yar, working in tandems with the new student assignment systers, General budget guidlines ae nt being significantly sitered for 2012-13; waver, charges have been mace in afin allocations atthe KS St (resource) serves. BUILDING BLOCKS of ‘SPECIALLY DESIGNED INSTRUCTION (SDD) a wi rayon ‘The following table its the curent 2012-13 Special Education sence deve budgeting information related to each. Stating level, teacher extra te for EP writing, and ‘urculm meters for students ar ated per service model, Special Education Process Continued Special Education Service Delivery Models Sect avcatnservee Daten | 1, inena, | Sot on eee oe ae me Rowen cc) ear | “antes mat EN ec | 2s Oe aerate ‘Seer Sec icacoe Ser Deipesl Presiod nal nse ny | fe ‘smig | Seve Mode «= 1 — '& | Generle (Elementary School) = = ™ 1 | Bitavior toervention (itigh Senoon) | 4 = bel = —_ oe | eween * i a 7 Te on |e * ie rn ? i uni _| fawn oma * mn 2 * 50 it [ bce erie Tm cece Tit stay ona | Sree e rm » * a “ea [ Way a 2 m = z 7a fa wate Dato ee: ta "Tis oes not cang the clletve barging apeement aioe fr cs aw oveoed pay 1:22 rao. ‘Special Education Process Continued Background Information Private School: Schools that have history served private schoo! students with IEPs may receive adtionl Specisl Education dollars based on the numberof private schoo! ucents Served inthe past These dolls ae intended to compensate school for services provided to Private schoo students above and beyond the Tul stent cated for which the schoo! has been funded. Schools that have capacty to do so may be asked te serve privat school speci ‘esveatonstdents without edtons compensation, ‘Program Review and Adjustments: All Speci Education classroom program services wil be ‘evlewed in terms of capsciy wit potential cosures of ow-enrled classrooms. For budget dovelopment assistance, you my contact the following indduale: Interim Executive Director, Special Education Becky Cord 252-0085 Regional Special Education Supervisors Cathy Lambert Nest Seattle 252.0887 Geri GuerreroNorhwert 252-0875 Martha Lawson-Northeast 252.0883 Michael anfor-cental 2520841 Stacey MeCrat-smith-Southeast 252.0807 son CougiPreschos! 252-0665,

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