PANACEA Leomicio Offemaria Corpuz

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Leomicio Offemaria Corpuz

I had just barely finished college when my mother was diagnosed
positive of cancer. At first, she decided to hide it from us. When we knew
about it, it was already too late for chemotherapy. Malignancy had spread &
her vital organs were already severely affected. I would never forget the
experience of seeing a love-one undergo such an excruciating ordeal. It
slowly & painfully took life out of her. There were even times when I would go
out from her hospital room when I could no longer bear her shout of agony.
Doctors & nurses would come with vials of pain relievers. But Morphine &
pain relievers are no cure for cancer! These would just make the pain go
away for some time but it would not heal my mother! I said, feeling helpless
about the situation.
One evening, I was awakened by my mothers call. Arielle? Arielle?
What is it, Mother? I replied. You look very tired, my daughter, she
lovingly remarked. Im fine, Mother. It is you who needs to rest, I answered.
Samantha? Samantha? Are you also there? mother asked, longing for my
younger sisters response. I felt a pinch of pain in my heart. Why should she
look for someone who wasnt there & who seemed not to give a damn to
what is happening?
Samantha had always been the apple of the eyes in our family. Ever
since we were children, I saw how differently we were treated. Look at little
Samantha, shes so pretty, they would often say while I was in one corner
invisible to their naked eyes. You must always give way for Samantha,
Arielle. You are the older sister, they used to remind me. I bitterly grew up in
a double-standard world where Samantha always had the better
opportunities. She was the criterion for me to meet & surpass. I didnt take
this sitting down. I strived hard to be better than her. I eventually became a
consistent honor student & was then about to graduate Magna Cum Laude in
a top State University. She? Ha, what a waste! It turned out, shes the black
sheep in the family after all. Her studies were a complete mess.
She got hooked up to drugs & is now confined in a rehabilitation center
for substance abuse. Why look for her, Mother? Why look for her? I
questioned without uttering a word. My rage exclaimed in silence for she was
sick. I dont want to hurt her.
Arielle, can I make a request? Mother queried. Yes, by all means,
Mom. What do you want? I answered. When Im gone, could you please
take care of Samantha? she replied. Samantha, Samantha, Samantha!
Always Samantha! How about Arielle? How about me? Dont you love me,
Mother? I said, not being able to stop the tears to fall from my eyes. She
then embraced me as I sobbed to her arms like a child. I love you, Arielle.
Even more than what I feel for Samantha. She needed special care for
between the two of you she was the weaker sibling. I am proud of you, my
child. I never knew that you were deeply wounded all these years. Learn to
forgive. Heal your wound, Arielle. Heal your wound. Cancer would not shatter
my spirit. The pain would stop when I die but your memories I would carry in

the after life. Your little sister needs you, Mother comforted me. I promise.
Ill take care of Samantha, & as if she was just waiting for me to utter those
words, she smiled & gently left her tormented body.
I changed. Most of all, I have learned to forgive. I have been taking
care of Samantha for a year now. I never thought I had such a wonderful
sister. I am to visit her today at the rehabilitation center. Its her birthday. The
wounds have healed. Forgiveness is the cure.
If we could only learn to forgive & love one another, this world would
be a better place for all of us. & truly, God will heal our land.

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