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TESOL Observation Field Notes

Class Observation #____





Date/Time___1.27.2016___________ Location______Coor L1-34____________

Effective Principles of Observation:

Wipe away preconceived notions before starting your observations.

Collect observations under different circumstances and from varied perspectives.

Take thorough notes, including quotes and details about the setting and atmosphere, and collect
important class documents.

Engage in active listening using a detached observer approach.

Keep systematic track of observations that surprise you or contradict your prior beliefs.

Pre-Class Notes (e.g., what are the teachers goals for the lesson? what are the demographics [e.g., student population,
class size, proficiency level] of the class?)

She asked students to taking the quiz about last class learned few new words.

Description/Observation of the class

(i.e., what is happening?)

Reflection on/Interpretation of the

what does it mean?)

1. During the quiz time, she specific tell students legitimate=valid

(good) this words means,
2. She answered the few vocabulary questions about students

She showed students about few websites, and

share her ideas to students why she think this
website is credible or not. Also during the class
time she shared her ideas to students.

3. She started to use the computer share with student

For example:

The shiny part is she created an activities, she

write down a topic and show the students an
example how to search online how to judge
this websites is relevant or not. Then she ask
students become few groups and practice this
Show student how to read this kind of websites and recognized
their credible or not.
4. Download the relevant doc to do some practice. (recognized this
websites is credible or not)
she opened the document and teach the students how to
recognized the first two resources are relevant or not, and she
asked student to practiced the rest of them. (8 more left write
Yes/Not) (One student asked can they write maybe, she said is ok to
do that)

She encourages students to answer the

questions and give them biggest complement
make them more confidence. I think she is
doing really great job about encourage
students answer questions and let them join in
the class.

She went through the whole class and give

students opinions and tell students

5. She want to go over all the information about this relevant

homework (pick one research questions and think about it)
In Digication, Step 6:

1. The title, author, and website and URL of the source

2. An explanation of this sources credibility
3. The research question that this source answers for you
4. An explanation in your own words of the answer you found in this
5. At least one quote from this source that you plan to use in your

Post-Class Notes (e.g., are there follow-up questions for the teacher? does anything need to be clarified?)
Quiz questions:

In your words, write the definition of the word credible.

In a sentence or two, explain why Wikipedia is not a credible source.

You must be very careful when using a biased source. What is one legitimate(=valid (good)) reason
to use a biased source in your essay?

If you do used a biased source, what do you have to do in your essay?

List two different, specific sources of objective research.

Class notes 1-27

Quiz (10 minutes)

Discuss Research

2A. Before you go on the internet, decide what you are trying to find out. Pick one research question to
answer at a time. Example:
(big question) How do men and women text differently?
(smaller question) Do men and women have a different frequency of texting?
2B. Choosing the sources that appear to be most relevant and credible

Read titles to determine relevance. Try not to get distracted from your research goal.

Read urls to determine credibility. What if you dont know anything about the website?

For example:

Read summaries to determine further relevance

- Examplehow to do the research, how to see this the resources is relevant or

- Relevant? _____ Credible? _____ Why is it credible or not/credible?


Differences in Text Messaging - BYU ScholarsArc

by SR Shawcroft - 2014 - Related articles

Mar 3, 2014 - Shawcroft, Sara R., "Gender Differences in Text Messaging" (2014). ...... activity levels and
the frequency of media use, which may be affected ...

- Relevant? ____ Credible? ____ Why is it credible or not credible?

Restless China - Page 199 - Google Books Result
Perry Link, Richard P. Madsen, Paul G. Pickowicz - 2013 - Social Science
Frequency of Contact: Texting Once a relationship begins, the interaction ... of textingas the preferred medium of
communication altered this sex difference. I found that young men and women text their partners on average
three to five times a .

Relevant? ____ Credible? ____ Why is it credible or not credible?

Gender differences in texting - SlideShare

Dec 3, 2012 - + Overview Texting Frequencies Texting Styles Formalities and Expectations Texting Personalities LOL vs.
Haha vs. Hahaha. ... Is there adifference between men and women? ... + Your Texting Personality MEN WOMENPerson A: Perfect
grammar, spelling, punctuation

Relevant? ____ Credible? ____ Why is it credible or not credible?

Adolescent Identity: Evolutionary, Cultural and ...


Bonnie Lynn Hewlett - 2012 - Psychology

But this expectation can be manipulated to benefit the woman. In Hohhot ... There are sex differences in the frequency in
which men and women text each other

- Relevant? ____ Credible? _____ Why is it credible or not credible?

Texting everywhere for everything: Gender and age ...

In this study, adult participants from 18-68 years completed a survey about their own use of cell phones and the contexts in which
they considered cell phone use appropriate. There were age and gender differences in beliefs about the etiquette as to when cell
phone use was ..

Relevant? ____ Credible? ____ Why is it credible or not credible?

Gender Differences in Touch: An Empirical and Theoretical ...

by DS Stier - 1984 - Cited by 137 - Related articles

observational studies of touch frequency, people's beliefs about frequency and meaning, data on ... primary hypothesis
concerning gender differences in touch, is
given special scrutiny .... 1 In the text and tables, only published data are con

- Relevant? _____ Credible? _____ Why is it credible or not credible?

National Phone Survey on Distracted Driving ... - NHTSA
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

gender, age, and income differences exist, males and younger respondents tend to underestimate the .... Men are more
likely to continue driving while sending a textmessage ..... Distracted Driving Behavior Frequency, by Sex and Age

- Relevant? _____ Credible? ____ Why is it credible or not credible?

ILY<3 The Relationship of Texting -

Nov 19, 2013 - The hypothesis: The higher the frequency of texts, the more ... Men and women differed from one
another when it came to the ... In apposition, womenresort to more texting in order to "apologize, work out
their differences and ...

- Relevant? _____ Credible? _____ Why is it credible or not credible?

Frequent Texting Can Hurt A Relationship, But : NPR

Oct 31, 2013 - Women were more likely than men to use texting to try to manage the relationship, whether to apologize, work
out differences or make ..

- Relevant? _____ Credible? Why is it credible or not credible?

Text Messaging: Effects on Romantic Relationships and Social
The Huffington Post

Aug 22, 2012 - Text messaging is one of the foremost means of communication in today's society ... message length,
response time, or frequency of interaction. ... Particularly, one might research gender differences in emoticon use and
the ...

Save the ones you want to read later (I personally try to search first, then read later, so I can
prevent confusion and keep my research goal in mind)

How many results should you look at?

PRACTICE: Find the ONE BEST website (most relevant and

credible) to help you answer this question.
2C. Using alternate search terms
do men and women text with different frequency?
how often do men and women text?
difference in male and female frequency in texting
who texts more men or women
research frequency texting men and women

2D. Reading the sources with the goal of finding the answers to your questions

As you read, save the quotes (I save them in a separate document on my Google Drive) that you
think you could use in your essay

Dont forget to use quotation marks and attributions in your notes!

Do you have to read the whole article?

After youre done reading, write a brief summary of the whole article in your own words

As you read, you can also note additional questions or ideas that the article made you think of.

As you read, you can also note additional sources of information that the article provides. For
example, if the article provides links to other articles or references other articles, you could save
those link addresses or copy down the references to look at later

Requirements for Annotated Bibliography:

MLA citation

An explanation of this sources credibility

The research question that this source answers for you

An explanation in your own words of the answer you found in this source

At least one quote from this source that you plan to use in your essay

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