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Meet one of the best 50 women

in the business - shes the new
dean of the business school

Rutgers - Newark
remembers an
influential educator


President Barchi visits

campus while students
wait for change


One SM staff writer speaks

about her time living in wartorn Lebanon


War Memoir

One SM staff writer speaks about

her time living in war-torn Lebanon

Making History

Meet one of the best 50 women in business

shes the new dean of the business school

Where Are They Now?

See how far alumni have come

since their graduation

Seniors Say Goodbye

A new generation will soon take over

Scarlet Magazine

Where Are We Going?

President Barchi visits campus while

students wait for change

A Tribute to Dr. Samatar

Rutgers- Newark remembers
an influential educator

A World Away

Rutgers-Newark students meet students

from Norway in an open forum

Poor Choices

Rutgers-Newarks Mens Volleyball Team

are no longer in D-1

Power in Modesty

Rutgers-Newark students speak on

their feelings about being Hijabi women

Raise Your Voice

Read about Newark artists from

campus around the city
SUMMER 2015 | 1


People who want to be journalists are like people who want to be the president theyre absolutely crazy. I signed up for sleepless nights and anxiety-filled deadlines.
On most days, the only thing that keeps me sane is the stale coffee in my mug. On
good days, Id catch someone who wont flake on me ten minutes before an interview
or get cursed out when conducting a man-on-the-street (I mean, at least they didnt
ignore me).
My pursuit of journalism comes from a deep rooted passion for people, knowledge,
and communication. I have a love for writing and have developed a love for photo
and video journalism. I live to tell peoples stories and to act as a megaphone for the
underrepresented. Journalism is necessary. In an egocentric world, it is important to
remain informed about your surrounding community, the world, and humanity.
With graduation around the corner, I am happy to have worked with such stellar staff
on Scarlet Magazine. Thank you to my writers, editors, and designers, some of which
have become my close friends. I am thankful to have produced a magazine that I can
proudly say, engaged the Rutgers-Newark community.
As my sense of community grows, I hope to develop my talents in the work force. My
sincere hope is that you, dear reader, will have the courage to do the same. Passion,
drive, and bravery cannot be taught. I hope that you utilize your skills to pursue a life
you truly want, despite any obstacles that may come your way. If you fail, live with
peace knowing that you gave it your all.
So yes, I am crazy. I signed up to see the world, whether in my own backyard, another
hemisphere, or another person. I signed up to be at the forefront of history (and
truthfully, hope this wont be the last editors letter that I write). We as a generation,
will be the next in line to revolutionize our fields of study and we will succeed.

Kristine Villanueva

Executive Editor
Ashley Okwuosa


Sarah Hastings
Chaden Noureddine
Evan Le Blanc
Maxine Macias
Ashley Okwuosa
Helena Ruiz
Kristine Villanueva
Carlos Zambrano


Maxine Macias
Allyza Umali
Evan Le Blanc

Faculty Advisors
Chantal Fischzang
Robin Gaby Fisher

Art Director

Karen May Cunanan

Art Director
Christian Guerrero


Sarah Barcelos
Karen May Cunanan
Daniel Jamroz
Christian Guerrero
Faten Sumrien
Tinhinane Khelifi
Faten Sumerien
Ryan J. Saavedra
Lauren Menses
Rochelle Anne Bernal

Jedd Kristjan
Denia Edwin



SUMMER 2015 | 3

By: Kennia Joseph, 2014

So delicate and fragile

Intricate design
Searching for a taker
But love leaves you blind
One snip its damaged
But once crushed its broken
Can still give affection
But theres no taker for my token.


SUMMER 2015 | 5

Deep in the woods she listens for life, hoping someone will save her
Trapped by a dense forest filled with sky high trees
Voices echo, leaves rattle and branches break; shes by herself
She listens for life, hoping that it is her imagination
Darkness falls and quiet night brings all her nightmares to life
Deep breaths and quick paces, she goes in circles trying to find a way out
Falling deeper into this endless dream
Hoping and wishing but to no avail
The wind is chilling her to the depths of her bones
Tired of running circles, she waits
Deep breaths
She waits
Found ...when she stopped running.

By: Kennia Joseph, 2014


SUMMER 2015 | 7


Once my friends look closely enough at my

right hand, they notice a scar on my middle
finger...How did I really get it? Its a long story.

By: Zeinab Said

Once my friends look closely enough at my right hand, they notice a scar on my middle
finger. Im always asked how I got it, and I usually say it was from a nasty paper cut.
Other times, I say I cut myself when I was helping my mother to cook. She doesnt
let me use knives anymore, I say. Then I would jokingly talk about how my terrible
chopping skills put me at a disadvantage with finding a husband. How did I really get
it? Its a long story.
I was born in New Jersey. I have two older sisters and a younger brother. I did not know
there was life outside of the United States until I grew old enough to understand that we
had relatives in Lebanon, my parents native country. They decided that we (my mother
and siblings) should live there for a while to learn more about our religion and culture.
We first arrived in Lebanon in 2001. I was not excited. Jersey was my home. My father
was there and so was my life, which I felt would soon cease to exist. I know it was fear that
made me uneasy. I had to start over. My Arabic was weak, and I had to make new friends.
Five years passed and I went from being a lost puppy to mastering the Lebanese lifestyle.
I loved my school and I adored my friends. It was all going well until we got deeper
into the summer of 2006, which is now the only summer I can remember out of all
my summers in Lebanon.
That August was a sad month. Millions of tourists visit Lebanon yearly. From its stunning
grottos and striking nature reserves, to its eloquent resorts and magnificent historical
landscapes, Lebanon earned its title as the pearl of the Middle East. It crushed me to read
about the death of hundreds of tourists who died in the War of August, as it is called.
What can suck about vacationing is that you think your absence is temporary. The war
lasted a month, and every memory of it lives with me. So, the story of my scar is inscribed
within the telling of my experience in the war of August of 2006.


SUMMER 2015 | 9

I didnt feel anything;

I just saw blood gushing out
my finger and onto the glass
that lay helpless between
my shoes.
the war
ended, we got in our cars and
headed back to our vacated homes. I looked
around me, and nothing was the same. Homes were empty.
They were just houses now. I was glad it was over. We drove slowly. I grew
increasingly paranoid; a bomb could go off and that would be it for us. As we
drove back to our southern homes, memories of the war were on replay.
It was towards the end of July and we were warned that after five oclock,
everyone should have evacuated their homes and gone somewhere safe.
Destination: unknown. We headed north where Christians and non-Shia
Muslims lived, since the South- Lebanese Muslim Shia military group was the
rivals target.
At the beginning, I thought it was a rumor. When I finally realized it was real,
I was terrified. Wars were something I only read about in history books or
watched in action movies. Was this really happening in 2006?
We packed lightly and jetted to our cars. When we got onto the main road, the
scene was breathtaking. Cars were everywhere. Honking and shouting filled the
air. I watched the chaos and prayed the traffic would move along. I figured if a
bomb were to hit one car, then the rest would burn with it.
I didnt know exactly where we were going, and I never thought wed even make
it to a place that was completely safe. A few hours into our trip, we arrived at a
hotel. We booked two rooms: one for me and my siblings and mother, and the
other single bedroom was for my grandpa.
The second night in the hotel was worse. I was sleeping when a bomb went off.
The hotel mercilessly shook. I stood so quickly that I lost my footing and fell
forward. Squeezing my head into my chest, I remained in place, glued to the
ground, waiting for the roof to collapse and crush me. I leaped onto the next
empty bed and unveiled the window. Separating the white curtains, I looked
through the glass and saw the fire.
My mother came running into my room, gasping for breath, tears filling her
eyes. Pack everything. Were leaving, she screamed. I didnt hesitate. I repacked my few belongings and waited. My grandpa rushed into our room
and calmed my mother. His words were convincing, so we stayed and so did

that image of Beirut. I thought Israel was only attacking the south, but I guess
hitting Beirut was a necessity; it is the capital of Lebanon. There I sat, trying to
empathize with the enemy, attempting to find a reason as to why they hit Beirut,
and in return they killed my own.
I didnt sleep that night. If I were able to see the bombing from my room, then
we could be next. I didnt want to die asleep.
Looking at the aftermath of the war from my car window, I realized how much we
take for granted. I was blessed. I had a house waiting for me. We knew this because
my mother was, in some way, told that our building was still intact. People with no
homes, and houses without any people, that was a snippet of the war.
Nothing felt the same. You could smell depression. It ate at our faces.
We finally arrived at our house and my soul shoved its way back into my body.
As I closed the car door, I saw my neighbors. Showered with hugs and kisses, I
was delighted to see their smiles, which beamed like sunrays and struck my heart.
Sadly, this wonderful sight came with a bad memory, and so my forgotten smile
had once again dissipated into a stern glare.
After the night Beirut was bombed, I hated staying in my hotel room, so instead,
I would lock myself in my grandfathers room which was always empty. Finally,
there was a corner for no plus one. It was just the TV and I.
I used to hate the news. If one thing bothered me, it was hearing a bunch of
fancy television voices in flashy attire talking about current events. The figures

would be arguing, yelling, or statically reporting, and I
would be uninterested.

As I sat alone in the

room, my passion to turn to these
channels exploded. My eyes were fixed and my
body once again grew numb. Bridges were targeted,
buildings, which were homes to hundreds, were now mountains of stone
unevenly looking over oceans of ash. I closed my eyes; I didnt know what to
think. I acted like it didnt affect me, like this kept happening so I should be used
to it, but no one gets accustomed to death. Its hard.
How could a talking cube make me feel so many different ways? It was a box
that spoke words and syllables that sliced into my heart. It wasnt a gentle
incision like that of a skilled surgeon, but a brutal stabbing. It showed me
pictures that I will never forget. At a Zeinab vs. Television event, I think that
dumb box would win.
I stopped at a channel and gazed at the crowd of men jumping to the rescue.
The bodies were piling up, and I looked at the faces of the rescuers. Several
looked like mummies as their feet dragged through the dust. Some moved slowly,
others swiftly; it all depended upon their emotional reaction to the catastrophe.
Then I saw a little girl. I cant forget her smile. It was daunting. A man held her
in his arms and looked at the camera. Her limbs were gone. He held onto her
as if she were his own with tears streaming down his face. I thought he was her
father, but I was wrong.
SUMMER 2015 | 11

The man sobbed, Look at our children! You caught her in her sleep, he mumbled.
I didnt know what he meant until the camera zoomed into her face. There it was: a smile.
As gray as she was, she had a smile on her face. My heart sank to my feet, I couldnt breathe.
I hoped this was all an act, but I came back to the box, and again I stared. I still
remember it; not just her face, but the whole picture. Just as the picture of the Migrant
Mother is recognizable to millions, this picture of the smiling baby is etched into my
mind. The picture is in grey scale because of the explosion. I wished it was grey because
of a technological regression, but unfortunately, I was able to see the burnt redness that
stained the shirts of the men who were scrambling to save any potential survivors.
I do find it soothing now, that she was smiling. Id like to think she was happy when she
died. Maybe she was playing with a friend, or a sibling, or a parent when the bomb
exploded. Maybe she was sleeping. What if she was dreaming of something that made
her heart flutter and she couldnt help but to smile? The man was right. I think they did
catch her in her sleep.
It took me years to accept this. I was always looking at the situation negatively, that her
life was taken, that no one had a right to keep her from ever smiling again. I remember
her curly black hair hanging lifelessly off her head. It bothered me for years, until the face
that once scared me, that kept me from sleeping, became a face that calmed me. She was
dug up from rubble, well half of her was; and to this day, I still wonder where the rest of
her was hiding. Her box deserved to be full.
Walking away from my neighbors, I closed my eyes so hard, hoping that this memory
would dissipate. We were survivors, but surviving didnt feel that great. Survivors are not
always heroes. I stood in front of the door to my house. It was quiet, and as I turned the
knob, the creaks of the door broke the silence, but I hesitated to enter. I wanted to enjoy
the silence while it lasted. Finally, I decided to walk in.
Looking to my right, I saw that the glass doors of our porch were shattered. I heard a
scream so I turned to my left. Upon entering the kitchen, I saw why my mom had yelled.
She moved the fridge from its original place- inside the kitchen- and onto the porch to
keep the smell from reaching the rest of the house. I cannot describe the smell of the
rotting meat.
There was no electricity for a month, so nothing was preserved. The stench burned my
nostrils. It smelled like sewage, like dead rats. Flies were everywhere and worms slithered
through every opening, but with 50 pounds of Clorox and my mothers years of trained
deep cleaning, the deadly odor would soon go away.

Her body had no arms, no legs, just a head,

neck, and abdomen. I wondered to where the
remnants of her had flown. I wondered if her
mother was with her.

I gazed at the meat again. There was no blood; blood is red, the liquid that had oozed
down the freezer and dripped to the ground was now dry and brown. That meat was
once alive and now it too, was dead. Meat dies when you cook it, when it loses that lively
color, that burning red.
As emotional creatures, human beings are very perceptive to kind gestures. When I see
a smile, I smile back; its reflexive. But one persons happiness can be another persons
misery, and I learned this the hardest way.

SUMMER 2015 | 13

The beautiful weather kept me from changing the channel. No bombs were terrorizing
the people on scene, and there was no smoke filling their lungs. It was sunny and I was
a bit jealous. I wished my heart were at ease. I missed the feeling of waking up and not
wondering whether I might live or die. My heart was always racing.
I saw a soldier and I knew he couldnt be one of ours. I couldnt understand what he was
saying. All I heard was Lebanon. It was then translated. Theyre sending the missiles to
Lebanon. The camera filmed two young girls; neither of them looked older than twelve
years. The girls grabbed a marker and signed their names on the missiles that stood both
taller and broader than the soldier. The camera man asked the girls, where will these
be sent? The girls smiled with not a clue in the world, and joyfully said to the kids in
Lebanon. Every hair on my body stood up.
None of this was fair, none of this made sense. The soldiers face was glowing with pride.
He laughed and took the girls under his arms and they posed for a picture, the missiles
standing in the background. He gleefully smiled and it burned me. How could he sleep at
night? Did he have children?
The missiles were covered with ink; I couldnt see the army green because it was
drenched in signatures. The Israeli soldiers had their children sign the missiles that
would later kill ours. I was repulsed. They bombed our children in the name of theirs.
I cant forget the image. There was something malicious, something cruel about that
scene. I couldnt even see his eyes; he was hidden behind the dark pitch of his Oakleys.
After leaving the kitchen in disgust, I checked out the rest of the house, which was
nauseating. Nothing looked the same, but I had one last stop to make.
I entered the last area of the house: the front porch. I opened the remains of the door. Glass
crunched and cracked under my feet as I walked on to crush what was in my way. I was
speechless, my mind focused on the mess. Glass filled the vicinity of the granite, and I
turned to the door and picked at the last pieces of glass that were still in place. Those
pieces belonged on the floor with the rest. As I forcefully pulled onto one piece of glass
it let loose, but the sharp end of another sliced through my right middle finger. I didnt
feel anything; I just saw blood gushing out my finger and onto the glass that lay helpless
between my shoes. I carefully picked the glass off the floor, and stared at it. I lifted it to
where there was sunlight, and looked through it. The view may seem miraculous through
rose colored glasses, but not so beautiful when its masked with your own blood.
You cant get over what happened; you just learn to deal with it. I dedicate this to all
who passed. May you all rest in peace, and may your families find comfort, one day, if
they have not. There is no evil greater than holding onto anger and resentment. Medicine
can heal you physically, but the memories of your loved ones can patch the wounds of
your burdens.
Every scar has a story. Its 2015 now, and looking down at my finger, I am thanking
myself. The war will live with me forever. The souls of thousands float through the depths
of my scar, and as long as Im alive, I will wear it with pride.


SUMMER 2015 | 15

By Ashley Okwuosa

In the start of the new year , Rutgers Business School welcomed Lei Lei as its
Dean. In the schools almost 100-year history, this marks the first time the position is
being held by a woman.
Lei arrived in Newark over 25 years ago as a young Ph.D. student from University
of Wisconsin Madison. After interviewing with both Rutgers Newark and Virginia
Polytechnic for a faculty position and being offered both jobs in the span of two days,
Lei decided to bring her talents to Brick city.
My fianc worked in Boston, and I wanted to be much closer to him. So I chose
Rutgers. She says. And like they say, the rest is history.
Dean Leis office is situated on the 11th floor of the Rutgers Business School
building at One Washington Park. Her windows give her a clear view of the
sprawling industrial city, on each side of the room is a bookshelf filled with titles like
introduction to operation research, behind her desk is the another shelf, lined with
pictures of her family (a husband, a 22 year old daughter and a 17 year old son) and
congratulatory cards in regards to her historic appointment.
As one of New Jerseys best women in business according to a recent NJ Biz article
and the first ever-female Dean of the business school, Lei has a lot of reasons to
be happy. But today, the broad grin on her face is not in regards to either of those
accolades. A few days ago, she learned US News World Report had just ranked the
Rutgers Business Schools Supply Chain management division #11 in the country
and the overall business school as one of the top 50 in the country.
The Rutgers Center for Supply Chain Management was one Lei founded and acted
as the director for, she was also the chair of the Supply Chain Management and
Marketing Sciences at RBS before going on to become Dean, therefore her immense
pride at this accomplishment is a deeply personal one.


In the schools almost 100-year history, this

marks the first time the position is being
held by a woman.
SUMMER 2015 | 17

I want people to be proud of us, our student, our alumni,

our student parents, our own faculty and our industry friends;
we want every one to be proud of us.

things that will take Rutgers to where it needs to be. But

asRutgers soars in terms of ranking and prestige, Lei doesnt
want the school to forget the city that houses the institution.

As the daughter of a long time university administrator, Lei

understands what needs to be done to take Rutgers Business
School to the next level of success and make everyone proud.

We are the business school of New Jerseys anchor university;

our faculty has the knowledge to help New Jersey businesses,
especially businesses in the greater Newark area. We have 174
business faculty, if one of them can do something to help a
manufacturer in the community, we will make a difference.

My father worked as the Senior Vice President of academics

for a very prestigious university in the Northern part of
China, It was one of the top 12 universities in China for many
years. So I understand what is most valuable to a university.
Lei credits scholarship in reference to student and faculty
research, academic integrity and teaching quality as the three

Leis dream involves an institution with what she calls a strong

culture - a culture that enables student and staff to take their
talents to Newark, to her that will be the greatest test of the
institutions strength - helping to rebuild the city that built it.

...US News World Report had just ranked

the Rutgers Buisness Schools Supply Chain
management division #11 in the country and
the overall business school as one of the top
50 in the country.
It is impossible to talk to Lei without addressing the 86 year old elephant in
the room, without addressing the fact that until the beginning of this year, her
predecessors were all white males.
The world has been changing, the business school has been changing and the
industry has been changing. If you look back at 30-40 years ago, you would
never see a woman as the dean of a major business school but now its becoming
fairly common.
Lei points out that out of the 14 Big Ten ranked business schools that exist, 7 have
female deans. This is 50% percent overall, but for schools that are not under the Big
10 umbrella; the ranking is pretty bleak with the Association to Advance Collegiate
Schools of Business ranking the percentage of female business school deans in the
U.S at 21.6%. But Lei is optimistic, pointing out that Rutgers is living up to its
diversity moniker with two female chancellors at the Newark and Camden campuses
respectively. She also credits the business school as being the first Big Ten school to
have female full time M.B.A enrollment surpass male, with Rutgers at 51%. It is with
this gusto and enthusiasm that she encourages the Rutgers Undergraduate Women in
Business at their annual Womens HERStory.
Panel where she received an honorary award, one that will fit perfectly with the other
13 she has been awarded from both staff and students.
We are working to build a brand of our time, and a brand ahead our time. She says
in her speech to the mostly female audience members as they look back at her, wideeyed in anticipation for their opportunity to make their mark, just like Lei has.


SUMMER 2015 | 19


By: Maxcine Macias

Class of 2013

In the hallowed halls of Bradley Hall, Cortney Coulanges

is a legend in her own right. As the founding editor in chief
of the Scarlet Magazine (Yes, the one youre reading right
now.) Coulanges started Rutgers Newarks only student run
magazine in May 2011.
I had the idea while I was in class, and then we went from
there, she said. This was in March before spring break and
in May, the day classes ended, the first issue came out.
Fresh faced college Rutgers-Newark students graced Scarlets
inaugural issue, accompanied by bold-faced student written
articles about fitness, fashion and summer fun, it was the
culmination of Coulanges dream, a publication for students
by students.
Four years after the first issue and two years after Coulanges
graduation from Rutgers, the recipient of the Kenneth Alvord
Award for outstanding excellence in Journalism and the class
of 2013 commencement speaker has continued to expand
creatively, and in the fall of 2015, Coulanges will be doing that
at Northwestern University in Chicago.
The program is called Leadership and Creative Enterprise
where its basically teaching creative people how to manage
themselves and manage their business.

The point of this all is creative-ish. Its writing in a way, its all
writing, she said. Its going to be for screen or for television.
I want to produce content that I feel is not being produced, I
feel like there is an entire audience and entire movement that
is being neglected by the media. Theres content that needs to
be produced and who else other than me to do it.
The demographic Coulanges aims to highlight with her
work is the same one she tapped into four years earlier with
Scarlet Magazine, the multi-racial, national and dimensional
landscape of the millennial generation.
You look at television shows and its very singular and its
a discussion thats happening now. But if you look around,
especially at schools like Rutgers Newark, thats not what
reality, is. Its so much more than that and why arent there
stories that?
Coulanges penchant for creating uninhibited and necessary
content has served her well before and will serve her well,
again, as she embarks on her journey to tell the stories people
have been waiting to hear.

Combining her inherent creative talent with her upcoming

graduate school experience, Coulanges hopes to manifest her
skills in a creative capacity.


SUMMER 2015 | 21

Class of 2008

Ebokosia thought she would just be another medical school

student. During her sophomore year was when she began
giving back to the community and became the founder and
CEO of The Gem Project, a non-profit organization geared
toward youth and educating them in a variety of impactful
issues. It was something she did as therapy after finding out
her mother had invasive breast cancer. It was with the help of
professors such as Doug Morrison and Karen Chaffee here at
Rutgers that Ebokosia began to figure out who she was and
what she wanted to do.
It was nice to have people in your corner who saw things
about you, that you didnt see yourself.
Ebokosia was recognized by Forbes for their recurring 30
under 30 segment for her organization as well as currently
operating a Boy and Girls Club in the Lower East Side of
Manhattan. Shes continuing to develop her organization and
her main goal is to blossom young people individually through
service-based programs.


Rutgers University School of Law, J.D., 2005

Parikh not only gained an education in law but by being in
Newarks community alone. He had decided to go Law School
at Rutgers-Newark because of its reputation for being one of
the most diverse law schools in the country. Here, he found a
tightknit community and even met his wife.
He is now an attorney at Genova Burns in Newark and has
practiced his whole career in the city. Parikh specialized in
business and government issues. He finds the location to be
a great resource to him with access to all companies and
financial firms in Hudson County as well as in New York City.


SUMMER 2015 | 23




Creative Art Director

Scarlet Magazine was one of the highlights of
my college career. Working with such a talented
and amazing team led me to realize that teamwork
is an important thing that needs to be cherished.
This magazine also led me to pursue a job in the
editorial and fashion industry, and the experience
I gained helped me get a job as a graphic designer
for DKNY. Im thankful to have been a part of this
amazing magazine.



My friends at Scarlet Magazine made the best

co-workers. By working at Scarlet, I learned that
greatness is a collaborative effort. Scarlet inspired
me to continue my journalism career after college and
I hope to shape the industry with new ideas every day.


SUMMER 2015 | 25



Executive Editor

Working with the staff of Scarlet has been an amazing

experience. Ive laughed, learnt and most importantly,
Ive loved each and every member for bringing their
absolute best when it comes to Scarlet. It is because of
your collective awesomeness that this magazine is what it
is and I cant wait to hear and see the amazing things you
all go on to achieve post Scarlet.


Graphic Designer

Sometimes you really feel like you have yourself figured out.
Then you become a graphic designer. Suddenly youve promised
to harmonize the entire world through visual communication.
In the midst of your triumphant quest you conquer designs for
the Scarlet Magazine one spread at a time. You, along with the
other, young designers, gather together to share knowledge,
energy, and experiences. Overtime you realize the truth of
the matter. Scarlet Magazine teaches you that you cannot
solve all the worlds problems alone. You need others to better
understand the world and furthermore, yourself.

Working with everyone from Scarlet Mag can be compared

to being part of a huge pop group where we all have our own
individual talents, but powerful when put together. Now that
this chapter is about to end, its safe to say were ready to
venture out into the real world being our own Beyoncs and
Justin Timberlakes. (And maybe Zayn Maliks.) There is no
doubt Scarlet gave me the freedom and joy to express myself
as an aspiring multimedia music journalist working with
people who I consider friends, or for lack of a better term squad. Ive been blessed.

Graphic Designer

Designing for Scarlet Magazine has taught me the importance

of good communication. After graduation, the experience I
learned from Scarlet is something which will aid my career
transitioning to print design.

SUMMER 2015 | 27



Four semesters, seven written articles and two e-board

positions, this is my experience at Scarlet Magazine in
numbers. But my gratitude is infinite. As the first platform
for my journalistic lessons and experiences, I was able to
work with creative-minded, goal-driven and multi-talented
friends. With them, I honed the skills to work and produce an
amazing print publication. This organization led me to great
opportunities such as working at Hearst Publications. Scarlet
Magazine was my first platform and I will never forget it.

Scarlet Magazine has taught me to be dedicated to something

that I necessarily wont receive immediate merit for. Ive also
learned the importance of loyalty and respecting the craft
of journalism. Scarlet Magazine has also strengthened my
friendships with the people I work with.


Fashion Editor


Working for Scarlet Magazine has been super

rad experience. To me, it didnt feel like work and
coworkers just felt like family. Scarlet has helped
me grow as a worker, a designer, and a person,
readying me for the world.


Art Director

Being part of Scarlet Magazine has been one of the best

decisions I have made. Working at Scarlet, I was able to have
hands-on experience in the creation of an editorial publication
and also learned to be attentive when it came to typesetting. As
an Art Director, it also allowed me to step out of my comfort
zone and teach me the importance of communication and
collaborative effort between the team. Scarlet has not only
inspired me, but also motivated me to continue pursuing a
career in the editorial industry.

SUMMER 2015 | 29



AP Photo

By Kristine Villanueva
Rutgers-Newark had a rare opportunity speak with university
president Robert Barchi and Chancellor Nancy Cantor in an
open forum to address various student concerns.
Held on March 6th, the forum was faint echo of Barchi's last
visit two years ago. Unlike his last open forum, only students
were allowed to speak, major media outlets were not present,
and President Barchi was not armed with a powerpoint
presentation to run out the clock.Though plans to improve the
campus have been implemented, students remain skeptical of
the changes that were promised.
"There's something that came out of it, said Edwin
Rodriguez, a computer science major who spoke at the event.

Rodriguez also felt that Barchi isnt in touch with the Newark
campus and only answered questions with the New Brunswick
campus in mind.
Students at the forum spoke on a wide array of topics from
safety, parking, and wifi. But change may be over the horizon.
Since Barchis last visit, the Newark campus has presented
a strategic and master physical plan to the university Board
of Governors that hopes to engage the campus and the
surrounding community. Both plans have major changes in
mind for the campus for the next five years.
The recently released physical plan includes renderings of a
newly renovated first floor of the Dana Library, which will
include a cafe and digital library.

The people who have gotten in contact with

Barchi ...finally understand that they will be
working harder to get what they want.

SUMMER 2015 | 31

Paul Robeson Campus Center will also undergo renovations

for a Social Staircase that will open up space between floors
and will give the campus center a more modern feel. PRCC
will also have more lounge space.
The plan also hopes to provide seamless indoor and outdoor
wi-fi connection from campus to Military Park, improve
the food at Stonesby, and update classroom furniture and
technology. The plan also has a transit hub and walkways to
improve safety.

But not all students

are enthusiastic.
If they cant keep the basics of the campus structurally
sound, how are they even thinking of this master plan?
said Julianna Gonska, an attendee at the event.

Kelly Heyboer | NJ Advance Media for

While some students are eager for

these improvements, most students
feel that the only thing they can do
now is wait for change.

SUMMER 2015 | 33

By: Zeinab Said & Carlos Zambrano

He was a fellow at the National Endowment for the

Humanities, where he helped develop script and production
of a major docu-drama on the Somali National hero, Sayyid
Mahammad Abdille Hasan.
Dr. Samatar was also a fellow at The Social Science Research
Council, the Department of History at Northwestern
University, and the Department of History at Goshen College.
He was also Editor of the Horn of Africa Journal, in which
many would agree a part of his soul remains.
He was not only a great professor but also had a talent for
narrating the History of Africa. He understood how to tell
a story, he had pride and confidence in his skill, and worked
relentlessly on his craft.
Dr. Samatar was born in Ogden, Ethiopia, a region inhabited
by Somalis, underneath a tree on a rainy season, and worked
as a camel herder as a boy.

In a letter sent to the Rutgers community, Chancellor Nancy

Cantor, Provost Todd Clear, and Dean of Faculty of Arts and
Sciences noted his various achievements. Samatar penned
several books on Somali and Northwest Africa. Clear and
Cantor also said Samatar was widely sought after by the
media, appearing in ABC News Nightline as an interpreter
and consultant for anchor Ted Koppel, BBC, CBS, CNN
International as well as PBS The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer.
He was also quoted by various print organizations like the
New York Times, The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, and
the U.S News and World Report.
Although there is very little knowledge of Dr. Samatars
childhood, this simple, yet poetic beginning to his life gave him
great pride and confidence in himself to become a great and
prominent figure.
My father had a kind of pride that wasnt based on material
wealth; he would have expressed the same self-confidence
in a lecture hall or under a tree, said Sofia Samatar,
Dr. Samatars daughter.

When Dr. Said Samatar spoke, he was a master words. He had

a way with language and it showed after years of daily selfeducation through reading, highlighting words, and finding their
meaning. He had a deep intellectual curiosity, and aimed to
perfect his English regularly.
This love for language played a vital role in the legacy he has left
behind. As a professor of African History, Dr. Samatar enriched
the narrative of the horn of Africa, particularly Somalia.
He liked to learn words in context, how they were used, and
why, said Lydia Samatar, his wife.
Dr. Samatar kept a plethora of 8x5 spiral notebooks. In them he
wrote an accumulation of words he had learned, along with key
phrases that were all powerful and thought-provoking.
Hes a student through and through, and it was a pleasure for
him to expand his vocabulary daily, said Lydia.
Dr. Samatar, admired by his students and fellow colleagues,
proved to be an outstanding researcher, lecturer, and friend. His
work ethic was unmistakable.


Photo by Sofia Samatar

Admired by his
Admired by his
students and
students and fellow
fellow colleagues,
colleagues, Dr.
Dr. Samatar
Samatar proved to
proved to be
be an outstanding
an outstanding
researcher, lecturer,
researcher, lecturer,
and friend.
and friend.

SUMMER 2015 | 35

Sofia wrote A Stranger in Olondria. Her novel presents the

relationship between oral poetry and anti-colonial resistance in
Somalia, a topic her father wrote and examined extensively.

He was a poet in his

use of language, and
what he brought
from the old world
to the new world
was a respect for and
understanding of
oral communication.


Dr. Said had an enlightening presence, and those who met

him could learn something valuable, and that is why today his
work remains an integral part of how the public understands
Somalia and the Horn of Africa.

Sofia is much like her father and adores the power of words.
I remember seeing Dads vocabulary notebooks around the
house all the time, full of interesting words and phrases hed
collected. I became a collector of words, too - I love unusual
and even obscure words, something I hope isnt too annoying
to my readers, she said.

His courses were an integral part of our major and minor

program; and his legacy as an adored teacher will live on
among the hundreds of our department alumni who took
classes with him, said professor of African American and
African Studies, Dr. Wendell Holbrook.

Dr. Samatars narrative about Africa and Somalia was rich and
complex. It was evocative, and relied on poignant words.

Aside from his intellectual and scholarly repertoire, Dr.

Samatar had an intelligent sense of humor.

His work gave a much deeper perspective on Somalia than

we have tended to get in the popular media. If you look
at his books and articles, you can see how he is creating a
multidisciplinary portrait of Somalia and Africa. As current
events underline, we need this kind of work more than ever,
said professor John Keene of African American and African
Studies program.

Said punctuated both his formal presentations and his

daily exchanges in the corridors with humorous asides and
commentaries. He had a marvelous wit, said Dr. Holbrook.
The latest developments in African politics, economics,
and literature were often at the core of Dr. Holbrook and
Samatars daily discussions. He remembers how Said placed
an added excitement to his remarks with just the right proverb
or colorful joke.

This is another tragic blow to our community.Said lived

a life most of us could not even imagine, and he spent a
lifetime sharing the wisdom he gained on the way, wrote
Beryl Satter, Professor of History. The direction he took
in his life was unique. His understanding of the beauty of
oral communication echoed through the chapters of his first
book, Oral Poetry and Somali Nationalism. I knew him for 22
years, and the strength of his language always came through.
He was a poet in his use of language, and what he brought
from the old world to the new world was a respect for and
understanding of oral communication. He had a witty and
incisive understanding; he had a joy in living. You could talk to
him about poetry and Somalia, or about Koko Taylor and the
Blues, and he always had something to say that would leave
you smarter than when you began speaking with him.

Professor Nela Navarro, lecturer at the Department of Spanish

and Portuguese, and Associate Director & Director of the
Education Center for the Study of Genocide and Human
Rights, wrote, In sadness I respectfully share this, my most
recent moment withDr. S. I had the extraordinary pleasure
and privilege of meeting Dr. S that is what I affectionately
called him 15 years ago. He was a scholar, educator and
engaged global citizen who was exceptionally inspirational
and who celebrated in the goodness of human nature. His last
words to me when I asked him why he had such a great smile
that morning on the third floor of Conklin Hall was, I smile
because there is poetry all around me. You have left a great
void but an exceptional legacy, thank you!

SUMMER 2015 | 37

Professor Belinda Edmondson, Professor of English and

Acting Chairperson of African-American & African Studies,
also spoke in his honor.
Professor Samatar was a giant in the field of African history,
but he was also a caring and committed member of the
Rutgers-Newark faculty, she said. On a personal level Said
was a warm and funny colleague; he had a refined, courtly,
respectful manner to anyone he addressed, whether student or
colleague, but he was also very witty, always good for a little
joke in the hallway to make the day a little brighter. Ive known
him for 20 years, and will miss him very, very much.
Dr. Samatar had a great impact on anyone he encountered,
his students especially. Those who had him years ago to
those enrolled in his classes just last semester spoke of their late
professor with the utmost love and respect.
Even though Dr. Said is no longer physically with us, he
remains alive and well, both spiritually and mentally, said
Rahim Moumoud, sophomore at Rutgers-Newark. He was
a generous, extremely knowledgeable, and hilarious professor.
I remember having political and personal conversations
with him in his office and he would always give me so much
knowledge about the history of my tribes and the great history
of the African continent. He was like a grandfather, mentor
and professor all at the same time. Professor you will be missed
and forever remembered. Shukran for all the Knowledge.
Dr. Samatar was a genuine man, added senior Hasan
Salam. From his humorous teaching style to his rhetorical
questions, he knew the essence behind keeping a class
engaged. The knowledge he has taught his students will be
passed on for the many generations to come. The Rutgers
community has lost another great, and he will truly be missed.
Rest in peace, professor.


Dr. Samatar epitomizes the gradual rise to the top, which

many would say is a part of the American dream. He
accomplished what many immigrants aspire to reach, a
successful life, a brighter future, and to make an impact, for
which he worked endlessly to obtain.

Said was the love of my life. He was not supposed to leave us this way,
but he couldnt choose it, she said. My friend told me something and
this sums up exactly how I feel,

Upon her husbands passing, Mrs. Samatar, soft-spoken, yet

grief-stricken said, On February 11th, I was sleeping, and my
door was shut. I heard him fall down the steps. I did not hear
him call for help, so I got up a to check on him. Seeing him
laying on his back, she called the ambulance. After 15 minutes,
help arrived, and he was taken to University Hospital. After
being admitted in the hospital, he slipped into a coma 3 hours
later. A CT Scan was taken, a blood clot on the left side of his
brain was found, and he was immediately taken into surgery.

The pain that Mrs. Samatar and her family are going through is
unimaginable, but the Rutgers community will also remember his
passing. His students loved him and his colleagues adored and
admired his charm.

Tears filling her eyes, and sadness clouding the protrusion of

her voice, Mrs. Samatar said, He went into a coma after the
surgery, but there was so much damage in his brain. We knew
who would not come back. She marveled the doctors and
all who helped take care of Dr. Samatar during time. Their
daughter, Sofia, and son, Delmar, were beside their father
during this tragic time.
We understood we had to let him go, she continued. We
had a consensus. I asked my children and his two brothers,
Ismail and Osman, if we should pull the plug, and on Tuesday,
Feb. 24th, the answer was yes. Mrs. Samatar explained that
he was in no distress upon this action. He calmly passed away,
and she is grateful for the amazing care and kindness in which
the doctors and staff took of her husband.

The world is less vibrant without Said in it. I will miss him incredibly.

Although Said Samatar was a steadfast member of the RutgersNewark History Department from 1981 until his death, he often
remarked upon his origin as a nomad, Maureen ORourke, Academic
Coordinator, Federated Department of History at NJIT said. He
understood himself as a nomad still.The nomad has moved on.
At Dr. Samatars office, located in Conklin 329, theres a note taped
on the door written by professor Holbrook that reads, For My Friend,
Said- Remembering today and always, with fondness, the wisdom
and the great joy for life that you always so generously shared!! To
paraphrase the words of Amadou Hampate Ba: In Africa, when one of
the elders dies, a library is burnt down.
Dr. Samatars memorial tribute will be held on June 15th from
5:00 - 7:30 pm in the Essex Room in Paul Robeson Campus Center.

Dr. Samatars
memorial tribute will
be held on June 15th
from 5:00-7:30 pm
in the Essex Room
in Paul Robeson
Campus Center.
SUMMER 2015 | 39


By: Zeinab Said

Students of Rutgers University in Newark welcomed Norwegian students from

Gateway College in New York to an open forum to discuss the socioeconomic
differences between the United States and Norway.
Natalie Jesionka, Program leader of the Human Rights Program and lecturer in
anthropology and sociology at Rutgers University-Newark and professor at Gateway
College organized an event called Young Norway, Young America for its fifth
semester, unifying the student body with students from Norway.
I bring my American students in either the women studies or sociology and
anthropology departments together with the Norwegian students to whom I teach
international relations in New York, said Jesionka.

We bring them together

because the idea is that both
countries have very good
things going for them, but they
face many challenges too.
Jesionka explained that the U.S and Norway have much to learn from each other.
Even though Norway is supposedly one of the most successful countries in the
world, it can still look to the U.S. on how to deal with challenges, whereas the U.S.
should also look to Norway.
Jesionka said that it is critical to get the youth together and have these dialogues on
their different perspectives and methods because the next generation is going to be
the one to inherit the social problems both our countries are facing.


Many of the Norwegian students are also studying human

rights, international relations, and global social issues, among
other topics they have discussed in the sociology classes at Rutgers, making the conversation at the event and equal exchange.

The concept of finding happiness comes from the Norwegians

detachment from wanting financial wealth as part of their
dreams. Though Norwegians have 40 percent tax, citizens are
able to reap its benefits.

Fundamentally, bringing people from other cultures together

is really the core idea of sociology, said Jesionka. We have to
understand how different societies run. We have to understand
how culture influences us.

We have all kinds of social security, maternity leaves

(for both genders), free healthcare, retirement and so on,
said Norwegian student Andreas Brekke. In the [United]
States, on the other hand, there is this idea that youre
responsible for your own life and that the state should not
provide too many services.

According to Jesionkas introduction at the event, Norway donates 1-2% of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) each year to
developing countries, and has an amazing pull when it comes
to Israel-Palestine issues. She also added that Norway is also a
country that has a very good social safety net.
Unlike Norwegian students who have free tuition, students
from Rutgers-Newark pointed out the difficulties of being a
working student. Norwegians without jobs also receive
government aid until they can land back on their feet.
Rutgers-Newark students were shocked by this Norwegian
government support.
You do not have a safety net to catch you if you fall like we
do, said Amina Hegvold Sanca, a Norwegian student who is
studying international relations at Gateway Dowling College.
I do not think I would dare to live here permanently if I was
not rich.
This stirred up a comparison between the American dream
and the Norwegian dream.
The Rutgers students described the American dream as being
successful which means having big money, a big house, a nice
car, and more than enough. The Norwegians said their dream
consists of having a family, a nice house, and doing what
makes you happy.

Norwegians admit that their system is not perfect and that

some citizens exploit the government for these benefits. The
Norwegian students explained that while some people may
claim to be jobless, they are actually working. In this way,
citizens receive extra money from the government.
These benefits are also not limited to Norwegian born citizens.
With a population of million people, 300 thousand of them
are immigrants, some of which are also refugees. Though
deporting some of these residents is an ongoing debate in
Norway, the country still does not deport as many
immigrants as the U.S.

We have to understand
how different societies culture
influences us.

SUMMER 2015 | 41

The differences do not stop there. Students also discussed their

feelings about the U.S. prison system. While students agreed
the U.S prison system is based on punishing criminals,
Norways system aims to rehabilitate criminals.

The event was eye opening for Norwegian students. Sanca said
that she learned most Americans critique their government
and do not always follow them blindly.
I learned a lot, from how things work, what the average Joe
dreams about, to the ambitions of young Americans, she said.
I learned that it seems important for a lot of young Americans to do better than their parents, so that they can help them
when they get old. Thats a nice thing.

But not all Rutgers-Newark students agreed with Norwegian

policies. I completely disagree with how the cops are not allowed to hold guns, said criminal justice major Amir Zayed.
As a future cop, here in the U.S., I think when it comes to
national security cops everywhere need to be alert and ready
for defense against terrorism, for example. We need to worry
about the safety of our country and of our people, so we must
deal with these and any possible threats immediately and
efficiently. Its just the way the world works today.

Because of popular American TV shows like Gossip Girl, most

Norwegians thought that the country looked like New Yorks
Upper East Side.
I learned that everything is more nuanced than what is
learned by people from all over the world about Americans,
said Bjrne strem Djukastein, a Norwegian student studying
International Relations at Gateway. Of course, I knew this
already, but meeting the actual people sure helps. I learned
that like any other place, there are different opinions on pretty
much every topic.
Although Norway may appear to be more progressive than
the U.S, Norwegian sand American students have still learned
from each other.

I have several American friends and have learned a lot from

them. I already knew that the United States is something
completely different than Norway, and the best way to learn
about the differences is to put myself right in the middle of
them, said Djukastein.
Of course there are a lot of things positive with this place,
and there is a lot to explore here, but the things we learn about
the U.S. history does not exactly paint the country in a positive
light, and in many ways I think the country is very divided
and the people that have been poor for many generations
still are, said Sanca.

The best way to learn about

the differences is to put myself
right in the middle of them.


SUMMER 2015 | 43

and beat the best, which we did, but you cant deny that all
the other teams in the conference were great. The switch to
division-III should still be very competitive but those guys
in division-I were the best.

Photo of the 2015 Mens Volleyball Roster from

By: Keane Macadaeg

A volleyball player is a master of control. To pinpoint

volleyball within the boundaries of a court is no small
feat. Its one of the dichotomies of the sport. To excel
one must hit the volleyball with massive strength yet one
must not overextend his power so they can control the ball
with accuracy. Volleyball players in the upper levels of
competition must have skills of control in order to win.
For the Rutgers-Newark Mens Volleyball team however,
there was one loss in which none of the players had any
control. This loss is perhaps one of the bigger losses in
Rutgers-Newark athletic history and no mastery of control
could have had an effected the outcome. It was up to the
decision makers of the athletic department of RutgersNewark that decided to switch the Mens Volleyball team
from a tough, elite Division-I group down to Division-III.
The 2015 season marked the first time the Mens Volleyball
team played out of the Eastern Intercollegiate Volleyball
Association (EIVA) and into the Continental Volleyball
Conference. Rutgers-Newark was a founding member of
the EIVA which is comprised of several Division-I schools
and has been in the conference for nearly 40 years. Even
though technically Rutgers-Newark was always designated
as a Division-III school, their opponents in the EIVA were
all Division-I teams. Prior to this switch, volleyball was
the only athletic event in Rutgers-Newark that competed


entirely against Division-I schools. Rutgers New Brunswick

does not even have a mens volleyball team which
exemplifies how special our team is at Newark.
While the team still has talented athletes, this switch
proved to be saddening, as they no longer face the elite
competition in the country. Christopher Kopacz, a
junior who has been playing ever since his freshman year
highlighted the results of his switch.

Im really disappointed
that we got demoted to
Division-III from Division-I,
the three year veteran said. But it does have some ups,
we are doing much better in this division than we have
these past two years. Were looking to do pretty good in the
next tournament and hopefully well bring back a trophy
though its still a disappointment that were in division-III.
Former teammate AndyMatthew Guinto offered some
positives on the switch. I spent my first two years at
Rutgers on the team and let me tell you - the competition
was the best. Of course, you would always like to play


While Rutgers-Newark was the only one to leave their

conference; this switch affects everyone else. The Scarlet
Raiders dont have to face members of the EIVA anymore,
which includes schools such as Penn State, NJIT, Harvard
or Princeton. However, the inverse is also true. These
schools dont have to play Rutgers-Newark as well. Loren
Mallari, a veteran of NJIT volleyball had this to say of
their former competition.
They were a good team to play against and I dont know
necessarily why they left. I think theyll definitely be more
competitive in the new division-III league but in terms of
NJIT, it was always a hard battle when we played against
them. Im sure theyll do really well there.
The official word on the conference switch are claims that
Division-III as a whole has been improving and that adding
Rutgers-Newark will provide further growth of the division.
However rumors around the team have indicated that there
may be financial reasons behind the switch. The Rutgers
athletic website has even hinted that they are transitioning
into a program without scholarships further giving credence
to these rumors,

The Scarlet Raiders have

been in transition toward nonathletic scholarship division
III status to provide a unified
department philosophy,
the website states. Even though it is discouraging for
the players that have expected to play and beat the best
competition under the banner of Rutgers-Newark, the team
has taken the switch well. After all, a volleyball player is a
master of control. No matter who the opponents are, the
Mens Volleyball team will always have a special place in our
schools history and theyll make us proud each time they step
on that court. As long as its the players who are allowed to
show control, the Scarlet Raiders will always give it their best
all the way from Division-I to Division-III.

SUMMER 2015 | 45

By: Zeinab Said

Halima Mahmoud

West African: Ghanaian and Togolese

Junior in the Honors College,
Chemistry major/ minor in International Affairs

God willing, I want to practice medicine in the future. I am

very interested in OBGYN and midwifery. I also love to teach,
so hopefully I can also be a part-time teacher.
I started wearing the hijab when I was 2yrs old. I loved my
scarf, and wanted to look like my mother. She thought it was
cute having her first-born dressed like her, so she would have
her seamstress sew two of the same outfit. I look back at those
pictures and it truly brings me joy.

Do you ever take it off?

No, its not like I shower anyways.
Are you bald?
Yes, this ponytail you see protruding from beneath my
headscarf is simply a wig because we all got time for that.
Do you sleep with it on?
Yes, if its really cold.
Do you shower with it? * There is no such thing as a
dumb question. Remember that Zeinab. *
Yes, I do. I use Hijab and Shoulders.
Welcome to the life of a Hijabi (slang term that describes a female Muslim who covers her hair and all other major
parts of her body.) A significant percentage of the Rutgers-Newark community is Muslim and of this percentage lies a
large amount of beautiful and talented hijabis.
Through their personal experiences, 5 RU-N hijabis will speak of their relationships with the hijab. From understanding
its true meaning to fashionably accessorizing it, each of these young ladies will give hijab a unique meaning.


often wear a pashmina scarf and I pin it to the back. From

there I take the shorter end and make a twist, which I bring to
the upper part of my head, which is probably my signature
style. Depending on the occasion, Ill add an accessory to my
hijab. As a human being, I am trying to impact my community
now, and being a young Muslim woman who wears a hijab
I sometimes carry a heavy weight. Everywhere I go a person
can immediately recognize that I am Muslim hence, I have a
huge responsibility. I love medicine especially child birthing
and I pray in the near future I can help women in the
birthing process.
As of now I write on my blog where I discuss topics that
matter to me. The voice is a powerful tool, and I try to use
mine to support and inspire. Through spoken word- the art
of reciting poetry- I am able to do this directly. I hope that in
the near future I can combine my love for medicine with my
spiritual background to help strengthen my community and
other parts of humanity.
Visit my blog at

At first, I did not choose to wear the hijab because I was only
2, so I had no choice. Because I started wearing the hijab at a
young age it became my identity. As I grew older, and began
facing my own struggles, I began to wear the hijab. My
hijab gives me confidence and strength but I am not just
the scarf I wear on my head, Im more than that. I think
sometimes as young women we hide or are forced behind the
hijab, but I dont think the hijab should be a hiding place for
us Muslimahs, instead it should be embraced as being part
of our lives. Hijab is a form of protection. I draw strength,
confidence, and a sense of power from my hijab. But hijab
doesnt just mean a scarf to cover my hair. To me, hijab is
modesty and decency that comes in the way I think, in the
things I say, and in the way I act. The hijab, for me, is a tool to
enhance the beauty of my mind and soul.
Modesty is a multi-layered package, and it takes time to get
to the deepest layer. Modesty is the way one is able to uphold
him/herself in the highest manner. Modesty is the ability
to act according with maximum etiquettes and morals. A
modest human being is one who is doing his very best to think
correctly so he can have a positive affect not, only on himself,
but on his community.
Im into bright colors and patterns. Loud colors like pink,
green, yellow, and red usually go well with my skin color. I

Hijab is a form of protection.

I draw strength, confidence,
and a sence of power from
my hijab.
SUMMER 2015 | 47

Overall, I plan to be the change I want to see in

the world. Corny much? On a serious note, I really do stand
by this statement. I plan on being a doctor, not just any, but a
female Muslim doctor, of whom, I think, our community has
a shortage. Eventually, I plan to open up a hospital in Kenya
while doing various volunteer and charity work. I basically
plan on giving back whenever and wherever I can because I
know how important it is and I hate to see people suffer.

Nadalina Eldin

Freshman, double major in Neurobiology
and Psychology.
My goal is to become a doctor and one day, open a
hospital in Kenya.
I started wearing my hijab 3 years ago when I was sixteen.
To be completely honest, I fell in love with the hijab and
everything it stands for. I grew closer to my faith, as I did more
and more research on Islam. I eased my way into putting
the hijab on by wearing long baggy clothes to finally putting
it on. Actually funny story I told myself Id put it on for Eid
(a Muslim holiday) but my family decided that for the first
day of Eid wed go to Florida. So, of course everyone was
running around throwing bags into the car and screaming
did you grab sun screen? as I stood in front of the mirror in
the bathroom pricking my fingers with straight pins trying to
figure out how to actually put a hijab on.
To me, hijab means liberation, strength, modesty, and faith. It
stands for liberation because it allows you to be who you really
are without focusing on your physical image. It allows you
to wear your religion and represent Islam freely. It means
strength because it takes a lot of strength to wear hijab in a
world filled with lust and judgment. It takes strength to wake
up every morning and cover what society tells you makes you
beautiful. Of course every woman wants to feel beautiful and
to cover that beauty and allow only a select few to see it, is
something very powerful. Its a symbol of modesty because
obviously your being modest by covering 95% of your body
but modesty in the sense that you wear the hijab in order save
your beauty for the one you marry which is honestly harder
then it looks of course but in my opinion I think its one of the
most rewarding things a woman can do. Finally, it means faith
because you put the hijab on with total faith in God and faith
that you will be rewarded for your actions, faith that you are
doing what is best for you according to your religion and that
you are protecting your virtue.

Modesty, as a tool of instilling shyness and humility in a

human being is a quality that prevents one from behaving
badly towards others or encouraging others to behave badly
towards you. Islamic ethics considers modesty as more than
just a question of how a person dresses; modesty is reflected
in a Muslims speech, dress, and conduct in both public and
private settings because all you say and do is in front of God.
This spring season, I will be wearing skirts and dresses. I am so
excited because we can put away our coats, gloves, boots, and
neck scarves. I do not have a specific hijab style; I simply wrap
it around my head in a way that suits my face.

Habeebah Yasin

African American
Junior, Major in Public Administration/ Minor in
African American and African Studies
My career goal is to make a significant impact on the lives of
those in need, especially women in third world countries. The
reason why I majored in Public Administration is because
Im attracted to being a part of organizations that help give
resources to those who need it. I intend to work very closely
with Africa and the Middle East on implementing policies that
make a real impact, no matter how small.
I started wearing the hijab when I was in the 6th grade. I was
always encouraged to wear it, but I wore the hijab, as I got
older to establish the fact that I was a Muslim woman. Now I
am more vocal about being a Muslim woman, without having
the hijab speak for me. Hijab, to me, symbolizes modesty,
which means being humble and having humility.
Spring is here! So, I will be wearing lots of vibrant colors.
I love floral hijab patterns as well. My favorite hijab style is
simple but with a twist. I usually wear Pashminas and I try to
find new ways to wear my hijab. I often wear two scarfs that
may or may not be coordinating in color. The one on top is
usually to make my style pop more, as opposed to
just wearing one.

It takes strength to wake

up every morning and
cover what society tells
you makes you beautiful .

My ultimate wish in life is

that women are treated
fairly and receive an
adequate education.

I try to be how I think the world should be, which is kind, full
of laughter, and compassionate. My ultimate wish in life is that
women are treated fairly and receive an adequate education,
so they can have the means to make their own life choices. Ive
started doing this by letting the women and girls around me
know how important it is to value ones education and that
education is one of the most powerful tools they can have.

SUMMER 2015 | 49

and I call it, the Princess style. I love it so much because its
perfect for me- its a royal look for a royal princess. Yes, hijabis
can be funny, too!

Rubab Zafar

Zainab Poonawalla

My goal is to go to medical school, and become a medical

statistician or a medical engineer (ambitious, I know). This will
combine both my knowledge and love for Math and Science.

My ultimate goal is to create a global impact in healthcare,

with the help of the noble and righteous citizens, of course.

Junior, double major in Political Science
and Nursing/minor in Spanish

Junior, double major in
Chemistry and Mathematics

I started wearing the hijab during my freshman year in high

school. Although I was not forced to wear it, I just did it for
my parents. I was nervous and anxious because I thought
I was going to lose my friends. However, I made ended
up befriending more. Later on, as time went on, I grew to
absolutely love it.
Hijab is a symbol of modesty but that would just be the
overlying message of it. The hijab is a symbol of confidence
and having a voice that was once shy and scared. Doing
respectful things while wearing it pushes people to see that it
is also a symbol of respect. Modesty is a behavior that does
not attract others with physical appearances or inappropriate
actions. Modesty is carrying oneself with faith, humility,
respect, and a certain amount of shyness.
I like wearing my hijabs with volume, color and different
prints. My unique style is the tad-loose-around-the-neck-yetnot-too-revealing-look. I am also a make-up artist, so I am
excited to use the vibrant color pallets.
Ultimately, I plan on using my future medical resources
to provide my assistance to those who cannot afford to get
insurance or are not eligible. For example, once a week I
can have walk-ins and screen patients and whatnot. What
Ive always wanted to do, aside from my career, is to provide
my assistance to the truly needy, the ones who are jobless,
homeless and/or lack support. I want to guide them by
providing them with the resources they need to lead new and
manageable lives.


What Ive always wanted to

do, aside from my career, is
to provide my assistance
to the truly needy.

I want to inspire and motivate young women to follow all of

which they are passionate. I want people to understand that
hijab should be used as a source of motivation, a source of
power. Hijab should be your crown, and not everyone has the
privilege to wear a crown. The world is your kingdom and you
should conquer it with your beautiful and graceful elegance.
I want to impact my community by setting an example that
anything is possible. I can achieve my wildest dreams, because
I define who I am, not a culture, and not a piece of cloth.

I started wearing the hijab in the 9th grade, but I actually

started wearing it for myself this past year. It is during this
time during which I really understood the true meaning of
hijab and began to value everything it stands for.
Initially, I wore it because I knew nothing else. I knew it was
a part of my religion to cover once I hit puberty. But now,
I choose to wear it because first and foremost, Allah asked
me to. He knows what is best for His creation. He knows of
the evil that lurks in this world, and because He loves us and
is truly looking out for us, He asked us to cover, to protect
ourselves from peoples evil glances.
Aside from that, I choose to wear it because I want people
to like me for my character. I want people to value and
appreciate my essence, my being, and to to fall in love with my
core. I am a quality woman, and I want someone who values
my mind. A woman is known for her beauty. What constitutes
her beauty? Is it her hair and her curves? Looks are fleeting.
The soul is everlasting, and hijab is key to a promised life of
peace and serenity.
Modesty means having people look deeper into who you are,
and not judge you on your looks. Modesty empowers you to
have meaningful relationships with people. Modesty means
embracing the unknown, living in a little bit excitement. After
all, what is life without a little bit of mystery?

Modesty empowers
you to have meaningful
relationships with people.

I love the spring! I will definitely be dressing like a diva. I love

bright and fun colors, so spring is definitely one of my favorite
seasons, especially since it is the time all the beautiful and
colorful flowers are blooming! Also, spring weather is ideal
weather for dresses and skirts. I do have a signature hijab style
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By: Ashley Okwuosa and Maxine Macias


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This duo consists of DJ Mavric and drummer, Carlos Ferreira,
who have played multiple shows at Hells Kitchen Lounge on
Lafayette St. The spontaneous paircross genres, playing hard
heavy music whether it be hip hop, rock, electro, or dubstep to
really bring out the live drumming element. Donning facemask
bandanas during their performances, which DJ Mavric
designed himself, and was inspired by Daft Punk, Brick City
Riot looks to bring something new to the table.

The group believes its imperative to distinguish themselves as

artists, but theyare still aware of the importance of appealing
to a larger crowd.

We educate
people to
different and
show them a
good time.

Its a delicate balance to try to kind of cater to the crowd but

also kind of push the envelope. You dont want to alienate the
crowd too much because you want to give them something
they are familiar with. Says Mavric


Photo by: Anonymous

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Emmanuel Gorvie is a junior at Rutgers-Newark who began
singing in the choir during high school. He eventually gained
an interest in spoken word after his friends father, who was
a poet, had passed away and he wanted to create something
special to commemorate him. He recalls the time being
difficult and even leading to his friend becoming homeless.

My creative side
didnt really come
out until later in
my life.

Gorvie tries to emulate some of his influences such as Mos

Def and Talib Kweli. While he doesnt really rap, he hopes to
one day venture into the music scene and live a free lifestyle
despite being an information systems major. Gorvie has been
performing regularly at the Coffee Cave on Halsey every
Thursday night.

Gorvie himself has struggled with depression and has found a

sort of sanction in singing and spoken word.
With spoken word, he says, The words that you cant say with
your mouth, you can say with your head and write down. You
can really get how youre feeling out to people when they read
it, because they feel the emotion in your words than you can
actually explain it.


Photo by: Anonymous

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Hip Hop, Country,

Jazz; if it has a
good beat and if I
can feel the song,
Ill do it.

Dancing is something we all do; for some, its embarrassingly at a

party, in the shower or in multi faceted dance crew, the latter is the
case of college sophomore, Jean Rodriguez.

The 19-year-old Puerto Rican native showcases his talent as part of

Rutgers Newarks budding dance crew H20, an acronym for Hip
Hop 2 Operation.

Rodriguezs dance of choice is what he likes to call Free-spirited

dancing. which is essentially a combination of all types of dance with
a focus on how the music interacts with the mind to create movement.
I dont make up dances, I interpret the song and go with the song.
The same way Rodriguezs movements arent limited to a particular
type of dance is the exact same approach he takes with his music
choices. When asked what genre of music he prefers to dance to,
Rodriguez states that he doesnt have a favorite.

The criminal justice major began dancing at 5 years of age and he

has no plans of stopping in the near future. With graduation in the
foreseeable distance, Rodriguez has already mapped out a plan to live
out his Hollywood dreams post graduation.
Its going to involve a lot of sacrifice, hard work, determination but
thats where my calling is. You know how people say heart belongs in
such and such place? Well, thats where my heart belongs. It belongs
in California.


Photo by: Anonymous

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If I can capture
the essence
of that person
completely in my
work, then Ive
done a good job.

The most important thing to do when telling a story is to capture
the essence of your subject as best as you can, this in particular is
something Nonie Okoye knows so well as an artist.
I like to draw realistically, I like to draw people realistically. I
like to draw peoples faces, because I feel like if I can capture the
essence of that person completely in my work, then Ive done a
good job.
The college senior is a self proclaimed creative connoisseur,
branding herself as a multi talented visual artists with experience
in painting, drawing and graphic design. Far from what most
would assume, the budding artist is not a graphic design or fine art
major, instead she is a biology major. So, amongst the self-portraits
and installations that frame her college dorm room lie hardbound
anatomy textbooks lab manuals
I was never encouraged to do art because I was told that you
couldnt make a living out of it, so I didnt start seriously pursuing
it until two years ago.
The tale of the artist that eschews following their passion in
a higher education institution for a more practical major is a
rhetoric students know so well. Although Okoye will be graduating
with a B.Sc. in biology this May. Shes looking to push through
and continue to do what she loves to do while finding out a way to
make it as lucrative as possible.


Photo by: Anonymous

SUMMER 2015 | 61

A party without a DJ is almost equivalent to a college without students; the idea is
inconceivable and almost frightening to imagine. Thats where Fred Slobert comes into
the picture. Music has always been a part of the 21 year olds life, Liberian by heritage,
Slobert was spent his Sundays as a kid playing in the thundering band of the African
Community Pentecostal church in New York.

Music was the

one thing I could
count on to take
my mind off what
was going on
around me.

Ive always been into music since I was younger, I went to church in New York all
my life and I started playing the drums at maybe 10 or 11 and that got me hooked on
music. It was the one thing I could count on to take my mind off whatever was going
on around me.
From the stage of Sloberts church, he fell into being DJ almost by a stroke of fate,
during his time in high school.
I downloaded this DJ software on my laptop and I just played around with it, making
noise around the house and make my parents mad (laughs).
His adolescent curiosity turned into a hobby that he used to entertain friends during
his freshman year of college, and with a combination of a natural business acumen
and time spent in the business school as a Supply Chain major, DJ Frettifred was born.
A term of endearment once used by a friends late mother became the springboard
Slobert used to launch his ever-growing DJ career.
With a varied fan base and the inherent drive that pushed this move to begin with,
Slobert sees himself going far and wide as DJ Frettifred.
Music is the one language everyone understands, as of the past couple of years, Ive
been thinking of opening a club both here and in Liberia. Just a place that I can do me
and also put other DJs on and let them do their thing as well.


Photo by: Anonymous

SUMMER 2015 | 63




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