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Excel 2007/2010

Intermediate level 1

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Excel 2007/2010 - Happy Computers telephone help-line

Table of Contents
Happy Computers telephone help-line

The Essentials

Smart Tags How can they help?

The Excel 2007 screen

The Excel 2010 screen

Adding buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar

Changing cursor shapes


Moving around Excel


Undo and Redo - A licence to make mistakes


Views in Excel 2007 / 2010


Selecting parts of a Spreadsheet




Inserting Columns and Rows


Cut, Copy and Paste


The Office Clipboard


Drag and Drop


Formula and Protection

Spreadsheet Design Principles


Using Sum




Creating a formula


Copying Formulae


What are Absolute Cell References?


Creating and Using Absolute Cell References


Simple Range Names





Page 4



Inserting basic functions


Conditional Formatting


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Excel 2007/2010 - Happy Computers telephone help-line

If Functions


The CountIF Function


The SumIf Function


Nested Ifs


Working with multiple worksheets


Viewing several sheets on screen at the same time


Working with Several Sheets


Creating Formulae across Sheets


Grouping Sheets Together


Creating Formulae across Workbooks


Data Consolidation


Copying Spreadsheets to Word


Excel as a Database


What is a Database?


Freeze Panes


Printing the first row on every page






Custom Filters


Custom Filters




Analysing data




Common keyboard shortcuts in Excel


What do the error messages mean?


More Range Names



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Excel 2007/2010 - Happy Computers telephone help-line

Happy Computers telephone help-line

We want to hear from you. The aim of our courses is to leave delegates confident in using
the software. If you have difficulty with any aspect of what you covered on the course, we
want to know about it and we want to help you through it.
It is a guarantee of the quality of our training, so we dont extend it to anyone else in your
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For two years from the day of your course you will be able to use the helpline free of
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020 7375 7373

The help-line hours are 9.30am - 5.00pm

You can call this number if you have a question that relates to the course you did with
Happy Computers (Sorry its not a General Helpline).
We do our best but we dont guarantee instant answers please see the table below for
our target call resolution times

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Please note: we will do what we can to help but we cannot carryout debugging or redesign
This is a category A course.
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If your question goes beyond the level of the course you attended it is up to the discretion
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All this helps to improve our courses and our service. So please keep those calls coming.
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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

The Essentials
Smart Tags How can they help?
Smart Tags were a new feature in Office 2002 (XP)/2003 and they are still present in all of
the Office 2007 / 2010 products (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint).
Smart Tags are buttons that pop up and offer you help according to what you are doing.
Smart Tag

What is it for?
This Smart Tag appears to give you information. It
will appear when you type in a name and will
prompt you to add it to your Outlook Contact List.
When you paste in something you have copied
this Smart Tag will appear. Hover your mouse
over it and it will give you options for the
formatting you have selected.
When clicking on the cell with the green triangle in
the corner the Smart Tag on the left appears. This
is an error checking Smart Tag and will give you
options to check your formulae.
An AutoFill Smart Tag appears when you use
AutoFill and will give you various options (see
page 15).
An AutoCorrect Smart Tag appears as a small
blue box and turns into the Smart Tag when you
hover the mouse over it. It allows you to undo an
The Insert Options button appears when rows
columns or cells are inserted. You are then
offered various formatting options.

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

The Excel 2007 screen

Getting familiar with the Excel 2007 screen

A Command

A Tab

A Group

The Ribbon

The Office button

Tabs - There are a number of tabs, each one represents a core task in Excel.
Groups Each tab contains a group of related items.
Commands These are buttons and can represent a box to enter information or even a

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

The Excel 2010 screen

Getting familiar with the Excel 2010 screen

The File tab

Adding buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar

Adding buttons to the Quick Access Toolbar
As there are no Menus and toolbars, you can add commands you often use to the Quick Access
Toolbar. For example, if you often create columns; you can add the Column command to the Quick
Access Toolbar.
1. Navigate to the command you want to add to the Quick Access Toolbar
2. Right-click on the button
3. Choose Add to Quick Access Toolbar

Removing buttons from the Quick Access Toolbar

1. Right-click on the button on the Quick Access Toolbar
2. Choose Remove from Quick Access Toolbar

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Changing cursor shapes

Changing cursor shapes in Excel

Mouse shapes & Positions

Icon Used

Big Plus sign:

Position your mouse over the
middle of a cell.

When you are selecting cells.

Four Cross Arrow:

Position your mouse on the border
of a cell.

When you wish to move the contents of

a cell.

Small Plus sign:

Position your mouse over the
bottom right hand corner of the
active cell.

When you are using AutoFill.

Click into the Formula bar, or
double-click inside a cell.

When you are adding or deleting text

from a cell.

Position your mouse between two
column letters, or between two row

When you are re-sizing a row or


Magnifying glass:
Position your mouse over the
spreadsheet in print preview.

When you want to zoom in or out of the

print preview.

Select a picture or drawn shape
and position the mouse around the

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When you are re-sizing a picture, chart

or drawn shape.

The mouse will change to an egg timer

when Excel is busy. If you wait for a
moment, it will disappear.

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Moving around Excel

As you have seen, there are no menus and toolbars now, but Tabs and Groups.
You can access these using the keyboard.

Accessing the Tabs and Groups using the keyboard

Key Tips appear at the top of the Tabs.

1. Press ALT
2. Press a letter to navigate to the
3. Press a letter to navigate to a

Using the Keyboard

You may be familiar with the following shortcuts as you could use them in previous versions of

Up one cell

Down one cell

Left a cell

Right a cell


Goes to the furthest right of the current spreadsheet


Goes to the furthest left of the current spreadsheet


Go to column A

Ctrl Home

Goes to cell A1

Ctrl End

Moves to the bottom right cell of the area you have typed

Page up

Moves the active cell up one screen

Page down

Moves the active cell down one screen

What about the old keyboard shortcuts?

All the keyboard shortcuts that begin with Ctrl still all work, for example Ctrl+X still
moves something to the clipboard.

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Using the Mouse

Click the mouse into the middle of the cell you wish to move
Your cursor should look like the big plus sign.
Click the mouse on the border of the cell (your cursor should change
to the one shown opposite) and then click and drag.

Undo and Redo - A licence to make mistakes

Undo allows you to cancel up to the 100 of your previous actions if you have made a mistake. If you
then decide that you didnt mean to cancel those actions, you can redo up to 100 things that you
have undone!

Click here to undo

your last action

Click here to redo up

to 100 undos

Click here to undo up

to 100 actions

Click here to redo

your last undo

Undoing your last action

Click on the Undo button on the Quick Access Toolbar
Press CTRL & Z

Re-doing your last undo

Click on the Redo button on the Quick Access Toolbar
Press CTRL & Y

Undoing up to 100 actions

You cant select just one action to undo
When you undo up to 100 actions, you cannot pick out just one from the list and
undo that alone. For example if the action you want to undo was 5 actions ago,
you must undo ALL of your last 5 actions.
1. Click on the down arrow next to Undo
2. Find the action(s) you want to Undo, scrolling down if necessary
3. Click the on the action you wish to undo from
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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Redoing up to 100 actions

1. Click on the down arrow next to redo
2. Find the action(s) you want to redo, scrolling down if necessary
3. Click on the last action you wish to redo

Views in Excel 2007 / 2010

In Excel 2007 / 2010 there are 3 main views you can use; Normal (exactly the same as in previous
versions of Excel), Page Layout (where you can fine tune your spreadsheet) and Page Break
Preview (exactly the same as in previous versions of Excel).
Click on the View tab on the ribbon

See the different views in the first group

called Workbook views.

Click on the different views using the
buttons in the bottom right corner of
the screen.

Selecting parts of a Spreadsheet

To select, your mouse must look like the big plus sign.

Selecting a range of cells

1. Start from the cell at the top left hand corner of the area you wish to select
2. Make sure that your mouse looks like the big plus sign
3. Click and drag over the cells you require

Selecting columns
Click on the Column letter you require
Click and drag over the column letters to select several columns

Selecting rows
Click on the Row number you require
Click and drag over the row number to select several rows

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Selecting the entire Spreadsheet

Click on the square in the top left corner of the spreadsheet as shown in the diagram below.

Click here to select the whole spreadsheet.

Selecting the entire spreadsheet using the keyboard


Selecting areas which are not next to each other

1. Select the first area you require
2. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard
3. Select the second area you require

Using the keyboard to select cells


Select cells to the right


Select cells to the left


Select cells above


Select cells below

Shift, Control

Select from the current cell down to the last entry in the column

Shift, Control

Select from the current cell up to the first entry in the column

Shift, Control

Select from the current cell to the last entry in the row

Shift, Control

Select from the current cell to the first entry in the row

Shift, Control, End

Select from the current cell across and down to the last typed
entry on the sheet

Shift, Control, Home

Select from the current cell up and across to cell A1

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

What Is AutoFill?
AutoFill is a great timesaving feature that allows you to copy text, numbers or Formulae in a

Using AutoFill
Make sure your mouse looks like a small black plus sign.
Before you click and drag, make sure that your mouse looks correct, or you might get
some unexpected results!

1. Create your first formula

2. AutoFill this formula across or down to copy to other columns or rows

Position your mouse here to AutoFill,

make sure it looks like a thin black cross.

3. Select the option you require from the Smart tag options

Using Special Lists

Certain text such as months, days or dates work well with AutoFill. Have a look at the examples
below, which were all created using AutoFill.

In the above examples, all you need to do is type the first in the sequence, then autofill down or
1. Type the first item in the sequence
2. Autofill down or across

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Starting Off the Sequence for AutoFill

When using AutoFill for dates, for example, you might want the sequence to go from week to week
rather than day to day. To achieve this, you must start the sequence off for AutoFill.
1. Type the first item in the sequence
2. Type the second date into an adjoining cell
3. Select both cells
4. Autofill down or across

Creating a Custom Series in Excel 2010

You may have departments or specific periods by which you need to sort data.
1. Click on the File tab
2. Click on Options
3. Click Advanced
4. Under General, click on the Edit Custom Lists button

5. Click in List entries

6. Type each item in the series, pressing enter after each one
7. Click Add
8. Click OK
9. Click OK
Creating a Custom Series in Excel 2007
1. Click on the Office Button
2. Click on Excel Options
3. Click Popular

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

4. Under the Top options for working with Excel, click Edit Custom Lists button

5. Click in List entries

6. Type each item in the series, pressing enter after each one
7. Click Add
8. Click OK
9. Click OK
Using a sequence from a custom series
1. Click into a blank cell
2. Type the first item in the series
3. Autofill down or across

Inserting Columns and Rows

Inserting a row or several rows
1. Select a row or rows
2. Right-click on the mouse
3. Select Insert

The extra row will be added above the

selected row.

Inserting rows using the keyboard

Select a row or rows, Press Ctrl +

Inserting a column or several columns

1. Select a column or columns
2. Right-click on the mouse
3. Select Insert

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The extra column will be added to the left of the

selected column

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Inserting columns and rows using the keyboard.

Select column(s) or row(s) and press Ctrl +

Deleting rows and columns

1. Select a column or row to delete
2. Right-click on the mouse
3. Select Delete

Deleting columns and rows using the keyboard

Select the column(s) or row(s) and press Ctrl -

Changing the column width and row height

Make sure your mouse looks like this
To re-size columns and rows, place your mouse between the letters and make
sure it looks like this.

Making a Column or Row Just Big Enough

1. Place your mouse to the right of the column letter you wish to re-size
2. Place your mouse below the row number you wish to re-size
3. Double-click

Adjusting a Row or Column Manually

1. Place your mouse to the right of the column you wish to re-size
Place your mouse below the row number you wish to re-size
2. Click and drag to the size you require

Re-sizing several Columns or Rows at once

1. Select all of the columns or rows you wish to re-size
2. Place your mouse at the right hand edge of the selected columns
Place your mouse underneath the selected rows
3. Click and drag

The columns or rows will all become the same size

4. De-select the rows or columns

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Re-sizing all the Columns and Rows

1. Select the whole of the spreadsheet (see page 14)
2. Re-size Column A to the desired size
Re-size Row 1 to the desired size
3. Click in the middle of the spreadsheet to de-select

Cut, Copy and Paste

Moving a selection with cut
1. Select the cells you wish to move
2. Click on the Cut icon

The selection will have flashing lights around it,

and will be moved to the windows clipboard.

Press Ctrl-X
3. Place your cursor in another location

This cell will become the top left hand corner of

the selection.

4. Click on the Paste icon

Press CTRL-V

Copying a selection
1. Select the cells you wish to copy
2. Click on the Copy icon

The selection will have flashing lights around it

and will be copied to the windows clipboard.

Press CTRL-C
3. Place your cursor in another location

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This cell will become the top left hand corner of

the copied selection.

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

4. Click on the Paste icon

Press CTRL-V

You can paste many times

Whenever you click Paste, Excel will reproduce whatever was last copied or cut onto the
clipboard, which means that you can paste information in as often as you require.

The Office Clipboard

In Microsoft Office 2007 / 2010 you can use the Office Clipboard. This allows you to cut, copy and
paste up to 24 selections of text or pictures. This Clipboard allows you to select which item you wish
to paste into your spreadsheet or which items you wish to clear from the Clipboard.

Displaying the Office Clipboard Task Pane

Click on the dialog box launcher for the
Clipboard group

Page 20

Task Pane opens:

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Excel 2007/2010 - The Essentials

Inserting an item from the Office Clipboard

1. Display the Office Clipboard
2. Click on the item you wish to paste

Deleting an item from the Office Clipboard

1. Display the Office Clipboard
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the item you want to delete
3. Click on Delete

Clearing the office Clipboard

Once you have finished with the Office Clipboard and when you are sure you do
not need to paste those items in again it is a good idea to empty the Clipboard.
You can do this by either deleting individual items or clearing them all by clicking
on the Clear All button at the top of the Task Pane.

Drag and Drop

To drag and drop ensure your mouse looks like a cross arrow
When you hover the mouse over the border of the cell whose contents you wish to move
your Mouse should look like this cross arrow.

Moving a Selection
1. Select the cells you wish to move
2. Position your mouse at the border of the selection so that it changes to a
cross arrow (see the diagrams above)
3. Click and drag the selection to its new location
You will see a fuzzy grey border showing you where you are going

Copying a Selection
1. Select the cells you wish to copy
2. Hold down Ctrl on the keyboard
3. Position the mouse at the border of the selection so that it changes to a cross
arrow (see the diagrams above)
4. Click and drag the selection to its new location
You will see a fuzzy grey line and a + sign showing you where you are going
5. Let go of the Ctrl key and the mouse
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Page 21

Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

Formula and Protection

Spreadsheet Design Principles
Avoid putting numbers in a formula
Use cell references in Formulae and aviod numbers. If you use numbers:

Should the number change, your formula will not update to give the correct answer.
You will have to change every formula that uses the number, rather than just changing the
contents of one cell.
It will be difficult to find all the formulae that relate to this number.
Other people using your spreadsheet may not know what the number refers to.
If you come back to the spreadsheet a long time after you created it, you may not know what the
number refers to.

Calculate from the left and down

Clean and well-designed spreadsheets calculate downwards and to the right. This makes them easy
to follow and avoids circular references.

Avoid circular references

Circular references occur when a formula loops back on itself. Typically, a circular reference can
occur when a cell containing a formula is using itself somewhere in a calculation.

Check your spreadsheet by hand

Mistakes can easily arise through:

Figures being entered incorrectly

Formulae being typed in incorrectly
New information being typed in that does not get included in existing formulas

Using Sum
Sum is a quick and easy way of adding up lists of figures in Excel.

Using the Sum icon

1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Click on the Sum icon
3. Press Enter or click on the tick

Sum has put flashing lines around the wrong figures

Sometimes Sum guesses wrongly. If this happens just click and drag over the
correct cells before pressing Enter.

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Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

Blank cells between figures and answers

In previous versions of Excel, you had to leave a blank cell between the last item
you were adding up and the total as if you needed to insert any more figures to the list, then
the answer wouldnt have updated to include the new information. However, in Excel
2007/2010 you dont have to leave a blank cell, though it makes it easier to read if you do.

Making sure Sum adds the correct figures

1. Select the figures you wish to add up, the blank cell, and the cell where you require the
2. Click on the Sum icon
The answer appears in the last cell

Typing the Sum formula

If you prefer, you do not have to use the Sum icon. You can type the formula into the cell instead.
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Type =sum(
As soon as you start to type the word sum, all the functions starting with s start to appear
3. Click on the first cell you wish to add up
The cell reference will appear
4. Type a colon
5. Click on the blank cell at the end of the list
The cell reference will appear
6. Press Enter

What is a formula?
Formula is the term used for a calculation in your spreadsheet. The diagrams below show an
example formula that has been created.

To work out the surplus (in Cell B15) we need

to do a calculation.
This is achieved by taking away the total
expenditure from the income. You can see
this in the diagram on the left. On the righthand side you can see what happens once
the formula has been completed.

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Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

How is the formula made up?

Formulae always start with the equals sign = (thats how Excel knows its a formula)
Cell references are used instead of numbers
A mathematical symbol is used to denote the type of calculation
E.g. Here is the formula from the example above, which found us the surplus (or money left over).

Starts with the

equals sign.


This cell contains the income.

This cell contains the total


The subtraction sign

Creating a formula
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Type the = sign
3. Click on the first cell involved in your calculation
The cell reference will appear in the formula
4. Type the maths symbol you are using (e.g. - * or /)
5. Click on the next cell involved in your calculation
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 (if you need to add more to your formula)
7. Press Enter
Once the formula is confirmed the answer will appear in the cell and the formula will appear on the
Formula bar.

Always use cell references in formula - and never numbers

Although formulae will still work if you use numbers instead of cell references, it is
never advisable to use numbers. Using cell references means that if the number
contained in the cell should change, the formula will update to show the correct
answer, so your spreadsheet is always correct.

The formula isnt working!

If your formula isnt working, go to the cell which contains the formula and look at
the formula on the Formula bar. Check that what is written there is correct if not,
you can edit it or delete it and start again.

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Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

Mathematical symbols
Press +

To perform an addition

Press *

To perform a subtraction

Press /

To perform a division


To perform a multiplication

Use the number keypad

The easiest way of typing the mathematical symbols is to use the keys around the
number keypad on the right hand side of the keyboard.

Precedence of calculation
Calculations are not simply done from left to right. Below is the order in which all calculations are




Anything in brackets is done before anything outside

the brackets is ever considered.

Raises a number in order of magnitude: raises it to the

power of something else, e.g. 32


Multiply and divide are on the same level. Whichever is

the furthest left in the formula is done first.


Plus and minus are on the same level. Whichever is

furthest left in the formula is therefore done first.

The acronym for this is BODMAS

Brackets Order Divide Multiply Add Subtract

Finding the Percentage of a number
E.g. What is the VAT on a 100?
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Type the = sign
3. Click on the cell containing the percentage, e.g. 20% for VAT
4. Type the asterisk to signify multiplication
5. Click on the cell containing the number you wish to find a percentage of, e.g. 100
6. Press Enter

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Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

Finding one number as a percentage of the other

E.g. Finding out what percentage of your salary your rent takes up.
Entering the formula

Completed formula

1. Click on the cell where you require the answer

2. Click on the appropriate figure - This cell should be the figure you are trying to display as a
percentage e.g. (B4 in the example above)
3. Press the forward slash to indicate division
4. Click on the salary figure - This cell should be the figure you are trying to find the
percentage of e.g. (B1 in the example above)
5. Press Enter
6. Select the cell where you have the answer (C4 in the above example)
The answer will be displayed as a decimal
7. Click on the Percentage icon

Test your formulas with simple numbers

If you are not sure that you formulas are working, test them out with simple
numbers first of all. You can replace these numbers later.

Converting a number to a percentage

1. Click on the cell you wish to change
2. Click on the Percentage icon

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Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

Copying Formulae
You can copy formula using AutoFill and they will automatically adjust to make sense.
1. Create your first formula
2. AutoFill this formula across or down (to copy it to cells)

Position your mouse here to AutoFill, Make

sure it looks like a thin black cross.
The formula will not stay the same, but will adjust to make sense. See the diagram below:

When the original formula in B10

was AutoFilled across, the
column letters adjusted to make

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When the original formula in I4 was

AutoFilled downwards, the row numbers
adjusted to make sense.

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Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

What are Absolute Cell References?

Using AutoFill to copy formulas is a great way to save time, but the cell references in the original
formula do not always need to be adjusted. There are some situations where a cell reference needs
to remain constant.
For example:
Look at the spreadsheet shown below - everyones salary is due to increase by 10%. The first
formula, to find Shing Chens new salary has been created. His current salary (in Cell B4) has been
multiplied by the value in (Cell B1) the 10%.

The quickest way to work out everyone elses increase is to copy Shing Chens formula. However, if
the formula is copied using AutoFill as it is, the row numbers will be incremented, including the cell
reference for the 10% increase, and well end up with some funny answers.....

Excel 2007 is notifying you there is an error in the formula. A

Smart tag has appeared to help you solve it.
In the diagram above, AutoFill has caused the row numbers to be adjusted. But the formula we
need requires Cell B1 to remain constant even when AutoFill is used.
Excel must absolutely always look at this cell. In other words, we need to make it an absolute cell

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Excel 2007/2010 - Formula and Protection

Creating and Using Absolute Cell References

Creating Absolute Cell References from Scratch
1. Select the cell where you require the first formula
2. Enter the formula as normal (see page 24)
3. Press F4 after the cell reference you wish to be absolute
4. E.g.
(Dollar signs will appear around the cell reference)
5. Press Enter
Click on the tick on the Formula bar
6. AutoFill the formula

Changing an Existing Formula that Needs Absolute Cell References

1. Click on the cell containing the formula you wish to change
2. Double-click on the cell
Click next to the formula on the Formula bar
3. Move the cursor so that it sits next to the cell reference you wish to make
4. Press F4
Dollar signs will appear around the cell reference
5. Press Enter
Click on the tick on the Formula bar

Not sure if it needs to be absolute?

Create the formula without the dollar signs. If it doesnt work when you AutoFill, think about
why. Go back and edit your original formula then try AutoFill again.

Simple Range Names

What Are Range Names?
So far we have always referred to cells by their cell reference, e.g. A1, B7. However, it can
sometimes make more sense to give a cell or cells a name.
There are several advantages to doing this:

Selecting a named range of cells is a lot quicker and easier

Moving around different areas of the spreadsheet/workbook can be quicker
Printing a named range of cells is a lot quicker and easier
Formulae can be made clearer

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Have a look at the example below, which uses range names in a formula:

In Cell B6 the formula uses the Range Names (Income-Expenditure) instead of the cell references

Creating a Range Name

1. Select the cell(s) to name
2. Click into the Name box on the formula bar

The cell reference will be highlighted in


The Name Definition box

3. Type the name for the cell(s)
4. Press Enter

Excel says my name isnt valid!

You cannot use punctuation marks, slashes, asterisks or spaces in your name. If you
require more than one word, you can put an underscore between the words, e.g. Total_income

Selecting a Named Range/ Moving around a spreadsheet or workbook

1. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the Name Definition box
2. Click on the range you would like to select or move to

Click here to access

the list of range
This is the Name Definition box

Using Range Names in Formulae

You can type in a Range Name instead of using the cell references in a formula. In the following
spreadsheet the Vat Rate has been named VAT and the price of the TV has been named TV.
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To work out the VAT we can say TV*VAT.

Range names in formula are absolute

If you try to AutoFill a formula that uses Range Names you will find that they
behave like absolute cell references.

Use F3 instead of remembering the names

You can use F3 at any time to bring up a list of your Range Names, should you
forget them. Double-click on the Range name that you wish to use.

Deleting Range Names

If you have set up Range names to help you navigate around a spreadsheet and you no longer
require them, then delete them using the following steps:
1. Ensure you are in the Formulas tab, click on the Name Manager button

2. Selecting a Named Range/ Moving around a spreadsheet or workbook

3. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the Name Definition box
4. Click on the range you would like to select or move to
5. Click Close

Delete your range names and you may see errors in your formulas!
If you delete a range name that is being used within formulas on your spreadsheet then
errors will be displayed. You will need to recreate the formulas.
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Protecting Your Sheet
Once you have set up your spreadsheet, it is all too easy for formulae to get deleted by accident. Its
a good idea to protect your spreadsheet to save it from calamity in the future.
Excel provides several layers of protection for your work:

Worksheet Protection You can protect elements on a worksheet, such as cells with
Formulae, from all user access, or you can allow users access to the parts that you specify.

Workbook Protection You can apply protection to workbooks to stop them being viewed
or changed. If a workbook is shared you can prevent it from being unshared and you can
prevent the change history from being deleted.

Protecting your Worksheet

When you protect the whole of the worksheet, you will not be able to enter text or numbers or make
changes anywhere on your worksheet.
1. Click on the Review tab
2. In the Changes group, click on Protect Sheet

3. Add a password if required (it will prompt you to enter it again when you click OK)
4. If required, check or uncheck items in the list of options (for more detail, see the
next page.)
5. Click OK

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What Can I Protect the Worksheet For?

The box to tick

What it does

Select locked cells

Allows the user to select the locked cells.

Select unlocked cells

Allows the user to select the unlocked cells.

Format cells

Allows the user to change the formatting (appearance) of cells.

Format columns

Allows the user to change the size of columns.

Format rows

Allows the user to change the size of rows.

Insert columns

Allows insertion of columns.

Insert rows

Allows insertion of rows.

Insert hyperlinks

Allows insertion of hyperlinks in cells which are unlocked.

Delete columns

Allows the user to delete columns.

Delete rows

Allows the user to delete rows.


Allows only unlocked cells to be sorted.

Use Auto filter

Allows the use of Auto Filter.

Use Pivot Table reports

Allows the user to modify a Pivot Table Report.

Edit objects

Allows objects to be edited re-sized, changed, colours changed

borders etc.

Edit Scenarios

Allows scenarios to be edited but does not allow them to be shown.

Unprotecting your entire Worksheet

You will need to unprotect your worksheet from time to time to make changes.
1. Ensure you are on the Review tab
2. Click Unprotect Sheet

3. Type the password (if it asks for one)

4. You can now change any part of the worksheet

What happens when I try and type on a protected worksheet

You will get the following message:

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Protecting parts of your worksheet

There are two stages to protecting parts of your worksheet:

Format the cells you wish to change as unlocked

Protect the worksheet

When you first create a worksheet all of the cells are formatted as locked. Any cells that are locked
will be protected when you use the protection command. However, if there are cells that you wish to
be able to change you must first format them as unlocked.

If all cells are unlocked then protection will have no effect at all

Formatting the cells you wish to change as unlocked

1. Select the cells/range you want other users to be able to change
2. Click on the Home tab
3. In the Cells group, click Format
4. Click on Format cells
5. Select the Protection tab
6. Remove the tick from the Locked checkbox
7. Click OK

Protecting the worksheet

1. Click on the Review tab
2. On the Changes group, click Protect Sheet
3. Optional - Type a password
4. Re-enter the password
5. Click OK

Unprotecting Your Worksheet

You will need to unprotect your worksheet from time to time to make changes.
1. Ensure you are on the Review tab
2. Click Unprotect Sheet

3. Type the password if it asks for one

4. You can now change any part of the worksheet

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What happens if I forget my password?

You will not be able to make any changes at all.

Protecting the workbook from being opened

1. Ensure the Excel spreadsheet is open
2. Click on the Office button (2007)
Click on the File tab (2010)
3. Click Save As
4. Choose the Save As option
5. Click on the Tools button
6. Choose General Options
7. Decide if you want to set a password for the user to view the workbook, modify the
workbook or simply make it Read only

8. Click OK
(If you want to set a password for both modifying and viewing, then you will have to
re-enter the password twice)
9. Re-enter the password
10. Click OK

What happens when I open a file that is protected?

1. Click on the Microsoft Office Button (2007)
Click on the File tab (2010)
2. Click Open
3. Double-click on the workbook you wish to open

4. Type in the password

You may need to do this twice; to view it and to modify it
5. Click OK

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Excel 2007/2010 - Functions

Inserting basic functions
Inserting basic functions
There are certain useful calculations that become long winded if you try and create them with
straightforward formulae e.g. calculations such as finding the Average of a group of numbers.
The Autosum icon
quick and easy.

and Insert Function icon

in Excel are there to make such calculations

Using AutoSum to find the Sum, Count Numbers, Average, Minimum or Maximum
number in a range
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Click on the Sum dropdown button
3. Select the function you require
4. Press Enter

Using the Insert Function icon to insert functions

1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Click on the Insert Function icon on the Formula Bar

3. Click in the Search for a function box, delete the text in the box
Type in the name of the function that you are searching for and press the Go button
Click on the select a category dropdown arrow and choose a category
Then select a function from the list
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4. Click OK
5. Move the dialog box out of the way(so that you can select the appropriate cells)
Select the cells
Click on this icon
to make the box smaller (so that you can select the appropriate cells)
Select the cells
Click on this icon again
to make the box bigger
6. Check that Excel has the correct cell references
7. If the figures are incorrect, highlight the correct figures on the spreadsheets
8. Click OK

Typing in formulae to find the Average, Minimum and Maximum

1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Type the = sign
3. Type the name of the function e.g. Average, Min or Max
4. Type in an open bracket after the name of the function (
5. Type in the first cell reference you require (or click on the cell)
6. Type a colon :
7. Type in the blank cell reference at the end of the list (or you can click on the cell)
8. Press Enter
E.g. =Average(A1:A6)



Using the Count function

The COUNT function will count the number of cells you select as long as they contain numbers.
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Click on the Sum dropdown button
3. Click on Count Numbers
4. Press Enter

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Using the Counta function

The COUNTA function will count text and numbers but not blanks.
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Type =counta(
3. Select the cells you want to add up
Type the first cell reference you require (or click on the cell)
Type a colon :
Type in the blank cell reference at the end of the list (or click on the
4. Press Enter

Conditional Formatting
What is Conditional Formatting?
Conditional Formatting makes Excel automatically change the format of a particular cell based on
the criteria that you set. For instance, a retailer could use Conditional Formatting to keep track of
stock levels. For example, any stock that falls under a particular threshold could be made bold in
order to flag up that it needs re-ordering. In addition all values over a certain amount could be made
italic to highlight that they are over-stocked.

Using Conditional Formatting to create graphics

Using Data Bars:
1. Click on the Home tab
2. Select the range of cells to add Data Bars to
3. Click on the Conditional Formatting button (within the Styles group)
4. Select Data Bars
5. Select the colour you require
Excel will turn your data table into a mini bar chart

Using Icon Sets:

1. Click on the Home tab
2. Select the range of cells to apply Icon Sets to
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3. Click on the Conditional Formatting button (within the Styles group)

4. Select Icon Sets

5. Select the style you prefer

The icons will be applied to each cell, depending on their value, e.g. the highest values
displaying the first icon

Clearing Conditional Formatting

1. Click on the Conditional Formatting button
2. Select Clear Rules

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3. Select either from Entire Sheet (to remove all Conditional Formatting)
Or from Selected Cells

Using Conditional Formatting to find the Top 10%

1. Select the cells you wish to apply Conditional Formatting to
2. Click on the Conditional Formatting button

3. Select Top/Bottom Rules

4. Select Top 10%

5. (Optional) Type a different value

6. (Optional) Change the colour of the cells
7. Click OK
(The cells that are in the top 10% appears in a different colour.)

Applying your own Conditional Formatting

1. Select the cells you wish to apply Conditional Formatting to
2. Click on the Conditional Formatting button

3. Select Highlight Cells Rules

4. Select one of the options, for example, Greater than

5. Type a value
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6. (Optional) Change the colour of the cells

7. Click OK

Managing Rules
You can have several rules that apply to the same set of cells.
To make this easier to work with use the Rules Manager.
1. Select the cells you wish to manage or apply formatting to
2. Click on the Conditional Formatting button
3. Select Manage Rules

Any existing Rules for the selected cells will be displayed.

Editing or Deleting an existing rule

1. Select the Rule
2. Click on the Edit Rule... button or the Delete Rule button

Creating a Custom Conditional Formatting Rule

Instead of using one of the built-in formatting rules, you can create your own. This new feature
allows you to create rules based on different rule types, such as Format only duplicate values and
Format only top or bottom ranked values. After specifying the rule type, then, in most cases, you
can choose how to format the cells that meet the condition.
1. Select a cell or range of cells
2. Click on the Home tab
3. Click on the Conditional Formatting button
4. Select Manage Rules

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Rules Manager dialog box opens

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5. Click on the New Rule button (The New Rule dialog box opens)

6. Specify the Rule at the top

7. Specify the Description at the bottom
8. Click OK
9. Click OK
10. Click OK (The cell/range will change)

Finding cells with Conditional Formatting

This may seem obvious as if a cell contains Conditional Formatting, you will be able to see it.
However if a custom rule has been applied, none of the cells may meet the condition.
1. Select any cell
2. Click on the Home tab
3. Within the Editing group, Click on Find & Select

4. From the list choose Conditional Formatting (Cells will be highlighted)

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If Functions
An If function asks Excel to consider if something is true or false.
If it is true it will return one answer, if it false it will return a different answer.
For example: Can my company afford to buy 10 new computers?
There are 2 possible outcomes:

if it is within budget then the answer is yes

if it is outside of the budget then the answer is no.

The Structure of an If Function

The structure of an If statement always contains the same five elements.

Starts with =IF(

The Logical Test by a comma
What to do if the logical test is True followed by a comma
What to do if the logical test is False
Close brackets

Can my company afford to buy 10 new computers?

For example, the spreadsheet shown above has an if function to work out if 4 computers are
affordable. To be affordable they must cost less than the Maximum allowable which is 10,000.
To make this IF function easier to understand the logical test is underlined, the true part is in bold
and the false part is in italics.

The Logical Test
Asks Excel whether what is in B6 is
less than or equal to what is in B3.
(B3 is absolute because that value
will always be in the same cell).

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True (bold)
If the logical
test is true
then Excel will
enter yes into
the cell.

False (italic)
If the logical
test is false
then Excel will
enter no into
the cell.

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Useful operators to use in your logical test

The following table shows the operators that can be used within an IF formula.


Equal to


Not equal to


Greater than


Less than


Greater than or equal to


Less than or equal to

Typing in an If Function
1. Click in the cell where you require the answer
2. Type in the =if(

3. Type in your logical test (what you are asking Excel to consider)
4. Type a comma
5. Type in what Excel must do if this is true
6. Type a comma
7. Type in what Excel must do if this is false
8. Close the brackets
9. Press enter

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Enclose text in inverted commas

If Excel is to display text for the true or false result then you must enclose the text
in inverted commas! If you want either the true or false to be blank then you can
use just the with nothing in the middle!

True or false can be a formula

If you wish Excel to perform a calculation if the outcome is true or false then you
can enter formulas in the true and false part.

Using the Insert Function Icon for if

1. Click in the cell where you require the answer
2. Click on the Insert Function icon
3. If IF is not found in the Most Recently Used category, select Logical from the
dropdown category list
4. Click on IF
5. Click OK

6. Type in your Logical Test

7. Type what Excel must do if this is true next to Value_if_true
8. Type what Excel must do if this is true next to Value_if_false
9. Click OK

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Example If Statements
The following example shows whether a person is still working or they are retired based on their

As you can see in this example you can return text as a result so we can have Retired or Still

Avoid numbers in formulas!

We could easily have used 65 in the formula. However, referring to the cell
reference means if the retirement age changes, all we have to do is change it in
one cell and the formulae in the other cells will change automatically.
In this example any salesperson who sold more than 100 units gets a 10% rise.

If the number sold is greater than 100 then take the salary and add the salary multiplied by 10%
(10%) otherwise just give the original salary.

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Excel 2007/2010 - Functions

The CountIF Function

What is the COUNTIF Function?
The Countif function combines the COUNT function and the IF function. Use it when you wish to
count any cells that match a certain condition.
For example:
The following spreadsheet counts how many manufacturers we can afford to buy computers from.

Formulae Result:

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The Structure
The structure of a COUNTIF always contains the same four elements.

Starts with =COUNTIF(

The range of cells that Excel is to look at
The criteria which Excel will use to count
Close Brackets

For example, the spreadsheet above counts up how many computers are affordable. In Cells C6 to
C9 we are told whether the product is affordable or not. If it is affordable the cell says yes.
To make this COUNTIF function easier to understand the range is in italics and the criteria is

This is the range of
cells Excel is to
look in.

Excel will only count

those cells in the range
that match this criteria.

Typing in a COUNTIF Function

1. Click in the cell where you require the answer
2. Type =COUNTIF(
3. Highlight the range of cells you are counting from
Type in the first cell and the last cell separated by a comma
4. Type in your criteria
5. Press Enter

Enclose text in inverted commas

If your criteria is text, then you must enclose it in inverted commas.

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Using the Insert Function icon for COUNTIF

1. Click in the cell where you require the answer
2. Click on the insert Function icon
3. If COUNTIF is not displayed in the most recently used list - click on Statistical
from the dropdown categories
4. Select COUNTIF from the list
5. Click on this icon

to make the box smaller

6. Select the range you wish to count

7. Click on this icon

again to restore the box

8. Type in your criteria next to Criteria

(Remember to enclose text in inverted commas.)
9. Click OK

The SumIf Function

What is the SUMIF Function
This function will add the value of cells that meet a certain criteria.
For example: Supposing we wanted to calculate the total salary cost of all females.

Where to look for the criteria

Which cells to add

If the range B2 to B7 says Female then add up all of the salaries that correspond.
The answer for the Total Female Salaries = 79,000.

The structure of a SumIf function

=SUMIF(Range,Criteria,Sum Range)

The range of cells that Excel is to look at.


The criteria that the cells must meet in order to be added.

Sum Range:

The cells to Sum.

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Nested Ifs
What are Nested ifs?
A Nested IF is exactly what it sounds like. An IF function nested inside another IF function.
The basic IF function only allows for two possible answers: either the logical test is met or it is not.
When we want more than these two basic answers then we need to nest the formula i.e. put one =IF
inside another.
An example:
The spreadsheet below shows the ages of a group of people. These people are to be put into a
category according to their age.
The categories are:
Under 25
Over 65
Completed Nested Ifs:


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The Structure
Although Nested Ifs may look nerve wracking, they are just a lot of single If functions strung
together. Before you try them, make sure you have the hang of single If functions.
The structure of nested ifs is always as follows:

Start with =IF(

First logical test followed by a comma
What to do if the first logical test is true
If the first logical test is false then Excel has to move onto the next logical test which will
always start with IF(
Second logical test followed by comma
If the second logical test is also false Excel moves onto the next logical test and this process
repeats until you come to the last logical test
At the end of the Nested if there will be your last logical test
What to do if the last logical test is true
What to do if the last logical test is false

In the example on the previous page, age categories had to be worked out using Nested Ifs. The
Age of all the people was held in Column C, starting with C2.
To make this nested if easier to understand the conditions are in italics and the true parts are

=IF(C2>65,"over 65",IF(C2>44,"45-65",IF(C2>24,"25-45","under 25")))

The first condition

asks if the age is
over 65. If it is,
Excel returns the
true answer over
65. If it is false
Excel moves on to
the next condition to

The Second Condition

asks if the age is over
44. If it is, then Excel
returns the true answer
45-65. If it is false
Excel moves on to the
next condition to check.

The third
condition asks if
the age is over
24. If it is, Excel
returns the true
answer 25-45.

If all the
are false
then the
age must
be under

How many Ifs can I nest together?

You may nest up to a maximum of 7 If statements.

No matter how many Ifs, you only need one =

You need only start the If with an = sign. All of the other If conditions start with IF(

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Typing in Nested Ifs

Get the order right!
Getting the order of the conditions right is vital. Remember if Excel finds the first logical
test to be true it will not move any further along the formula!
1. Click in the cell where you require the answer
2. Type =IF(
3. Type in your first logical test followed by a comma
4. Type in what Excel must do if the first logical test is true, followed by a
5. Type in IF(
6. Type in your second logical test followed by a comma
7. Type in what Excel must do if the second logical test is true followed by a
8. Repeat the process until you come to the last logical test
9. Type in what Excel must do if the last logical test is true followed with a
10. Type in what Excel must do if the last logical test is false
11. Close all of the brackets you have opened

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Excel 2007/2010 - Working with multiple worksheets

Working with multiple worksheets

Viewing several sheets on screen at the same time
1. Click on the View tab
2. Select New Window from the Window group
(a duplicate of your spreadsheet will appear on top of the previous one)
3. Click on Arrange all (in the Window group)

4. Select the layout you would like

(You can now change the sheet you are looking at in one of the windows while the other
remains constant.)

Working with Several Sheets

Excel files are called workbooks and just like any book they can contain several worksheets. To
begin with you will have three worksheets, but you can add up to as many sheets as you need, it is
limited by the available memory.

Why Have More than One Sheet?

Imagine that you have to store information about your organisations budget over five years. If you
try and put all this onto one sheet, it will become so vast that it will be almost impossible to navigate
through and find the information that you require. If you set up similar sheets for each year or even
for each month, then it becomes a lot easier to find the information you are looking for.

Selecting sheets
Click on the Sheet tab you require

It will become white

Moving through the sheets if there are many

Click on the Sheet tab you want to see
Click on the arrow buttons
to see more Sheet tabs

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Use the right mouse button to quickly go to a sheet

Right-click on the sheet navigation buttons to see a list of all your sheets, then click on the
one you want to go to.

Inserting and naming a new sheet

New worksheets are inserted to the right of the selected sheet.
1. Click on the Insert Worksheet button
2. Double-click on the name of the new sheet
3. Type in your new name
4. Press Enter

Right click on a sheet name and insert a sheet

Deleting a Worksheet
1. Right-click the Sheet tab you wish to delete
2. Click on Delete from the Shortcut menu

Re-naming a Sheet
1. Double-click on the Sheet tab you wish to rename

It will go black

2. Type in the new name for the Sheet

3. Press Enter or click into a cell on the sheet

Right click on a sheet name and rename a sheet

You can also rename a sheet by right-clicking on the sheet, and selecting rename.

Moving a sheet
Click and drag the sheet you require to its new location.

The black arrow will

show where the
sheet will appear.

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You can see the sheet

as it moves.

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Copying a sheet
1. Click on the Sheet tab of the Sheet that you wish to copy

2. Hold down the Ctrl key on the keyboard

3. Click and drag the Sheet

A small worksheet with a cross will appear

4. Let go of the mouse

Coloured Sheet Tabs

You can now colour code the Sheet tabs to help you find the one you want.
1. Right-click on the tab you wish to change

2. Click on Tab Colour (from the Shortcut menu)

3. Select the colour you require from the palette
4. Click OK

Did the colour change?

You may think that the tab did not change colour. This is because if the tab is still
highlighted you will only see a small line of colour underneath the Sheet name.
Click on another sheet to see the full colour!

Creating Formulae across Sheets

Creating a Formula Using Cells from Different Worksheets
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Type =
3. Click on the Sheet tab of the first cell you want (if required)
4. Click on the cell
5. Type the mathematical operator you require
6. Click on the Sheet tab of the next cell you require (if required)
7. Click on the cell
8. Repeat steps 5-7 if you need to add more to your formula
9. Press Enter

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Creating a =sum() Formula to Total the Same Cell on Different Sheets

This is useful for obtaining grand totals, on a Summary sheet for example. So if you need to add
together the contents of the same cell on different sheets, then here is your answer.
1. Select the cell where the answer will appear
2. Type =sum(
3. Click on the first sheet tab to be included
4. Click on the cell you require
5. Hold down the Shift key on the keyboard
6. Click on the last sheet tab you require
7. Press Enter
In the example below a grand total of the income in January, February and March is required. Each
month has its own sheet and on each of those sheets the income is held in Cell B2. To get the
grand total we need to add together the contents of Cell B2 on the January, February and March

The formula indicates that whatever is in Cell B2 will be

added from the sheet called Jan to the sheet called Mar.

Grouping Sheets Together

What Can You Do with Grouped Sheets?
When sheets are grouped together, whatever you do on one sheet will burn through to all of the
other sheets in the group. Its useful when you are going to have several sheets in a workbook that
do virtually the same thing. For instance, you might be creating a budget over several months, and
each month has its own sheet. With sheets grouped you can:

Apply formatting to all of the sheets in the group at once

Create formulae on all of the sheets in the group at once

Grouping Sheets that are Next to each other

1. Click on the first Sheet tab that you require
2. Hold down the Shift key
3. Click on the last Sheet tab that you require
(All the grouped sheets will become white)

Grouping Sheets that are Not Next to Each Other

1. Click on the first Sheet tab that you require
2. Hold down the Ctrl key

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3. Click on any other Sheets that you require

(All the grouped sheets will become white)

Ungrouping Sheets
1. Right-click on any Sheet tab in the group
2. Select Ungroup from the menu

Click on any Sheet tab that is not in the group

Creating a Formula across Grouped Sheets

In the example given below a Health food shop requires totals for the income column of each month.
The formula will work with the same cell references on all of the sheets.

To work out the totals quickly:

1. Group the sheets you require
2. Click on the cell where you require the formula

In this case B8

3. Enter the formula, for example =sum(

It does not matter which sheet you are

on, the formula will appear on all of the
sheets in the group.

4. Press Enter
5. Ungroup the sheets
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Excel 2007/2010 - Working with multiple worksheets

Creating Formulae across Workbooks

Creating a Formula Using Cells from Different Workbooks

Open all the workbooks you will be using first

If you wish to create a formula across different workbooks then open them first and leave
them minimised in the Taskbar at the bottom of the screen.
1. Click on the cell where you require the answer
2. Type =
3. Click on the workbook which contains the first cell you want (if required)
4. Click on the Sheet tab of the first cell you want (if required)
5. Click on the cell
6. Type the mathematical operator you require
7. Click on the workbook which contains the next cell you want (if required)
8. Click on the Sheet tab of the next cell you require (if required)
9. Click on the cell
10. Repeat steps 3-9 if you need to add more to your formula
11. Press Enter

Cell from this


Name of workbook
which contains second
cell appears in square

Name of spreadsheet
which contains
second cell appears
with ! sign


Data Consolidation
Data Consolidation by Label
Consolidation is the feature in Excel that allows you to merge data from specified files or
worksheets. There are various options in how the data is merged depending on what function you
choose e.g. SUM the data, find the AVERAGE of the data etc. Consolidation by label is not
dependent on the data being in the same position, it merges on the basis of the label or title of the

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data e.g. North. This allows for greater flexibility as it means the data can be in a different order
and position in each file.

Consolidating by Label
1. Make sure that you have all of the relevant files open
2. Go to the file where you wish to display the results
3. Select the area that you wish to display the results in, INCLUDING THE LABELS

4. Click on the Data tab

5. Click on Consolidate (in the Data Tools group)
6. Select which function you wish to use e.g. SUM
7. Put the relevant ticks in to the Use Labels in section

Click here to specify the function.

Click here before going to relevant files.

8. Tick the Create links to source data box (so that if the data changes the totals update)
9. Click into the Reference box
10. Click to your first file
11. Select the area you wish to consolidate INCLUDING THE LABELS (the reference will appear
in the Reference box in the Consolidate dialogue box)

12. Click Add

13. Repeat steps 9-12 above for each file

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14. Click OK (the results will be shown)

Copying Spreadsheets to Word

Copying and pasting from Excel into Word without a link
When you perform a straightforward copy and paste there is no link between the spreadsheet and
the Word document. When you make your changes in Excel your Word document will not update.
1. Ensure that Word and Excel are open
2. Select the cells you wish to copy from Excel
3. Ctrl+C
4. Click on the Word document
5. Move the cursor to the position you wish to copy to
6. Ctrl+V

Copying and pasting from Excel into Word with a link

If you want to maintain a link between your spreadsheet and Word document then paste your
information into Word using a link. This means when you make changes in the Excel spreadsheet
the Word document will automatically update.
1. Ensure that Word and Excel are open
2. Select the cells you wish to copy from Excel
3. Ctrl+C
4. Click on the Word document
5. Move the cursor to the position you wish to copy to
6. Click on the Paste button

7. Select Paste Special

8. Select Paste link and Microsoft Office Excel Worksheet Object
9. Click OK

Editing your spreadsheet from within Word

1. Double-click on the spreadsheet within Word
2. Make the changes in Excel
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Copying and pasting using smart tags

You can also Copy and Paste with/without a link using the appropriate Smart tag options.
1. Ensure that Word and Excel are open
2. Select the cells you wish to copy from Excel
3. Ctrl+C
4. Click on the Word document
5. Move the cursor to the position you wish to copy to
6. Ctrl+V
(The spreadsheet will appear in Word with a Smart tag.)

7. Select the appropriate option:

Keep Source Formatting
Match Destination Table Style
Keep Text Only
Keep Source Formatting and
Link to Excel
Match Destination Table Style
and Link to Excel

to make it a Word table that has exactly the same

formatting as you have in Excel at the moment
to make it look like a Word table
to keep the text without the gridlines or formatting
to create a link between Excel and Word so
changes made in Excel are reflected in Word
to create a link between Excel and Word so
changes made in Excel are reflected in Word

Copying a Chart into Word as a Picture

1. Ensure that Word and Excel are open
2. Select the Chart that you wish to copy from Excel
3. Ctrl+C
4. Click on the Word document you wish to copy to on the Taskbar
5. Move the cursor to where you want the Chart to appear
6. Ctrl+V
7. Click on the Paste Option Smart tag (in the bottom right hand corner)
8. Select Paste as picture

Copying a Chart into Word as an Excel Chart

1. Ensure that Word and Excel are open
2. Select the Chart that you wish to copy from Excel
3. Ctrl+C
4. Click on the Word document you wish to copy to on the Taskbar
5. Move the cursor to where you want the Chart to appear
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6. Ctrl+V
7. Click on the Paste Option Smart tag (in the bottom right hand corner)
8. Select Excel Chart (Entire workbook)

Editing the chart

Double-click on it in the Word document and you can use Excel to edit it

Copying a chart into Word with a link

1. Ensure that Word and Excel are open
2. Select the Chart that you wish to copy from Excel
3. Ctrl+C
4. Click on the Word document you wish to copy to on the Taskbar
5. Move the cursor to where you want the Chart to appear
6. Ctrl+V
7. Click on the Paste Option Smart tag (in the bottom right hand corner)
8. Select Chart (linked to Excel data)

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Excel 2007/2010 - Excel as a Database

Excel as a Database
What is a Database?
A database is a collection of information, with the information arranged in a structured way.
Examples of paper based database systems include:
A card index
A filing system
A telephone directory
All of these systems are structured in a particular way. A telephone directory is arranged in
alphabetical order of surname. In addition the individual entries in a telephone directory are also
ordered. The surname is always first, then the first name or initials, then the address and telephone
We can keep all of this information in an Excel spreadsheet or workbook, and we are then able to
sort and arrange the information with the click of a button.
Other advantages of keeping lists or databases in Excel are the ways in which information can be
filtered and analysed.

Databases in Excel
Databases in Excel are usually laid out as shown below. Note: there should be no completely
empty rows or columns in the database.

The records are held in the

rows of the spreadsheet.

The field names are at the

top of the columns.

Fields are the types of information you have in your database.

E.g. Date, Centre, Area, Category, Item, Number sold, Cost per item and Sales.
A Record is the information for one thing or person.

In the above example records are held in the rows of the spreadsheet.

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Freeze Panes
Often databases in Excel have headings at the top and/or down the side. This makes it a little bit
frustrating when you scroll across or down and can no longer see what you are talking about.
Freeze Panes solves this problem by sticking columns and rows down on the screen where you can
always see them.

Freezing the top row

1. Click anywhere in the spreadsheet
2. Click on the View tab
3. Click on Freeze Panes
4. Click on Freeze Top Row

Unfreezing the top row

On the View tab, click on Freeze Panes, choose Unfreeze Panes
Freezing a row and column
This is useful if you need to freeze the top row and the first column in one go.
1. Click on cell B2

The row above and the column to the

left will now be frozen.

2. Click on the View tab

3. Click on Freeze Panes

If you scroll down and across you will

still see the top row and the first

Printing the first row on every page

When you have a large amount of data in your database and you need to print it off then it is much
easier to read if you print the field names at the top of every page.
1. Click on the Page Layout tab
2. In the Page Setup group, click Print Titles

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3. Click on this icon

in Rows to repeat at top to make the dialog box smaller

4. Select the top row

5. Click on this icon

to make the dialog box larger

6. Click on Print Preview

7. If you need to make any additional changes like changing the spreadsheet from
Portrait to Landscape, click on the Page Setup button

8. Click on the Page tab

9. Select Landscape
10. Click OK
11. Click on the Close Print Preview button

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When you put your data in the list it appears in the order in which it is entered. Frequently you may
need to see it in a different order. To change the order you must sort the data.
1. Click on the Home tab
2. Click on the Sort & Filter button

3. Select Sort A to Z

This will sort your data in ascending


Select Sort Z to A

This will sort your data in descending


Help, my list is all over the place

When you sort using the icons, be careful to click into the column by
which you wish to sort by clicking on one cell in that column. If you
select the whole column then Excel could sort ONLY the column and leave
everything else where it was!

Multi Level Sorting

Here you can sort by more than one column or row.
1. Click on the Home tab
2. Click on the Sort & Filter button

3. Select Custom Sort

In this example we will be sorting by Gender (A to Z), then Bonuses
(largest to smallest)

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4. Click on the dropdown arrow by Sort by

5. Choose the first item to sort by (Sex)
6. Click on the Add Level button
7. Click on the dropdown arrow by Then by
8. Choose the second item to sort by (Bonus)
9. Click on the down arrow by Order
10. Choose Largest to Smallest
11. Click OK

Sorting by Rows
You may have built your list and organised it so that the Headings are in the first column instead of
across the top row as a Header row. In this case you may want to sort your data by rows.
1. Click on the Home tab
2. Click on the Sort & Filter button

3. Select Custom Sort

4. Click on the Options button

5. Select Sort left to right

6. Click OK

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7. Continue sorting, this time by rows instead of columns

Custom Sorts
There are occasions when sorting in Ascending or Descending order is not actually what you
require. You may need to sort into Month or Days of the Week order.
1. Click on the Home tab
2. Click on the Sort & Filter button

3. Select Custom Sort

4. Click in the drop down for Order
5. Choose Custom List...

6. Choose the Sort order you require

7. Click OK
8. In the Sort By box choose the column that has the information you wish to
put in order
9. Click OK

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A filter is used to select a subset of your list. This means that you can filter your list so that you can
see only the rows that meet your specific criteria.

Switching on AutoFilter
1. Click on the Home tab
2. Click on the Data tab
3. Select Filter
4. Click on the arrow by the heading to see what you can filter
5. Untick Select All
6. Now tick the criteria you want to see
7. Click OK
For example, in our table we only want to see the employees who work in the Technology
Before filtering:

After filtering:

AutoFilter on More than One Field

You can continue to apply filters to narrow down the list you can see. Just click on the dropdown
arrows and choose different criteria. For example, say you wish to find only the males who work in
the Technology department.
1. Click on the drop down arrow next to Sex
2. Click on Select All
3. Click on Male
4. Click OK
After filtering a filtered list:

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Displaying all the data again

Click on the Clear button (on the Data tab)

Custom Filters
When to Use Custom Filters
Use a Custom Filter when:

Making comparisons between numbers, e.g. greater than or less than

Specifying parts of text, e.g. starts with S ends with son
Finding dates before or after e.g. before 1999

Using Custom Filters

1. Make sure that AutoFilter is switched on
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the field heading you wish to filter, for example,
3. Choose Number Filters
4. Select Custom Filter

5. Choose the first comparison, for example, is greater than

6. Type a value in the first empty box or use the dropdown arrow
7. Choose the second comparison, for example, is less than
8. Type a value in the second empty box or use the dropdown arrow
9. Click OK

Finding Data between Two Numbers or Two Dates

1. Make sure that AutoFilter is switched on
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the field heading you wish to filter, for example,
Date of Birth
3. Choose Date Filters
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4. Select Custom Filter

5. Choose is before in the first comparison
6. Type a date value
7. Choose is after in the second comparison
8. Type a date value

9. Click OK

Wild cards * ?
You can use the ? and the * when you are not sure or if you want to find a group of
things in your list with certain criteria.
Use the ? to replace a single character in the same position. If the value you enter
is T?m you might get Tim or Tom.
Use the * to replace a group of characters in the same position so if you enter
New* you might get New Jersey or New York.

Finding data that begins with a certain letter

In the following example I need to find all of the employees with surname starting with W.
1. Make sure that AutoFilter is switched on
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the field heading you wish to filter, for example,
3. Choose Text Filters
4. Select Begins with

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5. Type a letter
For example, W
6. Click OK

Custom Filters
When to Use Custom Filters
Use a Custom Filter when:

Making comparisons between numbers, e.g. greater than or less than

Specifying parts of text, e.g. starts with S ends with son
Finding dates before or after e.g. before 1999

Using Custom Filters

1. Make sure that AutoFilter is switched
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the field heading you wish to filter, for example
3. Choose Number Filters
4. Select Custom Filter

5. Choose the first comparison, for example, is greater than

6. Type a value in the first empty box or use the dropdown arrow
7. Choose the second comparison For example, is less than
8. Type a value in the second empty box or use the dropdown arrow
9. Click OK

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Finding Data between Two Numbers or Two Dates

1. Make sure that AutoFilter is switched
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the field heading you wish to filter, for example, Date
of Birth
3. Choose Date Filters
4. Select Custom Filter
5. Choose is before in the first comparison
6. Type a date value
7. Choose is after in the second comparison
8. Type a date value

9. Click OK

Finding data that begins with a certain letter

In the following example I need to find all of the employees with surname starting with W.
1. Make sure that AutoFilter is switched
2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to the field heading you wish to filter, for example,
3. Choose Text Filters
4. Select Begins with

5. Type a letter
6. Click OK

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When you are using databases that include long lists of figures that you wish to create totals from,
the Subtotal function is very useful. As well as creating a total of an entire list of figures (i.e. the
=SUM function) it also creates a series of Subtotals based on a criteria that you define. It is also
possible to then collapse and expand these Subtotals to see more or less detail which can be
invaluable when you are working with very large amounts of data.

Sort your list first

Before creating Subtotals you may need to put the data into order. Sort the column you will
be creating your Subtotals on first.

Creating Subtotals
1. Click in a cell you wish to group the data by, for example,
2. Click on the Data tab
3. Click on the relevant sort button

4. Click on any of the cells in the table

5. Click on the Data tab

6. Click on the Subtotal button

Change this to Department

the data is grouped by this.
We want to add up all the
salaries within each
We want to create a subtotal
for Salary

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7. Click OK


Showing and hiding details in Subtotal Lists

Click on the - sign next to the Subtotal you wish to hide

Click here to hide

The signs turn to + signs and the detail is hidden

The detail is hidden

Showing different levels of detail in Subtotal Lists

on these
Click on the outline number icons at the top left of theClick
to show
or to
less detail:
show different levels.

Level 1

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Level 2

Level 3

Removing Subtotals from your spreadsheet

1. Click on the Data menu
2. Click on Subtotals
3. Click on the Remove All button

Click here to remove the Subtotals.

4. Click OK
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Analysing data
Analysing data
In previous versions of Excel you could create lists in your worksheet to group and analyse related
After specifying a range the following will happen:

Every column in the list will have AutoFilter enabled by default in the header row that allows
you to quickly filter or sort your data.
A dark blue border will appear around your list to distinguish it from any surrounding data.
A total row can be added to your list. When you click on a cell within the total row, you can
pick from a drop-down of other functions e.g. Average
In Office 2007 / 2010, you can still do all of the above, but you have to change the style of your
data. All this means is applying one of the table styles to the data.

Applying a table style to your data

1. Click anywhere in the data
2. Click on the Home tab
3. Within the Styles group, click on Format as Table
4. Select a style

5. Ensure the cell references are correct

6. Click OK

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The table

Auto filter is
enabled on any
column included in
the list.

Table style

The list can be

expanded by click
and dragging

Totalling the data

1. Click anywhere in the data (this will show the Design tab at the top)
2. Click on the Design tab

3. Click on the Total Row

(The Total row appears as the last row in the table and shows the word Total in the leftmost
4. In the Total row, click in the column you want to find the total for
5. Click on the drop-down list
6. Select the function you want to use, for example, Sum

You are not limited to the formula in the list!

You can type in any formula you want to use in the total row.

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Excel 2007/2010 - Appendix

Common keyboard shortcuts in Excel

Create a new workbook


Open an existing workbook


Save a workbook


Print worksheet


Close workbook


Select whole worksheet

CTRL + Home

Move to cell A1

CTRL + + (CTRL & plus)

Insert row/column

CTRL + - (CTRL & minus)

Delete row/column

CTRL + ` (CTRL & Fred!)

Show/hide formulas


Find a word in worksheet


Make selected text bold


Make selected text italic


Make selected text underlined


Undo last action


Redo last undo










Check spelling

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Excel 2007/2010 - Appendix

What do the error messages mean?

When something goes wrong with a formula Excel produces messages that attempt to describe
what the problem is:#DIV/0!

Attempt made to divide by zero check the cells being used in the
formula have numbers in them.


Part of your formula is using a cell that does not have information in it,
or the information is not yet available.


There is some text in the formula that does not mean anything to Excel.
You may have a Range Name included in the formula that Excel does
not recognise.


Two areas do not intersect. You may have forgotten to include a comma
between two ranges of cells.


You have used text instead of numbers whilst performing a function, or

the formulas result is too big or too small to be shown by Excel.


One of the cells being used in the formula does not exist. It may have
been deleted after you created the formula.


A cell containing text has been used in the formula.

More Range Names

Creating Range Names from a List
If you have typed the names you would like to use on your spreadsheet already, then you can use
them to create Range Names very quickly. You can name whole columns and rows and then use
both the column and the row number as a cell reference.
1. Select the cells to name, including the Range Names you wish to use

2. Click on the Formula tab

3. In Defined Names group, click on Create from selection

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4. Click OK

Applying names so they appear in existing Formulae

Once you have created range names and formulae you need you can use the range name in the
1. Ensure you are in the Formulas tab, click on the down arrow for Define Name
2. Select Apply Names

3. Click on the names you want to apply, so they appear in formulae

4. Click OK
Click into a formula and you will see the name instead of the cell reference

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Excel 2007/2010 - Index

=sum ()
formula, 58
Absolute cell references, 30
creating, 31
with AutoSum, 24
AutoSum, 24, 38
Average, 39
creating, 26
copying to Word as a chart, 63
copying to Word as a picture, 63

Column Width, 19
deleting, 19
inserting, 18

Conditional Formatting, 40
Consolidation, 60
By position, 60
Constants, 30
Copy, 20
formulae, 29
with drag and drop, 22
worksheets, 56

Count, 39
CountIF, 49
Custom Filter, 72, 74
using, 72, 74
Cut, 20
Sorting using the Menus, 68
using Excel as, 65
columns, 19
Page 82

Range Names, 33
rows, 19

DIV/O!, 82
Error Messages, 82
starting, 8
F4, 30
Formulae, 25
copying, 29
creating across sheets, 57
creating across workbooks, 60

creating, 26
Freeze Panes, 66
inserting, 38
CountIf, 49
IF, 45

worksheets, 58
IF Functions, 45
basic functions, 38
moving around, 12
to select cells, 15

Minimum, 39
Mistakes, 13
keeps changing shape, 11
using drag and drop, 22
N/A!, 82
NAME?, 82
Nested Ifs, 52

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Excel 2007/2010 - Index

columns, 18
row, 18
worksheet inserting, 56

NULL!, 82
NUM!, 82
Office Clipboard, 21
displaying, 21
Paste, 20
using Smart tags, 63
with a link, 62
without a link, 62

repeat headers, 66
worksheets, 34
Range Names
creating, 82
creating from a list, 82
deleting, 33

Redo, 13
REF!, 82
worksheets, 56
deleting, 19
inserting, 18

areas not next to each other, 15
with the keyboard, 15

Smart Tags, 8

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Sorting, 68
by rows, 69
Custom Sorts, 70
using the menu, 68

selecting, 15
Spreadsheet Design, 24
Subtotals, 76
Removing, 78
Showing different levels, 77

copying, 22
moving, 22

Undo, 13
worksheets, 59
worksheet, 35, 36
VALUE!, 82
coloured tabs, 57
copying, 56
grouping, 58
inserting new, 56
moving through, 55
re-naming, 56
selecting, 55
ungrouping, 59
unprotecting, 35, 36
working with several, 55

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