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AE/ME 5311 HW #1

Due: Feb 2, 2016 at the beginning of class

Problem 1: Over damped system

Consider a mass-spring-damper system with K=50 N/m , M=2 kg and C=40
N-s/m. The initial conditions are: u0=.02 m and v0=0.5 m/s.A step force o
10 N is applied to the mass at t=0.
(a) Find analytical solution (by long hand calculation) for the dipllacement of
the system
(b) Plot the above solution for 5 period of the undamped natural perions
(c) Validate (by dsolve) your long hand solution either analytically or

Problem 2: Under damped system

Consider a mass-spring-damper system with K=50 N/m , M=2 kg and
C=0.1*Cc, where Cc is the critical damper constant.
The initial conditions are: u0=.02 m and v0=0.5 m/s.
A step force o 10 N is applied to the mass at t=0.
(a) Find analytical solution (by long hand calculation) for the dipllacement of
the system
(b) Plot the above solution for 5 period of the undamped natural perions
(c) Validate (by dsolve) your long hand solution either analytically or

Problem 3: sine response: undamped

Consider a mass-spring-damper system with K=50 N/m , M=2 kg and C=0 Ns/m.The initial conditions are: u0=0 m and v0=0 m/s.
A sine force 5*sin(4*t) N is applied to the mass.

(a) Find analytical solution (by long hand calculation) for the dipllacement of
the system
(b) Plot the above solution for 5 period of the undamped natural perions
(c) Validate (by dsolve) your long hand solution either analytically or
(d) Plot the forcing function and the particulat
solution in the same figure.

Problem 4: sine response: Damped

Consider a mass-spring-damper system with K=50 N/m , M=2 kg and C=4 Ns/m. The initial conditions are: u0=0 m and v0=0 m/s.
A sine force 5*sin(4*t) N is applied to the mass.
(a) Find analytical solution (by long hand calculation) for the dipllacement of
the system
(b) Plot the above solution for 5 period of the undamped natural perions
(c) Validate (by dsolve) your long hand solution either analytically or
(d) Plot the forcing function and the particulat
solution in the same figure.

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