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Hamza Saidi
My American Friend 01 Halloween
With Mr. Wyatt Boykin

Today we had the pleasure of starting our activities by the informal meetings under the title
my American Friend, which is basically about hosting American guests to talk about a certain
aspect of the American culture and society. We received 45 attendants for this opening event.
The first topic was Halloween since Halloween is on the 31st of October. Mr. Wyatt prepared a
PPT with information about the history of Halloween, who, why, and when is it celebrated
accompanied by several pictures and videos that represent the spirit of this fun event. The
attendees were excited and bombarded Mr. Wyatt with questions about Halloween after he
concluded his talk with how he personally celebrates it. Many hands were raised to share how
similar certain local celebrations are to Halloween, such as Ashour/, Bo-Jloud/
wherein the customs are to some extent similar to the Halloween spirit. The meeting was
then ended by informing the attendees about the next event being Movie Club screening a
movie the coming Friday the 30th at 3:00pm.

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