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May 26, 2011 | By Alicia Miller

Photo Credit Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Although you don't need to avoid exercise entirely if you suffer from scoliosis, you should avoid certain types of activities. According to,
recommended exercises for scoliosis patients include spine- and back-strengthening exercises and flexibility exercises. Specific types of movements
are not recommended because of the way they force you to move your spine. Consult your doctor if you're not sure whether a specific exercise is safe
for your condition.

If you have scoliosis, avoid lifting heavy objects unless you know the proper way to lift. Even then, you should exercise caution to avoid straining your
spine. This includes exercises that use heavy weights or require you to bend and lift heavy items. According to David Wolpert in his book, "Scoliosis
Surgery: The Definitive Patient's Reference," patients who have recently had surgery for scoliosis should initially avoid lifting weights or other objects
that weigh more than 10 lbs.

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Avoid exercises that require you to bend or arch your back. Back-bending exercises that require you to move your torso can cause pain or dislodge
your vertebrae. According to physical therapist Christa Lehnert-Schroth in an article for The Schroth Method website, back bends are strictly forbidden
for people with scoliosis because they increase lumbar and thoracic lordosis, which is the inward curvature of your spine. Exercises to avoid include
yoga postures and Pilates exercises that use back-bending techniques.

Avoid twisting exercises, because your rib hump enlarges any time you twist your shoulder girdle and rib cage, according to Lehnert-Schroth. Twisting
postures are common in many Pilates and yoga routines. Types of exercises that may use a twisting motion include certain types of twisting
abdominal crunches or oblique exercises and dance movements that require you to twist your torso.


Avoiding exercises that pose a risk of falling is important for scoliosis patients, and especially for those recovering from scoliosis surgery. High-impact
aerobics, jumping exercises, exercises performed on a trampoline, jumping rope and certain sports such as basketball or soccer may increase your
risk of falling and should be performed with extreme caution or avoided altogether.

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Feb 23, 2011 | By Michelle Zehr

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images
Typically, scoliosis is characterized by a lateral curve of your spine. Dextroscoliosis is characterized by a
curve to the right. This curve creates a convexity on the back's right side and a concave shape to the left
side of your back. While it is important to remember that exercise cannot reverse or stop the progression
of a dextroscoliosis curve, exercise can help strengthen the back which can lead to increased mobility as
well as a decrease in pain caused by dextroscoliosis.


A lower back stretch can help increase strength and flexibility in your lower back. To complete a lower
back stretch, lie on your back with your head against the ground. Grasp both of knees and pull them
towards your chest. Pull your knees in as far as they can comfortably go. Hold this position for a count of
10 seconds, more if you can. Repeat this exercise five times.

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Lower back -- lumbar -- rotations help to strengthen as well as provide increased mobility in your back.
Stand up straight and fold your arms so that they cross your chest. Slowly rotate your lower back from
side to side. Behind with small motions and progress to larger movement. Avoid moving your legs and

hips while completing this exercise. Repeat 10 repetitions to the left and another 10 repetitions to the right.


A cat stretch is a stretch to help improve flexibility and strength in your entire back. Position yourself on your hands and knees -- with your shin and
tops of your feet positioned on the ground. Begin with your back in a neutral position and slowly arch your back upwards. Arch as high as you
comfortably can. Hold this position for a few seconds. Lower your back down to a neutral position and repeat. Complete 10 to 20 repetitions of this

Back bends help to strengthen and increase flexibility in your entire back. Stand with your back straight and your feet shoulder-width apart. Your
knees should be straight. Place your hands on your lower back, close to your waist. Slowly bend backwards at your waist while keeping your legs
straight. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat 10 times. Do not stretch your back to the point where you
experience pain.


This exercise helps to strengthen the upper portion of your back. Position a stool against a wall. Take a seat with your back positioned flat against the
wall. Slowly raise your arms up over your head while keeping your back and head positioned against the wall. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Relax
and repeat. Complete 10 times.

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May 26, 2011 | By Chekwube Ndubisi

Photo Credit IT Stock/Polka Dot/Getty Images
Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature in the spine that causes the spine to take on an "S" or "C"
appearance. Most cases of scoliosis are idopathic in nature, meaning that the cause is unknown. Pilates
is an exercise program focused on improving posture, strength and flexibility, and can help with scoliosis
by strengthening the muscles that surround the spine and abdomen, improving your balance and
posture as well as increasing flexibility in the back. Consult with your physician before starting a Pilates


The pelvic floor exercise is recommended by for individuals with scoliosis, as it improves
coordination in the pelvic muscles and helps in balancing the inner thighs. To perform this exercise, lie
on your back and imprint your entire spine into the mat. Alternately lift each leg into the table top position
by bending your knee and ensuring that your shin is parallel to the floor and your knee is perpendicular
to the floor. Open your thighs past the width of your hips and place your hands inside your knees.
Squeeze the muscles in your buttock and hollow your spine. Press your hands against the legs, and in
four counts, bring your legs towards each other until they are 4 inches apart. Hold this position for four
seconds and then release. Repeat this two more times.

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This exercise improves your ability to balance your pelvis and trunk. Begin by lying on your back with
both legs pressed together. Lift your legs from the floor and bend your knees so that they're
perpendicular to the floor and your shins are parallel to the floor. Squeeze the muscles in your buttocks
and begin to straighten your legs towards the ceiling in four slow counts, but stop this extension right before you completely straighten your legs.
Return your knees to the starting position in four slow counts. Repeat this exercise two more times, but only perform it once a day.

The spider is a pilates exercise recommended by Easy Vigour to improve your posture and straighten the curve in your spine. Begin by standing with
your legs turned outward at the hip and your heels together. Facing a wall, place the palms of your hand flat against a wall and slightly bend your
elbows. Inhale and begin to climb the wall with your finger tips until your arms are fully extend. Continue this stretch by lifting your heel from the floor
and stand on the balls of your feet. Continue to the climb the wall until you can no longer extend your torso. Slowly walk down the wall and exhale.
(reference 4)


Use a pole to perform this exercise. Begin by standing with your legs turned outward at the hip and
your heels together. Hold a pole in front of your thighs and place both hands in close proximity over
the pole. Raise the pole over your head and slowly spread your arms apart to enable you to remain
straight. Bring the pole behind your neck by bringing your arms back. Inhale and lift your arms,
returning the pole to the starting position. Exhale when the pole is returned to the front of your thighs.
Repeat this exercise three to five times.



Jul 15, 2010 | By JessicaM

Photo Credit back image by Valentin Mosichev from
Scoliosis causes a sideways curve in the spine, forming a C or an S shape. Scoliosis can be genetic
or the result of an injury. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases
says that while exercises may not cure the condition, they can help to ease back pain associated with
scoliosis. Discuss exercise with your doctor before starting a strengthening program.


Lie on your back, raise your legs straight up in the air at right angles to your body, then bend your knees
so that your lower legs are parallel with the floor. Stretch your arms out on either side of your body until
they are just below shoulder height. Breathe in deeply and as you exhale, slowly lower your knees to the
right side and turn your head to the left to look at your left hand. Hold the twist for up to 10 breaths, then
inhale deeply as you bring your legs back to the start position, keeping your knees bent. Repeat the
movement on the other side.

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Lie on your back with your legs bent and your feet on the floor. Stretch your arms so that they are at right
angles to your body and bend them so that your hands are positioned near your ears, palms facing up.
Gently press your lower back into the floor and hold for a slow five seconds. Repeat 10 times.


Start by doing a gentle back press but with your arms down by your sides, then breathe in and peel your
back off the floor. Start at the base of your spine and roll all the way up so that only your shoulders, arms
and feet are touching the floor. Hold yourself in position by squeezing your buttocks and pressing your feet into the floor. "Yoga Journal" suggests
keeping your stomach muscles tight and your pelvis tucked under to increase the stretch in your lower back. Hold for several deep breaths, then
gently roll your spine down, from the shoulders to your buttocks.


This exercise is good for stretching the tighter side of your back, that is, the side where your spine curves out, according to SportsInjuryClinic website.
Lie on your stomach with the arm on your tight side stretched out in front of you and your other arm down by your side. Reach both arms firmly in
opposite directions and hold for five seconds. Rest and repeat 10 times.

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May 12, 2011 | By Martin Hughes

Photo Credit Siri Stafford/Lifesize/Getty Images
Scoliosis affects about 2 percent of the United States population and is more common in young girls, although boys and adults may have scoliosis too,
according to Approximately 80 percent of scoliosis cases are called "idiopathic" scoliosis, which means that the cause of the
condition is unknown. Back exercises for scoliosis attempt to restore balanced muscle tone in your back and promote healthy spinal curvatures,
although the Scoliosis Research Society suggests that back exercises for scoliosis cannot prevent curve progression, but can help improve your core
strength and provide you with symptomatic relief.


The stretch up and reach down exercise is recommended for those with scoliosis by Stand with your back against a wall, both
arms dangling freely at your side. Standing with your back against the wall to perform this exercise helps you avoid bending forward or backward. If
the left side of your back is your tight side, lift up your left arm so that it's pointing straight toward the ceiling. Reach up toward the ceiling with your left
hand. At the same time, reach toward the floor with your right hand. You should feel a subtle shift in your spinal alignment with this stretch. Hold your
stretch for five seconds, then relax. Repeat your stretch up and reach down exercise a total of 10 times, and perform your stretch two to three times
per day. If you're not sure which side of your back is tighter or which arm you should raise, schedule an appointment with your primary care provider
or a bodyworker trained in the treatment of scoliosis to have your spine and back assessed.

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SIDE STRETCH also recommends the side stretch for those with scoliosis. This exercise is intended to stretch your tight back muscles and
provide you with relief from symptomatic back complaints. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your back against a wall, both arms
dangling freely at your side. This is your starting position. If the left side of your back is your tight side, lift your left arm above your head and bend
sideways to your right, away from your tight muscles. Put your right hand on your right hip to brace your movement, and apply gentle pressure into
your right hip to augment your stretch. Reach over your head with your left arm as far as you're capable of reaching. You should feel a gentle stretch
in your tight, left-sided back muscles and in the muscles between your ribs. Hold your stretch for five seconds before slowly returning to your starting
position. Repeat your side stretch exercise a total of 10 times, two to three times per day.

ARM AND LEG EXTENSIONS recommends you perform arm and leg extension exercises on an exercise ball or stability ball to help strengthen your back and
improve your posture. Begin your arm and leg extension exercise by carefully centering your hips on an exercise ball. The exercise ball should be
supporting almost your full body weight. With your left toes and right fingertips contacting the floor for balance and support, extend your left arm and
lift your left hand up to the level of your head. At the same time that you're lifting your left arm, lift up your right leg using your right gluteus maximus
muscle until your leg is at the level of your buttocks. Hold your pose for three to four seconds before lowering your limbs and repeating the exercise.
Perform a total of 10 repetitions before switching directions and lifting your opposite limbs for 10 more repetitions. Rest for 30 to 60 seconds before
performing another set of arm and leg extensions. Perform a total of three sets of 10 repetitions on both sides of your body. Breathe in during the
lowering phase and breathe out during the lifting phase.

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Aug 19, 2010 | By Matt Berry

Photo Credit bare back image by Robert Calvillo from

Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine develops a sideways curve. It can be in the upper, middle or lower back and for most individuals the cause
is unknown. The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases states that three to five children out of every 1,000 will develop
scoliosis. Treatment in those affected is different for each person, but some exercises can help. If pain is felt during exercises, stop and speak with a
doctor before attempting again.


Back pain is usually present with those who have scoliosis, but according to the National Scoliosis Foundation, this pain can be reduced by
strengthening the back muscles. An excellent back-strengthening exercise is the back extension. This is achieved by laying on your stomach on an
exercise ball with your knees on the floor. Roll forward until your back and arms are straight out parallel with the ball. Hold this position for a minimum
of five seconds and then roll back. Repeat this movement doing three sets of 10 repetitions.

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For patients with scoliosis, a goal of an exercise program with a physical therapist is to increase mobility and flexibility. Increasing your flexibility will
allow you to function and feel better. Several exercises will help improve flexibility. A commonly used exercise is to stand tall and bend to touch your
toes while trying to keep your knees locked. Another exercise involves sitting on an exercise ball and then bend over until your back is parallel with the
floor. Hold for a few seconds and then return back to sitting position. Do three sets of 10 repetitions.


Exercises that increase your endurance levels can have a positive impact on your emotional well-being as well as your scoliosis. The National
Scoliosis Foundation recommends cardiovascular workouts, such as walking, bicycling or aerobic classes, to help with your endurance levels. They
state this will increase and help build tolerance levels from pain that may be produced from normal day-to-day activities.


The Schroth Method is a series of exercises and therapy that teaches you to exist and function in an unbalanced state. Rather than actually
straightening the spine, this method allows your brain to rethink its way of positioning your body and helps maintain balance. This allows you to sit and
stand straight, even though internally your spine is bent.

If you have scoliosis speak with a physician before starting any exercise program. If pain is experienced you should stop exercising and consult a
doctor. If your scoliosis is progressive, exercise alone will not be able to stop the spine from curving. Keep in mind that each individual is different. A
physical therapist can evaluate your specific needs and guide you the exercises that are more beneficial for you.

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Aug 20, 2011 | By Sumei FitzGerald

Photo Credit Comstock/Comstock/Getty Images

In the past, exercises weren't recommended for scoliosis patients because the programs that were developed seemed to worsen the condition, reports Specialists are now more informed about the complex nature of scoliosis and the type of exercises that can improve
lives. Exercises for scoliosis must address both complementary and opposite muscles in ways that don't strengthen one muscle while worsening
another. A 2010 study published in the "British Journal of Medicine" used muscle strength training to eliminate scoliosis in 47 children ages 10 to 16
without surgery. In some cases, scoliosis patients need the added support of shoe lifts and braces. Exercises for scoliosis are different for those who
wear a Milwaukee, or full-torso, brace and those that do not.

Many scoliosis patients don't understand what good posture and alignment feel like. Exercises that help them understand proper alignment are very
useful. When the problem is a thoracic curve issue, scoliosis patients can reach upward and diagonally while sitting tall and slightly forward. This gives
them a kinesthetic sense of what a straight spine feels like.


In right thoracic-left lumbar scoliosis, there is often weakness in the back portion of the right external oblique muscle and shortness in the upper
portion of the left external oblique, reports In one exercise, scoliosis patients lie on their backs, placing their right hand
on the right side of their chest and their left hand on the left side of their pelvis. Patients then attempt to bring their hands closer together by using their
abdominal muscles, without flexing their trunks. This exercise may also be done in reverse for left thoracic-right lumbar scoliosis.


The pelvic tilt can be done with knees bent and knees straight in scoliosis patients wearing a Milwaukee brace. To perform a pelvic tilt, lie on your
back, tighten your buttocks and use your abdominal muscles to flatten your lower back to the floor. Hold this position for a count of 5 and do 10
repetitions once a day. Scoliosis patients can lie on their stomachs to extend their spines. Lying with their arms at their sides, patients tilt their pelvis
and raise their arms, shoulders and head about 6 inches. Push-ups with a tilted pelvis are a good exercise for scoliosis patients with a brace. Try
pushing your side toward the floor. Lie on one side with a pillow under your ribs and your top arm and leg straight and your bottom arm and leg bent.
Tilt your pelvis and attempt to push your side toward the floor. The once-a-day standing pelvic tilt is done with relaxed knees. The patient pulls in his
abdomen and tilts his pelvis and then attempts to walk while holding the tilt. Correcting thoracic lordosis and rib hump involves doing a standing pelvic
tilt and then taking a deep breath while spreading your ribs and pressing the chest wall backward. Active curve correction also involves a standing
pelvic tilt. Shift your body away from the rib pad in the brace, then away from the lumbar pad. Finally, attempt to shift away from both pads at the same
time and stretch upward.


These exercises should be held for a 5-count and the patient should do 10 repetitions once or twice a day. Practice the pelvic tilt while lying on the
floor, knees bent and knees straight. Try coming to a sitting position while holding the pelvic tilt, do push-ups with a pelvic tilt and try the standing
pelvic tilt without a Milwaukee brace. Stretches are also useful exercises for scoliosis. Scoliosis patients can do hamstring stretches by touching their
toes with their legs out in front of them, stretching their backs by attempting to touch their heads to the floor while sitting cross-legged, and twisting
from side to side with their hands behind their heads while sitting cross-legged. Patients should try to touch their elbows to their opposite knee. Stretch
your sides by standing with one arm at your side and one arm overhead and bending to the side with the straight-hanging arm. Sit on your heels with
your forehead near the floor and outstretched arms. Stretch out your arms and bend your trunk to one side and then the other. Scoliosis patients can
strengthen their back muscles by sitting cross-legged with their backs against a wall. Hold a ball and stretch your arms straight overhead while
keeping your elbows to the wall. Do spine extension with the brace off. Deep breathing exercises also benefit scoliosis patients.


Lie on the floor, lift your legs and mimic pedaling a bicycle to strengthen the trunk muscles. Or lie on your back with knees bent and rotate the knees
from side to side. Sit on your heels with your hands behind your back, your abdomen on your thighs, and attempt to lift your head and shoulders. Or
sit in a chair with your hands behind your head and your abdomen on your thighs to perform a back-strengthening exercise. Scoliosis patients also
can lie on a table face-down with their waist at the table edge and try raising their trunk to table level. The hitch exercise can help correct lumbar curve
and thoracolumbar curve problems. On the convex side of the curve, lift your heel while keeping your hips and knees straight and hold the position for
10 seconds. This lifts the pelvis and corrects the curve. Yoga exercises also can restore mobility to the spine and provide pain relief.



Aug 25, 2011 | By Rick Rockwell

Scoliosis is a skeletal disorder which, in most cases, has an unknown cause. Exercise is, for better or worse, unlikely to affect the disorder in anyway.
There are certain exercises that can help strengthen the back and prevent discomfort and pain; however. Consult your doctor or physiotherapist to
determine the best way to treat scoliosis.

Scoliosis involves a curvature of the spine or backbone, often in a slight S- or C-shape. In cases where the cause is unknown, it is called idiopathic
scoliosis. It most often occurs in children between the ages of 10 and 15, when puberty first takes effect and their bodies undergo rapid growth.
Severe cases of scoliosis can cause diminished lung capacity, which puts distinct pressure on the heart and limits physical activity.

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There is no proof that exercise will stop scoliosis from getting worse, but it is always important for those who suffer from the disorder to remain
physically fit and active. Exercises that add strength and flexibility to the back and shoulder muscles may help reduce any symptoms. In addition,
abdominal exercises will help strengthen the core and improve posture.

Lie face down on an exercise ball so that your stomach is on top of the ball and your toes are on the floor or mat. Cross your arms over your chest, or
hold them straight out in front of you. This is the starting position. Extend from the hips so that your back lifts up and your chest and head come up
from the ball. Hold this position for five seconds and then return to your starting position to complete one rep. Do two sets of 10 to 15 reps to
strengthen your lower back and hips. For additional resistance, grasp a weight plate and cross your arms over your chest to hold it securely as you
perform the movement.

Choose a weight that will challenge you but make sure it isn't too heavy for you to perform the move with proper form. Stand with your feet shoulderwidth distance apart and hold a dumbbell in each hand in an overhand position. Let the weights hang down in front of you with your palms facing your
thighs. This is the starting position. Slowly pull the weights up so that your elbows move out to the sides and your hands are level with your shoulders.
Return to the starting position to complete one rep. Do two sets of 10 to 12 reps to strengthen your shoulders and upper back.

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Sep 1, 2011 | By Keith Strange

While there is no known cure for this scoliosis , doctors often resort to surgery to help treat this condition. If your condition is not severe enough to
warrant surgery, your doctor may prescribe exercises to help maintain range of motion in your back. Some of the exercises prescribed are designed to
help maintain flexibility in your shoulder blades to ensure that you have full use of your arms. Do not do new exercises without your doctor's consent.


Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your hands by your sides with your palms facing your body. Reach up with the arm on your tight
side while simultaneously reaching down toward the ground on your other side. Try to think about touching the ceiling with your raised fingertips while
touching the floor with your lowered fingertips. This motion will help rotate your shoulder blades to a more neutral position. Hold this stretch for a few
seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat.

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Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart and your hands by your side. Reach up with the hand on your tight side and cross your arm over the
top of your head. Bend your waist toward the side opposite your tight muscles to rotate your shoulder blade outward during the stretch. Hold this
position for about five seconds and relax. Repeat as directed by your doctor.

Begin this exercise by getting down on your hands and knees in a crawling position with your hands directly under your shoulders and your knees
directly under your hips. Arch your back up as far as you can to rotate your shoulder blades outward while stretching your spine. Hold this position for
about five seconds. Reverse the motion to arch your back down. Hold this position for about five seconds and repeat.


Lie down on your stomach with your arms by your sides and your head turned toward the side. Use the muscles of your back to lift your head and
shoulders off the floor or bed about 6 inches. While in this position pinch your shoulder blades together. Hold this stretch for about five seconds. Use a
slow and controlled motion to lower your head and shoulders to return to the starting position. Repeat.

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May 26, 2011 | By Dan Harriman

Photo Credit Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Scoliosis is an abnormal curvature in the spine. The condition causes the spine to curve sideways so that it is out of line with the center of your back.
Scoliosis can develop in the womb or early during life. Other causes include cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, poor muscle control and muscle
weakness. You can perform several exercises to help relieve some of the symptoms of scoliosis, such as backache and fatigue. Speak to your doctor
before performing any type of exercise.

This stretch encourages the paraspinal muscles to elongate and take on the same shape as their counterparts on the opposite side of the spine. To
perform the stretch, sit on an exercise mat or exercise ball and straighten your legs. Slowly bring your head to the knee that is opposite of your
concave side. Try to elongate your back and spine as your upper body leans forward. Bring your head as far forward as you can without force. Stop
immediately if you feel any discomfort.

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Scoliosis often causes tight shoulder muscles and aches on one side of your body. Lumbar rotations help stretch and loosen those shoulder muscles,
along with your lower back muscles. Fold your arms across your chest and slowly rotate your upper body at the trunk to the left if you need to stretch
your right side. Rotate to the right if you need to stretch your left side. Begin with small rotation movements and build up in range. Control the rotation
and don't swing or rely on momentum. Twist 10 to 20 times, rest and repeat.


Stand up straight with feet nearly together. Reach straight up to the ceiling with the hand on the concave side, while reaching down along your thigh
with the other hand. Once the upward-reaching hand is extended, concentrate on the pull it produces in your back. Gently try to elongate your reach
without causing discomfort. Hold the stretch for five seconds and bring your hands back to a normal position. Then repeat the stretch up to 10 times.

Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Bring the arm on your concave side up and over your head. You should feel a slight stretch in your
side and lower back. To enhance this stretch, gently and slowly bend away from your concave side. Place your other hand below your hip. Do not
bounce your upper body once you are leaning to the side. This can result in muscle tears. Instead, focus on bending as far as you can and holding
that stretch while deeply breathing. Hold the stretch for five seconds, release and repeat up to 10 times.

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Jul 9, 2011 | By Trish Muse

Photo Credit Stockbyte/Valueline/Getty Images

Scoliosis is a spinal deformity involving a lateral curvature in your spine. Muscle imbalances form when tight muscles develop on one side of the spine
and weakened and lengthened muscles develop on the other. Tight muscles pull the spine in the opposite direction of the weakened and lengthened
side causing a concavity on the tight side. The weakened and lengthened side is unable to counter the pull and a convexity occurs on that side.
Scoliosis prohibits proper postural alignment leading to many postural deviations. A rib hump is one of many postural deviations that can occur with


To correct the hump, strengthen muscles on the same side of the rib hump to straighten, stabilize and align the spine. Perform standing shoulder
flexion with both arms, using an elastic band anchored below waist level. Lift against the resistance of the band to strengthen the posterior shoulder
and spinal extensors. Strengthen your thoracic spine extensors by standing against a wall and try to straighten your spine on the side with the rib
hump as much as possible. The wall provides feedback about how straight you are and provides support in case you lose your balance. Do one to
three sets of eight to 12 repetitions every other day.

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Asymmetrical exercises also correct your posture and can prevent further postural deviations. Do one arm standing scapular rows to strengthen your
spine in the opposite direction of the hump. Anchor an elastic band to a doorknob or wall attachment and hold the band with the hand opposite the rib
hump. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, rotating backwards toward the hump while straightening your spine. You can also bend forward and
use a dumb bell to perform the same exercise. Trunk extension with backward rotation helps to lessen a rib hump. Lie face down with your arms at
your side, lift and rotate your spine backward in the direction of the rib hump to strengthen the muscles that straighten and rotate your spine. Perform
standing shoulder flexion unilaterally with an elastic band anchored below waist level. Lift against the resistance of the band to strengthen the
posterior shoulder and spinal extensors. Do one to three sets of eight to 12 repetitions of all strengthening exercises on alternate days.

Perform asymmetrical stretching exercises to stretch the tight or concave side of your spine. Stretching helps correct posture or prevent worsening of
the postural abnormalities. Stretch your chest in a doorway or corner on the same side of the hump to open your chest, increase chest flexibility and
extend your spine to stand straighter. Do a Pilates mermaid stretch with a backwards rotation bias to oppose the forward rotation and flexion from the
rib hump. Sit with your legs criss-crossed or in a Z formation, with the hand opposite the hump resting on the floor. Lift the hand on the side of the
hump over your head, palm side up, making a long arc. Slowly rotate backward. Hold 20 to 30 seconds for three to five times. Do this stretch three to
five times daily to gain better flexibility.


Aligning and maintaining proper posture is an exercise in itself. Your muscles work hard continuously to hold your position, and as a result develop
strength, flexibility and endurance. Sit and stand straight to prevent worsening of a rib hump. Keep your ears over your shoulders and chin towards
your chest. Keep your shoulders over your hips, pelvis level, knees and feet facing forward hip width apart with the knees over your ankles. Practicing
perfect posture can seem futile and overly simplistic but it can help keep the discomforts of a spinal deformity tolerable. You can safely and
comfortably do the activities you enjoy when your spine is straight.

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May 26, 2011 | By Amanda Hart

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/ Images

Scoliosis is a lateral curving of the spine. Therapists prescribe exercises to help scoliosis patients correct posture and strengthen the back and
abdomen, but according to physical therapist Christa Lehnert-Schroth, a person with scoliosis should avoid exercises that twist the spine because it
will only exaggerate the curvature. But there are strength exercises that are more suitable for a scoliosis patient. If you have scoliosis, consult your
doctor or therapist before adding any new exercises to your routine.

Began this exercise on your back with your knees bent and feet on the floor. Exhale as you tighten your abs and glutes and slowly pull your pelvis off
the floor, up into a small crunching motion. Hold the position for an inhale, then exhale to return to starting position. Repeat for 10 repetitions. As you
build strength into your back and pelvic floor muscles, try holding the top position for up to five breaths.

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This Pilates-based exercise is suggested for scoliosis patients by physical therapist Suzanne Martin. Lie on a mat in tabletop position, back pressed
flat against the floor and hips and knees at 90 degrees. Tilt your pelvis up, clinching the muscles in your groin and buttocks. Exhale as you straighten
your legs, pointing your toes toward the ceiling for a slow four count. Inhale as you squeeze your legs together and bring them back into tabletop for a
four count.

Stay in tabletop to perform toe taps. Inhale and lower your right leg until you begin to feel tension in your abdomen, making sure your back stays
pressed flat into your mat. Exhale as you use your abs to pull your leg back into tabletop. Repeat on your left side and continue to alternate legs to
complete 10 repetitions on each side. Although your range of motion will improve, only move your legs a few inches to keep your spine in proper

Lie on a stability ball, face down with the ball under your hips, hands and feet on the floor supporting you. Exhale as you lift your right hand off the
ground and bring it up to shoulder height, at the same time lifting your left leg. Hold for an inhale, then exhale and return to starting position. Repeat
on the next exhale with your left arm and right leg. Continue alternating until you have completed 10 repetitions on each side.

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Apr 30, 2011 | By Scott Johnson

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images

Degenerative scoliosis is an irregular curvature of the spine caused by deterioration of the spinal joints. Degenerative scoliosis usually occurs after
age 40. Exercise is vital to maintaining healthy spine function, and can help you stay physically fit by increasing the support from your back's
ligaments, bones and muscles. Use exercise to improve spinal function and decrease the symptoms of scoliosis. Consult with your physician before
starting any exercise.

Yoga promotes flexibility, supports proper structural alignment of the spine and strengthens your muscles and connective tissue. It combines postures
and breathing techniques to allow more oxygen to flow throughout the body. Typically, even if you have had your spinal vertebrae fused by surgery,
you can perform some of beginner yoga poses. According to a study published in the "European Spine Journal" in 2010, individuals with scoliosis who

practiced yoga had significantly less degeneration of spinal discs than those who did not. Poses to consider include cobra, cow, downward facing dog
and child's pose.

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Tai Chi incorporates slow, gentle movements to reduce stress and improve well-being. Practicing tai chi may decrease chronic pain and improve
muscle strength, flexibility and balance. A greater sense of body awareness may also be achieved. Elderly individuals who regularly practiced tai chi
experienced increased spinal flexibility and overall health fitness, according to research published in 1998 in "Medicine & Science in Sports &

A licensed physical therapist can create a custom exercise plan to meet your individual needs to perform at home. Dr. David Hunt of Elevate Physical
Therapy in Orem, Utah, recommends exercises that focus on the back, abdominals, gluteus maximus, and shoulders to improve posture and develop
greater tolerance to the effects of gravity. Exercises for degenerative scoliosis should concentrate on stretching tight areas and strengthening weak
muscles. Hunt has found exercise beneficial in reducing pain due to endorphin release, improved stability and increased self-confidence in completing
daily activities. He suggests starting with simple exercises that can be performed lying down and then progressing to standing or seated exercises.
Three exercises he considers to be of great value in managing degenerative scoliosis include the pelvic lift, also known as a bridge, front plank and a
seated row on an exercise ball.

It's essential to strengthen and stretch your back muscles in cases of degenerative scoliosis. Performing back exercises can support the proper
curvature of the spine, decrease back pain and creates balance between your back and abdominal muscles. Maintaining balance between these two
muscle groups may reduce injury risk.

Make sure that the exercises you choose are appropriate and effective for your individual condition, and remember that exercise is not a replacement
for traditional scoliosis treatments. Each exercise needs to be performed properly to avoid aggravation of your condition.

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Jun 14, 2011 | By Laurel Tuohy

Photo Credit Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Spinal disorders can cause a host of pain and discomfort. Some patients of scoliosis will work with trainers who can recommend therapies and
exercises to replace or complement surgeries or the use of back braces. If approached carefully, yoga can be one of the most useful therapies for
those who suffer from scoliosis.

Scoliosis is a spinal disorder that causes the spine to move and the ribs to become displaced. The disorder causes pain from the deviation of the
skeleton as well as from the internal organs becoming compressed. The sufferer will often walk in a strange, labored fashion. Hips, shoulders, gravity
and balance are influenced by the life-changing disease, according to Yoga Journal.

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The National Scoliosis Foundation suggests yoga postures that keep the spine in a relatively neutral position. The foundation advises that many
beginner postures are safe for patients. Most postures can also be modified into variations that are better for the spine. Standing poses and those that
require bending from the hips rather than the waist are helpful and may be demonstrated by trainers.

All back-bending postures should be scrupulously avoided by sufferers of scoliosis, states personal trainer Christa Lehnert-Schroth. In addition to
intense back-bends such as wheel posture, smaller back-bending postures like cobra and half-moon must also be avoided because they place too
much pressure on the spine.
Positions that twist the spine are also off-limits. Spinal twists and triangle postures aren't recommended for those with irregular spines. A shoulder
stand should also be avoided since it puts too much weight on the spine.

Talk with a physician before you or your clients start yoga or any new exercise or therapy. Scoliosis is a serious disease and a medical professional
should approve all aspects of its treatment. After your clients become comfortable with yoga, introduce them to a gentle class after discussing their
condition with the instructor.

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Jun 14, 2011 | By Jessica Wellons

Photo Credit Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Scoliosis is a progressive spinal condition resulting in an abnormal, sideways curvature of the spine. Although an estimated 6 million Americans suffer
from this spinal abnormality, the cause remains idiopathic or unknown. The primary goal of treatment is to stabilize the lateral curvature in the back,
strengthen the muscles that support the back, improve posture, lung function, flexibility and movement in the back. Speak with your doctor before
starting an exercise program for scoliosis.

Begin by lying supine or backwards on a flat surface. Bend both knees, plant your feet on the ground and place both hands at your side. Ensure that
your shoulders remain flat against the floor. Contract your abdominal and gluteal muscles and gently press your lumbar spine or the lower region your
back into the floor. This should be a slow and controlled movement. At this apex of this tilt, hold for five seconds. Relax and slowly return your lower
back to its normal resting position. Perform one set of 10 repetitions, once daily to strengthen and stabilize the back as well as improve your range of

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Enter the starting position by lying supine or backwards on a flat surface. Bend both knees and plant your feet on the ground. Bring both knees
together and place your hands underneath your thighs. Pull both knees up to your chest and bring your torso slightly forward. At the apex of this
flexion, hold for 10 seconds. Relax and return your leg to the startings position and perform one set of 10 repetitions to stretch the muscles in the
lower region of the back and increase flexibility in the lower back.


You will need an exercise or stability ball to perform this exercise. Begin by kneeling on both knees and placing your hips directly on the stability ball.
Lift and extend your left hand directly in front of you. Next, straighten your right leg and lift it away from the ground. Hold this extension for three
seconds and switch sides. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions to stretch the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the vertebra, thereby stabilizing your
back and improving your posture.


Begin by standing upright with both legs at shoulder width. Lift your right hand directly above your head and reach towards the ground with your
opposite arm, remembering to keep your left arm next to your left thigh. Hold this stretch for five seconds and relax. Perform one set of 10 repetitions,
three times daily to help stabilize the curvature in your back, lengthen the surrounding muscles and tendons and improve the range of motion in your

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Jun 14, 2011 | By Keith Strange

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images

Scoliosis occurs when there are abnormal curves formed in your spine. While this is not the result of a direct injury or specific medical condition,
doctors today believe that the condition occurs as the result of a birth defect or problems with your nerve and muscle systems, according to Whatever the cause, exercise can help treat the condition by making the muscles of your back and core stronger and more flexible.
Check with your doctor to determine whether the exercises are right for your specific condition.


This exercise is designed to help stretch the muscles and tissues in your lower back. Lie down on your back with your legs extended and your arms
resting by your sides. Bend both knees at the same time and bring them up and toward your chest. Reach down and encircle your legs with both arms
and use the muscles of your arms to pull your knees toward your chest until you feel a stretch in your lower back. Hold this stretch for about 10
seconds and repeat five times.

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Sit on a chair, bed or other sturdy surface and cross both arms across your chest as if you were giving yourself a hug. Begin a gentle side-to-side
rotation by turning your upper body first to the left and then to the right. Start this exercise using small movements and gradually rotate your body
further as you continue. Try to perform between 10 and 20 repetitions on each side.

Lie down on your back with your legs bent at about a 45-degree angle and the soles of both feet on the floor. Tighten the muscles of your buttocks
and abdomen and try to press the small of your lower back into the floor. Hold this position for about 10 seconds and then relax. You can also perform
this exercise with your legs extended and your feet together.


Sit down on the ground with your legs crossed and your arms resting by your sides. Begin using a slow motion to begin bending your upper body
forward while keeping your legs crossed. Hold this stretch for about 10 seconds and then return to the starting position. Try to bend your back a little
more with each repetition, since the goal of this stretch is to touch your forehead to the floor. Try to perform 10 repetitions of this exercise a couple of
times a day.

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May 26, 2011 | By Sarah Thompson

Photo Credit Tom Le Goff/Photodisc/Getty Images

Scoliosis is a condition wherein your spine exhibits sideways curvature in the upper back or the area between the upper and lower back. Symptoms
include pain and unevenness in your shoulders and waist. The cause of scoliosis is unknown, but the condition can be caused by cerebral palsy or
muscular dystrophy. Most scoliosis cases are mild and require no treatment. However, a back brace may be needed to prevent the condition from
worsening. Severe cases may require surgical treatment. While exercises will not stop scoliosis from worsening or occurring, they can help reduce the
curve angles in your spine while adding strength and flexibility. Always consult your doctor before implementing an exercise program for corrective or
therapeutic purposes.


This exercise uses light weights and helps work the abdominal muscles, which will help strengthen the back. Stand upright and place your arms down
in front of you, so that your palms are facing your legs. Hold in each hand a weight that is comfortable and applicable to your fitness level. Pull your
arms straight up your body. Your hands are going to face your body throughout the exercise. Stop when your elbows are a little higher than your
hands. Gently drop your arms to the starting position. Pause before continuing another repetition. Perform three sets of 10 repetitions.

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This chest-knee exercise stretches the lower back for increased flexibility. Lie on your back in a relaxed position, with your arms beside you and your
palms facing downward. Gently lift your knees to your chest as far as they will go. Hold your legs in this position using your arms. Hold for at least 10
seconds. Gently return to the starting position. Repeat five times.


The side bend will strengthen muscles depending on what side you bend toward. For instance, if you bend toward the right, you strengthen the
muscles on your left. Aim to strengthen the muscles on the outside of your spine's curve, bending to whatever side necessary to do this. Stand with
your mid-back and upper back straight. Place a dumbbell weight in the hand of the side that needs strengthening. Using your lower back, slowly lean
over to the side with the dumbbell. Hold and gently return to the upright position. Repeat 10 to 20 times, depending on your ease and comfort in
performing the exercise.


This back-strengthening exercise can be performed with any chair. Sit down and place your hands on your head, so that your palms are flat against its
surface. Your elbows should form a tight angle and be pointed in front of you. Lean forward so that your stomach is resting on your knees. Hold and
then raise only your head and shoulders. Repeat as often as desired or recommended.


The exercise uses your position and a small ball to strengthen the back. Sit cross-legged on the floor, with your back as flat as possible against a wall.
Hold a small weighted ball using both palms. The ball should be weighted according to your fitness and comfort levels. Hold this ball straight above
your head, with your elbows bent out at the sides. This is the starting position. Keeping your arms against the wall, gently raise the ball straight above
by extending your arms. Hold for five counts and slowly return to the original stance. Repeat 10 times.

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May 26, 2011 | By Debra Atkinson

Photo Credit Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images

Exercise is known to increase strength, flexibility and endurance in the apparently healthy populations. Your scoliosis may pose a challenge to you in
finding exercise that helps without hurting. Exercise is an important part in maintaining and building muscle strength, particularly for persons with
skeletal irregularities. The exercise benefits you receive will only be as good as the specific way your program addresses your individual needs.

A routine of back-healthy activities should focus on improving posture and muscle balance, as well as coordination. Scoliosis causes one side of the
body to be chronically tight and shortened, while on the other side muscles are lengthened and in a constant stretched position. Exercises appropriate
for low back pain patients will also help you exercise safely and comfortably. Recommended activities include stretching exercises, swimming, walking
and yoga.

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You should exercise aerobically for 30 minutes most days of the week at a minimum for good health. Find an activity that allows you to exercise
without pain. Walking, swimming, and water exercise classes or aqua jogging are good options in this category. Each of these has unique
advantages. Walking is a weight-bearing exercise good for bone density, while the water environment can remove some weight from overworked
muscles and allow more freedom of movement. You should also perform resistance training twice a week for good health and well-being. Flexibility

and range-of-motion exercises should be performed most days of the week along with your other exercise. Your scoliosis may dictate more stretching
on the tighter side of your body, to relieve and restore some balance to the muscles. Some yoga poses and/or Pilates exercises can be helpful for
either initial or ongoing resistance and flexibility exercise. Your back is unique and exercises that work for another person may not work for you.

Your yoga practice will focus on enhancing body awareness and balancing the use of your muscles through alignment. With scoliosis, what feels
aligned is often misaligned, and what feels misaligned is often balanced alignment, according to Elise Miller, M.A., instructor in Therapeutic Recreation
from the University of North Carolina and a Senior Certified Iyengar Yoga teacher. Miller has successfully used yoga to reduce the effects of her own
scoliosis. She suggests poses with rotation to derotate the spine and inversions to place chronically tight muscles on traction, along with traditional
balancing poses for centering.

Pilates puts a major emphasis on balancing the muscular structure which, in turn, allows more focus on joint stability and mobility, and freedom of
movement. Specifically, it addresses your scoliosis-related postural problems, increases core strength, helps prevent injuries and enhances functional
fitness as a whole. Pilates can be done on a floor mat or on equipment, and both options improve balance, coordination and circulation, heighten body
awareness, and are low-impact on the joints. Find a qualified instructor who can make exercise choices for you based on your spine's needs rather
than enter a large group class where you won't get the attention you need.

Exercise is one option for nonsurgical treatment for scoliosis. However, there is no evidence that exercise therapy will change your health status
compared to no treatments. You may, however, have improvement in your pain scores. Those with moderate symptoms related to scoliosis,
compared to those with severe symptoms, stand the better chance for improvements overall in decreases of pain.

Check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program. Explore exercise options to find one that doesn't hurt. Any mild discomfort felt at the
start of exercises should disappear as muscles become stronger. If pain is more than mild and lasts more than 15 minutes during exercise, stop
exercising and contact your doctor.

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May 26, 2011 | By Chekwube Ndubisi

Photo Credit Polka Dot Images/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Scoliosis is a spinal deformity that results in an abnormal, lateral curvature of the spine measuring at least 10 degrees. The lumbar (lower) spine may
be affected as well as the thoracic (mid) spine. Lumbar scoliosis exercises help stabilize the back, increase flexibility, strengthen surrounding muscles
and improve posture. These exercises are not intended to replace medical treatments, thus speak with your physician before starting an exercise

Spine extension is an exercise recommended by Kaiser Permanente. Lie on your stomach and place both arms by your sides with the palms facing
down. Create a tunnel underneath your abdomen by tilting your pelvis. Lift your head, shoulders and arms 6 inches away from the floor by pinching
your shoulder blades together. Hold this position for five seconds and repeat this exercise 10 times, once daily.

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Enter this stretch by standing with both feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your right hand overhead and bend to the left side of your body. Hold this
position for five seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat this stretch on the opposite side of your body. Perform 10 alternating side stretches
three times daily.


Leg and arm extensions will strengthen the muscles of your arms, shoulders and back. To perform this exercise, you will need a stability ball. Lying
face down on the stability ball, place your hips directly on the ball. Extend your left hand in front of you while keeping your right fingertips on the floor.
Straighten your right leg and extend it away from the floor. Hold this position for three seconds and switch sides. Perform 10 sets of leg and arm

Sit on the floor. Bend both knees and bring your feet towards your torso. Place your right shin over your left shin and sit "Indian style." Place both
hands behind your head and begin to rotate your torso from side to side. As you rotate from side to side, try to touch your opposite knee with your
elbow. Hold each side rotation for five seconds and perform 10 alternating side rotations once or twice daily.

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May 26, 2011 | By Rachel Nall

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Comstock/Getty Images

While your spine does feature normal curves to support your back and lower body, those with scoliosis experience abnormal curvatures of the spine.
This can cause the spine to take on a "C" or "S" shape. This can cause pain and discomfort. Regular physical therapy exercises can help to prevent
further worsening of the scoliosis spinal curve and maintain bone health. If you have a loved one or physical therapy patient who experiences
scoliosis, you can guide the patient through exercises that help to relieve pain.


This exercise helps the scoliosis sufferer to correct the spinal curvature due to scoliosis. To perform the exercise, have the person lie on his side with
a pillow under the ribcage. Have the person lift his top arm overhead. The lower arm and leg can be bent. Instruct the person to breathe in deeply.
You can lean over him and gently push the top arm slightly upward and down to stretch the side. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then release
the stretch. Perform this exercise two additional times on this side, then have the person switch to his opposite side.

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You can assist the scoliosis patient with this exercise by helping her deepen the stretch. Start by having your patient's legs crossed over each other.
Instruct her to lean over her legs, trying to touch her head to the floor. Stand behind her, pressing the lower back to deepen the stretch. Hold this
position for 10 to 15 seconds. You can place your other hand on her upper back for additional support.


You can perform this exercise to help the scoliosis sufferer stretch the lower back, which often can be taxed due to spinal curvature. To perform this
stretch, have the sufferer lie on his back. Instruct him to pull his legs in toward his chest. Kneel in front of his legs, and take the feet or ankles, helping
to push the knees and legs toward the chest. The person should feel the stretch in the lower back and buttocks. Hold in this position for 15 to 20
seconds, then release the stretch. Repeat two times.

The spine extension exercises stretch tight muscles in the back and chest that can result from scoliosis. Have the person lie on her stomach with her
palms facing down. Press on her lower back to help her tilt her pelvis, stretching the lower back. Stand over her, and pull back on her shoulders to
help her lift her shoulders and chest off the ground. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then lower the chest back to the ground. Repeat this
exercise three to four times.



May 26, 2011 | By Tamara Moffett

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Scoliosis is an abnormal sideways curvature of the spine that may lead to back pain, uneven body proportions and breathing problems. Common
causes include genetics, neuromuscular disorders, birth defects, muscle spasms and inflammation. Your doctor may recommend getting regular
checkups, wearing a back brace or having surgery to help straighten your spine. While not traditionally recommended as a scoliosis treatment,
exercising regularly can also help you to manage your symptoms.

According to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases, exercise cannot stop or reverse the progression of scoliosis.
However, sustaining strong bones and muscles is still important. The painful, uncomfortable symptoms associated with scoliosis often limit the
physical activity and quality of life of some scoliosis sufferers. Regular exercise can help control scoliosis pain and allow you to function more freely.
This is especially true if your scoliosis is caused by muscle spasms or inflammation. Moderate- and high-intensity exercises can even help promote
improved lung function for scoliosis sufferers plagued by breathing difficulties.

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The National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases advises scoliosis sufferers to perform exercises designed to promote bone
and muscle strength. Examples include walking, running, jogging and weight-bearing exercises. A brisk walk is a great low-intensity exercise that gets
you moving without wearing you out. Walking is also a good choice if you have severe pain and cannot handle more strenuous exercises. Running
and jogging are good ways to get a higher-intensity workout that strengthens and tones your body. Strength-training activities like lifting weights helps
to strengthen your bones and muscles. Scoliosis tends to encourage the muscles to tense and tighten. Stretching is an effective way to help
discourage muscle tightening and promote better flexibility.

While exercising will not reverse scoliosis, staying sedentary for too long may make your scoliosis symptoms worse. Failing to get enough regular
exercise can make your muscles weak and your bones less dense. Exercise is also an important part of maintaining a healthy weight. Being
significantly overweight can put unnecessary pressure on the spine, which can cause problems if you have severe scoliosis.

Keep in mind that exercise is not a substitute for traditional scoliosis treatments. Adults and children with scoliosis should have regular checkups to
monitor the progress of their condition. If your doctor recommends wearing a back brace, be sure to wear the brace for the entire length of time that
your doctor has recommended. Failing to follow your doctor's instructions may cause your condition to get worse.



Jun 14, 2011 | By Crystal Welch

Photo Credit Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images

Schroth scoliosis exercises can help all age levels with varying degrees of scoliosis ranging from mild to severe. The Schroth method is known as the
"three-dimensional" therapy since exercises work on all three planes of the spine, side to side, front to back and longitudinally. The goal of the
exercises is to move the body in an opposite direction of the spine curvature and retrain the brain to accept the proper body alignment. Exercises can
be performed individually or with a physical therapist, depending upon your individual situation. Check with your doctor first.

Scoliosis involves a curvature of the spinal column that can result in body misalignment, pain and potential injury. Schroth scoliosis exercises were
originally developed by physical therapist Katherine Schroth (1894-1985), the founder of the Schroth Method, according to After
correcting her own scoliosis in 1921, Katherine started sharing information with other scoliosis patients, resulting in a 50-year career helping more
than 10,000 patients.

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Schroth scoliosis exercises consider a properly aligned pelvis the keystone to treatment, according to A misaligned, or tilted and rotated,
pelvis results in an unnatural spine position that encourages spinal deterioration. Pulling the pelvis back in line can be a beneficial Schroth scoliosis
exercise. Place a horizontal wall bar against a wall, at door-top height. A wall bar is similar to an upright ladder that is securely fastened to a wall.
Stand with your left side against the bar and lift your left arm overhead to hold onto the bar. Keep your right hand free. While breathing deeply, gently
rotate your spinal column and pelvis in the opposite direction of your curvature. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Slowly release your grip from the bar
and return to the standing position. Relax 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise five times.

Breathing properly plays an essential role in Schroth scoliois exercises. Many times, scoliosis causes collapsed ribs and hinders breathing.
Lengthening and widening the rib area can help improve lung capacity, fill the concave side, firm surrounding muscles, return twisted vertebrae to
proper position, reverse improper pelvic positioning and elongate the spine, according to Stand facing a wall bar. Lift both hands
overhead and grab the top of the bar. Breathe in deeply and hold three seconds. Slowly exhale while returning to the original position. Relax 10
seconds. Repeat this exercise three times.

Improve your scoliosis by doing a Schroth scoliosis exercise that lengthens your neck and spine, according to Stand with your left
side perpendicular to a bench, feet shoulder-width apart. Hold onto the bench with your left hand. Slowly tilt your body to the left, gently bending your
elbow as you distribute weight between left arm and leg. Place your right arm against your right side. Lift your right foot from the floor and point your
toe up. Slowly lift your right arm out to the side to shoulder level. Rotate your arm so your palm faces upward. Place weight onto your left arm, gently
straightening your elbow while raising your left shoulder. Gently tilt your neck to left, which lengthens it. Remember to breathe deeply throughout this
exercise. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Slowly return to the standing position. Relax 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise five times.

Exercises for Scoliosis

Caveat: It is very important for the patient or therapist to determine whether particular exercises described on this page, and in the book, are appropriate for the condition of a
given patient.
The exercises depicted here in Sophie's example are for a three-curve, right-thoracic scoliosis, approximately corresponding to Fig. 113 in the book and the drawing on the web
page "About the Method."
They cannot be adopted without alteration for a four-curve scoliosis, for instance, because in that case other static relationships are at work.
See Part B, sections IV and VI of the book, which summarize the physical corrections necessary for three- and four-curve scolioses.

Scoliosis Exercises
A few different exercises performed by one patient may help readers to visualize how Schroth exercises are applied in an individual case of scoliosis.

Here, Christa Lehnert-Schroth assists a longtime patient to perform techniques that

will correct her pelvis position and derotate her spine. In Figure 1 (left), the therapist
While this patient is a mature adult with a severe case, the Schroth method principles
applied in her treatment are essentially the same as those that govern moderate and
mild cases for children, adolescents, and young adults.

Figure 1
The goal of these and other Schroth scoliosis exercises is to practice moving the body out of its unbalanced state, past the longitudinal axis towards the opposite side, until the
brain is correctly reprogrammed and the patient is able to sit and stand straight upright..

In Figure 1 (above) and Figure 2 (right), we can clearly see several abnormal shifts that must be corrected.
Sophie's torso has shifted laterally. Her left hip has shifted out to the left, and the rib hump under her right
shoulder has dropped. At the same time these two segments are twisted towards the rear.
In other words, the patient must practice the opposite of the positions that the body has pathologically
The patient must breathe air into these from within, so that they become firm and tough in order effortlessly
to carry the sections above them in the correction.

Figure 2

Overcorrection helps reverse deformities

A central Schroth concept of exercise is to reverse malposture by striving for the opposite of the defective form that the scoliotic body has assumed. The left hip of this patient
must be drawn in towards the center of the torso, yet that does not suffice for a "repair."

To reverse the defects, Sophie must practice overcorrecting the laterally-shifted sections
This overcorrection can best be achieved by hanging sideways on wall bars (see Figure 3,
In comparison to Figure 1, this wall bar exercise will widen the collapsed ribs below the rib
hump, in addition to reversing her faulty pelvic position.

Figure 3 - Wall Bar Scoliosis Exercise

Figure 4 at right shows a good starting position for correcting faulty body positions: fixed pelvis, bent-knee
position, and fixed hand position. It is important that the hands are on the same level, for then the shoulder girdle
Sophie should keep her hands wide apart, which favors breathing in the upper chest. The horizontal bar above is
affixed with rubber straps, which allow some elasticity in the exercise. (See also Fig. 300 in the book.) The right
A diagonal pull with the right hip causes the weak spot under the rib hump to open, along with the left, concave

Rotational angular breathing (RAB) aids derotation

The Schroth rotational-anglular breathing technique is applied to these sections. This special breathing technique helps from the inside to push the ribs outward like an
expanding air cushion. This achieves firmness and solidity for the sections above them.
The working trapezius muscle, visible on the left in Figure 4, is pulling the main curve to the left. It begins at the spinous processes of the thoracic vertebrae, and would pull
contortingly if the patient did not simultaneously intiate RAB (described in Part B of the book). This rotational breathing returns the vertebrae to their normal, untwisted
position and widens and fills the concave side towards the back.

Stabilization follows corrective exercise

Also visible in Figure 5 (left): Isometric stabilization exercises can be built into this exercise
so that the result of the exercise can finally achieve and hold proper form.
Here the patient could, for instance, pull the cane backwards, or attempt to "pull it apart" or
to press the ends together -- always with arms placed wide apart.
During such forceful exercises the patient must exhale to avoid compression on the larynx.

In Figure 6 (right), the hand on the rib-hump side grasps a bar one higher up in order to derotate the
shoulder girdle, which must move back on this side although the rib hump itself must simultaneously
move forward. (See also Figure 2, above.)
This is a countermovement, which must be trained partly with the help of a therapist and partly alone
while monitoring oneself between two mirrors.
Manual coaching by the therapist helps the patient to find the necessary feeling in the body for the desired

Caution: Here, we should add that the hand on the rib hump side must not always grip higher. It depends upon the position of the upper body. If the torso is positioned
vertically, gripping higher means cranially, which would move the shoulder girdle out of horizontal alignment. If the upper body is horizontal, gripping higher moves the arm
and the shoulder girdle of this side backwards. (See Fig. 84 in the book.)

It is similar with leg and hip position. In Figure 6 (above), Sophie kneels with a
cushion (not visible in the photo) under her right knee. This moves her right hip back
in relation to the rib hump, which must move forward. (See Fig. 80 in the book.)
When the patient is standing, there must be no cushion under this foot, since it would
move the hips out of horizontal. Even while seated, no cushion must be placed under
the pelvis on the rib hump side, since it would further compress the narrowed spot
under the rib hump.

Figure 8 (right) demonstrates how the body can be moved into a completely different position.
The right leg hangs downward, and the weak spot under the rib hump widens.
The patient pushes her right hip back with her hand, and thus creates a firm basis for the forward leveraging of
the right rib hump.
The therapist stabilizes the patient somewhat, to help hold her in position to apply the various rotational
breathing movements.
(See Part B in the book.)

In Figure 9 (left), the patient fixes her extended right leg, in a plane with the torso,
to offer better support.
With her hands the therapist widens the narrow spot on the right side to allow air
to flow into it. (See also Fig. 107 in the book.)

Interview with "Sophie"

In January of 2009, Christa Lehnert-Schroth asked Sophie why she keeps coming back to Bad Sobernheim for Schroth treatment. Sophie positively gushed.
"If I had not gotten to know the Schroth method, I would have been dead long ago. I had such terrible back pain that I just barely survived in a body brace.
"For six years previously, I did so-called Swedish derotation exercises, but they only made me more and more crooked. I did not know how I should breathe or position my
body in bed. My orthopedist told me I just had to live with it, since nothing about it could be changed. I was in despair, depressed, and tired of my life.
"I am so happy that in 1973 I learned about the Katharina-Schroth-Klinik and was accepted there for treatment. Since my first visit there in February of 1974, I have not had to
wear a brace, I have no more sharp back pains, and have been able to run my hat store for 26 years. Sitting, walking, and most of all, breathing -- all are much easier for me
now. Before, I slouched into my rib hump and kept getting shorter.
"I come back every year to the Schroth clinic if possible. I learned there how to deal with my body. My quality of life is considerably better. I know how to carry myself, with
my more than 100-degree curve. Now it does not matter to me how many degrees my curve is measured at. I walk completely differently.

"From the very beginning of Schroth treatment I experienced a complete rethinking in my head. Everything developed positively, like a miracle. I live well now. I even got
taller, so that my thick back is scarcely noticed when I am dressed. I am much stronger and more self-confident, and can breathe again. I know how I need to position myself
while asleep. I did not know these things before.
"I use two corrective cushions at night, for my left hip and the left shoulder girdle. Even when watching TV, I sit upright and prop my lower arm on the arm of the chair.
"I practice exercising daily at my wall bars. I hang out the curve or practice the Andreaskreuz exercise and do other strength training exercises.
"I am so grateful to Frau [Katharina] Schroth and Frau Lehnert and the personnel of the clinic. I was so unhappy that I almost took my own life. Now I am content and full of
"It is the same story with many thousands of other people, all of whom are glad that they found out about this clinic. If it did not help, we would not come back. It is hard
work. I, for one, spend my vacations at the clinic and have nothing but positive things to say about it."
[The original German-language conversation between Sophie and Christa Lehnert-Schroth was translated for this website.]


By Christa Lehnert-Schroth, P.T.
Many problems that my mother Katharina Schroth and I saw in some of our patients stemmed from well-meaning but counterproductive therapeutic exercise programs that used to be
practiced in Germany. In some cases our patients had performed bad exercises for years before coming to our clinic, and their condition was far worse, and more difficult and time-consuming
to correct, than if they had done no exercises at all.
Therefore I note with great concern that many of these exercises are now very popular in yoga, and some are even recommended by yoga teachers as scoliosis exercises. While they are often
very positive for normal bodies, we found the exercises on this page -- or similar ones -- to be harmful to our scoliosis patients.
Yoga was not conceived for scoliosis, as our exercises were. Each Schroth scoliosis exercise was created empirically in our clinic to address a specific problem that our patients had. The
complex musculoskeletal configuration of every case of scoliosis made it necessary to consider and observe carefully all the potential ramifications of each exercise, so that each would both
achieve its intended effect and create no unwanted secondary problems.
It is very important not simply to do a series of exercises, but to accomplish a specific, rehabilitative goal with each exercise.
Section C.VIII.1 of my book is devoted to pointing out exercises that must be avoided by persons with scoliosis. Some of these exercises are outlined here.
In general, scoliotics should avoid:

Bending backwards

Twisting the torso

Bending sideways

Bending the rib cage


Bending a scoliotic back towards the rear is strictly forbidden from all starting positions, since it will increase both lumbar and thoracic lordosis. Back-bend positions increase lumbar lordosis and the
anterior lumbar wedge, without simultaneously diminishing the rib hump.

Forbidden backwards-bending yoga exercises for scoliosis:

Cobra - Bhujangasana or Naga-asana (see photo above left)
The cobra works into the lordosis, contracting the lumbar spine, although the head is brought backwards. The neck is bent here, whereas Schroth does not bend the neck backwards, but rather
shifts the head and neck rearwards in upright position. The cobra also overstretches abdominal muscles.
Half moon - Ardha Chandrasana
The problems are the same as with the cobra -- increasing lordosis and bending the neck. The only difference is the standing position.
Bow pose - Dhanurasana
This exercise increases lumbar lordosis. It is bad for scoliosis.
Camel - Ustrasana
The same problem again: overstretching the abdominal muscles, promoting lumbar lordosis, neck bent too far. The carotid artery is constricted.
Wheel - Chakrasana or Urdhva Dhanurasana (see photo at left)
See warnings above for the bow, camel, cobra, and half moon. The important principles are the same. Bending backwards
increases lordosis abnormally.
Locust - Salabhasana
( a German variant is depicted at right)
This exercises increases lumbar lordosis. It could potentially be useful for lumbar kyphosis, but would have to be tested.
King of the dance -- Nataraja-asana
The King of the Dance is excellent for a normal body but not for scoliosis. It would be inappropriate whether performed either
left or right. When the leg on the rib hump side is lifted backwards, it would be good in order to strengthen the lumbar muscles.
However, the leg is raised too high, so that these lumbar muscles contract, instead of being required to bear weight, as for
example in the Schroth Muscle Cylinder exercise.
Scorpion - Vrischikasana
This pose is very eccentric, but interesting for normal bodies. Not recommended for scoliosis.
Sun salutation
In yoga the sun salutation is normally performed alternately with several other exercises, so that a wrong movement is cancelled by a better one. It is good for normal bodies, and is a fun
exercise to do. However, for scoliosis we need to concentrate on our goal.

The central segment, the rib hump, is enlarged as it rotates backwards into the existing curvature, regardless of whether the rotation is to the left or right side.
Spinal Twist - Ardha Matsyendrasana (photos in sidebar at left)
This exercise is excellent for straight, normal backs. In it, the internal organs are squeezed, that is, freed of waste.
However, people with scoliosis should absolutely avoid the Spinal Twist. A scoliotic body usually has three or four contortions (counter-rotations) between the pelvis, rib cage, and shoulder
girdle. These are exacerbated by twisting the shoulder girdle against the pelvic girdle while the middle section, the rib cage, is ignored.
That middle section is precisely where the prominent rib hump is located, and on the other side the rib valley. Whether the torso is twisted left or right, the rib hump and the rib valley will
increase. If you twist so far that you can hear your spine crack, that is a sign that the spinal rib joints are moving further into an abnormally twisted state. It does no good to do this movement
once to the right and once to the left: it is counterproductive in both cases.
Triangle - Trikonasana
To be completely avoided in scoliosis, because here the shoulder girdle is twisted against the pelvic girdle and the middle section (which thereby creates a rib hump) must follow after the more
comfortable side.

Other inappropriate twisting exercises for scoliosis

Bharadvajasana - Seated twist

Marichyasana - Sage twist


This would worsen the existing scoliotic form of the spine.
Trying to open up the main scoliotic curve between the thoracic and lumbar spine will push the upper trunk in the same direction that is due to the lumbar curvature. The caudal part of the
thoracic curve goes in the same direction as the cranial part of the lumbar curve. Thus, the two spinal curves lead into one another and form one line which has an oblique direction to the right.
Side bend - Ardha Chandrasana
This is similar to one of the counterproductive Swedish untwisting exercises we used to see. A scoliosis patient performing this exercise would exercise into the existing curve and increase it. It
is not recommended even if subsequently done in the opposite direction.
The pure reversal of a cranial curve is ineffective or wrong if the caudal curve is enlarged in the process. Movements to the side must never be bending movements: the body must be inclined
but always held straight, starting at the hip in combination with guided rotational angular breathing.


Shoulder stand - Sarvangasana (photo at left)
The head in the shoulder stand pose is sharply bent forward, which overstretches the neck muscles. It will also promote cervical kyphosis. Moreover,
the whole body weight lies on the shoulders, and would enormously increase a rib hump formation.
Instead of bending the head, Schroth not only brings the head over the center of the body (in standing position), but also a bit backwards. Therefore
Schroth scoliosis exercises do the complete opposite of this one.
The Plow -- Halasana
Effect is similar to the shoulder stand. Undesirable for scoliosis
Head stand
The head stand is not useful for scoliosis. However, it perfuses the skull, which is probably desired.



May 26, 2011 | By Rachel Nall

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/Polka Dot/Getty Images

Scoliosis is a condition that causes your spine to curve to the side. While some spinal curves are normal, a high degree of curving can affect your
breathing due to a lack of space in the chest for your lungs. If you develop scoliosis, your physician may recommend wearing a brace or undergoing
corrective surgery to fix a spinal curve. Practicing regular exercises also can help you reduce muscle aches and tension that arise as a result of

This exercise can be performed while in front of a dance bar or other straight railing -- the bar should be stable enough to support your body weight.
Hold on to the bar with your hands shoulder width apart. Lean forward at the hips, creating a 90-degree angle with your torso and your legs. Keep
your head aligned with your arms, looking down at the ground. Feel the pull in your spine as it helps strengthen tense or tightened back muscles. Hold
this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then release the stretch. Repeat two to three times. You can lift your heels off the ground to rise on the balls of your
feet and stretch the backs of the legs as well.

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Stretching your sides can help relieve pressure that your spinal curve puts on your body. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and place your
hands on your hips. Lift your right arm over your head, reaching toward the wall to the left of you. You should feel a stretch in the spine, side and side
of the right arm. Hold this position for 10 to 15 seconds, then release the stretch. Repeat to stretch the left side, reaching your left arm toward the right
wall. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times on each side. Repeat this exercise three times throughout the day.

This exercise stretches tense shoulders and lower back muscles. Start on all fours with your knees hip width apart and your arms shoulder width
apart. Lift your back upward, creating a C-curve with your spine, much like an angry cat. Breathe deeply as you feel the stretch in your shoulders and
lower back. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Now move your stomach down, creating a U-shape with your body. Hold this position for 10 seconds as
well. Repeat five times, trying to arch your back slightly higher and lower with each successive exercise.

This exercise stretches the hips and lower back. Begin by sitting on the floor and crossing one leg over the other. Curve your back over, reaching your
forehead toward the floor. Touch the floor if you are able. If you are not, however, continue to reach toward the floor, holding your position for 10 to 15
seconds. Release the stretch and straighten your back. Repeat two to three times.



May 26, 2011 | By Julia Michelle

A normal spine has three distinct front-to-back curves: the cervical curve in the neck, the thoracic curve at the upper back and the lumbar curve at the
lower back. With scoliosis, the spine may have additional sideways curves, or one of the natural curves goes sideways instead of front-to-back.
Scoliosis normally occurs in childhood and the method of treatment depends on the severity of the curve. Exercise may help strengthen the muscles
that support the spine , but exercise may also aggravate the unnatural curve. Additionally some therapies, such as spinal fusion, may prevent you
from performing specific exercises.
Step 1
Consult your physician. You doctor can tell you which exercises you should avoid, based on the severity of the curve and your current treatment plan.
You doctor can also refer you to a physical therapist or trainer who can help you design a safe and effective exercise program.
Step 2
Wear your brace as much as possible while you exercise. The brace is designed to prevent the curve from worsening and the more you wear it, the
better your results.
Step 3
Avoid exercises that put an uneven load on your spine, such as dance moves that have you leaning to one side or another, or sports, such as tennis,
that incorporate a lot of lateral motion of the spine.
Step 4
Try non-weight bearing exercises, such as swimming, especially if you are recovering from a spinal fusion.
Step 5
Use weight machines for heavier weights, which support your back, instead of dumbbells or barbells which require you to stabilize your spine.
Step 6
Lift with your legs with picking up lighter weights, such as 10-lb. dumbbells, or have your trainer hand them to you. Avoid bending over or twisting
while holding these weights.


Check in with your doctor at regular intervals to ensure that the curvature of your spine has not worsened. Pay attention to how your back feels
during the workout. If you experience pain in your back or tingling and numbness in your arms or legs, stop immediately.


Scoliosis brace

PubMed Health: Scoliosis
KidsHealth: Scoliosis
University of Maryland Medical Center: Scoliosis Risk Factors



Feb 4, 2011 | By Ashley Schwader

Photo Credit jeans guy standing image by Kostyantyn Ivanyshen from
Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that occurs most often during the growth spurt just before puberty. Symptoms include low pack pain,
fatigue, and uneven shoulders. Diet and exercise can help those with scoliosis lead a healthy and long life. It is important to first discuss nutrition and
an exercise program with your physician.

Scoliosis directly involves the development of the spine and bones. Vitamin D works with calcium in your body to help build and maintain strong
bones. It can also regulate the immune system and cells, which often break down due to scoliosis. If you suffer from scoliosis, eat foods that contain
vitamin D and calcium including fortified cereal and milk, fatty fish like salmon, and eggs. You can also get vitamin D from sun exposure and
supplements. If you choose to take vitamin D, aim for 200 to 400 IUs and discuss supplementation first with your doctor.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin that acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants are substances that destroy free radicals, which are harmful compounds in
the body that damage DNA. It's important for a person with scoliosis to be able to fight free radicals as the condition can cause fatigue, which weakens
the immune system. Eggs, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, avocados and asparagus contain vitamin E. You may also take Vitamin E in a supplement
form, but dosage should first be discussed with your physician.

General exercise or participating in sports can improve the overall health and well-being of patients suffering from scoliosis. The side stretch can help
bring alignment and relieve tension related to the curvature of the spine. Begin with your feet shoulder and hip-width apart. Then reach up with the
arm on your right side. Slowly bend over to the side, away from the tight muscles. When you are finished, repeat on the left side. Do this exercise 10
times and up to three times a day.


The low back is often weak and sore in people with scoliosis. This exercise will open up the low back and strengthen the muscles surrounding the
area. Start by lying on your back, then pull both knees up to your chest as far as they will go, while keeping your core tight. Hold this position for 10
plus seconds while focusing on keeping your low back muscles flexed and core tight. Release and repeat five times up to three times a day.



Jun 14, 2011 | By Anne Janine

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images

Scoliosis occurs when your spine takes on a side-to-side curvature rather than following a straight up-and-down alignment. Scoliosis often becomes
apparent during childhood or adolescence but may also show up in adulthood. The University of California Davis reports that scoliosis affects 2
percent of the general population, with a higher incidence in females than in males. Scoliosis may range from a mild curvature that needs no treatment
to a severe abnormality that may require bracing or spinal surgery. Exercises may help in managing or, to some degree, reversing the effects of
scoliosis. However, consult with your health care provider for the best way to treat your scoliosis.
Step 1
Strengthen your core muscles. These muscles include not only your front abdominals but also your side abdominals, or obliques, and the muscles of
your low back. Building strength throughout your core helps keep your torso in proper alignment and may help relieve back pain associated with
scoliosis, according to the University of Washington Department of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine. Core strengthening exercises include planks,
crunches and supermans.

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Step 2
Practice yoga poses, especially those that focus on your spine. Yoga postures help align your entire body as well as provide strength and flexibility to
the musculature supporting your back, states Iyengar yoga instructor and California Yoga Center director Elise Miller. Extended puppy pose, for
example, stretches and elongates your spine, helping to decompress your vertebrae. Twisting poses, such as triangle or chair twist, allow your body to
move opposite the curve caused by your scoliosis, helping to realign and balance your torso. Backbending poses not only strengthen your core
muscles but also help counteract misalignments in your spine.
Step 3
Stretch the muscles of your lower body. The muscular imbalance due to scoliosis often results in tight hamstring muscles, and tight hamstring muscles
may cause a further shift in your posture. Additionally, a misaligned spine may lead to compressed nerves in your back or lower extremities, causing
pain. Exercises to stretch your back and leg muscles help relieve this discomfort. Stretching exercises also help restore flexibility to your lower body,
allowing your posture to improve. Yoga postures, such as reclining heel-to-toe pose, and forward bends focus on stretching the muscles of your legs
and back.
Step 4
Stretch your pectorals, or chest muscles. Stretching these muscles is especially helpful if you have kyphosis, or hunched shoulders. This condition
may occur when you have an imbalance between the muscles of your chest and upper back. Reclining backbends or passive resistance, in which you
use a wall or a partner to stretch your arms behind you, stretches your pectoral muscles and helps restore muscular balance to your upper body.
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Exercise consistently to maintain your muscular strength. Consume a healthy diet with sufficient calcium and vitamin D to help prevent
osteoporosis. Maintain a healthy weight to minimize back strain.

Avoid exercises that cause you pain. Report any new or worsening pain to your health care provider.


Exercise mat



Dec 5, 2010 | By Jonathan Croswell

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that can occur for various reasons, some of them unknown. It most often develops in children just before
the onset of puberty, according to Although many instances of the condition are mild, some may cause disability. However,
performing regular exercises to strengthen the back can minimize the influence of scoliosis and promote muscular and spinal health. Prior to
performing these exercises, you should consult your doctor to make sure they are safe for your condition.


Lie flat on the ground and raise your knees, keeping your feet flat on the ground; this is similar to the lower body positioning needed to perform a situp. Extend both arms straight behind you and tilt your pelvis, increasing the curve of the small of your back. Slowly raise the upper body in a sit-up
motion, leading with the arms and keeping the elbows straight. Continue sitting up until the fingers extend toward the knees and touch your kneecaps.
Once you touch the knees, slowly roll back toward the ground; release the tilt in your pelvis when you are flat on the ground. Repeat this five times.

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Stand up straight with your feet flat on the ground, about shoulder width apart. Extend one arm straight up overhead while keeping your other arm
against your side. Slowly bend your torso down to the side opposite your extended arm. Bend as far as is comfortable and hold this position for five
seconds; then slowly return to your normal standing position. Lower your extended arm and raise your opposite arm, performing this exercise in the
opposite direction.

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground and knees bent at a 45-degree angle. Place your hands behind your head and lead forward, pulling your
head and upper body toward your legs and knees. Your stomach should press onto your thighs. You can repeat this stretch multiple times, but as you
come up from pressing the head and shoulders into the knees and below them, lift only the head and shoulders, maintaining the bent angle created at
the hips.



Jun 14, 2011 | By Crystal Welch

Photo Credit Spike Mafford/Photodisc/Getty Images

Normal spine curvature helps maintain alignment between the pelvis and upper body. With scoliosis, however, the spine has an abnormal "S"-shaped
curvature. There is no cure, but various treatments such as braces, surgery and exercise are available. Scoliosis exercise therapy that conditions,
strengthens and stretches your leg, back and abdominal muscles may slow down and correct the curvature. As a natural remedy, noticeable results
take time. Remember to check with your doctor prior to starting new exercises.

Scoliosis remains a mystery to medical professionals, who have not uncovered any reasoning behind who or why anyone develops this spinal
abnormality. Doctor also cannot predict how the condition will progress in an individual. Most people with scoliosis do not require treatment. It is
known, however, that more females develop advanced curvatures requiring treatment, according to the National Scoliosis Foundation. On average,
onset of scoliosis occurs in adolescents between 10 and 15 years old.

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Scoliosis exercise therapy provides benefits for the entire body. Scoliosis can result in decreased respiratory functioning since it can diminish lung
capacity and increase heart pressure, according to the National Scoliosis Foundation. Therapy can help increase lung and breathing capacity through
stretching and strengthening exercises. Posture and back support will benefit via exercises that strengthen abdominal and back muscles, according to Therapy can also relieve pain, improve quality of life, foster a positive mental outlook and increase self-esteem.

A branch of Hatha yoga known as Iyengar concentrates on special physical concerns affecting body alignment. Iyengar yoga emphasizes postural
alignment, which is the focal point of scoliosis, according to the National Scoliosis Foundation. The ancient yoga practice combines mental, spiritual
and physical realms while improving balance awareness, a concern affecting scoliosis patients. Yoga postures can improve muscle strength, flexibility
and mental outlook by promoting a calm mind, improve breathing and detoxifying the body.

Water exercise, known as water therapy, can be very beneficial as part of scoliosis exercise therapy. Many exercises done on land can be painful and
uncomfortable for scoliosis patients. Water alleviates this by encouraging movement, according to the University of Washington Medical Center. In
addition, exercising in water is easy on the joints. Water provides a natural resistance, making strengthening exercises easier to perform, and warm
water allows your muscles to relax.


Strengthen your back and improve your posture by doing a back extension exercise. Lay stomach-down on an exercise ball with your knees on a mat.
Move forward on the ball until your back feels parallel to the floor. Lift your arms and hands straight in front of you until they are also parallel with the
floor. Hold this posture for five seconds. Relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

Exercise therapy varies according to degree of severity, medical condition, overall health level and current level of activity. As with any exercise
program, remember to start out slow and gradually increase your repetitions and time. Avoid sudden movements, lift proper weight amounts and wear
appropriate attire to prevent injury, according to the American Heart Association. Drinking plenty of water will prevent dehydration and illness.



Jun 14, 2011 | By Nick Georgandis

Photo Credit Jupiterimages/liquidlibrary/Getty Images

Scoliosis refers to the abnormal lateral curving of the spinal column. According to, scoliosis affects 2 percent of women and 0.5 percent
of men in the general population The goal of a spinal exercise program is to add strength and flexibility to the upper back, shoulders and neck. When
considering exercising with scoliosis, to consult your doctor first to learn what you can and cannot do.

Extensions are low-impact exercises, but they can get your body warm and loose for more potent workouts. To perform leg and arm extensions,
straddle a stability ball with your hips and raise your left hand and right leg up simultaneously, then switch to the alternate hand and leg. Do three sets
of 10, making sure to give your body recovery time between sets.
For back extensions, kneel on the floor with your stomach on top of the ball. Raise up until your back is parallel with the ground, then raise your arms
out so to the sides so they too are parallel with the ground. Hold the position for five seconds and repeat 10 times.

The triceps raise should be done with the aid of a stability ball and comfortable hand weights. Sit on the ball with your feet flat on the ground. Take a
weight in your left hand, drop the hand behind your head and use your right hand to keep the your left elbow next to your head. Using your elbow joint
as a pivot, lift your right hand above your head while squeezing the back of your arm. Lower the arm slowly back down. Repeat three sets then switch
For standing raises,start with your arms in front of you, hands facing your legs and weights in hand. Raise your arms straight up your body to a point
where your elbows are slightly above your hands. Lower the weights slowly back to the ground, pausing at the bottom. Make sure to keep your spine
straight while lowering the weights, fighting the natural tendency to lean forward. Repeat for three sets.

The upright row requires hand weights and is done from a standing position. Start with your arms in front of you, hands facing your legs and weights in
hand. Raise your arms straight up your body to a point where your elbows are slightly above your hands. Lower the weights slowly back to the ground,
pausing at the bottom. Make sure to keep your spine straight while lowering the weights, fighting the natural tendency to lean forward. Repeat for
three sets.
To perform the one-arm row, lean on a stability ball with your right hand and take a heavier hand weight in your left hand. Keep your back flat and
move your arm up with your elbow staying bent and pointed toward the ceiling. The motion should resemble that of starting a pull-string lawn mower.
When your elbow is at the top of the motion, squeeze your shoulder blades together, then release. Do three sets.



Nov 23, 2010 | By Julia Michelle

Normally, the spine has three vertical curves: an inward curve at the neck, an outward curve in the upper back, and an inward curve in the lower back.
With scoliosis, the spine curves horizontally, or sideways. Scoliosis may be present at birth or can occur due to neuromuscular issues, such as
paralysis or cerebral palsy. Treatment depends on the severity and location of the curve and the age of the patient. Severe cases may warrant
surgery, while other cases may respond to a combination of bracing and corrective exercises.

The thoracic correction exercise corrects the "thoracic valley" or sideways curve in the mid-back. Lie on your side with a pillow or cushion under the
space between the bottom of your rib cage and the top of your hip. Keep your bottom leg bent and your bottom arm folded under your head. Extend
your top leg straight, so that it rests on top of your bottom leg, and extend your top arm overhead, so that your hand rests on the floor. Tilt your pelvis
back, extend your chest forward and stretch your extended arm and leg away from each other. Breathe normally and hold for up to 20 seconds.
Repeat twice and switch to the other side.

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The standing/walking pelvic tilt corrects lordosis, or an extreme curve in the lower spine. It also helps strengthen the muscles that stabilize the spine.
Stand with your back against a wall and your forearm between the wall and the small of your back. Tilt your pelvis until your lower back presses into
your arm. Take two steps forward while holding the pelvic tilt, then return to the wall. Release and repeat up to 15 times.


The supine spine extension strengthens the lower back muscles and helps straighten the spine. Lie face down with your hands at your sides, palm
down, and your forehead resting on a folded towel. Tilt your pelvis to create a small space between your abdomen and the floor. Draw your shoulder
blades together to lift your shoulders off the floor. Lift your head until your ears are in line with your shoulders and lift your hands until they are level
with your buttocks. Keep your neck neutral and lift your chest off the floor as far as is comfortable. Hold and count to five, or 10, then release. Repeat
up to 10 times.



Nov 23, 2010 | By Linda Ray

Photo Credit Spike Mafford/Photodisc/Getty Images

The musculoskeletal disease called scoliosis causes the spine or backbone to become curved. While exercise alone cannot straighten out the spine,
various forms of exercise can improve general health, reverse the progression of the spinal condition and help you maintain your weight to alleviate
additional pressure on your back. Scoliosis commonly begins in childhood when children begin to develop exercise habits and form sports

Severe scoliosis can lead to disabilities and reduced physical functions. Exercise can help to keep your other muscles strengthened to compensate for
any lack of physical activity you can do because of the spinal curvature.

Girls who develop scoliosis are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis early in life than their peers. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes weak
bones that can break easily. Exercises to increase bone density include weight-bearing activities such as running, soccer, gymnastics and walking.
Boys and girls with scoliosis who participate in team sports also tend to develop a healthier self-image and avoid depression, according to the National
Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases.

Many adults who develop scoliosis later in life or as the result of a surgical procedure develop a fear of performing certain exercises thinking it could
exacerbate their spinal cord damage. Exercise or physical activity cannot affect the non-fused vertebrae in your back. If you've had any surgery to
fuse vertebrae for corrective purposes, exercises will not harm those either.

If you have had spinal fusion surgery and have only one or two movable vertebrae below the fusion site, you may need to be careful while twisting or
lifting heavy objects. The primary reason you need to avoid excessive twisting in the flexible spinal parts is to avoid any additional degeneration that
will limit your mobility. Most sports and common exercises such as walking, running, cycling and swimming are acceptable and healthy for you.

In addition to weight control and general feelings of well-being, there are a number of benefits you can receive from exercising if you have scoliosis.
Exercise can help you relieve pain and alleviate joint stiffness. It can help you build muscles in your core, legs and arms to take pressure off your
weakened spinal cord. You can avoid atrophy and increase cardiovascular fitness through regular exercise routines.



Mar 28, 2011 | By Anne Janine

Photo Credit Thinkstock/Comstock/Getty Images

Scoliosis is a spine disorder in which a length of your vertebrae takes on a side-to-side curve. The abnormal curve may occur on your upper spine,
your lower spine, or both. Minor curvatures may not even be noticeable, while severe cases that cause pain, disfigurement or breathing difficulties
may require surgery. Although exercise alone may not completely cure less severe instances of scoliosis, it assists in realigning your spine and
strengthening the muscles supporting your back. Practice scoliosis exercises several times a week or as directed by your health care provider.


The angled wall stretch lengthens your spine as well as opens your shoulders to create balance in the muscles of your upper back and help
counteract scoliosis. Additionally, standing poses strengthen your lower body, allowing your legs rather than your back to carry the bulk of your weight,
states certified Iyengar yoga instructor Elise Browning Miller. Stand a few feet away from a wall with your feet hip-distance apart. Lean forward to
place your hands on the wall shoulder-width apart. The goal is to create a right angle between your torso and your legs, with your hands pressed
against the wall at the level of your hips. However, you may need to begin with your hands on the wall at shoulder level until your spine and shoulder
flexibility allows your upper body to align parallel with the floor. Plant your feet firmly as you push into the wall with your hands to feel the stretch
through your shoulders and upper back.

shapes & curls LADIES gym (02) 345-7172 / 09228016884 Spk. Perez NS Amoranto Quezon City
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Spinal twisting exercises help to reverse the abnormal curvature in your spine due to scoliosis. The rotation of the twist provides a counterbalance to
your misaligned vertebrae, helping to keep your body in its correct posture. Sit up tall on a sturdy chair with your left side facing the chair back.
Keeping your feet flat on the floor, grasp the back of the chair with your hands. Pushing with your left hand, gently twist your torso as far to the left as
is comfortable. Squeeze your shoulder blades together behind you as you keep your spine lengthened. With each exhalation, deepen your twist. After
several moments, switch sides and repeat.

Tight hamstrings contribute to poor posture by decreasing mobility and flexibility in your back, hips and legs. Hamstring stretches are especially helpful
in alleviating the problem of uneven hips often associated with scoliosis, reports "Yoga Journal." Lie on your back on an exercise mat. Loop a yoga
strap or resistance band around the ball of your right foot, holding the ends of the strap in your hands. Keeping your left leg flat on the floor, gently
extend your right leg up and overhead. Pause when you feel tightness in your hamstring. Allow your muscles to relax and then use the strap to gently
deepen the stretch a bit further. For variety, slowly extend your leg over the right side and then over to the left side. After thoroughly stretching your
right hamstring, repeat with your left leg.

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