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We've uploaded the Mission waypoints into your Navmap please refer to it for further instructions.

Your mission is to deliver the Diamonds to the Pherkad Research Complex in Zeta Leonis.
This mission will earn you 570000 credits however if you manage to deliver the Diamonds in less than
one hour you will receive an extra bonus of 250000 credits provided by the Liberty Navy.
Roger that Seleucus!Waypoint information received!I'm good to go!

We have choosen you for this mission because you're one of the best Traders out there.

Please be advised that pirate activity has massivly increased in Omega 41 and nearby systems
therefore we have decided that you wont be operating on your own.
We have dispatched a veteran navy pilot to escort you.
He has more than ten thousand flying hours and has served us well in the past with more than three
thousand escort missions and one thousand assassination missions completed.
Hook up with him in space and deliver the diamonds as fast as possible.
You Navy boys always have a backup ready don't you?

I usually operate on my own but help is always appreciated.

Good luck out there!

The Trader makes his way out of Seleucus and looks for his escort

This is Sigma eight dash two calling unkown pilot.Please identify yourself!

This is Freelancer Aplha six dash four.I was hired by the Liberty Navy to deliver five hundred

units of diamonds to the Pherkad Research Complex in Zeta Leonis.I was advised to look for my escort
in the nearby area.Are yo the man i'm looking for?
Transmission received Alpha six dash four.You will submit to a cargo scan!

No disrespect Sir but i already underwent all the cargo checks at Seleucus Base.

I'm sure you have but with the huge increase of stolen art smuggling one cannot be to

And yes,i will be your escort in this mission.
Acknowledged!Please proceed with the cargo scan.

Starting scan!Scan at 15%...38%...67%...88%...Scan complete!

Please stand by untill i check the results on my onboard computer.

500 units of Diamonds.

3 units of Food.

5 units of Water.

2 units of Pleasure Androids.

You're all clean,however be advised that in the upcoming month trading Pleasure Androids

will be banned by the Navy.

We had to many cases of Outlaw Pilots disguising themselves as Pleasure Androids and escaping by
paying Traders to get them out to safety.
That's awful!Many of us Traders are on a mission for weeks if not months.You know how

boring that would be without any Pleasure Androids on board?I hope you guys reconsider.
That's a negative!Sorry but the risk is just to high right now.Tough luck pilot!

Get in formation and prepare to divert power to your main engines for cruise speed!
Copy that!Main power diverted to engines!I'm all set!

The two pilots start their journey knowing that they will have to face many dangerous
situations due to the rise of pirate activity.



We've almost reached our first waypoint.Closing in on the Omicron Theta Jumphole.

5.5 -K distance.Closing in fast!Preparing to jump!

Hold on a second!What's that?!

Hostiles detected!

This is Outcasts Beta six to Freelancer Aplha six dash four.You will drop 80 units of Diamonds

and i'll let you go!Failing to do so will result in me opening fire!

That's a negative Outcast scum!You will have to come through me to get this Trader.

To all nearby Navy patrols!Outlaw activity sighted near sector G3!I'm requesting backup!
Freelancer hurry up and make your way to the Jump Hole!Don't worry about me i'll keep them busy till
you escape!
Affirmative!Good luck pilot!

I'm engaging Navy Sigma eight dash two!This is where your journey ends Navy bastard!

Try to hook up with some Bounty Hunters or Zoners patrols in Omicron Theta they will most

likely escort you to Freeport Nine!

Now go before it's to late!

With a last effort the Trader makes it to the Jump Hole but he will have to continue his
journey without any backup from now on!He enters the Jump Hole and is on his way to
Omicron Theta

Damn i made it.Hopefully that navy pilot makes it out alive...

Few seconds pass and he is being spotted by a Zoners Patrol.

This is Zoners Omega nine dash one to unknown pilot!Please identify yourself!

This is Freelancer Aplha six dash four.I'm a Trader from the Alexandria system.I'm mooving

Diamonds from Seleucus to the Pherkad Research Complex in Zeta Leonis.

Transmission received Aplha six dash four.Please enter our group formation.We'll escort you

to Freeport Nine.

Entering formation!Thank you for the backup guys.



Closing in on Freeport 9!This is how far we can go.We need to return to our Patrol mission to

prevent more outlaw pilots from entering Omicron Theta.

You should be safe here.Good Luck Freelancer!
Thank you for your help!Fly safe.

This is Freeport Nine to all nearby pilots.Please proceed with extreme caution!Pirate activity

has risen with 75% in all nearby systems.

Good luck out there.
Freeport Nine this is Freelancer Aplha six dash four i'm on my way to Omega 41.Do you

have any information about outlaw activity in that system.

You should stay out of this one Freelancer.That place is filled with Corsairs and Outcasts

battling it out every day for territorial conquest.

If i were you i would stay out of there or hire at least 6 escort pilots.
Sorry but these Diamonds need to be shipped in less than one hour.I have no time to

waste.Thank you for the update,Freelancer Aplha six dash four out!
I hope you have an escape pod on board.Good luck!You'll need it.Freeport Nine out!

The Trader makes his way to the Omega 41 Jump Hole and enters it without any second
thoughts.But after reaching Omega 41 he is quite surprised.Not a single Outlaw pilot in

Hmm this is strange.Nobody here!No time to waste though,setting new coordinates for Zeta

Leonis Jump Hole.Entering Cruise speed!Engines respond well!



I made it!That was easy.Way too easy...

Entering Jump Hole to Zeta Leonis!40 Minutes have passed and i almost made it to my final
destination.The extra 250000 credits should be in my bank account tomorrow.

Our Trader is full of confident as he enters the Jump Hole,however on the other side of the
Hole an unpleasant surprise awaits him.

What in Gods name has happened here?!Where did the Trade Lane disappear?

Checking my Nav Map.No response,i'm only getting statics.Damn it!



What the Trader saw was a huge Mine Field that blocked his way to reach the Pherkad
Research Complex.And to make matters worse something else approached him...something
big...something that most Traders describe as their Archenemy!



Well,Well,Well.What do we have here?A fat and juicy Trader all by himself?!What's wrong

couldn't you afford an escort?

Scotty,what do you say?What shall we do with this filthy Trader?
I say we blow him up into his pieces and leave nothing behind to ID.He's got Diamonds on

board.Let's waste no time on this one!

Well that would be a liitle bit to harsh now Scotty wouldn't it?Why not have a little fun with

this one?
Smithy check the other mine field perimeter see if we cought any other Traders.
Yes Boss!

So it was you who set up these mine fields?!

Of course it was us!Arrrrr!You know the drill Freelancer...Prepare 400 units of Diamonds and

500000 Credits to be transfered.

400 Diamonds and 500000 credits?! But that would be my paycheck for at least one week!

You dare to reply?!Do you know that the guns i'm carrying on this Destroyer could actually

slice your Armored Transport in half?Perhaps you want me to demonstarte this?

Okey let's settle down.I'm sure we can get to an agreement.

You have two minutes!

I've finished my patrol!There are no other traders cought up.Looks like this is the only lucky

Hey scan his cargo!He's carrying two Pleasure Androids!I wonder...
Shut your hole Smithy!The two minutes have passed Freelancer!What say you?!

Ready to comply.I will transfer you the 400 Diamonds and the 500000 credits.

Hey don't forget the Pleasure Androids!

You see Freelancer we pirates are a very peaceloving faction...If you transfer some loot and

credits that is!Arrrrr!

Arrrrr!Now hurry up before i change my mind.

Proceeding transfer...

Hey wait a minute...What's this?!Incoming transmission on a secure channel.It's the

Argh!Not again!

This is the Nebukadnezar!To Pirates Patrol Prius one dash five!

Go ahead,Nebukadnezar.

Our Base is under heavy siege by the filthy Europe!They took out our Weapon Platforms and

now they're heading for our Cargo Depots.If we loose those it's all over!
Things are differnt now!We can't drive them back!They are being supported by another faction
unknown to us!This new factions calls itselve the Marauders!
The Mara What?

Sneaky Europe scum!Everyday the same action!Don't they ever get bored of it?!

I'm done with these filthy rats!Let's take out their docking ring from their nearby Planet

Seleucia.That's the place from where they refuel and get ammo.Destroying it will keep them busy for
So what do you say my fellow pirates!?Are you ready to defend the Nebukadnezar?!Arrrrr!

Aye Aye Captain!

Arrrrr!First we push them back and then we get ourselves drunk in the Nebukadnezar Bar!

Once that's done we pay a visit to the new fly boys Marauders Base!
Last time we went to the Nebukadnezar we got ourselves so drunk that we ended up in from

of Manhattan taxing the LSF!

Good ol' days!Arrrrr!Let's make this one even better!

This must be your lucky day Freelancer but don't worry we'll meet again!

And the Pirates slowly dissapear into the nebula of Zeta Leonis

What the hell was that?Calculating new best path to the Pherkad Research Complex.New

Coordinates received.
I'm out of here!

Another half hour passes before the Trader can make his final approach on the Pherkad
Research Complex.



This is Freelancer Aplha six dash four.I'm requesting to dock!

Acknowledged!Your late Freelancer...What happened?!

Meet me in the bar and i tell you everything about it.

Besides i really could use a drink right now!

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