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Today's 2nd game is titled 'Unexpected Guests'.

The game runs for 5 minutes, this will be shown on a timer.
There will be one person acting the role of a host of a party.
The other 5 people will wait outside. They are the guests.
The 5 people select a card with a family or friends name written on it.
They have to act like this person on the card for the party.
One-by-One the guests enter.
The host of the party has a note pad as the 5 minute party goes on they must
make notes and decide who each person is acting.
The host MUST NOT announce who they believe the person is until the 5
minutes is up.
The guests must not be too obvious with their acting, and instead engage light
conversation with the other guests in the role of their drawn person.
No reference to body weight is allowed, or general unnecessary comments.
Do not be too obvious, and don't dominate the party!

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