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Conversation Club #8

Moral Issues
Taken from A-Z Discussions pg 93 and Who Gets the Heart from

Task 1. Simple past ending game show.

This is game show format where 3 students compete to be the first to get the correct pronunciation of the past
simple ed ending. Include more students by having one be the Emcee/ game show host and one be the score
keeper. Rotate students every 5 verbs to be sure all have a chance to play. The first student with the correct
answer can earn an additional point if they can use the verb completely correctly in a sentence.
Extend the activity at the end (for higher levels) by having the top 2 players do a face off with questions to each
other that have to be answered using past tense endings.
Task 2. Moral Ladder.
Cut up the following moral infractions and have the group order from least egregious to most egregious. You
may wish to get the ball rolling by asking them to separate into those situations which might have circumstances
which COULD justify the infraction like driving under the influence to get your pregnant wife to the hospital
for child birth.
Task 3. Which do you value more?
Students discuss the options of which they value more and decide on one for each option.
Task 4. Who Gets the Heart?
You are a group of surgeons at a large hospital. Your committee must make a very important decision. Seven
patients need a heart transplant. There is only one heart donor at this time. All patients could receive the heart.
Which patient do you chose to receive it? Why? Your committee must agree on the choice.


A famous brain surgeon at
the height of her career.
Single, African-American
woman. No children, 31
years old. Why?

A 12 year old musician.

A Japanese girl. Why?
A 15 year old pregnant
Unmarried, white, no other
children. Why?
A 17 year old waitress.
White, high school dropout.
Helps support her family
with her earnings. Why?

A 40 year old teacher.

A Hispanic male. Why?

A 35 year old Roman

Catholic priest. Why?
A 38 year old scientist close
to discovering a cure for
AIDS. Chinese woman, no
children, lesbian. Why?


A famous brain surgeon at
the height of her career.
Single, African-American
woman. No children, 31
years old. Why?
A 40 year old teacher.
A Hispanic male. Why?

A 35 year old Roman

Catholic priest. Why?

A 12 year old musician.

A Japanese girl. Why?
A 15 year old pregnant
Unmarried, white, no other
children. Why?
A 17 year old waitress.
White, high school dropout.
Helps support her family
with her earnings. Why?

A 38 year old scientist close

to discovering a cure for
AIDS. Chinese woman, no
children, lesbian. Why?

Kidnapping and holding a child for ransom

Politicians using their power to pass a law which isnt good

Smoking in elevators.
Buying stolen goods.

Newspapers treating crimes as news to make a crimi

Driving while well over the legal limit of alco

Not voting in a national election.

Tax evasion by withholding important informa

Cheating on your partner.

Keeping 20 mil of extra change given by a clerk by

Which do you value more?


Your sense of smell or your sense of taste?

Your mind or your body?
3 Your arms or your legs?
4 Your own happiness of your childs happiness?
5 Your friends or your family?
6 Your job or your dreams?
7 What youve received or what youve given?
8 Your money or your spirit?
9 Your religion or your citizenship?
This life or the next?

Which do you value more?


Your sense of smell or your sense of taste?

Your mind or your body?
Your arms or your legs?
Your own happiness of your childs happiness?
Your friends or your family?
Your job or your dreams?
What youve received or what youve given?
Your money or your spirit?
Your religion or your citizenship?


This life or the next?

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